Kingmaker Obituaries


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We used coconuts (for the applause and later for the horse...)


Name: Stanislaw Medvyedski
Race: Human
Classes/levels: 1 Cavalier
Adventure: The Stolen Lands
Location: Thorn River Camp
Catalyst: The confidence of youth

The Gory Details:
Traveling along the bank of the river, the party was tracking bandits back to what was judged to be their base of operations, and manages to stumble into the bandit lair at the ford. Arrows fly towards the party from the trees up ahead, almost dropping one party member.

Stanislaw puts spur to Konic and charges into the fray promptly missing with lance. In the confusing seconds that follow, Stanislaw manages to wound a bandit, kill another who chared him with blood in his eyes, but he is quickly surrounded and taking fierce blows. He spurs Konic to attack but the normally fierce mount refuses to engage, Stanislaw falls unconscious (-3) in the saddle and Konic chooses to withdraw as the better part of valor. The party cleric channels a heal that stabilizes Stanislaw just in time - as Konic is hoof and lather down the river bank back towards Oleg's trading post.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Name: Almost
Race: Half-elf
Class: Rogue 4
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Mud Bowl
Catalyst: Swallowed whole

The Gory Details:

When the session began, the Baroness's player was unable to make it, so instead of doing kingdom turns, they decided to go exploring in the southern Kamelands. Upon finding the tendriculos in the mud bowl, the rogue went charging in to flank. Unfortunately, the creature swallowed him right up, and he lasted all of a round inside the gut of the huge plant.

The worst part is that this is the newest player to the group, and this was the first session with this character. He had been working on the character for a couple of weeks, and he has been named Almost the whole time, but now we joke that he was almost a character, just couldn't quite make it.

Name: Johanna
Race: Human
Class: Fighter ( Archer ) 7
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Troll Lair
Catalyst: Hargulka Suicide Attack !

Name: Igor
Race: Human
Class: Ranger ( Pack Hunter ) 7
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Troll Lair
Catalyst: Hargulka Suicide Attack !

Name: Illuvar
Race: Human ( Azlanti Heritage )
Class: Msgus ( Staff Magus - Cabalist ) 7
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Troll Lair
Catalyst: Hargulka Suicide Attack !

So after using all they got on Nagrundi ( they thought he was the Boss ) and on the Rock Troll after ( He scared them a lot, i don't know why ) they finally reach Hargulka throne room. After the Troll Boss almost killed the ranger with a mighty swing of his club and a failed black tentacles spell by the party wizard, the archer with her +1 Flaming Composite Longbow ( an intelligent Item named Dargan with the Storing Property )managed a full attack on Hargulka, leaving him at 6 hp in one round. I decided to end this with the Necklace of Fireballs ( he used 2 of them to soft them up ). In one last desperate turn, the Troll Boss run to the center of the team ( everyone failed on the AOO and the Hargulka resist the prepared Hideous Laughter of the Wizard ) and smashed the Necklace .. I rolled an impressive 40 damage and the 3 names above, already ingjured and short of healing, failed the Saving Throw. The only survivors are the Party Cleric ( a xenofobic and "communist" Dwarf ) and the Elf Wizard who was one square out of the radius of the Massive Fireball xD ! everything else vaporized ..

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

leinathan wrote:
So our party's samurai couldn't resist nailing the wall guards on the lizardfolk village with his bow, and killed one. (they were having a lot of trouble getting across the river because of awful Swim checks).

Lizardfolk have a +8 swim check and a swim speed of 15', how were they possibly having trouble swimming?

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
leinathan wrote:
So our party's samurai couldn't resist nailing the wall guards on the lizardfolk village with his bow, and killed one. (they were having a lot of trouble getting across the river because of awful Swim checks).
Lizardfolk have a +8 swim check and a swim speed of 15', how were they possibly having trouble swimming?

I think he means 'the party were having trouble swimming'...

Philip Knowsley wrote:
Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
leinathan wrote:
So our party's samurai couldn't resist nailing the wall guards on the lizardfolk village with his bow, and killed one. (they were having a lot of trouble getting across the river because of awful Swim checks).
Lizardfolk have a +8 swim check and a swim speed of 15', how were they possibly having trouble swimming?
I think he means 'the party were having trouble swimming'...

That's exactly what I meant. They were trying to sneak in during the dead of night and aren't very strong as a general rule.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hmm, that interpretation makes a LOT more sense!

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Name: Duchess Elegy Medvyed
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Oracle [Spellscar, Legalistic] 9
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Candlemere
Catalyst: Not knowing the rules of reach
The Gory Details: After reaching the top of Candlemere Tower - including several battles with the spawn of the Dark Song and a short jaunt into The World's Shadow - the rulers of Iomrall found themselves facing the "lead" of the Spawn: a many-mouthed, tentacled monstrosity known as a Chorus. The creature swiftly displayed much of its threat by nomming on Marshall Takeshi and General Jaekah, but it got its greatest bite out of Duchess Elegy, who decided to try to run behind Takeshi to avoid the thing's flailing mouths rather than simply take the five-foot step to reach him and cast her curing spell. Nowhere near nimble enough to evade the ensuing Attack of Opportunity, Elegy was bitten, easily grappled, and Snatched into one of the things' mouths with a nasty Crit Deck card tacked on. The bleed it incited pushed her just over the edge, after a second bite from the Snatch on the monster's turn, at the very next initiative.

The group was able to slay the Chorus - which only had 15 HP remaining before it grabbed Elegy - and took a finger back to the Forest Temple, then called the Old Beldame and her apprentice there to reincarnate her; unfortunately for them, Elegy had decided to take advantage of her untimely death to attempt to get free of her debt to Queen Mab of the Winter Court, and refused the call to return. Mab, of course, would have none of this, and personally went to fetch Elegy's soul from the beyond and give her a stern talking-to. Elegy, upon seeing the fey queen approaching her postmortem, immediately changed her tone to something suitably deferential; somewhat mollified by her submissiveness, Mab relented slightly - as Elegy's main complaint was split between "I'm the wrong person for this job" (which Mab took personally as "you made a mistake in picking me" and also strongly disagrees with) and "I don't have enough time in my meager human lifespan to do this", Mab elected to bring her back in the form of the longest-lived of my setting's races, an Aranea (which, including their metamorphosis in to Arachne around age 800, can live up to 1500 years, with a few rare cases of as high as 2000). To give her an ever-present reminder of to whom she belongs, Elegy now also possesses the Arctic template.

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So she pissed off her patron, got her wish true in typical djinni fashion(done to the letter but sure to screw you over), and got saddled with a template that gives her a small but noteworthy weakness to fire...not long before she fights a giant monster lord named, aptly, the "Fire-Eater."

It's good to be the King, indeed.


Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Stanislaw wrote:

Name: Stanislaw Medvyedski
Race: Human
Classes/levels: 1 Cavalier
Adventure: The Stolen Lands
Location: Thorn River Camp
Catalyst: The confidence of youth
** spoiler omitted **

Whiner! You didn't die, you just got thumped out! I know, I was there!

Happened a while back, but still...

Name: Morgan
Race: Human
Class / Levels: Wizard 5
Location: Random encounter
Catalyst: Underestimated the enemy

We were ambushed by a pair of trolls. We were pretty good at killing trolls at this point, so nobody was worried. First troll falls, no problem. Cleric and fighter move into flank on the second troll as my wizard fires off a scorching ray to shut down the troll's regeneration. Problem: Nobody realized that when the cleric moved into flank there was a clear path from the troll to the wizard. Oops.

The troll charged. And hit with both claws and the bite. Which meant the troll got to rend automatically. The result is that the wizard was bit in half. It was an ugly way to go. Thankfully the group knew about a friendly Druid and within a week the mage was reincarnated as an elf. Which made the ranger, who had been reincarnated as a dwarf, very jealous.

After that, the wizard took to the air. The first item he crafted for himself was a pair of boots of flying. No more melee range!

How did the troll full attack on a charge?

Got a point there, he shouldn't have been able to use all his attacks, therefor not able to rend.
I have run this wrong aswel, but he just went with it. I figured it was like two-weapon fighting on the claws.

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The troll had the "ragechargepounce" thing going on. ;)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Rickmeister wrote:

Got a point there, he shouldn't have been able to use all his attacks, therefor not able to rend.

I have run this wrong aswel, but he just went with it. I figured it was like two-weapon fighting on the claws.

It IS like TWF, but you can't charge and TWF either.

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DM_Kumo Gekkou wrote:
How did the troll full attack on a charge?

Don't recall exactly. It was a while back and all I remember is that we all made a check of a tactical blooper. I could call the GM but where's the fun in that? It may have just had to make a 5 foot step. I remember thinking that I needed to make one before my turn ended but forgot to. And down the stinky gullet went the mage. Even though it was my character, I had to laugh (later), because we were so cocky going into that fight.

By the way, Turin, your avatar gives me the screaming willies.

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That is the 'Problem?' trollface. Perfect fit for Turin.

Name: Stanislaw Medvyedski
Race: Human
Classes/levels: 1 Cavalier
Adventure: The Stolen Lands
Location: Landmark Tree
Catalyst: The arrogance of groupthink - when the rat is smarter than you are.

Gory Details:
After a day of exploration the party drew near a large tree seemingly standing by itself. After searching the area thoroughly the party decided to bed down for the night. On first watch we were assaulted by a number of tiny fighters who were beaten back into the darkness with ease. One wounded and broken was observed to have escaped us by going into the tree. After some deliberation we decided no need to move camp, we'd just double the guard, though it must be admitted the rat man with us disagreed.

Two watches later they fell upon us, a full ten of the beasts and two gigantic centipedes. Stanislaw awoke, grabbed his weapons, made a roaring challenge as he spitted a gigantic pede for 18 damage. Twelve seconds of glory then death.

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Andrea1 wrote:
That is the 'Problem?' trollface. Perfect fit for Turin.


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Name: Lyla
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Gestalt Monk/Witch 7

Adventure: Varnhold Vanishing
Location: Vordecai's Tomb
Catalyst: Betrayal, idiocy, and intermittent play.

Gory Details:
Up to this point, Lyla, the kingdom's buffoon of a Magister had managed exactly one successful action, which was setting a boar on fire, with the only other notable actions being summoning up a sulking water elemental to put out fires she started, and burning a dead tree. All other attempts to engage foes either went wide or hit teammates the whole adventure. It didn't help much that the player missed 2/3 sessions, and didn't make any effort to have the character bond with anyone in the party. Worse yet, the GM has a tendency of bringing in extra foes from a character's history, and that person wrote in double crossing an elite mercenary army, that was then camping on our kingdom's doorstep, waiting on us either fighting to the death, or handing them the character's head.

So, during the fight, she ate a bad crit for just less then maximum damage, and went down like a sack of potatoes due to bad HP rolls all game, leaving the character at -6 and paralyzed.

The King of the country was fed up with the magister already, so after defeating Vordecai, told the rest of the group to check the next room. Then proceeded to offer him a choice to live with a new identity, with the former character's position as Magister, in exchange for his services henceforth and the secrets to lichdom. Vordecai, out of spells and options, accepted, and the King ever so discreetly finished off the still-live comrade without the others ever aware. The party then brought the head to the mercenaries, saving the kingdom from being burned to the ground(Either from her, or the mercenaries.)

Pfffffffffffhahahahhahahahahahah!!! They RECRUITED him? Hahahahah, that's beautiful!

Can't wait for the betrayal ;)

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Be sure to level Vordekai the Magister up in parallel to the PCs. Soon enough he will be able to replace his phylactery ... and of course he is in a position to skim off the treasury just a wee bit ... each month. A few years' time and he'll have his shiny new phylactery, a full kit as a PC of his class level or CR (as you deem fit) ... and then, he'll strike in the dead of night. Preferably after a serious celebration by the PCs.

Can't wait to read the results of that. ;)

Exactly! :-D

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Well, the adventure path is more of a startup for us, as we will likely leave the path behind after War of the River Kings. We do have a second plotline going on that leads into a possible cataclysm event in the distant future, so Vordakai in our campaign has more to gain with the heroes then without. However, only the GM knows where his loyalty will lay in the future.

more on the game:
As it turns out, since acquiring Vordakai as a Magister, the king(a LE damphir with strong azlanti traits Named Yurigo) and Vordakai have become something approximating friends, and they are sharing their magical insights and yurigo's workshop. He's already caught up to the player's level, and just had his phylactery restored with the help of yurigo.

This group has been amazingly dedicated to turning every obstacle into a resource. Sootscale sits on the post of General, the lizardfolk serve as a river patrolling army, and are fed by the regenerating bodies of Hargulka and Nagrundi, as an example to the rest of the trolls in the region not to screw with the kingdom. In addition, their town was recently attacked by a dragon, and they're stripping it for crafting parts, and planning to use spells and artifice to keep it regenerated for more parts later. currently the group is keeping the remains on ice with gentle repose.

There is no small amount of different opinions between Vordakai and Yurigo, they constantly talk about how to deal with the bleating masses, with the two talking about overt oppression and ruling by fear(Vordakai), or using propaganda and innovative design to make the populace idolize the rulers. But it seems as though Vordakai is content to be Magister at the moment. Though likely due to the fact the king is already plotting with him and the spymaster to take over as much of the world as they can manage. However, Yurigo doesn't trust anyone, so everyone has their own personal bodyguard construct, with secret orders to observe and report.

That's awesome. Is the whole party evil or just the king?

Regardless, the ensuing power struggles should be epic.

Only the King and Vordakai are evil per se, but the spymaster is a LN and CE Master Chymist(given the split personality that picking up Chymist caused this level.). The rest of the party is constituted of NG's and CG's who have been riding down slippery slopes into neutral territory. This slow slide into neutrality and evil has mostly been caused by the king. His silver tongue and iron clad reasoning proves to win out more often then not, even with them trusting him very little.

King's last evil acts:
So far, the Good characters are sticking to it because it's 'for the good of the people', and the King is keeping volumes of his black-book research out of sight and mind. However the King always manages to show his true colors every once in a while and unnerve the group. Three months ago he signed an infernal contract along with the leader of a local threat, which not only damned both of their souls, but forces the enemy leader to get his own people wiped out.

Last month, the group learned they had a infestation of Old One worshipers, and the king divided the cabinet in half, half part of the sting undercover at the Candlemere ruin, himself included, and the other half with the paladins leading the attack on the upcoming ceremony. However, it was confirmed during the ceremony the cultists put together that the King was an old hand at such dark rituals.

...It is uncertain to this day whether or not the sneak attack the marshal made on the King during the height of the ceremony was to sell the act, or to kill him, as it very nearly was our second player death.

And since some of the cultists survived the assault on Candlemere, the guise of the split in the house remains, but who knows if it will become a reality. I can say with certainty the King is the only one preparing for that eventuality right now. Insidiously, too. As the groups magic item crafter, he's planning to slowly phase out other magic weapons for Brilliant energy weapons in the future in the guise of efficiency. This way if they turn on him when he goes Lich, they can't use anything against him, or his slowly growing construct army. With their dependance on him to identify and explain all items magic, they'll be none the wiser. With tensions rising, trust guttering out, and Blood for Blood starting next week; I might just need to add another obit soon.

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By all means, Lythis, by all means.

Lythis wrote:
The rest of the party is constituted of NG's and CG's who have been riding down slippery slopes into neutral territory. This slow slide into neutrality and evil has mostly been caused by the king.


I guess this counts as a technical demise? As well as a case of staggeringly bad wording when dealing with fey. =)

Name: Lilith Blackheart
Race: Dhampir
Classes/levels: Rogue 8/Psion 1
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: The Mazewood (replacement dungeon at Hodag Lair)
Catalyst: "Very Poor Choice of Words!"

The Gory Details: The party had gone to investigate rumors of the Mazewood, a locale where the borders between FaeReie and the Prime were thin, and found themselves trapped within the labyrinthine forest known to be part-time home to none other than The Puck himself. After wandering about for a while, the trickster approached the party at last, thanking them for the entertainment they had provided and offering them gifts as a gracious host. Lilith, a dhampir haunted by the shadow of her sire, simply requested (via telepathic link) "freedom from her sire".

Later, after Puck had led the group to do his dirty work by killing off a trapped Colour Out of Space and the Lurkers in Light that had begun worshiping it, Puck grabbed Lilith as the party was exiting the Mazewood and kissed her full on the lips. Over the course of the next few days his deal with her was completed as she metamorphosed into a newly-created species of fey, severing her vampiric heritage in the process.

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Truly, Robyn shall restore amends!

Shadow Lodge


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Name: Nyrissa, Queen of Forgotten Time
Race: Elder Fae
Classes/levels: Mythic Incarnate Demiplane
Adventure: Sound of a Thousand Screams (Mythic Rewrite)
Location: The Fable
Catalyst: Overconfidence. Sheer overconfidence.
The Gory Details: After her once-pawns and now hated enemies - the vile group known as "the PCs" - received an infusion of mythic power from a powerful fae and honed it fighting Nyrissa's strongest minions, the ever-paranoid Queen took desperate measures: She fused her essence with that of the Fable, becoming a living demiplane. Confident in her nearly limitless power (And her 5,000 hit points) she allowed the PCs to challenge her. Unfortunately, she severely underestimated just how powerful level 19/mythic tier 4 characters are. The fight lasted 4 rounds.

It's been a wild ride...


Name: Jaekah, General of Iomrall
Race: Juvenile Magma Dragon
Classes/levels: Barbarian [True Primitive] 5/Cavalier [Honor Guard] 4
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: The Wyld Hunt - on the shores of the Candlemere
Catalyst: Prismatic Spray

The Gory Details: While on the Wyld Hunt, the Rulers of Iomrall encountered a small herd of Behemoth Teleost, one of which charged the section of the Hunt where the Rulers were fighting. After a few rounds of battle, the Teleost unleashed its prismatic spray spell-like ability; Jaekah was struck by the green beam and succumbed to the death effect of the poison.

He was swiftly revived and healed by Duchess Elegy, and returned immediately to help battle and slay the monstrosity, the last kill of the party before sunrise and the end of the Wyld Hunt.

Grand Lodge

Name: King Vangrin Torsas
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Cavalier 4/Paladin 8
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: South Rostland Road, off-map on the way to New Stetven
Catalyst: capture and recklessness
The Gory Details: In my campaign, the players touched off the Brevic civil war and are living in its shadow. Surtova and Irovitti are working together to assault the PC kingdom to strike at a weak spot and divide Rostland, the PC kingdom, and Mivon, who have allied in the Aldori Swordpact. Olegton was the first to be attacked, and the handful of defenders were quickly overrun and mopped up for Surtova's professional forces. King Torsas had himself teleported to Olegton to lead the defenses, but was defeated and captured in the mass combat rules.

Recognizing the value of their captive, Surtova's troops headed north with the King bound and naked in a wagon. The only gear he retained was Ovinirbaane, which resisted all attempts at collection. Irovitti sent his ogre mage general Jurrg and his champion Koth to guard the convoy.

The rest of the party assembled on the airship they've built (using stats from the old githyanki invasion event in 3.5) and flew to the rescue. The compliment of archers they brought made short work of the hapless Surtovan ground troops, but Jurrg and Koth benefited from Protection from Arrows and forced the party to engage them. They stood over the bound form of King Torsas and threatened to execute him on the spot if the PCs attacked. Torsas got a Freedom of Movement spell from Ovinirbaane and attacked. He was hacked to bits by first Jurrg and then Koth, and died bravely (and naked).

After defeating Jurrg and Koth, the PCs retreated to their kingdom's main Temple of Erastil and got the king raised under utmost secrecy.

Name: Duke Basque Garess
Race: Human
Classes/levels: 6 Cavalier/7 Battle Herald
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: The Vineyard Abbey
Catalyst: Ambush and two crits
The Gory Details: Following the battles between Anatoray's armies and King Irovetti's invasion force, the PC's decided to march their wounded troops to Harkenwold (Ft. Drelev renamed) and have them hold there while the party scouted into Pitax.

After finding a seemingly abandoned Abbey, the party landed to investigate. After entering the main lobby, Basque led the way on his mount, and pulled aside a curtain and was able to see the ambush coming. After ripping the curtain aside, a hidden sniper crited him immediately, dealing 100+ damage (bane+favored enemy human). Still with 50 hitpoints, Basque thought he'd be able to end the fight by taking out the BB (countercritted him with a lance on a charge for 175+bleed). Unfortunately, as he charged past, hidden enemies swiped at him with opportunity attacks. One critted and instantly blew through his remaining HP and CON, killing him outright. His mount was able to carry him back to the party mage, which teleported the party outside the Abbey.

Name: Krell
Race: Human (Kellid)
Classes/Levels: Barb 6

Name: Teldronas
Race: Elf
Classes/Levels: Transmuter 5 (6?)

Technical death:
Name: Taddäus
Race: Human
Classes/Levels: Cleric of Torag 7

Adventure: Rivers Run Red (what an apt name!)
Location: Hauerfeste (their capital upon the shores of lake Tuskwater)
Catalyst: crits and a movement rate of 60 ft.
The gory details:

The heroes were used to living near the edge, that is, of death ever since they set foot in the wilds south of Oleg's trading post having lost many a member of their merry band of trustworthy adventurers. But last night's been a feast of blood and gore for sure.
After another of their forays (they'd just cleared the Lone Barrow and resurrected their new addition to the party (Krell the Barbarian) and returning home from Restov, the PCs were informed that a moon ago two deaths had striken fear into the population of Hauerfeste only to be greeted by another death the very night after their return.
After much investigation (and a second death) they spotted the cause for the attacks stalking his final prey for this moon's cycle in the streets of their capital. A very mobile fight errupted in the residential district of Hauerfeste between the group of PCs (the baron and the warden were absent this session) and the aggressor.

I had upped Kundal to be a lvl 8 barb and gave him gear for 1/3 WBL (curtesy of N).

Being buffed by bull's strength Krell closedin on the werewolf and a barb vs. barb fight ensued. Both were raged, but Kundal had the advantage of two more levels and better to-hit-and-crit ratio. Succeeding in a trip attempt in round 3, Krells AC dropped down to 8--making it quite easy for Kundal to hit his fellow Kellid. A round later, Krell died to a crit (~70 damage) from Kundal's +1 greataxe.
Meanwhile, the mage had flown upwards, hovering 20 ft above ground level watching the scene and doing some battlefield control. After casting grease he wanted to hit it big time next round but was beaten in initiative (we roll for it each round) by Kundal who had just killed Krell. The cleric had fled the scene at that stage of the fight. Kundal critted the poor elf throwing his fore-last javelin picking the mage out of the sky. He hid the roof beneath him for another solid 5 damage and never stabilized.
The cleric had tried frantically to help his comrades in arms but was clever enough to retreat after Krell was killed; problem was getting away from a foe with three times the movement rate he himself had...
Kundal started playing with his helpless victim using his knockback rage power and also succeeded in spreading his curse. Reinforcements led by the trusty kobold Mikmek arrived at the scene, but were no match for the brute. Taddäus made his stabilize check at around -6 hp and we left it at that.

The group is now contemplating how to proceed.


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Victory, thy name be Combat Maneuvers and Scribe Scroll.

chain of purgatory, summons, mirror image, spiritual weapon ... they can beat him. They just need to think outside of their pine boxes. ;)

Hmm.. Well if the characters don't mind perhaps have their lands annexed by an allied(if there is one) land who will govern it more or less the same as a token of respect. A new group sent by the allies will be outfitted with silver arrows and werewolf appropriate gear. Nothing over whelming of course.(Plus make sure to note that being silver heavy means they will be ill equiped for future problems)

This should help them getting over the stumbling block of Kundal.

The debate is already on.
But you're right, of course, Turin, this kind of thinking would've kept them outside their *silvered* boxes - hehe.

I hope for them to bring in a complete new group - starting at lvl 6. Gives me the possibility to have 3 years be going by, everything is abandoned, but salvageable. In fact, I'd like to give the Tyg and Perli (silver dragon in disguise) a bigger role having started their own "kingdom" allied with the kobolds and I could boost Hargulka's advances, too - Kundal will be a great addition to his forces. Maybe I could feature Varn more heavily. His daughter was espoused to the pally baron already. Ah, the possibilities!

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Name: Takeshi, Marshall of Iomrall
Race: Naga (homebrew race, human torso with snake tail for legs version)
Classes/Levels: Samurai [nitōjutsu sensei, ronin] 10

Name: Lilith Adhmad Dubh, Spymistress of Iomrall
Race: Leanbh-Dubh (homebrew race, plant-infused fey)
Classes/Levels: Rogue [assassin/scout] 8/Psion [telepath] 1/arcane archer 1

Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Hargulka's Lair
Catalyst: The Final Showdown
The gory details: Long story short, the group decided to engage the last two rooms of Hargulka's lair at once, and found themselves up against:

1. King Hargulka Fire-Eater, Half-Jabberwock Troll Fighter [dragon warrior]7, mythic Champion 1
2. Hargulka's Hound, an Advanced Giant Trollhound
3. Enlort Earthblood, Troll Invoker 6
4. Kargadd, rock troll dreadnaught Barbarian [jotunkin] 5
5. Rigg Gargadilly, quickling rogue [assassin] 10

Takeshi was the first to fall, hit by Kargadd's Felling Strike on his very first claw attack, requiring a fort save in the 40s versus death.

Lilith went down a few rounds later when Rigg, eager to get revenge for his humiliation at the Abandoned Keep, landed a death attack on her and she rolled an 11 versus a DC-19 save-or-die.

Both were swiftly revived by Duchess Elegy's breath of life and able to return to the fight.

There were a few more close calls, with Takeshi and Lilith both nearing death's door once again (Takeshi even being knocked back into negatives though not quite to death) as well as Magister Errol creeping toward single-digit HPs, but the party was victorious, and slew Kargadd, Hargulka, and Rigg, though Enlort became invisible and fled as Hargulka neared death.

Now they just have to survive the castle-sized owlbear that just woke up outside and started marching toward their capital.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

CommandoDude wrote:

Name: Duke Basque Garess

Race: Human
Classes/levels: 6 Cavalier/7 Battle Herald

Can I ask how this character took Battle Herald levels without having the Inspire Courage class feature?

Name: Zander Galebon
Race: half elf
Classes/levels: Gestalt Fighter(Crossbowman)/ Rogue(Chameleon)

Adventure: between Blood for Blood and War of the River Kings
Location: hooktongue slough
Catalyst: a double dose of idiocy, and a bad random encounter.

Gory details:

This character, being completely confident in their abilities, especially with the enhancing gear they all have, decided to finish exploring and mapping this section of the map, rather then deal with the problems at home.(everyone had a small solo story arc drawing from their backgrounds). This might not have been an issue, except for the fact the Marshal did not gather the rest of the group, a troupe to lead in exploring, nor even did he hire a mercenary to accompany him. No, this brave soul struck out into the marsh alone. This might not have been a problem, as the sniper-like behavior served him well in dealing with some boggards and a series of animal encounters. The problem, however, came when he stumbled upon 4 adult black dragons arguing about something in their strange tongue. As he spotted them several hundred feet away, and they were quite distracted, he could have simply slinked away from them and they would have been none the wiser. But, alas, Zander's confidence in his own abilities proved his downfall. After a number of shots, he did manage to take one of his targets before he was melted into a pile of flesh by the streams of acid of two of the remaining dragons, and chopped to bits by the claws of the third, then promptly stripped of equipment and eaten.

When Zander failed to report in, the rest of the party tracked his items back to a black dragon's den, where the items were found, but the body already well past digested. Since the recovery of his things, and the failure to find a resurrect-able body, he has been promptly replaced by an intelligent automaton of the King's manufacture, as the position seems to have an abnormally high fatality rate. This position has seen 3 different people in it's seat, two lost to creatures in the wild, and one to an assassin.

In other ourobouran news, Oleg has been retired from Treasurer, as his degenerating mental condition has forced his retirement, and Svetlana is considering stepping down to care for her husband.(a joke about how the person that ran the 1st book played him. long story short, his nanometer long fuse blew, and subsequently ruined the pc's ambush on the thugs in the first encounter before they were in position. And again at each subsequent encounter with enemies at the fort. He would run up, punch one, and run away. Repeatedly.)

Scarab Sages

This was from the last session of the campaign (which was a few months ago now)

Name: General Bahrel
Race: Dwarf
Classes/levels: Ranger 16ish
Adventure: The last one
Location: Nyrissa's throne room
Catalyst: Nyrissa
The Gory Details:She let off a prismatic spray which covered the party. Bahrel got hit by the 'save or die' poison ray. Confident of his high fort save, he rolled without fear. You can probably guess what number came up...

Seeing Bahrel slump down down dead, the party Cleric of Erastil sprang forward and hit him with a breath of life.

Back alive, Bahrel charged back into the fray, eventually decapitating Nyrissa with Briar (the last die-roll of the campaign)

Name: Only the Dancing Lady
Classes/levels: 4th level: Oracle, inquisitor, ranger, cavalier, rogue, barbarian
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Dancing Lady's chamber
Catalyst: DM confusion
The Gory Details: There should have been two or three more PC deaths to report here, but I wimped out with the Dancing Lady, and there is only her obituary. The players got testy on the wording of her abilities, and I let things slide.

Five of six PCs, and their wolf companion, failed the Will save against her dance, and the sixth PC failed against her suggestion to "wait downstairs for a few moments."

I didn't think through her abilities, and let an argumentative player disrupt my thoughts enough that she didn't cast entangle next. Instead, I extended their dazed states d3 rounds (borrowing from the enthrall spell), after she began grappling the cavalier. She got one round of draining on him before he threw her off, and the melee got started. I think it only went three rounds after the dazes wore off.

If she'd been able to entangle the group first, she might have been able to claw him down before some of the others could have gotten into it-- the cavalier was the only one with a cold iron weapon.

*Evil Grin* I had to save my party from a TPK in the arms of the dancing lady. They had all failed their saves, and were going down - when their NPC followers burst onto the scene and disrupted things for just long enough ....

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Dancing lady is one hell of an encounter. First time, I played it wrongly, this time my players are in for a world of hurt :)

Probably have one death to report here in 2-3 weeks :P

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