Eccentric DM |

The year is 994 YK, and your goal is within your sights. Although battle rages in the valley below, here it is deathly quiet. Here the ruins of a tower jut from the ground, silhouetted against the gray sky. The trees growing near-by are taller than the crumbling walls, and rubble is piled next to the entrance. The doors have long since been removed and parts of the wall have collapsed, allowing entrance to the tower. However, now is not the time for examining the tower further, for it seems another group has also arrived...
Everyone, roll initiative. MAP

Amyrielle d'Cannith |

"I'm Amyrielle Delora d'Cannith, and I am here to recover assets of my house. Who are you and why are you here?" Her dragonmark glitters against her skin, the lines running down her neck and left shoulder." She walks casually forward as she walks, as if she owns the tower.
I'll move to I16 as I chatter, barring anything happening first.

Eccentric DM |

As Amyrielle peers into the ruins of the tower, four small insect-like creatures simultaneously look up from the floor and barrel across the room, screeching as they go. Meanwhile, a bizarre two-faced, four-armed mockery of a goblin comes around the corner, shouts a warning in Goblin and fires a shot at the artificer.
In their rush to carve a piece out of Amyrielle, most of the insects only succeed in blocking most of their fellow's blows. However, one manages to open a small wound on her. The abomination also manages to send a bolt thudding into the wall behind her.
4 damage to Amyrielle.
Dolgrim 1A: 25
Dolgrim 1B: 25
Dolgrim 2A: 25
Kuthrik Hatchlings: 20+
Khashana: 20
Boxer: 13+
Amyrielle: 13-
Gabrielle: 12
Gurdang: 10
Dolgrim 2B: 8
MAP Light gray is difficult terrain, dark gray is impassible but doesn't block LOS, black is a wall.

Khashana |

Move to H13. Minor - Distract Thoughts on Kruthik in F10.Attack the Kruthiks in F9, F10 (with CA) and G10 with Memory Hole (augment 2) vs Will.
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 151d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 261d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 102d6 + 4 ⇒ (5, 4) + 4 = 13
CRIT on F10 Kruthik - 16 damage to that one! For each one I hit, I am invisible to that target until the start of my next turn
Khashana sends forth her thoughts into the minds of the kruthiks.
Such simple insectile minds you have...
She tries to erase herself from their sight.

Eccentric DM |

Two of the kruthik soon topple over while one manages to ignore Khashana's will.
The kuthrik are minions, no need to roll damage. MAP
Dolgrim 1A: 25
Dolgrim 1B: 25
Dolgrim 2A: 25
Kuthrik Hatchlings: 20+
Khashana: 20
Boxer: 13+
Amyrielle: 13-
Gabrielle: 12
Gurdang: 10
Dolgrim 2B: 8
Xabulba has until Monday night to post, at which point I'll just take his turn for him.

Boxer |

Staying where I'm at and use smash and pummle on the hatchling at F11.
attack vs ac, 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19, damage = 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
If the first attack hit I make a second attack on the same hatchling.
attack vs ac, 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9, damage = 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
"Step back mi'lady let me handle these vermin."

Eccentric DM |

Amyrielle d'Cannith |

Amyrielle draws forth a wand and sends a blast of lightning at the last hatchling before stepping back out of the tower.
Static Shock, targets reflex. 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6. On hit: well, it dies, since it's a minion. If I miss, I then shift to H12 and if I hit, I move back to G13.

Eccentric DM |

OA, for using a ranged attack next to someone: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
As Gabrielle raises her wand to attack, the insect slashes at her legs.
4 more damage.
Dolgrim 1A: 25
Dolgrim 1B: 25
Dolgrim 2A: 25
Kuthrik Hatchlings: 20+
Khashana: 20
Boxer: 13+
Amyrielle: 13-
Gabrielle: 12
Gurdang: 10
Dolgrim 2B: 8

Gabrielle Froidsmains |

Move to F11
Acrobatic Strike v last hatchling
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
1d4 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Shift as part of the power to E10 if possible, or F10 if not.
Gabrielle's dagger plummets down, hoping to finish off the vermin before the dolgrim get too involved. Somehow her hand slips at the crucial moment.
"Should've washed my hands," she scolds herself.

Eccentric DM |

The kuthrik barely manages to dodge out of the javalin. One of the dolgrim fires a crossbow bolt at Boxer then charges across the tower, both mouths screaming wildly. Meanwhile, a second dolgrim dashes out from the inner chamber of the tower, shoots another arrow and leaves from the hole in the wall to circle around to party's rear. Finally, four more kuthrik spawn run out of the holes in the pile of rubble to your side and charge the rest of you.
Both bolts and the club find their mark, and both Amyielle and Gurdand feel the sting of the hatchling's claws.
27 damage to Boxer, who is now bloodied, and Amyielle and Gurdand take 5 damage.
Dolgrim 1A: 25
Dolgrim 1B: 25
Dolgrim 2A: 25
Kuthrik Hatchlings: 20+
Khashana: 20
Boxer(Bloodied): 13+
Amyrielle: 13-
Gabrielle: 12
Gurdang: 10
Dolgrim 2B: 8

Amyrielle d'Cannith |

OA, for using a ranged attack next to someone: 1d20+5
As Gabrielle raises her wand to attack, the insect slashes at her legs.
4 more damage.
Dolgrim 1A: 25
Dolgrim 1B: 25
Dolgrim 2A: 25
Kuthrik Hatchlings: 20+
Khashana: 20
Boxer: 13+
Amyrielle: 13-
Gabrielle: 12
Gurdang: 10
Dolgrim 2B: 8
No OA. Static shock is a ranged or melee attack using an implement.

Eccentric DM |