xorial |

I'm not saying that I would run this, though I am definitely leaning towards it, I think this Kingmaker could be adapted to Eberron. The primary area I am looking at is the Eldeen Reaches. Towards the end of the Last War Aundair pulled out of this area & it went to bandits. With a little rewrite of history you could make it where the bandits became an even larger problem, driving out citizenry. This could then make the area ripe for Aundair to sponsor the expeditions to reclaim this area. The Great Druid Oalian could be under the Nymph's control, which is why the major druidic sects don't exist yet.

Dorje Sylas |

I need to go back over my Eberron content but area cover by Kingmaker wouldn't be that big a chunk of the Eldeen Reaches. There are some interesting connections you can link between the River Kingdoms as whole and Reaches.
If I were doing this I'd almost feel more comfortable picking a slice of Xen'Drik, perhaps a region of failed colonel expedition. It's easy enough to justify all kinds of alterations there along with bandit (and other) kingdoms. It doesn't even have to be along the coast, consider an airship drop off the explorers in region that doesn't suffer from the Travelers curse. Although adding that time/distance variation would make exploration very interesting.

xorial |

Xen'drick is under a dragon curse that will not allow any civilization to develop there. Also, the landscape actually changes from time to time. Aundair has had dueling & dueling schools. The Reaches can have the recent 40 years changed to reflect the loss of control of the area. Some of the settlements can be in Barbarian King control (Kinda like the River kingdoms). Also, I have a map that is part of the Northeast Reaches that could be used. The reaches has a strong connection to fey creatures. Aundair has many nobles that would be pushing to go back there now that the War is over. Just a lot of details can be merged with the setting, if you want to have an alternate story for the last 40 years. Most of the encounters can be left as is. The new creatures would be appropriate.
The other idea, which wouldn't mesh as neatly but could be made to work, is Darguun. The Cyre refugees wanting to reclaim that area. The problem would be that it would actually become an entirely different campaign. Too many hobgoblins involved. You would have to Userp the last legitimate heir to the Cyran throne. The story wouldn't fit appropriately.
All in all, the Eldeen Reaches really looks to be the best place. maybe the ONLY place appropriate. If I didn't run it there, I don't think I would run it in Eberron at all.

Redhoof |
I've been considering this for a while as well, but the area that immediately sprang to mind for me was Q'Barra. The "nation" of Q'Barra is split into two portions: the "we don't want anything to do with your war" folks in Newthrone, and the "hey, this looks like a good place to hide out until the cops stop looking for us" folks in Hope. Villages in the Hope part of town have a nasty habit of vanishing, which works to explain the presence of things like bridges in an otherwise largely unsettled area. Granted, the first thing people think of when they think of Q'Barra is lizardfolk, but I'm thinking of placing the Stolen Lands on the western edge of Q'Barra, near the Endworld mountains, keeping it as far from lizardfolk country as possible - although it may be advantageous (or necessary) to change the boggards in later adventures into lizardmen, to keep that feel.

xorial |

Q'Barra was one area I considered if I didn't want to meddle with the current history of Eberron. For my tastes it is too tropical. Otherwise it is almost as good as the Eldeen Reaches. The only other problem is that the primary country you would likely be from in that area is I believe Thrane. That doesn't mesh well with Kingmaker IMHO.

Dorje Sylas |

If one fussed with the geography a bit it should fit along a strip in the northern Reaches. In one of the later APs there will be moutains so you have some hand right there.
I still don't think you need to drastically rewrite the regional history to make it fit. One answer is to place the events before the Reaches broke away from Aundair. If not the it's good to remember that Druids aren't the only people in the Reaches. It only takes a minor revision to make the Stolen Lands a contested area. You don't need to turn the whole of the Reaches into the River Kingdoms to make it work.
The other change would be the charter. It would be an unoffical request by the Royal Eyes of Aundair (the nations spys) to independent agents to gather intel and prep a beachhead for re-invasion.

wraithstrike |

I first thought of Q'Barra also, but I think the Eldeen Reaches can also work. Trying to start a colony there under the authority of Aundair might not sit well with the natives though. On the other hand trying to start a kingdom in "Aundair's" land won't sit well with them either.
I could also see Q'Barra's lizardfolk, inspired by a lizard folk of uncommon mental capacity or a dragon, trying to seize land so as to raise his people to a greater status in the eyes of others. The problem may be getting player to actually agree to play lizard folk.
The other place, which may give me an excuse to run a psionics campaign is in Sarlona. It would be part the first part of a campaign to weaken the Quori's influence.

xorial |

Why wouldn't the Druids, or at least the Gatekeepers, drop the hammer on the PCs? Because they need them to ...
** spoiler omitted ** Interested parties would be Dreaming Dark, the Gatekeepers. and the daelkyr.
My thinking too. Obviously some adjustments need to be made in one fashion or the other, but I think Eldeen Reaches is the best fit. At least it is the best fit for my ideas. You mileage may vary.

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Am I the only one thinking about Breland vs Droaam being a good setting for Kingmaker?
From the Player's Guide:
For years, Breland claimed the region now called Droaam, but few humans ever attempted to establish colonies there; it is the abode of monsters.
It fits quite well with the swordlords motivation of "we don't wanna get hit in the back while fighting elsewhere" if you rule that the Second War is rumored to start soon between some of the Five Nations, no?

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Am I the only one thinking about Breland vs Droaam being a good setting for Kingmaker?
From the Player's Guide:
For years, Breland claimed the region now called Droaam, but few humans ever attempted to establish colonies there; it is the abode of monsters.It fits quite well with the swordlords motivation of "we don't wanna get hit in the back while fighting elsewhere" if you rule that the Second War is rumored to start soon between some of the Five Nations, no?
That is a great place to start a Kingmaker campaign even though 1st lvl would probably be too low for them in Droam.

wraithstrike |

Brainstorming and Rambling follows.
I was thinking about using Cyre. In my version of things it is several years into the future(how far I dont know), and the mist has started to reside, but many of the monsters still remain. Cyre has no living royalty left so the land is pretty much wide open to whoever can claim it. The strange thing is nobody has been able to get a colony going. "Accidents" just seem to keep happening. Maybe the Fey were the ones to cause the explosion, due to some doomsday device being developed, and even though the explosion destroyed the country the device still exist, even if it may not be in perfect working condition. All efforts are being made to keep the device hidden. For whatever reason the fey can't move it or destroy it.
In this event her(Fey Queen)intentions are noble even if they are deadly.

kevincbaird |
Am I the only one thinking about Breland vs Droaam being a good setting for Kingmaker?
I'm considering doing exactly this border location, combining it with Keith Baker's upcoming Frontiers of Eberron.
The biggest issues I anticipate are that the town of Threshold is already built-up to a certain degree. So we'd need to either
- retcon some of those details back into the past
- start the "kingdom" further along than is traditional
Obviously, details to depend on what's in Keith's book once it arrives.
My biggest concern is actually re-skinning deities from RAW Kingmaker.