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xorial wrote:
The only other problem is that the primary country you would likely be from in that area is I believe Thrane.

Why do you say that?

I've been considering this for a while as well, but the area that immediately sprang to mind for me was Q'Barra. The "nation" of Q'Barra is split into two portions: the "we don't want anything to do with your war" folks in Newthrone, and the "hey, this looks like a good place to hide out until the cops stop looking for us" folks in Hope. Villages in the Hope part of town have a nasty habit of vanishing, which works to explain the presence of things like bridges in an otherwise largely unsettled area. Granted, the first thing people think of when they think of Q'Barra is lizardfolk, but I'm thinking of placing the Stolen Lands on the western edge of Q'Barra, near the Endworld mountains, keeping it as far from lizardfolk country as possible - although it may be advantageous (or necessary) to change the boggards in later adventures into lizardmen, to keep that feel.

9jack9 wrote:

Good to know the actual numbers to get an idea of scale.

Here's a thing I did in my prep work.

I printed out a map our local area (Alabama), and traced a red rectangle the size of the Greenbelt area on the map. "An area that encompasses Birmingham, Montgomery, Selma, Auburn, and the Talladega National Forest" is much more evocative than "a 90 mile by 120 mile area".

It's also an area the size of Massachusetts or Hawaii, or for my group, just a touch smaller than our home state of Maryland.

Jason Nelson wrote:
Fezzik, jog his memory.


I think I jogged him too hard.

For those of you who have already tackled this project:

What source image(s) did you use for the map itself? Just go down to Kinko's with the supplement .pdf and print out the picture from there? It seems like a pretty small image to enlarge to 3'x4' and still keep any clarity.

Is there a larger image somewhere I could use?

Thanks in advance.