Level Cap

Pathfinder Society

Will we ever be able to go above 12?

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Willis wrote:
Will we ever be able to go above 12?

"Ever" is a long time, but for now we are not able to.

I can't foresee a time anywhere in the near future where I will raise the level cap. First and foremost it messes pretty heavily with the release schedule, eventually skewing the schedule to 1 high-level and 1 low-level scenario every month which isn't very diverse.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
I can't foresee a time anywhere in the near future where I will raise the level cap. First and foremost it messes pretty heavily with the release schedule, eventually skewing the schedule to 1 high-level and 1 low-level scenario every month which isn't very diverse.

Joshua, we all trust you. Your doing an incredible job with the campaign. I know this question has been asked before on other topics, hell i have even asked that question. All i can say to everyone is wait some time. There are alot of books that Piazo is bring out and so many other mods to level. There may come a time that it would seem a good idea to increase the level cap, but might be some time or not at all. I have hope to see it one day, but i can wait. Remember, Divination can be a fickle thing some times...

I think I brought this up once before, but never saw any answer to it so, since it is related to this, I will throw it out here instead of making a new thread.

I know the level cap is 12 and once your character reaches 12th level, it is eligible to play in one tier 12 4-part arc of scenarios and then is retired at the end of the arc. My question is about the rewards from those scenarios. Even though there is no advancement to 13th level currently, and may not be for at least another year or two (or three), do you still earn XP from each scenario? Are we able to say that we finished the arc with a character and have the XP ready in case a day does come that higher level play is enabled, making that 12th level character into a 13th level character immediately? Or would the character get unretired and then have to earn the XP after that to reach 13th level? I know there are no current plans for play higher than 12th level, but having a decision on this one aspect now may make things smoother if the day does come.

You do not earn XP once you are level 12. The Tier 12 scenarios will have no XP reward on them.


Joshua J. Frost wrote:
I can't foresee a time anywhere in the near future where I will raise the level cap. First and foremost it messes pretty heavily with the release schedule, eventually skewing the schedule to 1 high-level and 1 low-level scenario every month which isn't very diverse.

For PFS the level 12 cap is a great rule. It is great precisely because it forces those who are playing high level characters to play something lower after a while. This lets new people join in on the campaign more easily if the veterans are playing low tier at least some of the time to let them in.

I never got around to playing Living arcanis because while it sounded great, I was not ever able to find a table running low enough to get started.
For certain I do not want to see the cap rule go away.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

May I suggest a day where you put out three or four mods that are extremely high level a year. Not where you put out a low level mod and a high one each month, but a low or high level mod and an extremely high level mod every three or four months or so.

That way there is less schedule mix ups and you still put out a few good high level mods every so often. It could be every six months, every other six months, or two at Gen Con or Paizo Con, or one each.

Just a suggestion from us high level LG days kind of old school guys, or I'm just putting that out there. No offense intended...

There will be 4 Tier 12 scenarios each year so that folks who have reached level 12 can play a final arc and retire. I won't be putting out scenarios that are higher level than that.

In 2.2 of the Guide, there are additional clarifications on the level cap, Tier 12 scenarios, etc.

Grand Lodge

Whoa, whoa, whoa,

You can only play your 12th level PC 4 sessions? Where has that been written?

Please reconsider this -- put a cap on Prestige Points and gold in addition to XP if need be, but let Players choose whether to keep a "frozen" 12th lvl PC or start a new one from scratch.

Like I said, it's going to be spelled out in 2.2 of the Guide. :-)

Once you reach level 12, you may only play in Tier 12 events. You pick one arc, play through that arc of four adventures (across five slots and released across a full year of real time) and at the end of that arc, your level 12 PC is retired from regular play. Once we have retired PCs (December 2010), we will plan and release "retired PC" events once or twice a year so you can revisit your older PCs, but if you want to play through all of the released scenarios, you need to make a new character roughly every 18 months and cycle back up again.

Grand Lodge


That is reasonable. Playing the 12th lvl PC twice a year at CONs.
That is what I was hoping for from the beginning.

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