Using Wisdom for ranged damage?

Homebrew and House Rules

I am thinking of adding a new house rule to my campaign, the inspiration came from the Dragon Age rpg. Use dexterity to add bonus to hit as normal but all ranged attacks get to add wisdom to damage OR strength if such is normally allowed. This gives the crossbow user a nice adder without basing the extra damage on dexterity.

Why wisdom because it's the perception stat in Pathfinder and adding damage for ranged weapons based on perception makes sense to me.

Oh and hello all, been lurking around alittle since beta but just got a good campaign going using my new core book this spring break and I am having a wonderful time.

Noticed a mishap with my wording which could be potentially misleading.

Thus a fix.


Crossbows - Both the repeating crossbows, and the hand crossbow are considered to be simple weapons. In addition you may upgrade non-repeating crossbows to add increased damage, this upgrade functions similarly to that of the Composite upgrade for Bows. The maximum Upgrade number is +4, this gives them a minimum strength requirement to be able to load, or increases the loading time by one step for each +1 bonus (to a maximum of 2 full rounds) for those who do not meet the strength requirement.

Example: A +2 Composite Heavy Crossbow would require a minimum strength of 14 in order to load properly, but for those with a 13 or lower strength it would require two full rounds of loading time.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

There's actually a zen archer PRC in sword and fist (can't remember the name) that adds Wis to arrow damage. Also adds the option of using wis to hit, as well.


I think it will work just fine. However, as always, be careful when using 2 stats for one action type thingy.

what this can create is a character who is really good at shooting, but not much good at anything else.

What Wisdom would represent is either an intense Sense of where to strike the target, and or an innate confidence in knowing striking that area would deal more damage.

Strength would be the sheer power of the bow.

Dex would be precision with the bow.

Int would be anatomical knowledge put to good use.

Charisma could be how good you look or your force of presence demoralizes your foe, resulting in the damage.

Con could be your sheer staying power disheartens your foe. You seem like a brick wall.

So any stat could work.

The Exchange

There was a feat called "Zen Archery" that was actually reprinted in Complete Warrior. It allowed you to use Wisdom rather than Dexterity for your ranged attack rolls. Very good for clerics that wanted to attack at range. Not so good for monks as they generally have their dex and wis scores equal out, but nice in theory I guess.

Right! Zen Archery is the feat to build from, IMO. First - modernize it for Pathfinder. Instead of "Wis mod instead of Dex mod to ranged attacks" make it "Add your Wis mod in addition to Dex mod to ranged attacks." Now, it's working more like the Intimidate feat that adds Str to the check vs. replacing Cha.

So, make it a feat, 2-deep. 1st = new and improved Zen Archery (Wis 13 and BAB +1 requirements). If that's not good enough, bump the Wis req to say 15 or something.

2nd Feat:Improved Zen Archery (just roll w/conventional naming here - no need to get crazy). New effect - add Wis modifier to all ranged damage attacks. I'm not really sure what to do for Req's on this one. Maybe wis of 1 odd increment higher? (13-->15, or 15-->17?) And, of course, Zen Archery. Maybe +4 bab?


Zen Archery Training

Improved Zen Archery/Advanced Zen Archery/Zen Archery

The Speaker in Dreams wrote:

Right! Zen Archery is the feat to build from, IMO. First - modernize it for Pathfinder. Instead of "Wis mod instead of Dex mod to ranged attacks" make it "Add your Wis mod in addition to Dex mod to ranged attacks." Now, it's working more like the Intimidate feat that adds Str to the check vs. replacing Cha.

So, make it a feat, 2-deep. 1st = new and improved Zen Archery (Wis 13 and BAB +1 requirements). If that's not good enough, bump the Wis req to say 15 or something.

2nd Feat:Improved Zen Archery (just roll w/conventional naming here - no need to get crazy). New effect - add Wis modifier to all ranged damage attacks. I'm not really sure what to do for Req's on this one. Maybe wis of 1 odd increment higher? (13-->15, or 15-->17?) And, of course, Zen Archery. Maybe +4 bab?

It's actually very different. With Intimidating Prowess, it is competing with Skill Focus for usefulness. This is only better than Skill Focus if your charisma is at least 18. And at 10th level, Skill Focus jumps ahead again in how much it improves intimidate until your charisma reaches 24. Of course, you can have both.

Adding two ability modifiers to a single attack roll could get very absurd very quickly.

Umbral Reaver wrote:

It's actually very different. With Intimidating Prowess, it is competing with Skill Focus for usefulness. This is only better than Skill Focus if your charisma is at least 18. And at 10th level, Skill Focus jumps ahead again in how much it improves intimidate until your charisma reaches 24. Of course, you can have both.

Adding two ability modifiers to a single attack roll could get very absurd very quickly.

Well ... then just keep it at "either/or" and be done with that. (On the "to hit" front anyway).

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