Intermittent Player


I'll be starting to GM the Kingmaker AP soon, and one longstanding player has said that she might not be able to make every session. In fact it's possible she might only be able to make every other session.

With the early stages of exploration I imagine it'll be easy to accommodate her absence as her character can stay behind and more thoroughly map or examine something they find that is of interest to her. With the long periods of downtime between games and the kingdom-building elements she wouldn't really be needed (as long as she wasn't regent). But can you guys give me any idea if her intermittency (That's a word, it so is) is going to be a big problem at later points?

Scarab Sages

I doubt it will be anymore than it would be in any Adventure Path really.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It might be less of a problem than most games. Just say she's back in town, ruling while king and co are absent killing monsters.

Karui Kage wrote:
I doubt it will be anymore than it would be in any Adventure Path really.

This will be mys first Adventure Path! EEP!

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
It might be less of a problem than most games. Just say she's back in town, ruling while king and co are absent killing monsters.

Yeah, that's kind of what I thought. She can be deputy King.

While I would rather not have a player miss every other session, I could see it happen, ie. if my son, his best friend, or his son (my grandson) asked, I would let them.

Given that you have a reason, I would do the following depending on the group size.

If the player was the 6th or higher pc, yea, have them sit out back in town but not let them fall more than a level or two behind in both levels and gear.

If the player is the 5th or lower pc, I would ask them to play a fighter or ranger, ie. tank, not a skill monkey, not spell caster, nor the "party face" and have them tag along on the adventures and earn regular experience.

-- david

Papa-DRB wrote:

While I would rather not have a player miss every other session, I could see it happen, ie. if my son, his best friend, or his son (my grandson) asked, I would let them.

Given that you have a reason, I would do the following depending on the group size.

If the player was the 6th or higher pc, yea, have them sit out back in town but not let them fall more than a level or two behind in both levels and gear.

If the player is the 5th or lower pc, I would ask them to play a fighter or ranger, ie. tank, not a skill monkey, not spell caster, nor the "party face" and have them tag along on the adventures and earn regular experience.

-- david

Those are good points Papa. I'm waiting on more information from her regarding her availability, and I'm definitely not going to exclude her (that would be needlessly mean), but it may be that she needs to refine her role a little so the group doesn't rely on her (being the group's healer would probably be bad too).


gang wrote:
Those are good points Papa. I'm waiting on more information from her regarding her availability, and I'm definitely not going to exclude her (that would be needlessly mean), but it may be that she needs to refine her role a little so the group doesn't rely on her (being the group's healer would probably be bad too).

Yes, being the party's healer would be bad also. I did it once. Never again.

-- david

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Papa-DRB wrote:
gang wrote:
Those are good points Papa. I'm waiting on more information from her regarding her availability, and I'm definitely not going to exclude her (that would be needlessly mean), but it may be that she needs to refine her role a little so the group doesn't rely on her (being the group's healer would probably be bad too).

Yes, being the party's healer would be bad also. I did it once. Never again.

-- david

Im in this position, one player is very gung-ho about her character and the campaign and has created an excellent (roleplaying concept) cleric, but will be intermittent until mid june... ugh.

Liberty's Edge

I don't know (or want to know) the particulars of the module plots, but it might be useful if she played to co-ruler (Queen?). She could adventure when the player is available, and manage the kingdom when the she's not available.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

This does come up with my group because one or more of my players have been shift workers at one time or another.

The preferred solution by our group is for the character either to be run by the DM or another player while the normal player of that character is absent. Of course, whether this solution works for you is dependent on the ability of the DM or another player to assume that responsibility and handle more than one character, and the trust issue of the absent player to allow his/her character to played by someone else.

For our group, none of that is an issue. I have players who have played two characters (and have done it well) for most of a campaign, so the added workload is nothing for them.

As the DM, I have frequently played NPCs in the party, usually when there isn't enough players or a role isn't taken by the players, like none taking a class to be the party healer. So the additional workload is nothing for me to handle.

Liberty's Edge

I think that this AP has an excellent opportunity for those players who can't make it all the time but still want to contribute in a meaninful way. They can be involved in the kindom building/resource management aspects of the game without actually being at the table for adventures.

This works well if the player is into games like Settlers of Catan and if you handle this portion of play away from the table (via forums or email or whatever).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Xuttah wrote:

I think that this AP has an excellent opportunity for those players who can't make it all the time but still want to contribute in a meaninful way. They can be involved in the kindom building/resource management aspects of the game without actually being at the table for adventures.

This works well if the player is into games like Settlers of Catan and if you handle this portion of play away from the table (via forums or email or whatever).

The intermittent player in my campaign is totally going to brow beat the group on city building and laws. Probably from the safety of her fort of text books, but your right she is looking forward to helping shape the campaign as time permits and this AP looks great for it.

Well, it looks like my player can make 3/4 of the sessions, which is much more than I was expecting. Hardly intermittent at all. In fact, that's almost entirely mittent.

She's intending to aim for the Councilor or Treasurer roles as they seem like pretty easy ones to deal with and not the heavy-hitting go-getter roles like most of the others.

Liberty's Edge

gang wrote:
... Hardly intermittent at all. In fact, that's almost entirely mittent.

That must leave you feeling rather gruntled. :)

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