the David |
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I've skimmed through the 1000 Tiefling quirks thread and I was wondering if there was a similar thread. A (very) quick search showed me that there wasn't, so I decided to start my own. One of my players wants to play an evil Aasimar. Yes, that's right. an evil Aasimar. I'm looking for some nice suggestions for him.
1. A faint halo floats above your head. (Yes, it's from the bestiary, but I really like it)
2. When people are near you, they hear the faint sound of a choir of angels.
delabarre |
Dragonborn3 wrote:4) You smell like the opposite of brimstone.
Er, what's the opposite of brimstone? Does this mean you'd smell like ice? ;P
In Judeo-Christian lore, the appearance of angels is supposed to be accompanied by the smell of flowers. So that's what I would go with.
Charlie Bell RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 |
13) You poop rainbows.
13) You have a birthmark resembling the holy symbol of a good deity.
14) Wild animals do not flee from you.
15) Evil characters and creatures feel slightly nauseous around you.
16) Your eyes are all white, with no apparent iris or pupil.
17) Your voice sounds unusual: exceptionally clear, or perhaps like a trumpet, bell, harp, or chimes.
18) You don't perspire.
EDIT: Numbering.
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19. Alcoholic beverages and the smoke from tabacco avoid your presence, with smoke curling around you respectfully and alcohol refusing to tip into your mouth, eventually spilling out of a goblet or tankard, in it's attempt to flee contact with your lips. Drugs and poisons are not so respectful, and afflict you normally. If you imbibe a drink that is a mixture of an alcoholic beverage and some other liquid (such as water or fruit juice), the alcoholic beverage will coil at the bottom of the tankard, and you will only be able to drink the other liquid.
20. Your skin reacts oddly to the presence of 'noble' metals, such as gold or silver, and a tracery of gold (or silver) leaf begins to wind it's way along your skin like curving patterns of frost, wherever your skin contacts these metals. If the item is removed, the patterns recede within a matter of minutes, and may reform in different patterns if the item is restored.
21. You have a faint shimmer to your skin, and especially your eyes and the inside of your mouth, although these things are generally only noticeable in the dark (and are only guaranteed to be noticed in total darkness). All of your bodily fluids, sweat, saliva and blood alike, are faintly luminescent, although it would require a flask of blood to function even as a candle, and the light would fade within moments of extraction from your body.
22. Your golden or silver or coppery-red hair has the consistency of fine metallic wire to the effects of wind or the touch of another's hand, although, to your hand, it parts obediently, being no more course than fine silk. You sometimes flare it out into a majestic mane, knowing that no wind will ruffle it once you have set it into place.
23. You have no navel, nor fingernails, toenails or hair on your head. Your body is utterly smooth, like polished stone, with no moles, ridges, whorls on your fingers or wrinkles at joints, yet warm, like worn gold, to the touch. It has been commented that your form appears that of a statue, only half-finished.
24. Feathers replace the hair on your head, and a magnificent multi-colored train of them descends down your back. You are capable of 'fluffing' those feathers, or even causing them to raise themselves, standing upright like the tail of a peacock. (They may even have the same patterning of a peacock's tail and feathers, or those of a bower bird, or the bright colors of a quetzal.)
25. Your eyes resemble pools of liquid silver, like mercury, or perhaps liquid gold.
26. Your eyes resemble polished gemstones; emerald, sapphire and topaz, most commonly, but sometimes ruby or diamond or even jet. They may be smooth cut, and perfectly round (in which case they may have 'stars' or 'fire' within them), or faceted dodecahedrons.
27. Holy symbols of compatible dieties emit a soft glow and a very faint musical song, as of many voices raised in chorus, when you touch them. Other holy symbols react less extremely, and those of utterly opposed dieties to the forces of your parentage seem to shudder away at your touch, rattling slightly and producing an unpleasant odor of smelting metal or charring wood (although no actual damage occurs). Note that the definition of 'compatible' and 'opposed' is based on your parentage, and not your personal ethics, morals or choices. An Aasimar descended from Azata, who has become a Cleric of Urgathoa, would find that his own holy symbol reacted adversely to his touch, while one of Cayden Cailean would humm pleasantly to his touch and produce the scent of honey mead.
28. Your skin is a dark bronze hue, not often found in nature, and covered with a fine down of nearly translucent white fur, that is barely noticeable at a distance. The hair on your head is similarly colored, but much more pronounced, flowing like a lion's mane and always being fluffed up. More often than is entirely normal, your touch causes a slight static shock.
Shuriken Nekogami |
28. you have a compulsory need to dress in white
29. no matter how many generations pass in your family, your eyes are an intense blue and your hair, a radiant golden blonde, you never need to wash your hair, it is always clean, shiny and healthy.
30. you cannot stop talking about the powers of love and friendship
31. you have an intense allergy to brimstone, it has no cosmetic effect on you, but it allows you to track demons by scent.
Alex Martin |
32. A non-aasimar person who touches you feels a low electrical current - not enough to shock but affecting the nerves. If you alignment is neutral or evil, this will be unsettling and possibly maddening. Those of good alignments feel it as comforting or relaxing effect. To another aasimar, this effect allows for a sympathetic, non-verbal communication.
33. Your skin is incredibly cool to the touch. With a little effort, this effect can provide relief from heat to yourself or another person. It doesn't work against extreme heat or magical heat.
34. Scrapes and bruises (1 hp at most) seem to heal unnaturally fast - the effect is mostly to leave your skin unblemished and perfect. Even as your age, wrinkles and the like seem subdued.
Set |
35. Your voice sounds like it is coming from behind you, and doesn't always 'synch up' with the movement of your lips. It tends to be deeper than would be expected for your slight build, and unusually rich, as if multiple voices, from multiple speakers of different genders, have all been blended together. When you sing, the effect is especially pronounced, and multiple voices in choir with your own can be distinctly heard.
36. Lights dance within your eyes. If you concentrate, these sparks fly forth and swirl around the area, dancing slowly around items that you focus your gaze upon, but shed even less than candlelight, and requiring your full concentration. If this concentration is disrupted, the two softly glowing points of light (the same color as your eyes, either blazing emerald, warm topaz or sparkling sapphire) fly back into yours in the blink of an eye.
37. A suggestion of Bralani ancestry is revealed by the winds that accompany your passage. When you open a door, a small breeze wafts forth and stirs dust and clothing in the room you are entering, and your own hair and clothing tends to whip around dramatically. While others struggle against winds, your hair and clothing appears subdued and obedient, although this gives you no benefit to attack rolls in such situations, merely allows you to appear more composed and to be less inconvenienced by high wind.
38. The gentle songs of the Lillendi fill your dreams, and those who touch your skin feel a low thrum, as if of a harp-string reverbrating. At certain times, not under your control, music can be heard in the distance, particularly when you score an especially impressive success (a stirring melody), or an equally inauspicious setback (a discordant twang, familiar to a musician as a snapped harp-string).
39. Soft golden scales decorate the front of your thighs, the backs of your calves and your hips, while white feathers grow in two triangular oblong patches on your shoulderblades, which you usually conceal under a light shirt of some sort.
40. Rumors that you are descended from Arshea herself (himself?) are lent strength by your silken skin, somewhat androgynous appearance, and your 'hair,' which consists of seven veils of silken cloth, each in a different color, that spring from your skull and flow like living things dancing on the slightest breeze or set into dazzling motion by the slightest turn of your head.
41. Valani's touch has left you with the unusual gift to stand upon liquid water, with the greatest of concentration. You can move only upon the stillest of waters, with even a ripple disrupting your balance, and only make a single 5 ft. step per round (Stealth check, DC 20, to avoid making ripples). You appear to be a stought island folk, with hints of Azlanti blood, and your eyes are the green of the shallow seas surrounding Ilzmagorti and the Shackles.
42. Your hair is golden-brown, and rises in great spikes (as does your beard, forming into dreadlock like tendrils, if you have one) and your skin has a similar tone. When you produce light, you open your mouth wider than seems strictly possible, and a wash of spectral flames billow forth to fall upon the item to be illuminated, leaving it flickering with phantasmal fires for as long as the light effect was to last. The slight points to your teeth, and your nails, that resemble golden scales, leave little doubt as to what sort of celestial creature has touched your bloodline.
Mikaze |
Been waiting for someone to start one up for aasimars! :D
44. You have complete or partial apolecia; that is, you cannot grow hair at all or you are incapable of growing it fully where one would expect you to be able. What hair "partials" can grow is perfectly healthy. (multiple angels ie: planetar, trumpet archon)
45. You have brightly colored scales all about your legs and lower body. If you take no measures to prevent it, a second skin of snakescales joins your legs as you sleep, though it can be harmlessly and painlessly cut away or shed when you awake; it simply takes time. (lillend)
46. You have pronounced wolf- or dog-like canines. (lupinal/hound archon)
47. Your head is slightly larger than normal. Your limbs also seem more flexible than most, and your touch is perpetually cool, though not unpleasant. (zoveri)
48. Your skin is a strange shade of green. (planetar/trumpet archon)
Alex Martin |
59. When you are relaxing or at ease, a certain type of animal seems to congregate around you - small birds, dogs, foxes, etc. This isn't something you activate and the animals aren't yours to command. They just seem to be comfortable in your presence.
60. If you ever taste your blood (like from getting a paper-cut, etc.), it has no coppery taste. Rather it tastes like something sweet - honey, mead, etc. This is only a momentary effect - there's no benefit or long term effect. To evil aligned beings (such as vampires, for example) making contact with your blood is like acid and can cause damage with long-term exposure.
61. If you are bleeding, your blood isn't pure red. It can appear as gold-tinged red; golden orange; or possibly almost clear and luminous. As it congeals, it takes on the more normal blood color and loses any of these special qualities.
62. Whatever your hair color, your eyebrows and eyelashes are a light, golden color or nonexistant.
63. In direct sunlight, your shadow has silver, blue, gold, or green hue to it instead of just black. The time of day doesn't matter, as long as it is direct sunlight.
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67. Events around you adopt a strange mathematical progression. If you tap your fingers randomly, the tapping is as precise as a metronome. When you blow a smoke ring, it forms into a diminishing fractal pattern, and if you spill a bag of grain, the grain piles into a neat pyramid. You are not naturally obsessive-compulsive, but coins just fall out of your pouch in neatly divided piles of copper, silver and gold...
Alex Martin |
67. Events around you adopt a strange mathematical progression.
Like that one...nice.
68. Touching a musical instrument produces a melodious chord that lasts a few moments. This only heard by you and anyone else touching the insturment.
69. If you kiss someone, they feel a sensation of lightness. If fatigued or asleep, they feel a sudden burst of energy and renewal.
70. You are prone to talking in your sleep, and whatever you say is uttered in Celestial - sometimes by different voices than your own.
71. Your skin is some shade of black or gray. It is smooth, but feels like the coat of a dog (labrador) to the touch. You may have no hair on your head, but if you do it is a color that contrasts your skin - like white or black. (hound archon)
Dragonborn3 |
67. Events around you adopt a strange mathematical progression. If you tap your fingers randomly, the tapping is as precise as a metronome. When you blow a smoke ring, it forms into a diminishing fractal pattern, and if you spill a bag of grain, the grain piles into a neat pyramid. You are not naturally obsessive-compulsive, but coins just fall out of your pouch in neatly divided piles of copper, silver and gold...
And now aasimars are street performers...
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72. Your voice is utterly inappropriate for your body. If you are a slender young woman, you are an 'old soul,' a sort of reincarnation of an old and wise priest or holy man, and speak in his old man's voice. If you are a burly young man, you may be inhabited by the soul of child who died young, a martyr to the faith, and you speak with an incongruous young childs lilting voice. Regardless of this spirit's voice, your words are your own and you possess no memories of any other life than this one.
73. When facing a mirror, or clear water, only a black outline of your form can be seen, as your shadow and your reflection have been reversed. Trailing along behind you, in place of a shadow, is a pale reflection of your current appearance, and the brighter the light, the more clearly this reflection resembles you.
74. When you dance, any fires, even those of torches and candles, within the immediate area begin to dance with you, flickering as you bow and flaring up as you leap into the air. As you sway from side to side, the flames sway in time with your body. If you are ever slain, all non-magical flames of up to torch sized are instantly snuffed within 30 ft, and even medium-sized campfires or bonfires will ebb suddenly to red coals for a single round, before flaring up again to their normal output.
75. You feel a powerful kinship with plant-life of all sorts, and have a pleasant woody scent. The feeling of sun on your skin, and bare earth against your feet, or of a gentle rain descending upon you, is always refreshing. If you are in the presence of a significant amount of destruction of plant life, such as the felling of a tree, or the destruction by fire of a crop, you feel the distant pain of the dying plant-life, and may show some signs of psychosomatic injury. More disturbingly to your companions, the plant-life being affected will show signs of a similar link, with a felled tree leaking blood in place of sap, and the burning crops having the sickly scent of charring flesh. Any such effects fade within moments, as your link to the plant-life fades as it dies, but can be quite disconcerting to onlookers.
76. Your body 'leaks' a miniscule amount of positive energy, and if you bed down for the night on soft grass, the grass is not only unbent, but actually has become more vibrant and healthy overnight. Animal life is not as strongly effected by this, but if you place your hand upon an area covered with crawling vines, within a half hour, you will have to brush off a curious vine that has crawled upon your hand. You can place your hands upon a faded flower or wilting leaf and blow upon it, causing it to revive to full glory in about a minutes time, and you have taken to wearing certain types of flowering vine that grow high in trees upon your shoulders, sustained by air, sun, rainwater and the subtle energies that leak from your own skin.
The Tiefling traits thread is now up to 666 entries! Yikes, will the Aasimar thread be able to catch up?
Alex Martin |
77. If you are wounded, cuts and and the like that heal normally don't leave a normal scab or scar. Instead, there is a silver or gold mark in its place. While this doesn't enhance you AC, it can give whole parts of your body the look of armor plate.
78. Good holy symbols in your hands radiate a light equivalent to a candle. Evil holy symbols smoulder in your hands - leaving them either marked if it is metal or actually burned if it is wooden.
79. When you are sleeping, your body often floats - somewhere between a few inches to a foot depending on the depth of your sleep. You feel nothing different while you sleep, except dreams of open skies.
Xabulba |
80) You never get wet, either standing in a rain storm or underwater water never touches your skin. This does not prevent you from drowning.
81) You have a reverse shadow. Your shadow instead of being dark is actually lighter than the ambient light.
82) You are naturally buoyant and cannot be pulled underwater, falling or jumping into water is like falling or jumping onto a stone floor.
83) Whenever you are around everything tastes sweeter.
84) you never snore.
Freehold DM |
85) Your tears, saliva, and other bodily humors(save blood) are an unusual color- gold, silver or bronze if you are good aligned, or blood-tinted red if your alignment is anything else. They also seem to be thicker than water, but not quite as thick as blood. They act like normal bodily fluids in all other ways.
Ysgard |
88) When you spit, there is a flash of light and butterflies spring forth from contact area.
89) The act of drawing a weapon causes the ambient light to dim a little and your skin to faintly glow a cold, pale light.
90) You cry tears of holy water.
91) Small flowers grow wherever you step on earth.
92) Whenever you draw a sword, there is a loud ringing sound that causes evil creatures to flinch.
93) Your voice is laced with angelic overtones, bearing to mind the speech that was used to create the world.
94) When you speak plainly and truthfully, nobody, not even the foolish or those who argue for the sake of arguing, dares to contradict you.
95) When you lay your hands on a suffering creature and speak soothingly to it, its pain is eased (though it is not healed)
96) When you blow a trumpet, it sounds unnaturally loud and clear and windows and other glass objects around you shatter.
97) When you write, there is a faint sound of thunder.
98) Your reflection is a pale, shining, indistinct figure.
99) You cast no shadow.
Alex Martin |
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100. If you yell in anger or pain, your voice carries farther and often has underlying effects. Animals with hearing sensitivity are spooked or begin whining in reflection of your cry. If it is a cry of pain, family relatives, lovers or comrades have a sudden feeling of dread or anxiety - no matter where they are. If it is a cry of anger, any evil-aligned being within earshot has a sudden feeling of panic, and may suffer a shaken effect (with DC check).
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102. Whatever angelic entity touched your bloodline, it was no gentle singer of hymns or flower-haired maiden, but a fierce creature of war. Whenever you take a wound in battle, your otherwise flawless white skin heals with a thin silver or golden scar, marking the injury, and, over time, your body has become threaded with fine lines of metallic hue, as if your flesh was veined marble.
103. You find that blades fit smoothly to your hand, and even if not skilled in their use, you can swing them around impressively, the finer the blade and the purer the metal, the more the blade seems to sing through the air, humming slightly, as if in satisfaction from knowing your touch. If you become skilled in the use of a sword, and heft a masterwork or better quality example of such a blade, it slowly transforms within your grasp, as traceries of celestial script in fine gold leaf soon decorate the hilt, handle, and over the course of a week or more, flow up the length of the blade in flowery script. If the blade leaves your possession, over the course of days, the gilt fades away and crumbles to worthless powder.
104. No matter your physical age, no lines mar your face and your skin remains smooth and unblemished. This unusual property extends not just to your own self, but to any small living thing in your possession, such as a plucked flower in your hair, which will remain unfaded and alive, unaffected by sun or time. If such a token is removed from your person, it crumbles away at the slightest touch. There was once a girl, whom you gave such a flower to, and it remained vital and alive within her hands. She said she would wait for you. You wish you could remember her name.
105. Whenever you read aloud words written in the celestial tongue, a soft reddish-golden glow comes from both your mouth and flares like traceries of faerie fire along the written words, in time with your speech.
106. Whenever you read aloud from any written text, your voice changes to that of the writer. Even reciting the name of a tavern, graven upon the sign over it's door, your voice will change to that of the woodcarver, perhaps long dead, who crafted that sign.
107. Your touch brings life to the inanimate, however briefly, and when you brush your fingers along a length of driftwood, it darkens to it's original hue, before bleaching out again, seconds later. Only once-living things are thus affected, items of wool, linen, wood and bone, and small items may tremble and grow to resemble the colors and textures they held in life at your touch. In extreme cases, such as a quarterstaff carried in hand over a long trek, or a leather jerkin worn close to your skin for weeks, new leaves or soft fur may begin to sprout from the formerly dead material. If you leave the item behind, within a day, any new growth of leaves turn to autumnal colors, grow brittle and fall away, or any new growth of fur dries out and begins to shed.
108. Your fragrant hair is the color of wild roses and honeysuckle, and, although few get close enough to know this, is sweet to the taste, with soft golden pollen (somewhat resembling dander, to the unfamiliar!) sometimes sprinkling forth. Butterflies are drawn to your presence, and can draw sustenance by nestling in your tresses. Fortunately for your peace of mind, bees, bats, hummingbirds and other nectar-consuming creatures are not so attracted!
Shuriken Nekogami |
109, you have a perpetually constant craving for sweet sugary foods, no matter how much volume of them you take in, it doesn't affect your size or weight.
110 you have a constant need to wear white. lace trimmed ruffled frilly robes are a huge bonus.
111. no matter how reccessive the genes may be, your eyes are an intense deep blue color and your hair a radiant golden blonde you are pale enough to provide a candle's illuminiation at night by bearing either your calves or your forearms. bearing both makes the radius of a torch.
112. you are so sweet, innocent, kind and pure that you cannot harm a fly or commit a deadly sin. you would rather lecture into redemption than kill. you also cannot stop speaking about the powers of love and friendship. you charitably donate to the needy before you feed yourself.
113. your parents named you Flonne and you are a complete Naive Airheaded Ditz
114. your name is Luminiere Del Solaras I, Daughter of st. Eclair Del Solaras III, you lived most of your life healing others and think that because of your unusual dexteirty score for a priestess, that you can effectively fence, your blows will annoy and never kill, acceptable since you are a pacifist.
115, your name is alice and your native plane is wonderland. you may automatically see invisibile creatures.
Charlie Bell RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 |
Shuriken Nekogami |
114. your name is Luminiere Del Solaras I, Daughter of st. Eclair Del Solaras III, you lived most of your life healing others and think that because of your unusual dexteirty score for a priestess, that you can effectively fence, your blows will annoy and never kill, acceptable since you are a pacifist.
there are a reason Lumi's blows annoyed monsters when she was alive, they had high to hit bonuses but did horribly low damage, even with a strength penalty, and she refused to wear fullplate, because of the intense pain her youthful body had to endure to take a single step in it. she couldn't even take a step in fullplate, a mithril chain shirt took up more than half of her carrying capacity. so she ditched her staff for an espada ropera at the first oppurtunity, just because it was lighter and easier for her to use. she thought she could fence, but she couldn't break skin, and she fell on her face every time she tumbled. shortly halfway through 1st level, she started wearing knickers under her robes. but she wasn't smart enough to realize she should be saving lives, not attempting Flynn quality swashbuckling and falling on her face.
Set |
So, moving past mere angels and archons, perhaps your aasimar comes from a more rarified bloodline;
115. It was later learned that you were conceived the night your father died, alone in the woods, taken down by a boar that he had meant to bring back to support his new wife. That the sire your mother *insisted* was her husband was someone else was common gossip, and your features had a strange angular cast to them, suggesting an otherworldly or fey heritage. It was in your teens, on the occasion of your first hunt, that the horns began to grow. Not the horns of a devil, but the graceful antlers of a stag, and as you grew, they also developed. Those who had thought you a changeling child now respected you, recognizing in your increasingly stag-like visage, that your mother was visited by Erastil himself...
The village had seen few nights as exciting as when the adventurer came to town. Purse bulging with gold, which he scattered about with reckless abandon, he sang rowdy songs, danced on the tables, dueled a drunkard who challenged him and, apparently, bedded half the eligible ladies in town in that single riotous evening. Nine months later, a half-dozen children were born, all bearing unique traits.
116. Where others have hair (or a beard), you have thick sheafs of rich barley, which you generally tie back, as it tends to flare out into an unruly mane, aspiring for the sun.
117. Your skin has the faintest scent of yeast, which grows stronger when you perspire. When you dip your finger into water and stir it for a minute, the water takes on the slight flavor of beer, and if the drink was already some form of beer, the taste becomes richer (and the color darker).
118. You have beer for blood, which comes with advantages and drawbacks. A pint of your blood is treated as a pint of strong ale, and if you are willing to accept a point of temporary Constitution damage to bleed yourself, you can fill a tankard with the stuff, which not even the most particular conniseur of beers would know came from your veins and not a brewing barrel. Blood-drinking creatures, such as mosquitos, stirges or vampires, suffer intoxication, with increasing penalties the more they consume (with stirges suffering the worst, as each point of constitution they drain affects the tiny creature as if it had just swilled a pink of dark lager). On the less advantageous side, your 'blood' does not clot as quickly as normal blood, and you have a +5 DC to any roll to end a Bleed effect.
119. When your teen years struck, you suddenly inherited your fathers lusty nature, if not his love for beer, and find yourself drawn to the intimate company of others. On any night where you sleep alone, you do not recover hit points or ability damage. If you sleep with another, but in a non-intimate fashion, you have a 50% chance of recovering a point of temporary ability damage and recover half (round down) of any lethal hit point damage you would normally recover, based on your Hit Dice. On a night that you have a lover, you heal normally, and are treated as having received a full night's rest, even if some of the previous eight hours were spent in amorous pursuits. A happy side-effect, and the only reason that you don't have a trail of bastard children the size of an Opparan opera company, is that you do not conceive on any night in which you have had at least a pint of beer in the last eight hours.
120. You have 'classical' aasimar features, with golden skin, shocking blue eyes and a magnificent mane of white hair. What makes you stand out among even this rarified crowd is that you have an innate aura of goodness, and radiate an Aura of Good as if you were a Paladin or Cleric of a good-aligned god, even if you are no such thing. If you are *also* a Paladin or Cleric of a good-aligned god, the aura becomes overwhelming in intensity, and even those who attempt to gauge your nature through mundane means, such as the Sense Motive skill, can readily see your inherent goodness. If you have an Aura of Evil, as a result of being a Cleric of an evil diety, the auras cancel out, and you radiate neither any special aura of good or evil, so that the inherent goodness of your heritage makes you paradoxically well suited to hidden perfidy...
121. Your affinity with the product of the brewer's craft is such that ales, beers and wines react to your presence, as if you possessed a weak magnetic talent that only affected these beverages. By holding your hand over a tankard, you can cause the ale to surge up the sides to your waiting hand, and even suspend individual droplets of beer in the air above your fingers, causing them to dance and twist like miniature serpents in midair. You cannot affect more than a few ounces of liquid in this fashion, and not much further than a hands-length from your skin, making it primarily good for tricks at the bar.
Set |
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122. Your fine hair is a bright red-orange and dances atop your head in the slightest breeze, resembling flickering flames.
123. Feathers sprout from your shoulderblades, and trail down in a short 'cape.' If you do not regularly groom these feathers, they continue to grow until they reach your calves, fanning out into a 'cloak' of feathers. While you can 'fluff' these feathers, they do not have any wing musculature, and won't even slow your descent in a fall. The feathers could be stark white, the rosy-tinted hues of mourning doves, the many colors of the rainbow, or, most spectacularly of all, the many-colored splendor of peacock feathers, perhaps some sign of kinship with Melek Taus, 'the Peacock Angel?'
124. Your raven-black hair is thick and curly. At night, small points of light appear like stars nestled in your night-dark tresses. Your eyes have black backgrounds, and where others would have an iris, you have a relection of the moon (even when it is not in the sky). When it is full, you have a solid white circle in the center of black eyes. When it is a cresent, the white crescent serves as your iris and pupil, and when the moon is obscured completely, your eyes are solid black.
125. Your fingernails are always composed of some 'noble' metal, such as silver or gold. If removed, they turn into base lead. Traceries of that same metal decorate your face, 'shading' your eyes with metallic hues, and staining your lips bright gold (or silver).
126. Your body is hairless, your eyes pupil-less, and you have 'smooth' features, with an unobtrusive bump of a nose, smallish ears that lie flat against your head, thin lips and hooded eyes, like a native of Tien-Xa. You have no navel, and no matter how physically fit, your body remains undefined and somewhat shapeless, like a clay approximation of a person that was left undetailed.
Russell Akred |
127. My Aasimar of Erastil has hair and eyes that changes with the seasons. A golden yellow, straight, smelling of fresh straw in the summer, orange and red and smelling of smoke in the fall, white hair with black eyes in the winter, and bright green hair that smells like freshly turned soil in the spring. Also you could just have his hair fall out in the winter.
Set |
I like the seasonal color changing hair. Very cool.
In that vein;
128. Your apparent age varies with the seasons. You appear young and smooth-skinned during the spring, and show signs of maturity and 'filling out' during the summer, showing some wrinkles and grey streaks during the autumn, and having solid white hair during the winter.
129. Your skin is a primary color, with a metallic sheen, perhaps green, blue or red, and your hair is a contrasting (non-metallic) color, red, yellow or black.
130. Your body reacts with visual displays to contact with others, with swirling fractal patterns of pigmentation in varied colors swirling along your skin following the touch of another, fading as they spiral away from the point of contact. The display is even more impressive if someone runs their hands through your hair, as the display is one of tingling energy, forming a tiny aurora-like shimmer that moves around the hand of the toucher. These effects do not occur from your own touch, or that of animals, only other sentient beings.