Star Wars - Dawn of Defiance PbP - GM Kalderaan


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Colvin Dashwind wrote:
"I want to know about the crew we brought in yesterday. What was the mission they were sent on? I also want to be clear that we aren't going to risk our lives on these missions without compensation Captain".

"The crew of the Bantha were on a secret mission from the Senator. I am not privy to that knowledge. We are, however, working on the datapad you located but the encryption is extremely challenging. I hope to have more answers for you when you return.

"As for the compensation, the ship you were given was part of that compensation. We can secure you some additional parts for repairs as well if that is acceptable to you.

"Complex encryption? Why didn't you say so?!? I can break it. Genius, and all."

Allerick Hosh wrote:
"Complex encryption? Why didn't you say so?!? I can break it. Genius, and all."

"That is not the matter at hand Master Hosh." states the Captain brusquely.

Male Human, Scoundrel 2/Soldier 1, HP 41/41 (Thresh 21), Init. +9, Per +8, Force Points 3

"That compensation would be acceptable for this mission Captain. As frightening as it sounds I agree with Allerick it is our business to break that encryption. If not for us you would not even have that data. You want us to risk our lives but you want to keep us in the dark? I find that unacceptable".

Colvin Dashwind wrote:
"That compensation would be acceptable for this mission Captain. As frightening as it sounds I agree with Allerick it is our business to break that encryption. If not for us you would not even have that data. You want us to risk our lives but you want to keep us in the dark? I find that unacceptable".

The Captain glares coldly at Colvin. "I have not, nor do I intend to leave you in the dark. Despite not having a commmission, despite being mercenaries, I have provided you with intelligence I have not even provided my own officers! I said it is not the matter at hand because it isn't. The datapad, regardless of how it came to us, is the property of the Senator. You have an issue with it Mr. Dash, then you take it up with him. If you don't like it, then I can send you and your team in that piece of space junk you just aquired off of this ship at your eariest conveience." barks the Captain, who is certainly not used to the breaks in protocol that shold be afforded when dealing with one of his rank and position.

He visually forces himself to calm down. "Look. The datapad is not some random piece of hardware. It is sophisticated and it is tricky. I've had a team of my best slicers who have fantastic decoding equipment working on it for days with no success. When we get something, we'll pass it along." His words are not as harsh but his decision, you can tell, is beyond reproach.

"If you care to talk about the current situation involving the Admiral, then ask. Otherwise, I will bring him in to provide your mission briefing."

Male Human, Scoundrel 2/Soldier 1, HP 41/41 (Thresh 21), Init. +9, Per +8, Force Points 3

"I assume the Senator is not here so taking it up with him is not an option but yes please pass along the message that I would dearly love to speak with him again. I guess I will let my friends here judge whether the Admiral is trustworthy then we can decide together whether we will go or not", Colvin states firmly not wanting to relinquish any ground.

"Colvin, I admire your determination, but perhaps we should relent for now. They have little reason to put such trust in us right now." To the captain, Kess says, "Please, begin the briefing. We are ready."

When no more questions come, Captain Verana nods to his aide who whispers into a comlink.

Shortly thereafter, Gilder Varth enters, now dressed in the uniform similar to the other Resurgence officers. At his side is a small yellow-and-silver astromech droid that whistles softly as it moves to interface with a computer system.

The projector springs to life, and the blue-tinted hologram of a Hutt appears to hover a few inches away from the projector’s three curved prongs. With a brusque clearing of his throat, former Imperial officer Gilder Varth begins to speak, wasting little time on pleasantries.“Before the Empire decided my conscience was a liability,” he says, “I was involved peripherally in a top-secret plan known as the Sarlacc Project. While the details of the project are unknown to me, I was involved in the transfer of large sums of credits and resources to the project. Whatever the project entails, it is taking up a lot of the Empire’s time and effort. Moreover, I believe that this Sarlacc Project is destroying the lives of thousands of sentient beings; casualty reports crossed my desk on a regular basis. Unfortunately, I don’t know much more than that. However, during my brief brushes with the project, I discovered that the Imperial Navy was hiding the program’s existence from the Senate by transferring resources through secondary sources. Resources were routed through the Corporate Sector, through fake contractors, and through the criminal underworld to keep a trail from leading back to the project. One such secondary source was a Hutt crime lord named Darga. Like all Hutts, Darga is a slimy gangster whose love of credits is exceeded only by his love of power. Part of my job involved transferring resources to Darga, and in turn arranging for Imperial agents to take control of other resources from the Hutt’s organization. These were not simply transfers of credits. The items being traded were not specified, but physical resources were definitely being exchanged. Though it’s not much, this is the only lead we have."

“Captain Verana has charged me with helping to uncover more about the Sarlacc Project, and he has authorized me to use you as my agents. We need you to travel to the planet of Cato Neimoidia and find Darga the Hutt. See if you can learn what he is trading in and how it relates to the Sarlacc Project.”

Varth keeps the briefing short and sweet. He has an air about him that immediately recalls his military past; though he is not unfriendly, he spares no time for idle chatter. It should be clear to the heroes that Varth has not adjusted to life outside of the Imperial Navy; he still acts with the same rigidity that is characteristic of all Imperial officers. He seems uncomfortable in his Alderaanian uniform, but his professionalism won’t allow him to voice any complaints. The man is all business, and though he seems genuine in his assertions, he remains largely unreadable.

Maybe I was wrong about him... Stone thinks.

Do we have a trustworthy contact on the planet, or are we going in completely cold? I think we are ready to go at any time.

Scaning the former imperial officer, Zedd files his specifics and a quick analysis to his medical database for future referance if the need should arise.
"If the bantha is spaceworthy, that is." Zedd corrects Stone, looking to Allerick.

The Admiral turns to Stone. “Unfortunately, Darga’s exact whereabouts are unknown. However, he has been seen in the Cato Neimoidian city of Zarra. Chances are that someone in the city knows where he is. When you do find him, Darga is not one to give up his secrets easily, but he has been known to take associates into his trust. If you can get inside his palace, he might reveal what is going on—or you might be able to find out by snooping around.”

He then turns to IG-MDz. “Captain Verana has chartered passage for you aboard the Banshee, the transport vessel captained by Sirona Okeefe."

IG-MDz wrote:

Scaning the former imperial officer, Zedd files his specifics and a quick analysis to his medical database for future referance if the need should arise.

"If the bantha is spaceworthy, that is." Zedd corrects Stone, looking to Allerick.

"Oh she'll fly, well enough to get us there and back. Annnnnd the Hutts might have just the parts I need to make her into something magical..."

Allerick Hosh wrote:
IG-MDz wrote:

Scaning the former imperial officer, Zedd files his specifics and a quick analysis to his medical database for future referance if the need should arise.

"If the bantha is spaceworthy, that is." Zedd corrects Stone, looking to Allerick.
"Oh she'll fly, well enough to get us there and back. Annnnnd the Hutts might have just the parts I need to make her into something magical..."

The Admiral shrugs at your suggestion. "Ms. Okeefe is on retainer and has been for some time. It's up to you."

The Admiral looks around expectantly, interested in any questions you may have.

"If you have no further questions, then I bid you farewell and good luck."

Varth then turns to the Captain to see if he wishes to dismiss the group.

"I have one question." Zedd says raising his hand. "Who controlls Cato Neimoidian city of Zarra?"

IG-MDz wrote:
"I have one question." Zedd says raising his hand. "Who controlls Cato Neimoidian city of Zarra?"

The former Admiral chuckles a bit at this question. "“Zarra was heavily damaged during the Clone Wars, and half of the city is still in ruins. The few residents that have chosen to remain inhabit a cluster of settlements on one end of the city.”

"The Empire still controls the planet, and though its current presence is practically non-existent, the situation could change quickly. You will see little in the way of authority or commerce. It is a scoundrel's haven at the moment. It is clear from our reports that Zarra has been nearly abandoned since the Clone Wars."

Male Human, Scoundrel 2/Soldier 1, HP 41/41 (Thresh 21), Init. +9, Per +8, Force Points 3

"Are we getting credits to bribe Darga with? I seriously doubt a Hutt will be cooperative just because we ask him nicely".

Maybe we will just have to find other ways to persuade the hutts.

"I am not sure how we could go about accomplishing that without offering them something that would make it worth their while," Alistair offers after a moment's thought. "As far as I know, Hutts are not exactly known for their generous or even cooperative natures."

But they are known to go to great lengths to preserve their hides.

Allerick looks up abruptly from his datapad. "Perhaps if we invented a threat to save them from? Or a business opportunity. I mean if I were a fat greedy slug, I'd always be up for a new opportunity to make credits. What if we started some rumors on the holonet that the Empire is about to replace all its starfighters with new fighters from Miscontech? Only Miscontech doesn't exist, so we invent it and then show up as agents of Miscontech, looking for venture capital to invest in this mysterious new contact we're about to land? We offer him ground floor on the deal, take his money, make nice and then get the info out of him in a friendly way. If he tries to contact the Empire, we spread the story that the Empire can't reveal the deal before it's done or they risk angering Incom. I'm pretty sure I can fake a company with a little help from the muckity mucks here onboard."

The Admiral listens attentively and responds. "Although I admire your ingenuity and cunning, I think you are overthinking this. Darga is a crime lord, plain and simple. Someone in that business needs people to help him run his many business matters. A show of strength and ingenuity as it relates to tracking him down should be enough to do the trick. I'm sure you can handle yourselves in a hostile environment. I'm here and that is a testament to that fact. Once you are admitted invited to join with Darga, it should allow you to investigate further."

Never the less, Allerick begins to create a fictitious portfolio and paper trail for Miscontech. First he establishes that it was founded 10 years ago. Next he makes his dead aunt, Theia its CEO and founder. Next he dummies up some mock protoype schematics. After a while, he's just having too much fun to stop...

Use Computer: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28

Let me know if you are ready to end this meeting and go on the mission.

Leaning over Allericks shoulder as he works on his dummy company Zedd looses himself in confirming his match, pointing out any mistakes he sees. UC Aid Another 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16.

Ready to continue.

Stone will make sure his blaster power cells are fully charged, and then he is ready to go when everyone else is.

Allerick is good to go. He can work on his shadowy business interests on the way...

You all load your gear on the Banshee in preparation for your departure. Before too long, the ship takes off, marking the start of another adventure together.

The trip to Cato Neimoidia is uneventful, and when the heroes arrive, they find a planet that is far from its former glory in the days before the Clone Wars. A world in the Colonies, Cato Neimoidia should be far more populated than it is. When the Banshee drops out of hyperspace, those in the cockpit can see that there is very little traffic traveling to and from the world. As the Banshee descends toward the planet, the ship flies through layers of clouds and zooms over cities that are built on massive bridges between rock arches.

However, the bridge cities are all but abandoned, seemingly left to rot after the Clone Wars. Your ship lands on Cato Neimoidia with no difficulty and no visible Imperial presence. The Banshee docks at a spaceport in the city of Zarra, and though propaganda posters line the spaceport walls, there is no sign of stormtroopers or other Imperial officials. Regardless, Captain Okeefe cautions you against acting foolishly. The Empire still controls the planet, and though its current presence is not strong, the situation could change quickly.

Zarra itself is dilapidated to the point of being hazardous. As you walk the streets, they see little in the way of authority or commerce. Several large buildings that appear to have been lavish palaces of Neimoidian merchants lie half toppled and mostly destroyed. Rubble litters the streets, and landspeeders must veer sharply to avoid chunks of permacrete lying haphazardly in the road. Though a number of beings, mostly shabby-looking Neimoidians, roam the streets, it is clear that Zarra has been nearly abandoned since the Clone Wars.

Please respond with a basic plan on how you wish to proceed.

"Maybee we should shoot sombody to draw attention to ourselve?" Zedd asks the silent group as they stand on the ruble filled streets of Zarra. "I highly doubt the hutt is hiering without referances. Or maybee you can fake warrants for us Allerik? Unless you guys already have them?" he asks, rolling his mechanical shoulders as he gets used to the weight of his grenade launcher-mounted heavy blaster rifle.

If we can find someone worth shooting. This place is... Well, it looks like someplace I'd expect to find Hutts.

Before leaving the ship, Stone will tell the captain We will try to maintain a comm silence with the ship so we don't attract any attention to you. But call us if you need anything.

"We could begin by asking around, you know. I'm certain we can find some sort of terrible bar or catina around here somewhere." With that, Kess begins heading further into the practically dead city and starts hunting for dive bars to ask nosy questions.

"Seedy bars? I'm the talent scout for Miscontech. I am going to get a pleasant meal in an unpleasant place and wait for the Hutts to find me."

Your expectations are quickly lowered the more you journey into the remains of the city.

You wander around and find yourselves in the Federation’s Folly, a cantina in Zarra. The barkeep you find is named Krett. He gladly boasts that he is a veteran of the Clone Wars but doesn't go into much detail.

Please give me a Gather Information skill check - one roll with one PC assist per plus on the main roller's CHA modifier. Let me know too if you want to use any credits to assist in your roll (before you roll).

Gather Information: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Allerick Hosh wrote:
Gather Information: 1d20+7

Allerick gets to drinking and buying rounds on his Miscontech expense tab. Surprisingly, the Neimodians flock to the socially inept Scoundrel. Perhaps his promising work at the company helped matters along since they are in such sad straights here on Cato Neimoida.

At first, you get word that “some Hutt” has been terrorizing the people of Zarra. Well, duh, like you didn't know that already.

After you gain their confidence, you get a name. Apparently Warrick Raden, a young Devaronian, is a known Hutt associate. He's a two-bit errand boy who shakes down some of the local businesses for Darga and relays messages from the Hutt on occasion.

As the drinks have been flowing, you are told that Warrick Raden, nicknamed "Womp Rat", can be found in an abandoned warehouse near here. They even draw a crude map on a cocktail napkin for you.

When you are done, you get a steep bar tab - 455 credits! Good think you got some expense money for such an event from the good Captain before you departed. The credstick comes back with 45 credits on it. Perfect for a tip.

Let me know if you want to do next.

Stone watches in disbelief as Allerick works the crowd. He stands nearby quietly, playing the roll of Miscontech exec bodyguard.

Perhaps we should have a couple of our most discreet members scout out the warehouse before we go in?

Unless, of course, everyone wants to stick with our tried and true direct method.

Kess does her best to contain her disbelief as Allerick not only avoids putting his foot in his mouth, but apparently starts shooting gold out of it. Once all the rampant dealing finishes, she simply gives him a pat on the shoulder. "Nice to see that you can deal with some people well, Allerick. Now if only you could work on dealing with women in distress, you'd be aces."

Male Human, Scoundrel 2/Soldier 1, HP 41/41 (Thresh 21), Init. +9, Per +8, Force Points 3

"Credits talk around here I would imagine. I am willing to scout the area does anyone want to come with me? The rest of you should hang back".

"Although my gears are well oiled and smooth I do not have the nececary protocols installed to stealth. I should hang back unless you would use me as a distraction."

Tamara Kess wrote:
Kess does her best to contain her disbelief as Allerick not only avoids putting his foot in his mouth, but apparently starts shooting gold out of it. Once all the rampant dealing finishes, she simply gives him a pat on the shoulder. "Nice to see that you can deal with some people well, Allerick. Now if only you could work on dealing with women in distress, you'd be aces."

"Hey, I can't help it if the woman in question was completely irrational! A crisis is no time to be losing your composure."

Male Human, Scoundrel 2/Soldier 1, HP 41/41 (Thresh 21), Init. +9, Per +8, Force Points 3

"Kess do you want to come with me?"

"Certainly, Colvin. Finding this 'Womp Rat' should prove an interesting endeavor."

Male Human, Scoundrel 2/Soldier 1, HP 41/41 (Thresh 21), Init. +9, Per +8, Force Points 3

Colvin heads out with Kess following the directions on the napkin wary of these directions being a trap themselves.

Stealth - 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

Perception - 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Following Colvin, Kess attempts to reach out with the Force, seeking the hidden things that he cannot find.

Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
UtF Sense Surroundings: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

As you vemture out of the cantina to find the associate of Darga the Hutt, you are greeted by the Zarra welcoming committee.

A low wind causes deep bass sounds to waft up from the gaps in the city’s streets, which open into short shafts before continuing on into the open air beneath the bridge city. The sounds of repulsorlifts fill the street as five swoop bikes circle around you, then turn as though to attack. The swoop bikers’ leader, a tough-looking Human woman with spiky black hair, urges the thugs on as they rev their bikes’ engines.

One of the grinning thugs clutches a battered vibroblade in one hand while revving the engine of his swoop bike with the other. The sputtering bike looks cobbled together from a dozen other bikes, but it has a menacing quality nonetheless

The leader shouts above the din of the bikes. "I see you've landed and made yourself at home. I'm just here to collect the thousand credit fee for your landing permit. Hand it over and we'll be on our way."

Outside the cantina you find a biker gang waiting for you. Click here for map.

Eyeing the swoop bikers a touch nervously, Kess whispers to Colvin, "Do you think you can sweet talk them while I grab the others?"

IG hesitates when Tam and Colvin prepare to exit, unsure wether to follow them or remain with the main group. Finally sumaryzing that the member in most need of protection is sitting at athe table happily chatting, he decides to stay in the bar for now.


Male Human, Scoundrel 2/Soldier 1, HP 41/41 (Thresh 21), Init. +9, Per +8, Force Points 3

"Yes my dear run back in and grab the payment for the welcome committe", replies Colvin loud enough for the toughs to hear.

Deception - 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

"While we are waiting perhaps we can negotiate a better rate. We have the need of services from people like you who know this area better than me", [/b] Colvin says smiling broadly.

Seeing Kess and Colvin sneaking away, Allerick finishes his drink and stands, brushing the dust from his pants. "Well, I guess we better go see about making sure those two don't get into any more trouble..."

Stone will stand with Allerick and start out, waving for the droid and the Jedi to come as well.

Let's give them a head start, and we can follow nearby to make sure they have back up if they need it.

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