Sidivan |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |
So, I've been knee-deep in this Alchemist since the beta was first released and much was cleared up in the revision, but some major points remain.
Is the Alchemist an arcane spellcaster for the purposes of feat qualification, such as Arcane Strike and Craft Wondrous Items?
Extracts say "as if imbibing a potion". This would suggest that you must draw the potion (move-equivalent action) and then drink it (standard action). Surely they did not intend for a full-round action to be used for an extract that can only target the Alchemist.
Warforged Gardener |
So, I've been knee-deep in this Alchemist since the beta was first released and much was cleared up in the revision, but some major points remain.
Is the Alchemist an arcane spellcaster for the purposes of feat qualification, such as Arcane Strike and Craft Wondrous Items?
Extracts say "as if imbibing a potion". This would suggest that you must draw the potion (move-equivalent action) and then drink it (standard action). Surely they did not intend for a full-round action to be used for an extract that can only target the Alchemist.
I'm pretty sure there was another thread that answered your question in the negative. The alchemist is similar to an arcanist but does not qualify as one for the purpose of prestige classes...I don't think they specifically addressed feats, but I assume the same restriction applies.
Drawing the potion could probably be sped up by Quick Draw--if it works for thrown weapons and thrown weapons can be improvised, why shouldn't it apply to non-weapons? As for the drinking of the extract, I think there's a character trait that can be taken that lets you drink as a move action or faster. It might be gaming the rules a little to combine the two, but anything that makes Alchemist more awesome is fine by me. :)
Draajen |
So, I've been knee-deep in this Alchemist since the beta was first released and much was cleared up in the revision, but some major points remain.
Is the Alchemist an arcane spellcaster for the purposes of feat qualification, such as Arcane Strike and Craft Wondrous Items?
Extracts say "as if imbibing a potion". This would suggest that you must draw the potion (move-equivalent action) and then drink it (standard action). Surely they did not intend for a full-round action to be used for an extract that can only target the Alchemist.
Well since it only says "An extract is “cast” by drinking it,
as if imbibing a potion—" and it doesn't say anything about drawing it I would treat it similar to a bomb.Since bombs have more detail "Creating and throwing a bomb requires a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity."
Since to create a bomb you need to take your catalyst vial and infuse it then throw it all as a standard action I would treat grabbing and drinking a extract as a standard action. It would seem that Alchemists are more used to grabbing and drinking stuff than other people. Since they have sleight of hand as a class skill it would make sense that they could grab something and drink as one standard action.
This would also play into the accelerated drinker trait since if an Alchemist was already holding the item it would be much easier for them to drink it instead of having to take it an drink.