2,000 Spells?

Homebrew and House Rules

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189. Curse of Hunger: Target is consumed by ravenous hunger, but all food turns to ash in target's mouth.

190. Curse of Thirst. Target is consumed by unquenchable thirst, but all liquid will turn to vapour in target's mouth.

191. Unbridled: Target loses all inhibitions.

Dark Archive

189. Improved Character Assassination. - you can kill any actor by tearing up a picture of them, so long as that picture is of them pretending to be someone else. (That someone else must either already be dead, or be entirely fictional. The spell will fail if the person that the actor was pretending to be is still alive.)

190. Superior Character Assassination - by disguising yourself as another person, requiring you to Take 20 on a Disguise check, and have ranks in the Disguise skill at least equal to the CR of the target (and to use clothing and gear in the disguise that they have actually worn at some point), you create a spiritual link between yourself and the target, essentially becoming a living 'voodoo doll.' Any harm you inflict to yourself is immediately transmitted to the person you are disguised as, but each instance of damage requires you to make a Disguise check (DC 10 + damage dealt) to see if the disguise survives the attack. (If it fails, you have to re-disguise and cast the spell again.)

The following are really nasty spells that I have not come up with, but remember from d20 publications, mostly Rokugan I thinK)

XXX Truth is a Curse: Must tell the truth. Not only that, must say everything it that comes to mind all the time. (Nasty. Double score for being from a world where saying dishonourable things can force you to commit ritual suicide to regain your honour, which is more important than life)

XXX2 Torrid Dream: Target gets very explicit and detailed dream about an intimate encounter with caster. (Will grant bonuses to the caster's Diplomacy, Intimidate and Bluff checks, but that's just icing to the cake!)

194. Verge: Induces sudden depression so crippling that target attempts to commit suicide (treat as coup-de-grace)

195. Bleak Future: Target is placed in suspended animation until all of its loved ones are dead.

What do you mean, this is not a "Put The Book Of Vile Darkness To Shame" contest? Okay, I'll give you something with bunnies.

196. Elation: Target is overwhelmed with joy and wants to give everyone a hug.

Set wrote:

189. Improved Character Assassination. - you can kill any actor by tearing up a picture of them, so long as that picture is of them pretending to be someone else. (That someone else must either already be dead, or be entirely fictional. The spell will fail if the person that the actor was pretending to be is still alive.)

190. Superior Character Assassination - by disguising yourself as another person, requiring you to Take 20 on a Disguise check, and have ranks in the Disguise skill at least equal to the CR of the target (and to use clothing and gear in the disguise that they have actually worn at some point), you create a spiritual link between yourself and the target, essentially becoming a living 'voodoo doll.' Any harm you inflict to yourself is immediately transmitted to the person you are disguised as, but each instance of damage requires you to make a Disguise check (DC 10 + damage dealt) to see if the disguise survives the attack. (If it fails, you have to re-disguise and cast the spell again.)

197. Do unto others: Next spell target casts on a hostile creature targets target itself.

Dark Archive

KaeYoss wrote:
195. Bleak Future: Target is placed in suspended animation until all of its loved ones are dead.

Oh, this one's hot.

"Why is the evil Overlord Meanie VonMean paying us to protect this family again?"

"Because if they die, his nemesis, the man prophesied to overthrow his evil rule, ArchPaladin Justin the Righteous, will be freed to return from Avalon."

"So these 'assassins' coming to kill these people..."

"Paladins of the Holy Church, who must kill them to save the world, yes. It's complicated."

198 Liquefy: Target object is turned into liquid for 1 round, then solidifies again. (Makes for impressive entrances).

199. Stranger: others lose all memory about target, do not recognise.

200. Pleasure and Pain: Good and bad tactile sensations trade places every 1d6 rounds.

201. Against: You are faced to take the opposite point of view in any argument

(This spell must exist. Apparently, someone I know has been targeted, and its duration is permanent)

202 Speed of Light: target's base speed is increased to 1000 feet, target can run on water and effectively run on the air for distances of up to 1000 feet per round. Target is unable to interact with its environment when being more than twice as fast as normal.

203: Puppet Curse: Target is considered to be dominated by everybody. "Your wish is my command" takes a whole new (and horrifying) level of meaning to this person.

Set wrote:

"Paladins of the Holy Church, who must kill them to save the world, yes. It's complicated."

Does this involve Asmodeus taking Arnold Schwarzenegger as bodyguard?

204. Sleepwalker: Target begins to sleepwalk (acting out its dreams)

205. Curse of indecision: target can make no decisions.

206. Fractal Dream: Target is trapped in a never-ending series of dreams. When it would normally wake up, it must make a save. Failure means that it "wakes up" into another dream, which can have an apparent duration equal to that of any other dream, but takes 1d10 rounds of actual time. Each failed save means 1d4 wisdom damage. If the target fails the first save, it will wake up fatigued. If the target fails two or more saves, it will wake up exhausted.

207. Detect Pairs and Snits Detects couples who've been arguing.

208. Unliving Room. Animates skeleton of creature at least two size categories larger than you to use as "carriage" by climbing into its ribcage (or similar cavity) and control its movements. You gain cover while within your unliving room.

Dark Archive

209. Seven-League Boots - this spell teleports the caster exactly 21 miles in the direction he is facing, once he takes a single step forward, appearing in the nearest unoccupied space at ground level. He experiences the sensation of flying high into the sky in a parabolic arc, and then landing suddenly at his destination point, although the presence of physical barriers in his 'path' is no impediment to this movement. He is stunned for the remainder of the round, when he arrives.

Fractal Dream is *awesome,* Kae.

Sovereign Court

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:

An editor recently asked me how long it would take to write up 2,000 new spells for a book. I had a little fun with him, and pretended I didn't understand he wanted 2,000 words of spells. As with many little bits of humor, I mentioned this on my Facebook status.


One of the commentators thought it might not be -possible- to write 2,000 new, interesting, unique spells for a d20 game. And while I'm absolutely not going to take the three months to do it, I fully believe it's possible.

Well I keep a gaming database for my own use, and with the D20 books I have indexed, I already have 8345 spells ... and I'm not done reading all of my collection.

so yes, probably, a few thousands more can make it.

210. Infernal Compact- boon from a devil eqal to Contact other plane w/0 insantity risk in return for a favor.
211. Greater Infernal Compact- as above only with limited wish added and a greater/longer favor owed.
212. Summon animated object- see fantasia
213. Animate dobject Storm. see fantasia
214. Create Haunt- make an area haunted with one effect
215. Create Greater Haunt- as above only more than one effect- perfect for haunted houses.
216. Asmodeus' Promised- become a favoured coutier of the prime devil with all the danger and intrigue that comes with it.+ devil bodyguards
217. Demon Rage- rage ability and demon qualities - alignment shift
218. Eternal Night- magical darkness as far as the eye can see (hehe)
219. Form of the Winged Serpent
220. Spirit of the World- omnipotence in a certain region, control all flora and fauna.
221. Mammoth Strength- take on the strength and Intelligence of a massive beast.
222. Inflict Madness- wisdom damage, immune mind affects, insanity, and divination spell at will.
223. Inflict Greater Madness- as above plus psychic powers.
224. Eternal Love: beguilded victim comes back from the dead to protect and woo the caster.
225. Improve venom:
226. Death Curse. Inflict damage on the creature that killed you (melee range)
227. Improved Death Curse: as above only area affect
228. Mass Death Curse:
229. Greater Death Curse: as above, no range limit.
230.Angel Blood:
231. Aspect of Talmandor:
232. Killing Field: All flora and Fauna become meat eaters.
233. Strength of the Dead: no fatigue bonus to grapple/pin etc.
234.Abbyssal Stare: Gaze into the Far Realms; learn secrets gain insanities.
235. Mother of all that is Holy/Unholy: Explode in a swarm of extraplanar creatures.
236.Book Worm: create vermin to destroy paper.
237.Reinforce infrastructe:
238. Lighten the load: building materials retain strength while lowering mass = build higher/farther for less cost.
239.Champion of Nature:
240. March of Madness: Every creater you move past in melee becomes insane.

ok thats it.

Dark Archive

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Awesome. Lunatic.

That is your contribution? Which of the words is the spell and which the description? ;P

241. Double Edged Geas - Like Lesser Geas, but any creature can be targeted, regardless of HD. You recite the Geas you want to bind the target to, who must then make a Will save or forever be bound to that Geas.

This spell is permanent and cannot be broken by any means, not even by a Wish. However, should the target succeed on his Will save it is instead you who are bound to the recited Geas. This spell is also not subject to the limitation of harmful Geases given to creatures. A Double Edged Geas can be directly lethal to the target creature. This does not break the spell.

A creature who does not actively pursue his Geas gains 1 negative level every 6 hours, as well as becoming exhausted for 1 hour at the beginning of each 6 hour interval. A character who resumes to pursue his Geas loses all negative levels and status effects caused by the Geas.

Scarab Sages

242 - Anti-KaeYoss ray: Minimizes the posts KaeYoss can submit to 1/day.

243 - Protection from KaeYoss 15 league radius: Assures Kayoss can not harm me in any way.

244 - Clown Of Death : Creates a 5x5 Pie, every 1d4 Round a Clown will will spring out of it and Attack every Creature, except for the Caster, within 50f with a Hideous Laughter Spell, CL 13.
Those who fail their Save will be affected by an additional Finger Of Death Effect CL13, dying from Suffocation and severe Stitch

Shadow Lodge

245 - Mass Gender Change: Per the belt, in a 20' radius burst.

Shadow Lodge

246) The Power of Youth Compels you!
Target creature must make a Fortitude save or gain the Young Template for the duration of the spell(1 minute per 2 caster levels)

Dark Archive

247) By your powers combined - requires 5 druids. Summons a powerful ally per greater planar binding, but no payment is required if he is summoned to destroy an enemy causing damage to a natural setting.

CuttinCurt wrote:

242 - Anti-KaeYoss ray: Minimizes the posts KaeYoss can submit to 1/day.

243 - Protection from KaeYoss 15 league radius: Assures Kayoss can not harm me in any way.

Dream on, urchin boy.

Cannot harm you? Read my next spell (in the following post because your spells don't work)

KaeYoss wrote:
CuttinCurt wrote:

242 - Anti-KaeYoss ray: Minimizes the posts KaeYoss can submit to 1/day.

243 - Protection from KaeYoss 15 league radius: Assures Kayoss can not harm me in any way.

Dream on, urchin boy.

Cannot harm you? Read my next spell (in the following post because your spells don't work)

248 Wave of faeces: Wave of excrement buries target.

249: Apocalypse plague: Rain of toads.

250: Apocalypse plague: Rivers run red.

251: Apocalypse plague: Boiling Seas.

252: Apocalypse plague: Giant Sun-Eater.

253: Apocalypse plague: Ice age.

254: Save Game (or, if you want it to be a bit more serious and less obvisous: Prophetic Glimpse): When casting the spell, you experience the next minute of the future and see the immediate consequences your choices and actions have. When the minute is over (or you die, whichever comes sooner), you can either accept your choices and actions and repeat everything exactly as it has just happened, or you can change any of your actions - but after you change anything in the time stream, the future becomes uncertain any more.

(In game terms: Cast, maybe as swift action, and then just keep on acting for up to 10 rounds or until you die. You can then decide to accept all that has happened and just continue after the minute, effectively repeating everything you have just done. But you can change your actions for any of the 10 rounds that are in the spell's "duration" - but once you choose to repeat a round, the this round (starting with your turn) and everything that happened after must be repeated, since you changed the future).

You can use this spell only once every 24 hours.

Liberty's Edge

255: Swarm of puppies. If puppy swarm occupies the same space as the target, target is distracted by slobbering, licking and overall cuteness.

Shadow Lodge

256)Dodge Ball!
This spell causes a red ball about the size of a human head to appear in your hand. All attacks with the ball are ranged touch attacks. There is a 5 percent chance the ball bounces off it's target and returns to you(it is a free action to catch). The ball does 1d4 points of damage per caster level(maximum 10d4) and has a range of 20ft.

Shadow Lodge

Cuchulainn wrote:
255: Swarm of puppies. If puppy swarm occupies the same space as the target, target is distracted by slobbering, licking and overall cuteness.

257) Kick the Puppy. Level 1 Blackguard spell School: Universal

As a full round action, you may kick everyone puppy withing 5ft of you 15ft away. The range increase by 5ft for every size category your are above Medium.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

258. Kelturn's Curse of Mana Ignition (Necromancy) (Epic)

Inspired by a WOW spell.

Target makes a will save for 1 round /level Each round the save is failed target loses 10d6 spell levels taken from highest level spell going down. For each spell level lost... target takes 1d6 arcane damage.

259. Kelturn's Frosty Death Evocation/Necromancy [epic}

A cone radiates outward from the caster Targets caught in the cone suffer two effects which must be saved for separately Save vs. will or take 1d6/level negative energy damage (25d6 max) Save Vs Reflex or take 1d6/level cold damage (25d6 max)

Dark Archive

260 - Witches Wardrobe - as a full round action you can transform the clothing of the touched target into any of the following; Artisan's Outfit, Cleric's Vestments, Cold-Weather Outfit, Courtier's Outfit, Entertainer's Outfit, Explorer's Outfit, Monk's Outfit, Noble's Outfit (does not come with jewelry or acessories), Peasant's Outfit, Royal Outfit (also does not include royal jewelry), Scholar's Outfit or Traveler's Outfit, in a size appropriate to the target, and color, cut and style of your choice. Pre-existing clothing, including worn armor, are subsumed into this magically created outfit, but the wearer can cause the effect to end at any time as a standard action, causing their original outfit / armor to re-appear. Unwilling subjects get a Will save to resist. Once created, the items of clothing do not radiate an aura of magic, and are of fine, but mundane, quality. If removed from the wearer's person, they vanish at the end of the round, disappearing in a puff of yellow smoke. No item of clothing conjured in this fashion can be used as a spell component, or be composed of an inherently dangerous substance, such as brown mold or cloth soaked in black lotus extract, although one could certainly strangle someone to death with their sash, or kick them to death with a boot!

261 - Mass Wardrobe - affects one target per caster level, within Close range.

262 - Disrobe - as a standard action, cause all worn clothing (and armor) to fall off of the touched subject, appearing in a neat pile at their feet. Will save to resist. Jewelry and items held in the hands are unaffected. The caster can choose to affect themself with this spell as well, in a single casting, along with the single touched subject.

263 - Mass Disrobe - affects one target per caster level, within Close range.

264 - Sammae's Seaworthy Shell - the caster causes a single seashell to expand in size greatly, becoming a seafaring craft powered by magic. A 2nd level spell, the craft can carry 100 lbs of weight per caster level (and has room to transport one medium sized creature per odd level), and the vessel moves smoothly across the surface of the water at speed 30 according the casters mental direction, regardless of current or wind conditions. In it's enlarged state, the shell has Hardness 5 and hit points equal to 10 x CL, and cannot be holed, remaining afloat and functional until it is completely destroyed.

Dark Archive

265. Fanboy's dream - as mass disrobe, but affects all characters of a selected sex within 30 feet. Characters with a charisma greater than 13 receive a penalty to the save equal to their charisma - 13

some of you are downright crazy!

266. Xenophobia: enchant target to react in a hostile manner to all subjects that are not of its race.
267. Pacifism:enchanted target no longer wishes a life of violence
268.Reverberating Cascades- sounds in a area stay and continue to bounce off objects and each other until,in a few rounds, the is a cacaphony of crushing sonic damage. The louder the victim, the faster this happens.
269.Healing Blood: positive energetic blood harms vampires that consume it.
270. Timashiwara/One life one shot one hit one kill: Caster creates a magic missile and the longer he holds it, the more powerful/damaging it becomes.
271. Rampage: all animals in range gain Barbarian rage and attack targets designated by the caster.
272. Protection from Vacuum: survive in space...for awhile.
273. Decompression: Kill undersea creatures in a way they were not expecting (who needs fireball anyways)
274.Overland Wave: Create a wave of rolling earth that transports you and acts as a bull rush/overrun to objects in front of you. Easy to track though.
275.Pangs of Hunger: Enchanted creature must eat or suffer STR damage. 0 STR means it turns into a Ghoul.
279. Master of the City: Near Omnipotence within urban area. Treat city with Guards and Wards type abilities.
280. Big Brother: Summon a huge version of yourself; twice the strength, a third of the Intelligence.

Priscilla's pleasurable prophylactic- Why is it that male spellcasters never learn this cantrip?

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber
Dragonborn3 wrote:

256)Dodge Ball!

This spell causes a red ball about the size of a human head to appear in your hand. All attacks with the ball are ranged touch attacks. There is a 5 percent chance the ball bounces off it's target and returns to you(it is a free action to catch). The ball does 1d4 points of damage per caster level(maximum 10d4) and has a range of 20ft.

Dodge Wrench! - "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!"

281 - Lingering Pains: Damage dealt before the end of this spell cannot be magically healed.

282. Addiction: Target becomes addicted to drug of caster's choice.

283. Animate Spell: (swift action) Chosen spell effect (that affects an area and is instantaneous) gemains behind, gains semblance of intelligence.

284. Greater Phantasmal Killer: As phantasmal killer, but quasi-real shadow effect. Target doesn't get save to disbelief, and target's allies within 30 feet must make save or become panicked.

285. Geriatric Curse: Target immediately advances to venerable age.

286. Amnesia: Target loses all memory (also, all class abilities, spellcasting ability, skills and feats)

287. Curse of Hatred: target becomes unfriendly towards any former allies, friends and loved ones.

Liberty's Edge

Three spells created for an actual 2nd Edition campaign I ran many years ago:

288. Flaming Booger - caster picks nose, wipes snot on target, it burns.

289. Vomit Spray - cone of vomit nauseates targets and knocks opponents to the ground.

290. Cheetos - opponent becomes a pile of delicious cheesy snacks and may be eaten to restore hit points.

Spells created for a 3.0 game I ran several years ago:

291. Lesser and

292. Greater Planar Bartender - pretty much what you'd expect.

293 - DEVIOUS STAIRS - Stairs go "Scooby Doo" and any creature on them slides down as if they were greased.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

294 - Mental break - wisdom damage that can be lessened, delayed, or given contingencies by the caster. great for hostile negotiations.

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