Rav's Dragon Adventures


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Zarroshduvar, that was my idea! I won't let you take credit for it, though!

Female Bronze Dragon (Young) Druid 8
Raven34 wrote:

Aurion says "lets go and scout out the village tomorrow!

I want to explore Storm-haven today and also go flying outside!"

Elan says "That's a reasonable idea, the entrance is above the clouds so it is very unlikely that anybody will see where you have come from"

I will assume that people will rest for the night and then be off tomorrow, (as it is the weekend coming up in RL i may not be able to post again until Monday)
so does anybody want to do anything else on the first day of their life!

If everyone is agreed with going to the village then can you tell me how you would like to scout it. it is a village next to a river
with 50 or so homes and you can get within 300ft and still be in the trees.

You had me won at 'River'! ^_^ Some where to wash, swim and relax. Plus stretching ones wings in the wide open sky sounds simply bliss (^_^)

Shaya /Sherrenasaerenalia wrote:
You had me won at 'River'! ^_^ Some where to wash, swim and relax. Plus stretching ones wings in the wide open sky sounds simply bliss (^_^)

You know you do have a swim speed, right. maybe swimmimg in the river would be a good idea, he he.

Female Bronze Dragon (Young) Druid 8
Ungorralin wrote:
You know you do have a swim speed, right. maybe swimming in the river would be a good idea, he he.

Why, it does sound as if you have a fascination with my scales...(^_~)

Sherrenasaerenalia / Shaya wrote:
Ungorralin wrote:
You know you do have a swim speed, right. maybe swimming in the river would be a good idea, he he.
Why, it does sound as if you have a fascination with my scales...(^_~)

Well, your scales are a shiny bronze color, and they glisten quite nicely when immersed in the water, little droplets gleaming in the sunlight as you emerge from your swim, what's not to like ;-)

BTW, if i tried that, my scales would just turn green, he he.

Male Sliver Dragon Silver Dragon/Cleric lvl 8
Raven34 wrote:

Aurion says "lets go and scout out the village tomorrow!

I want to explore stormhaven today and also go flying outside!"

elan says "thats a reasonable idea, the entrance is above the clouds so it is very unlikley that anybody will see where you have come from"

OOC I will assume that people will rest for the night and then be off tomorrow, (as it is the weekend coming up in RL i may not be able to post again until monday)
so does anybody want to do anything else on the first day of their life!

if everyone is agreed with going to the village then can you tell me how you would like to scout it. it is a village next to a river
with 50 or so homes and you can get within 300ft and still be in the trees

"As a silver dragon, I can take any animal form and could turn myself into a bird to scout the village" suggests Herensuge. "Maybe Shaya can do the same."

ok I will assume that everybody rests for a day
and some of you go for a fly

you all investigate stormhaven and find it to be quite a large complex
you also have your own rooms, which have been done to your specs

so how do people want to investigate the village?

also Aurion asks if someone can memorize a mage armour for him

Ungorallin suggests, "since Shaya can swim, she shouild check the river out first, preferably in her elven form, none of us should be in dragon form, no need to alert our neighbors, yet. Herensuge, I like the bird idea, you can fly above the rest of us and point us in the right direction. What do you think?"

Female Bronze Dragon (Young) Druid 8
Ungorralin wrote:
Ungorallin suggests, "since Shaya can swim, she should check the river out first, preferably in her elven form, none of us should be in dragon form, no need to alert our neighbors, yet. Herensuge, I like the bird idea, you can fly above the rest of us and point us in the right direction. What do you think?"

Also Aurion asks if someone can memorize a mage armour for him

"Sadly, I can not, though Bark Skin is within my powers." She smiles as she offers what aid she can. At the mention of swimming, Shaya's eyes do seem to drift off for just a moment before coming back to reality.

"It is a normal town, is it not? I go with the suggestion of we all walking in as 'normal'." She indicates her current, Elven shape. "Though having one of us 'on the fringe' is a masterful idea as well." She acknowledges Herensuge's idea with a compliment.

M Gold Dragon Barbarian 8

"I second the bird idea," affirms Zarrosh, "but I am not sure about the river one. Shaya, can you really swim well in your elf form?"

"Once we have the place scoped out, we can walk in together and have Ungorr here *puts the little halfing in a headlock and knuckles his hair* asks some questions"

Ungorr laughs at the antics of Zarrosh, "Yeah, I will be my usual charming self, and they will tell us all we need to know."

if i bring various suggestions together
how about this,

you will all gate to a few miles away from the village, then move in to the woods (the closest you can get to the village without having to make stealth checks)
then heren will scout around in bird form, after that shaya may check out the river

you will all be in humainod form
(Heren and everyone else if you use a magical ability to shapechange into a bird (or any creature) then a true seeeing will show you as a humaniod or dragon, based on what shape you were before you took bird form)

Female Bronze Dragon (Young) Druid 8

I swear there's a conspiracy to get my character wet, slippy and probably nekkid....

Sounds like a good plan/compromise to me. ^_^

Shaya /Sherrenasaerenalia wrote:

I swear there's a conspiracy to get my character wet, slippy and probably nekkid....

Sounds like a good plan/compromise to me. ^_^

...said the dragon witha Swim speed, he he. Next time, pick one that has a burrow speed, you won't have the same problem, he he.

Female Bronze Dragon (Young) Druid 8
Ungorralin wrote:
...said the dragon with a Swim speed, he he. Next time, pick one that has a burrow speed, you won't have the same problem, he he.

(>.<) Eeeew! Sand and dirt in all the wrong...um...*>.>*...places...

Okay, lets get this adventure rolling! ^_^

Male Sliver Dragon Silver Dragon/Cleric lvl 8

Ready to go.

Before going, Herensuge casts magic vestment on his armor. When they get close to the village, he will cast sanctuary before changing into a raven for an aerial scouting.

M Young Brass dragon Conjurer 8

I added the familiar to my sheet.

Before leaving Gharz will consult with the others about wich spells to remember for the day

"I have spells that will let me turn one of you, or even our whole group at once invisible and another that will open a dimension door a short distance as well. For scouting I can conjure a magical sensor that lets me hear and see through it. If any of our scouts need to speak to the locals, I have spells that will let you understand and speak an language, I even have one that will make them look at us as friends or detect their thoughts.
Oh, and Nyrsildur here can turn himself invisible several times a day and can speak through telepathy"

"And sure Aurion, I can remember that spell for you. It is a minor one and won't cause me to skip any life saving spells."

For spells that could be of help I have invisibilty, invisibility sphere, dimension door, clairvoyance/clairaudiance, comprehend language, tongue, charm person and detect thoughts

Female Bronze Dragon (Young) Druid 8

Tongues is always good. There's always a chance of getting some weird dialect/race happening that being able to listen in on is going to be handy. Detect thoughts for a similar reason. Invisibility? Dimension door? Well, we shouldn't need to sneak about as a group, nor run away *huffs* We're Dragons. :P

M Gold Dragon Barbarian 8

Charm person and detect thoughts.

Shaya, we are trying to pretend to be weak humanoids, he he.

Zarr, since these are elves, most likely, they will be resistant to the charm spell, so I would stay away from it.

Other than that, sounds good to me

M Gold Dragon Barbarian 8

The End Village is populated by elves?

Zarroshduvar wrote:
The End Village is populated by elves?

I believe that is what Raven34 said. Is this correct?

ooc i dont think i mentioned what lived in the village

the following morning you are gated to a few miles from the village, you go to within a few hundred feet of it and wait in the woods,

Heren scouts the village from a few hundred feet up, there are some other birds arounds so he is not obvious

there are lots of wooden buildings
heren sees a lot of humans wandering around (they all seem unarmed)
he sees at least 10 armed ogres around the village
there are also two Oni guarding the entrance to the only stone building in the place, this building is in the centre of the town and is obviouly some kind of meeting place,

the village does have a wooden barricade that goes all the way around it

Heren you will need to go closer to find more out and at some stage i will send out a map to all of you

M Gold Dragon Barbarian 8

I say we grab a few inhabitants for questioning when the opportunity represents itself. Maybe we can wait by the river and approach someone when he gets water.

Male Sliver Dragon Silver Dragon/Cleric lvl 8
Raven34 wrote:

Heren you will need to go closer to find more out and at some stage i will send out a map to all of you

Heren moves in, alighting on a roof to check whether there is an easy place to scale the wall or to enter unseen. he also looks for patterns in the ogre movements so they can catch them one at a time.

stealth 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
perception 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (10) + 17 = 27

Ungorralin nods at the plan, saying "This village will probably be hostile to us. They may have slaves inside, so capturing one of them is a good idea."

He turns to Shaya, "What do you think?"

Female Bronze Dragon (Young) Druid 8

At hearing that there are Ogres and Oni loitering abut the place, Shaya looks thoughtful.

"Well, initially I think we can lure one or two of the Ogres off and take them out individually. Help shift the odds plus less risk of damage to actual people or property. The two Oni as guards? Guarding what or who I wonder..." She looks to Zarroshduvar, "The one spell I just thought of was 'Dimensional Anchor', to stop any powerful foe from jumping away and warning the White..." She sighs.

"Hind sight is always clearer than foresight." She glances at Ungorralin, "I know what you're thinking, just don't go there okay?" She says with an arched eyebrow.

Ungorralin looks at Shaya with a wide eyed look of innocence. "Why whatever do you mean? I have no intention of going there, at least not without some protection." He snickers to himself.

"Gharza, if you throw one of them invisibility spells on me, I should be able to sneak in pretty easily."

He thinks for a moment, and then says, "We could wait until nighttime to do this. Sure they can see in the dark, but our senses are superior to theirs."

He looks at the group, waiting for an answer.

you watch for 15 minutes
it looks like the humans are scared of the ogres, on occasion an ogre pushes one of the villagers around, the villagers are working and doing various things, the ogres just look like they are doing nothing!
the oni seem better disiplined

the ogres seem to have a base in a barn type structure near the stone building, you have seen at least 12 different ogres

do you want to wait longer (how long)

"And sure Aurion, I can remember that spell for you. It is a minor one and won't cause me to skip any life saving spells."

Aurion replies
"thank you brother"

M Gold Dragon Barbarian 8

"Let's wait till Heren gets back, then see if we can grab one of the villagers (maybe at the river?. If not, then I propose we figure out a way to take out the Oni first(sneak in at night?). Once we kill them, the ogres should be less of a problem."

Preferably we find more info on the stone structure + the barn before we act. Maybe there is a commander ogre in there?

Male Sliver Dragon Silver Dragon/Cleric lvl 8
Raven34 wrote:

you watch for 15 minutes

it looks like the humans are scared of the ogres, on occasion an ogre pushes one of the villagers around, the villagers are working and doing various things, the ogres just look like they are doing nothing!
the oni seem better disiplined

the ogres seem to have a base in a barn type structure near the stone building, you have seen at least 12 different ogres

do you want to wait longer (how long)

No, Herensuge will fly back discretely to the others to tell them about what he found.

Before going, he will fly over the village doors to see if there is an easy way in.

Before going, he will fly over the village doors to see if there is an easy way in.

which village doors?

Male Sliver Dragon Silver Dragon/Cleric lvl 8
Raven34 wrote:

Before going, he will fly over the village doors to see if there is an easy way in.

which village doors?

I thought there was a wooden barricade going around the village. There must be some doors or portals in it.

Herensuge wrote:
Raven34 wrote:

Before going, he will fly over the village doors to see if there is an easy way in.

which village doors?
I thought there was a wooden barricade going around the village. There must be some doors or portals in it.

There are two fairly large doors, they are open at the moment

Male Sliver Dragon Silver Dragon/Cleric lvl 8

Herensuge flies back to the woods and, turning back into human form, relates his discoveries.

"I have seen at least 12 ogres that seem to be loitering around in the village without much discipline. They are quartered in a wooden building close to the village center. Next to it, there is a stone building, maybe the village Hall, guarded by two Onis. These ones are much more disciplined."

"Your suggestion to attack at night could be a good one. Maybe we can also set fire to the wooden building to catch most of the ogres sleeping. Even if we don't kill all the ogres, it will be a good diversion."

Raven, is this wooden building far away from the other houses so that we do not burn the village by mistake ?

Ungorralin thinks for a moment, "I really want to know what is in that hall. I don't like going into this camp without knowing all the pieces on the board. What if this white dragon brother is staying there in humanoid form, much like we are?"

"I suggest we send in the scout, that's me, by the way, and I will check it out. Someone can shadow me and get me out of trouble, if necessary."

Female Bronze Dragon (Young) Druid 8

Shaya adjusts her pack and gear. Making sure everything that she owns and has picked up is secure and properly tucked away.

Closing her eyes she concentrates then with a shimmering of her form turns into a small robin. With a burr of wings she settles upon Ungorralin's shoulder.

"Chirp!' The little robin sings.

Ungorralin nods at the cute robin, Can robins actually sing and chirp at the same time? and gives a thumbs up signal to the rest of the group.

May Bahamut favor me in this, or at least not curse me too much, hope Shaya is going to bring me good luck...or is that a rabbit, he he.

He then slips into the underbrush and encircles the compound, looking for an unobserved spot to climb the wall. Preferably stone, as he has the Climb stone ability.

Stealth 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (15) + 19 = 34

M Young Brass dragon Conjurer 8

"Well, I do have a spell that will let us find out what is inside that hall without entering it. Seeing how you are already skilled in sneaking around Ungorallin, maybe i should accompany you invisible and together we can find out what is going on here? Only problem will be getting back, since once i cast my spell the invisibility will wear off."
"Of course Nyrs here will probably be to curious to stay away" he says glancing at Nyrsildur who try to look as innocent as possible

"Oh by no means, if you say i shouldn't go, i would never dare going anyway" he tiny dragon answers with an obvious lie.

I suggest Ungorralin sneaks in with Gharzarana and Nyrsildur, both invisible. When we are closer to the hall, Gharz can cast Clairvoyance/Clairaudience and we can find out what is what

"Gharz, hmmm, I have seen you move around, and you do make quite a racket. Plus, Invisibility doesn't mask any sounds, he he. Cast that spell and you will have some trouble getting out unobserved." Hearing an angry chirp in his ear, he reminds Gharz, "I have my good luck charm with me." That remark earns him a sharp peck to his earlobe.

"Ok, Ok I'll be good. Let me have a quick look around, if they capture me, they won't take a lone halfling too seriously. And you can always spring me out later, if necessary, he he."

Female Bronze Dragon (Young) Druid 8
Ungorralin wrote:
"Gharz, hmmm, I have seen you move around, and you do make quite a racket. Plus, Invisibility doesn't mask any sounds, he he. Cast that spell and you will have some trouble getting out unobserved." Hearing an angry chirp in his ear, he reminds Gharz, "I have my good luck charm with me."

Shaya stares at Ungorralin for a brief second...*Did he just compare me to a rabbit?! I'm a robin!*

Ungorralin wrote:
That remark earns him a sharp peck to his earlobe."Ok, Ok I'll be good. Let me have a quick look around, if they capture me, they won't take a lone halfling too seriously. And you can always spring me out later, if necessary, he he."

Shaya tries to give what she hopes in an encouraging chirp as the groups plans are set into motion.

Herensuge wrote:

Herensuge flies back to the woods and, turning back into human form, relates his discoveries.

"I have seen at least 12 ogres that seem to be loitering around in the village without much discipline. They are quartered in a wooden building close to the village center. Next to it, there is a stone building, maybe the village Hall, guarded by two Onis. These ones are much more disciplined."

"Your suggestion to attack at night could be a good one. Maybe we can also set fire to the wooden building to catch most of the ogres sleeping. Even if we don't kill all the ogres, it will be a good diversion."

Raven, is this wooden building far away from the other houses so that we do not burn the village by mistake ?

the wood in the village has been treated with some kind of substance which means that it does not easily catch fire, so other building are unlikely to catch alight if you set the ogre barn on fire basically i am giving the wood a resistance of 5 v fire, and the buildings are far enough apart for their to be little risk

Ungorr you are going to find it hard to sneak up on the hall
you have to climb over the wall and move past people,(without cover or concealment)

you could try when it is dark

(rolling a few perception checks)
heren notices that there are some small windows in the roof of the hall

( btw you have all been viewing the village for 30 minutes)

Ungorralin stops when he reaches the walls edge to the south of the hall. You hear a note odf disappointment in his voice as he says to Shaya, "There is too much activity for me to sneak in quietly. we;ll have to wait until dark. I did find a spot due south of the hall between 2 buildings, which would be ideal to sneak in from."

Ravn, are the walls stone or wood? Also is there a ledge at the top of the walls you can stand on?

"Shaya, please let the others know I'm gonna wait until nightfall, until then, may as well watch the east gates, see if anybody decides to take a swim."

Stealth, take 10 for 29 total.

M Gold Dragon Barbarian 8

"Heren, were they actively looking at the sky? If not, Aaron and I can try to fly in under the cover of darkness. The rest of you all have ways to sneak in (invisibility, bird form, stealth). We can rendezvous near the hall." Recommends Zarrosh. "I rather not split our meager force, that's all."

Both Aaron & I are small in dragon form, and if we fly in separately, we might be hard to spot to those who aren't actively watching. The other dragons can distract the few sentries to mask our infiltration?

heren, the sentries did not seem to be paying much attention to anything and seemed busy chatting with each other

Female Bronze Dragon (Young) Druid 8
Ungorralin wrote:
"Shaya, please let the others know I'm gonna wait until nightfall, until then, may as well watch the east gates, see if anybody decides to take a swim."

If a bird could frown, Shay would be doing so to Ungorralin.

*Go tell the others...., See if anybody takes a swim...* She thinks crossly to herself. *I swear all of a sudden I'm the magic animal message spell* She thinks crossly as she flits away with an annoyed tweet.

Coming back to the others she is just in time to hear their plans as she shifts back into her normal form.

Zarroshduvar wrote:
Heren, were they actively looking at the sky? If not, Aaron and I can try to fly in under the cover of darkness. The rest of you all have ways to sneak in (invisibility, bird form, stealth). We can rendezvous near the hall." Recommends Zarrosh. "I rather not split our meager force, that's all."

She shivers, sending a ripple along her scales as she stalks forwards into their meeting.

"Ungorralin is going to wait until nightfall, until then he's going to be watching the east gates." She informs her siblings. Tilting her head she adds, "I did also notice an alarm bell from the description. Some one should do their best to lessen that as a warning device. Maybe a silence sell centered on it? Or do we have any padding with which to mute the bells clapper?" She looks to Herensuge,

"I think the Ogres and Oni are just invaders, burning down innocent peoples homes isn't the cleverest of things to do." She huffs, obviously now in some sort of bad mood for some unfathomable reason.

M Young Brass dragon Conjurer 8

How suspicious would an Obscurring mist spell be at night time? It would help us sneak in more easily.

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