Confused by NPC hit points

Rules Questions

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

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Alright, so in the core rulebook, pg 454, under creating NPCs, it says "determine the character's total hit points by assuming the average result". OK, this was the standard in 3.5. But in the Bestiary, the difference between humanoids with an NPC class (like a goblin) have average hp, whereas ones with a PC class (like a hobgoblin) have max, as if they were a PC. This trend continues in adventures; I've only checked The Bastards of Erebus, but I would not be surprised to find it elsewhere. At least all NPCs with PC classes have max hp for their first level--I was concerned that higher level NPCs might get average. So, which should it be?

On a related note, do NPCs get the bonus hit point / skill point for their favored class? Can NPC classes be favored, or only PC ones?

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

NPCs get average hit points, and do not get max at first level. That’s for player characters. NPCs do get bonus hit/skill points for their favored class, no matter if it’s an NPC class or otherwise.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Adam Daigle wrote:
NPCs get average hit points, and do not get max at first level.

Except that they do in practice as often as they don't. Check Bestiary pg 261 for the svirfneblin, pg 263 for the tengu and pg 264 for the tiefling. The only PC class monster that doesn't, ironically, was my hobgoblin example. Bad choice.

And, like I said, all of the NPCs in "Bastards of Erebus" get this bonus. If they're not supposed to, that's great, and I can start changing things. Is this a problem with products released close to the 3.5 -> Pathfinder transition?

Dark Archive

NPCs get bonus HPs for favored class? Weird, I was pretty sure they didn't...

I am pretty sure I read someplace that NPCs that lack racial HD with levels in a PC class get maximum HP at first level (and then average after that) while NPCs with class levels only or racial HD get the average of all HD including the first one.

but all I could find on a quick scan of the bestiary was a quote that says something a bit different on page 292 (about the middle of the second column)

"Remember that PC class levels provide maximum number of hit points at 1st level"

Also page 6 of the Bestiary under Hp:

"Creatures with PC class levels receive maximum hit points for their first HD, but all other HD rolls are assumed to be average."

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Ooops. I got some wrong in there. Sorry about that. :)


FAQ item added about this.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
[FAQ item added about this.

So future AP's will take this into account or not ?

For example if I run a Rise of the Runelord PFRPG campaign do I have to set the Goblin Warchanter, one of the first encounter in this AP, from 7hp to 10hp ? (10hp = 1d8 max hp + 1 hp from favored + 1 hp from CON)

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
FAQ item added about this.

Thank you! That's been bugging me for a while. And now the Hobgoblin entry should be corrected to its proper 17 hit points. ;)


Loengrin wrote:
So future AP's will take this into account or not ?

This rule is now incorporated into our in-house stat block spreadsheet, so yes.

Loengrin wrote:
For example if I run a Rise of the Runelord PFRPG campaign do I have to set the Goblin Warchanter, one of the first encounter in this AP, from 7hp to 10hp ? (10hp = 1d8 max hp + 1 hp from favored + 1 hp from CON)

Assuming you want his favored class point in hp rather than skills, then if fully converting ROTR to PFRPG then you would want to make that change, yes.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Loengrin wrote:
So future AP's will take this into account or not ?

This rule is now incorporated into our in-house stat block spreadsheet, so yes.

Loengrin wrote:
For example if I run a Rise of the Runelord PFRPG campaign do I have to set the Goblin Warchanter, one of the first encounter in this AP, from 7hp to 10hp ? (10hp = 1d8 max hp + 1 hp from favored + 1 hp from CON)
Assuming you want his favored class point in hp rather than skills, then if fully converting ROTR to PFRPG then you would want to make that change, yes.

Ok, thank you for the answer, JJ Gob are so interesting my players love them, with this the "fear them somehow" will be more balanced :)

Jon Brazer Enterprises

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
FAQ item added about this.

Wow. This is most interesting. Noted for future reference.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
FAQ item added about this.

Updated the link. Hopefully.

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