Maezer |
Of the 3, which is the best over the span of levels 1-12 and why? Please provide builds (evolutions and feats) that you've found to be particularly successful...
Don't touch serpent with a 10' pole. It only gets 4 free evolution points, three of which aren't great.
So really you should be comparing Quadreped vs Biped.
Biped gets:
+2 strength
Good Will saves
Reach (with large size) from levels 6+
Quadreped gets:
+2 dex
Good Reflex Saves
Quad wins in terms of offensive potential. Biped can never catch up to the attacks lost do to pounce. And the ability to generate extra attacks via rakes.
That said I think the Biped is a good match. As I find will saves trump reflex saves. Reach is a great ability to get when you become large. And +2 strength tops +2 dex more often then not. And the second pair of legs the Quad is forced to get is not as useful as it can longer support weapons. Where as none of the free evolutions points are wasted on a biped.