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mmmmmm, coffee good post

*really glad doesn't have to wade through 300 posts post

Liberty's Edge

Get them to give you some grape gatorade... Mmmmm

check FB for another update.

Studpuffin wrote:
Get them to give you some grape gatorade... Mmmmm

lemon lime is better

Liberty's Edge

Woodraven wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Get them to give you some grape gatorade... Mmmmm
lemon lime is better

Not when you're in a hospital. Nothing picks you up better than to chug some grape down your gullet.

I might be getting myself into some trouble here. Well not here here.

The Exchange

Treppa wrote:
IM him. It's almost the same thing... right?

Funny thing about my customers, they don't like it when I ask to use their computers. ;)

The Exchange

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
I might be getting myself into some trouble here. Well not here here.

Lotsa luck widdat! :P

The Exchange

Gonna run for now. Take care.

Moorluck wrote:
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
I might be getting myself into some trouble here. Well not here here.
Lotsa luck widdat! :P


The trouble might come from this bit

Allo. Would have had a good day if not for the stomach flu thing. Instead spent the day in bed. Well, technically on the sofa. Almost caught up with this season of Big Love. Yes, I know it's drek. But much like Heroes I just can't stop watching. :)

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
I might be getting myself into some trouble here. Well not here here.

Yeah, I saw that. I don't know how Samnell can keep getting away with the trash he puts up on this website.

ghost post

Liberty's Edge

Mmmm, Chips Ahoy

Inquiring minds want to know ... LPM has a younger sister?

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
I might be getting myself into some trouble here. Well not here here.
Lotsa luck widdat! :P


The trouble might come from this bit

While I share your political viewpoint, I have to say swearing at someone on the boards is uncalled for. I haven't bothered reading on this stuff, but I don't think it is anything i haven't seen before.

Eric Swanson wrote:
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
I might be getting myself into some trouble here. Well not here here.
Lotsa luck widdat! :P


The trouble might come from this bit

While I share your political viewpoint, I have to say swearing at someone on the boards is uncalled for. I haven't bothered reading on this stuff, but I don't think it is anything i haven't seen before.

Same poster who referred to our military (including the WWII ones) as serial killers. Plus, it is a tactic to marginalize arguments made to say that racists use them. Further, it is not the first time this poster refered to people (specifically to pres man in the past) as being a bigot for disagreeing with him.

Personally, I see cursing someone as no more offensive than calling them bigots.

taking a break from homework

hey look a little birdy
~throws pebbles at studpuffin~

Liberty's Edge

Woodraven wrote:

taking a break from homework

hey look a little birdy
~throws pebbles at studpuffin~

I'm not really a Corvus Branchyrynchos, but I play one on the Paizo Messageboards.

Studpuffin wrote:
Woodraven wrote:

taking a break from homework

hey look a little birdy
~throws pebbles at studpuffin~

I'm not really a Corvus Branchyrynchos, but I play one on the Paizo Messageboards.

I would say it's like throwing hamburger at moorluck but the poor sap would dive through his computer to get at it. It's more like the blink monkey here

Studpuffin wrote:
Woodraven wrote:

taking a break from homework

hey look a little birdy
~throws pebbles at studpuffin~

I'm not really a Corvus Branchyrynchos, but I play one on the Paizo Messageboards.

I see your name and think of Fratercula arctica actually

Liberty's Edge

Woodraven wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Woodraven wrote:

taking a break from homework

hey look a little birdy
~throws pebbles at studpuffin~

I'm not really a Corvus Branchyrynchos, but I play one on the Paizo Messageboards.
I would say it's like throwing hamburger at moorluck but the poor sap would dive through his computer to get at it. It's more like the blink monkey here



...Excuse me, I mean <coughs> uh...


Liberty's Edge

Woodraven wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Woodraven wrote:

taking a break from homework

hey look a little birdy
~throws pebbles at studpuffin~

I'm not really a Corvus Branchyrynchos, but I play one on the Paizo Messageboards.
I see your name and think of Fratercula arctica actually

You can blame Treppa on this one. I let her pick my SN a couple years ago and I've stuck with it ever since.

Of course, I guess I cannot blame her for migrating said SN to other websites. It was originally my WotC board SN with a rooster avatar. There are just no good Puffin avatars and penguins don't strike my fancy.

Guh, evening FAWTLies! What a day, battling the gremlins of bureaucracy! Man census and taxes all in one day!


Liberty's Edge

Patrick Curtin wrote:

Guh, evening FAWTLies! What a day, battling the gremlins of bureaucracy! Man census and taxes all in one day!


What's a "Man census"?

Studpuffin wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Guh, evening FAWTLies! What a day, battling the gremlins of bureaucracy! Man census and taxes all in one day!


What's a "Man census"?

Insert missing comma twixt the 'Man' and the 'census'

Liberty's Edge

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Guh, evening FAWTLies! What a day, battling the gremlins of bureaucracy! Man census and taxes all in one day!


What's a "Man census"?
Insert missing comma twixt the 'Man' and the 'census'

Gotcha! ;)

*recommends all to the "'Let's eat Grandma!' or 'Let's eat, Grandma!" grammar group on Facebook*

Oxford comma, wooooooooooo!

Damn, Thing, you're playing in the big leagues now! Lortsa luck with that. Arguing politics on this site is about as productive as debating the merits of Pathfinder vs. 4E. You get awful heated, but in the end nothing changes ...

Liberty's Edge

I miss the playtest. The arguments all got locked up in there and didn't spill out into general areas... sigh.

The Exchange

Urizen wrote:
Inquiring minds want to know ... LPM has a younger sister?

No he has only older brothers. He does however have neices and nephews, as he is not the only one of that brood that reproduced. ;)

Hi guys. :)

Solnes wrote:
Hi guys. :)

Hi. :)

The Exchange

Sooooooo friggin tired, but I know if I go to sleep now I'll just be up at 3 and be dead on my feet tomorrow.

Moorluck wrote:
Sooooooo friggin tired, but I know if I go to sleep now I'll just be up at 3 and be dead on my feet tomorrow.

We will watch TV and rest soon baby. :)

This is something you ladies do not want to have.

A laparotomic myomectomy (also known as an open or abdominal myomectomy) is the most invasive surgical procedure to remove fibroids. The physician makes an incision in the abdominal wall and removes the fibroid from the uterus.

Hey Moorluck&Solnes!


Solnes wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Sooooooo friggin tired, but I know if I go to sleep now I'll just be up at 3 and be dead on my feet tomorrow.
We will watch TV and rest soon baby. :)

Nah! Moorluck will just start playing Fallout 3. ~grins and runs~

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:

Same poster who referred to our military (including the WWII ones) as serial killers. Plus, it is a tactic to marginalize arguments made to say that racists use them. Further, it is not the first time this poster refered to people (specifically to pres man in the past) as being a bigot for disagreeing with him.

Personally, I see cursing someone as no more offensive than calling them bigots.

Perhaps not, but you bring yourself down to their level and really accomplish nothing in the debate. You got to develop more of a thick skin and realize that none of us are worth putting you into such position because we have no weighing factor as to your daily RL.

And believe me, I swear as bad as a sailor and sometimes slip up when there's children or easily-offended folks around and I make sure I apologize for it. If you want to really throw something at them, watch Patrick....that is when he's in the mood to toss his metaphors around.

Moorluck wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Inquiring minds want to know ... LPM has a younger sister?
No he has only older brothers. He does however have neices and nephews, as he is not the only one of that brood that reproduced. ;)

You're the runt? Heh.

Eric Swanson wrote:

This is something you ladies do not want to have.

A laparotomic myomectomy (also known as an open or abdominal myomectomy) is the most invasive surgical procedure to remove fibroids. The physician makes an incision in the abdominal wall and removes the fibroid from the uterus.

Ugh...but at least she came out ok. Am curious though -- does this lead to infertility issues in case you may be wanting children?

Urizen wrote:
Eric Swanson wrote:

This is something you ladies do not want to have.

A laparotomic myomectomy (also known as an open or abdominal myomectomy) is the most invasive surgical procedure to remove fibroids. The physician makes an incision in the abdominal wall and removes the fibroid from the uterus.

Ugh...but at least she came out ok. Am curious though -- does this lead to infertility issues in case you may be wanting children?

It can be, I need to check further with her doctor though. We decided not to have children though anyway, as she works in daycare, he he.

Scarab Sages

Treppa wrote:

*recommends all to the "'Let's eat Grandma!' or 'Let's eat, Grandma!" grammar group on Facebook*

Oxford comma, wooooooooooo!


You're too late.

I hate this. I really hate this. :(

The kidlet has some real issues with controlling his body and as a result I frequently get beat upon, these attacks often coming in the form of 'hugs'. Tonight was exceptionally bad so as a punishment I had to restrict him from being able to hug me. There were many tears and I end up feeling like the bad guy. :(

Moorluck wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Inquiring minds want to know ... LPM has a younger sister?
No he has only older brothers. He does however have neices and nephews, as he is not the only one of that brood that reproduced. ;)

wait they let you reproduce

follows Sharoth's lead heads for the hills

RPG Superstar 2012

lynora wrote:
Allo. Would have had a good day if not for the stomach flu thing. Instead spent the day in bed. Well, technically on the sofa. Almost caught up with this season of Big Love. Yes, I know it's drek. But much like Heroes I just can't stop watching. :)

Sorry about the stomach bug. No fun.

Heh. You watch Heroes, even though it jumped, pummeled, filleted, and sold the meat of the shark? Um, yeah, I still watch it too. :)

taig wrote:
lynora wrote:
Allo. Would have had a good day if not for the stomach flu thing. Instead spent the day in bed. Well, technically on the sofa. Almost caught up with this season of Big Love. Yes, I know it's drek. But much like Heroes I just can't stop watching. :)

Sorry about the stomach bug. No fun.

Heh. You watch Heroes, even though it jumped, pummeled, filleted, and sold the meat of the shark? Um, yeah, I still watch it too. :)

Yeah. I can't remember how many times I've said that I was going to stop watching Heroes. And yet I haven't missed an episode yet...A glutton for punishment I guess. :)

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

lynora wrote:

I hate this. I really hate this. :(

The kidlet has some real issues with controlling his body and as a result I frequently get beat upon, these attacks often coming in the form of 'hugs'. Tonight was exceptionally bad so as a punishment I had to restrict him from being able to hug me. There were many tears and I end up feeling like the bad guy. :(


That's really sad news, Lynora. I hope he can get better control so you aren't forced to do that a lot in the future. I imagine it's tough to be firm with him, especially about that, but he has to learn boundaries somehow. Ugh.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Studpuffin wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Guh, evening FAWTLies! What a day, battling the gremlins of bureaucracy! Man census and taxes all in one day!


What's a "Man census"?

It's raining men...

RPG Superstar 2012

Top of the page!!!

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