Anybody's game waiting for 'What lies in Dust'?

Council of Thieves

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

My group is halfway through the last part of The Sixfold Trial and could potentially finish it this saturday.

Depending on how far they get, we were going to play a shortened game the 31st after some of the parents take there kids out for halloween. If they finish this week, we might just take a break, but I still don't think that will be enough because part 3 is slated for at least mid-nov, correct?

Just curious as to where some of the other groups are at.

Scarab Sages

While I still love Paizo adventures, their shipping schedule has been pretty poor for a long time now. I won't run an adventure path until I have at least 4 issues in my hands, preferably all 6.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

agarrett wrote:
While I still love Paizo adventures, their shipping schedule has been pretty poor for a long time now. I won't run an adventure path until I have at least 4 issues in my hands, preferably all 6.

We're hoping to get that schedule back on a monthly routine by November or maybe December.

The messed-up schedule is pretty much 80% caused by us working for a few months instead on building the Pathfinder RPG and Bestiary, 10% by Gen Con, and 10% caused by us moving offices.

Yeah, and to be honest, long time now is a bit much. It's literally been running up to PFRPG. Second Darkness and Legacy of Fire where pretty okay I think, the last time slips I remember before this set where maybe a week or two gaps, not bad in the grand scheme of things, though I agree that I prefer to be a bit into the AP's release before running it.

I never start an AP until I've read all the parts.

DMR wrote:

I never start an AP until I've read all the parts.

How many APs have you started?

DMR wrote:
I never start an AP until I've read all the parts.

Exactly the same here.

Scarab Sages

I waited a while, but started before the second book came out. I started Sept 21st. We only play 4 hours a session (monday nights), so it is taking longer than the weekend APs. One week two of the characters were out with the flu. I'm also a new DM and run the game a little slow.

So I'm not having a problem with the delay, but I would like to read ahead more.

Grand Lodge

Deidre Tiriel wrote:

I waited a while, but started before the second book came out. I started Sept 21st. We only play 4 hours a session (monday nights), so it is taking longer than the weekend APs. One week two of the characters were out with the flu. I'm also a new DM and run the game a little slow.

So I'm not having a problem with the delay, but I would like to read ahead more.

Starting mine on the 1st but im feeling a little cautious as one of my players has suggested an interest in playing a hell knight. With the PRC mentioned as being present in What Lies in Dust and it being 15 levels! im a bit worried about starting it with a character who may not meet the pre-requisites.

Quijenoth wrote:
Deidre Tiriel wrote:

I waited a while, but started before the second book came out. I started Sept 21st. We only play 4 hours a session (monday nights), so it is taking longer than the weekend APs. One week two of the characters were out with the flu. I'm also a new DM and run the game a little slow.

So I'm not having a problem with the delay, but I would like to read ahead more.

Starting mine on the 1st but im feeling a little cautious as one of my players has suggested an interest in playing a hell knight. With the PRC mentioned as being present in What Lies in Dust and it being 15 levels! im a bit worried about starting it with a character who may not meet the pre-requisites.

The prerequisites for the Hellknight PrC is listed in the CoT Players' Guide, page 7 in the sidebar: BAB +5, proficiency with heavy armor and all martial weapons, any lawful alignment and a "special ceremony" to be revealed in Pathfinder #27.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Quijenoth wrote:
Deidre Tiriel wrote:

I waited a while, but started before the second book came out. I started Sept 21st. We only play 4 hours a session (monday nights), so it is taking longer than the weekend APs. One week two of the characters were out with the flu. I'm also a new DM and run the game a little slow.

So I'm not having a problem with the delay, but I would like to read ahead more.

Starting mine on the 1st but im feeling a little cautious as one of my players has suggested an interest in playing a hell knight. With the PRC mentioned as being present in What Lies in Dust and it being 15 levels! im a bit worried about starting it with a character who may not meet the pre-requisites.

Also... assuming you give out XP at the medium rate, PCs won't be hitting 5th level until after they finish the 2nd adventure and are starting the 3rd so they should be ready at that time for the prestige class, and said prestige class should be ready for them!

doppelganger wrote:
DMR wrote:

I never start an AP until I've read all the parts.

How many APs have you started?

I've started 3, but finished none (so far). I'm still running an Age of Worms campaign, which I started just after the last part came out (3 years ago??) My group is slow...

Grand Lodge

Turin the Mad wrote:
The prerequisites for the Hellknight PrC is listed in the CoT Players' Guide, page 7 in the sidebar: BAB +5, proficiency with heavy armor and all martial weapons, any lawful alignment and a "special ceremony" to be revealed in Pathfinder #27.

Thanks for pointing them out I must have missed those.

I have finished Age of Worms up to the wormcrawl fissure, where we ended the path.

I have finished Savage tide.

We are about to finish Rise of the Runelords.

Legacy of fire is next.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I've started RotRL right after the last issue, and it's still ongoing. I also always wait for the entire AP, just to have a full clear picture of how the events unfold.

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