Starting gold for new classes

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Lantern Lodge

In Pathfinder Society, how much gold does a Summoner or Cavalier begin play with?

I don't know how they will have when they are finished and published. But you could simply give the Cavalier the starting gold of a Fighter or Paladin and the Summoner could get the Wizard or Druid. As far as the other new classes I would break it down like that.

Hope this helped.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Erich L wrote:
In Pathfinder Society, how much gold does a Summoner or Cavalier begin play with?

In Pathfinder SOCIETY, all characters start with the same amount of gold (150gp, I believe). In PFRPG in general, though, I have no idea.

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