
Terrible Swift Sword's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Hello all. I am very interested, but I am a noob at PBP. I have created both a LPF account, but not a character yet, along with an Enworld account. Both under the same tag.

I have several books from PF and almost every DnD 3.5 at my disposal.

I am currently thinking of playing an Inquisitor and would like to hear some opinions of the best build options. Was also thinking of ranged combat. In fact i am really wanting to play a ranged character that is not a Ranger or Fighter. Thank you for any advice.

Where is the description for firearms in the Pathfinder campaign setting? I have looked for a couple of days only to find the Gunslinger feat. A little help please.

Thanks for the info guys. I got it now.

I have never made a cleric and need a small clarification on the spells. If you read the Wisdom stat description in the front of the core rulebook, it says clerics receive bonus spells based on their Wisdom. But when you read the cleric spell description it says nothing about bonus spells. So my question is this: Is the bonus from Wisdom for spells per day or something else considering the script clearly says the cleric has access to all cleric spells for his level.

Anyone know if Paizo or someone has made a quick reference sheet for Pathfinder settings. Something with a little bit of everything, some combat, spell, movement and weapon hardness. Things such as that. Thanks.

Love the whole thing about when they die they shoot acid onto you...reminds me of the Alien movies. Which I loved. You got my vote. Also I would like to see what they do to gems and such, yea I know they are not technically glass but not only are they after your potions, but your loot as well. Great good.

I don't know how they will have when they are finished and published. But you could simply give the Cavalier the starting gold of a Fighter or Paladin and the Summoner could get the Wizard or Druid. As far as the other new classes I would break it down like that.

Hope this helped.

Sorry if anyone posted this already, alot of reading. But you could break the group down into two groups and playtest seperately, so your not so overwhelmed with work. This will also give you insight into what each player wants and give you more one on one time, if needed, to teach. Then once everyone is comfortable with the rules and playing, combine the groups and get the main story going. You can even say that the teaching sessions are part of their background and so on.

Something else you can do after the PC's are comfortable with the game is place time limits on players turns, decision making only. I had a game where there were like 13 people. Everyone got 15 seconds to announce what they are doing. The reason for this method was because there are way to many people to sit and think about what you are doingon your turn. Think about it before its your turn and several alternatives for when it is your turn. Its agreat practice and has saved tonsof time. As far as the method to keep time, its up to the GM you could guess about how long its been or simply look at your watch.

I hope some of this helped. I know large groups and new people can be a pain, but its managable and can be rewarding.

Thanks for the reply and youdidn't scuttle a sell Iam aboutto break down and purchase the PDF at its current price. I just wanted to know if there was any info of a sell coming soon. Just hope the PrC's are not the same ones from the Core.

Does anyone know if there will be a PDF format of this available at a "special" price. I am very interested in learning more about this setting but the current PDF price is a little much. Other than that I have the Core and Beastiary,two books I can't stop reading.