nidho |
This wondrous item seems like faerie fire in a can, I'd say dispel magic could deal with it.
If you want to consider it sparkling physical dust deposited over a creature then take a bath as William said or a minute's worth of applications of prestidigitation can wipe clean two 5 feet cubes, enough for a mediun creature to fit in.
harmor |
What about a Create Water to wash off the dust?
From the description of Dust of Disappearance I'm not sure it counters.
Aura moderate illusion; CL 7th
Slot —; Price 3,500 gp; Weight —
This dust looks like dust of appearance and is typically stored in the same manner. A creature or object touched by it becomes invisible (as greater invisibility). Normal vision can't see dusted creatures or objects, nor can they be detected by magical means, including see invisibility or invisibility purge. Dust of appearance, however, does reveal people and objects made invisible by dust of disappearance. Other factors, such as sound and smell, also allow possible detection. The greater invisibility bestowed by the dust lasts for 2d6 rounds. The invisible creature doesn't know when the duration will end.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, greater invisibility; Cost 1,750 gp
Also it seems like a very costly counter if it did work...
1-cubic foot per round with Prestidigitation is not something to do in combat.