Does Toughness no longer stack with itself?

Rules Questions

Subject says it all.

I had a player come up to me with a damage sponge character for our 8th level game - Human fighter who took Toughness for every non-fighter Bonus feat. On top of an adjusted 22 CON.

He came out with ~140 HP total using the 'full HD at 1st, half+1 therafter' method.

In 3.5, Toughness only gave a flat +3 and it explicitly stated it stacked.

In Pathfinder it effectively gives +1 HP per hit die, and it no longer explicitly states that it stacks.

So, does it stack? (I confess that spending 5 feats for 40 hit points seems like a silly idea. I'm not sure it's unbalanced...)

Dark Archive

AdAstraGames wrote:

Subject says it all.

I had a player come up to me with a damage sponge character for our 8th level game - Human fighter who took Toughness for every non-fighter Bonus feat. On top of an adjusted 22 CON.

He came out with ~140 HP total using the 'full HD at 1st, half+1 therafter' method.

In 3.5, Toughness only gave a flat +3 and it explicitly stated it stacked.

In Pathfinder it effectively gives +1 HP per hit die, and it no longer explicitly states that it stacks.

So, does it stack? (I confess that spending 5 feats for 40 hit points seems like a silly idea. I'm not sure it's unbalanced...)

Dark Archive

Chris Ballard wrote:
AdAstraGames wrote:

Subject says it all.

I had a player come up to me with a damage sponge character for our 8th level game - Human fighter who took Toughness for every non-fighter Bonus feat. On top of an adjusted 22 CON.

He came out with ~140 HP total using the 'full HD at 1st, half+1 therafter' method.

In 3.5, Toughness only gave a flat +3 and it explicitly stated it stacked.

In Pathfinder it effectively gives +1 HP per hit die, and it no longer explicitly states that it stacks.

So, does it stack? (I confess that spending 5 feats for 40 hit points seems like a silly idea. I'm not sure it's unbalanced...)

It can only be taken once.

Well, technically, you can take the feat as often as you want. However, its effects do not stack, so you would only gain its benefit once. Unless a feat explicitly says that its benefits can be applied more than once, they cannot.

Scarab Sages

Mauril wrote:
Well, technically, you can take the feat as often as you want. However, its effects do not stack, so you would only gain its benefit once. Unless a feat explicitly says that its benefits can be applied more than once, they cannot.

This is a bit incorrect. Technically, you can only take a feat once unless it says otherwise. In the case of Toughness, it's once only now. The end result at 20th level is as if you had taken it 6-7 times in 3.5, so it still is a pretty nice feat.

Feat Descriptions sub-section Benefit wrote:
Benefit: What the feat enables the character (“you” in the feat description) to do. If a character has the same feat more than once, its benefits do not stack unless indicated otherwise in the description.

Emphasis mine. You can take a feat more than once, but unless it states otherwise, the benefits do not stack and is therefore likely a waste of a feat slot.

Scarab Sages

Hmm. I *could* argue that the clause you stated is meant for classes/prestige classes that give bonus feats as part of their progression, and that the special text in many feats that says "Special: You can gain 'x feat' multiple times. Its effects stack." seems to indicate that you otherwise cannot take a feat multiple times... but I will agree that the wording is a bit confusing.

In any case, even if you are allowed to take feats multiple times that provide no benefit, I cannot see any reason why you would want to.

In fact unless the feat says you can take it multiple times, you cannot. For example spell focus, which each time you must choose a different school of magic.

@The OP: 3.0/3.5 version of Toughness gave you +3 hit points. Period.

Now it gives you +1 hit point per hit die, no limit. If you could take it multiple times it would be absolutely insane, and obnoxious.

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