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Hey guys I had a sudden brainwave regarding the second adventure in the Curse of the Crimson Throne.
Anyone see any major issues with this kind of change?
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Out of curiosity what do your new Physician and Grey Maiden stats look like? Also what classes are your PCs running?
Let's see...
Kei CN female human binder (Tome of Magic) devoted to the Old Cults
Trig N male gnome sorcerer con man
Rogar N male dwarf cleric of Abadar, brother of Kazmuk
Kazmuk NE male dwarf alchemist, brother of Rogar
Mirra LE female rakshasa-blood tiefling deathmaster (Dragon Compendium I) devoted to Zura
Need to rebuild my NPCs tonight with the upgraded info, but I'll see about posting them when I'm done.
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1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Gray Maidens CR 2
LE Medium humanoid (Chelaxian)
Init +1; Senses Perception -1
AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20; (+8 armor, +1 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 25 (3d10+9)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +2
Spd 20 ft. (base 30 ft.)
Melee mwk longsword +7 (1d8+2)
Ranged mwk composite longbow +5 (1d8+2/x3)
Special Attacks cavalier’s charge, challenge 1/day (+3 damage, +1 dodge bonus to AC), lion’s call (+2 on saves vs. fear, +1 on attacks)
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 15
Base Atk +3; CMB +5, CMD 16
Feats Dazzling Display, Iron WillB, Quick Draw, Weapon Focus (longsword)B
Skills Acrobatics -3, Climb +1, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge (nobility) +6 (+1 involving Queen Ileosa), Ride +6
Languages Taldane
SQ mount, order of the lion, tactician 1/day
Gear mwk half-plate, mwk heavy steel shield, mwk longsword, mwk composite longbow [Str +2], arrows (20)
Gray Maiden’s Steeds CR —
N Large animal
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
AC 15, touch 9, flat-footed 15; (+6 natural, -1 size)
hp 19 (3d8+6)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +4
Defensive Abilities evasion
Spd 50 ft.
Melee bite +5 (1d4+3), 2 hooves +0 (1d6+1)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis12, Cha 6
Base Atk +2; CMB +5, CMD 16
Feats Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Light Armor Proficiency
Skills Intimidate +3, Perception +5
SQ link
Queen’s Physicians CR 2
NE Medium humanoid (Chelaxian)
Init +6; Senses Perception +6
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10; (+2 Dex)
hp 16 (3d8+3)
Fort +4 (+2 against poison), Ref +5, Will +1
Spd 30 ft.
Melee mwk wand of misery +5 (1d6+2)
Special Attacks bomb 5/day (+4 ranged touch, 2d6+2 fire, DC 13)
Extracts Prepared (CL 3rd)
1st—cure light wounds, expeditious retreat, shield, true strike
Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +4, CMD 16
Feats Brew PotionB, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Throw AnythingB
Skills Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Heal +6, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Perception +6, Sense Motive +3, Stealth +5
Languages Infernal, Taldane, Varisian
SQ discovery (precise bomb), mutagen, poison use, swift alchemy
Gear leather armor, mwk wand of misery, plaguebringer’s mask, doctor’s outfit, healer’s kit, surgeon’s tools
Formula Extracts prepared, plus detect undead and disguise self
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As to the first question, in Pathfinder any creature of a standard race (Human, Elf, Gnome, Dwarf, Half-Elf, Half-Orc or Halfling) with class levels has a CR of Class level -1.
They are still CR 2 creatures under path finder rules. It appears they are missing a feat I would recommend Point-Blank Shot, or Weapon Focus (Bomb)
ARosey |
As to the first question, in Pathfinder any creature of a standard race (Human, Elf, Gnome, Dwarf, Half-Elf, Half-Orc or Halfling) with class levels has a CR of Class level -1.
They are still CR 2 creatures under path finder rules. It appears they are missing a feat I would recommend Point-Blank Shot, or Weapon Focus (Bomb)
Oh man, I must've missed that when I've been calculating CRs for XP awards for my CotCT campaign, with converted characters. I don't think my players would complain too much about my error, but surprisingly enough, it's going to work out well that my party will just be hitting 4th level when we finish with EoA and move on to 7DttG.
Thanks for the clear-up!
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![Cannon Golem](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/7_GolemCannon.jpg)
Do you mind if I post your work up with some of mine? I'm doing a big conversion of CotCT from 3.5e to PF final and I was considering posting it up on the forums.
Ooh, please do post that. I have players returning to CotCT in a month or two and would love to see what others have done to Pathfinderize the campaign.
Ice Titan |
I'd love that, too, it'd save me a ton of work in the coming months.
http://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/bestiary/fan-conversions/paizo-a dventure-paths/pf-07-edge-of-anarchy
I put them up on the PFSRD. The only one I'm missing is Trinia, because I only upgraded the stats of hers that matter for her scene. :P I'm going to put up the Seven Days to the Grave conversions soon, and if you look around on the forums a good person's put up their conversions for Escape from Old Korvosa. Someone else did a Skeletons of Scarwall conversion that I was able to get from them, but I'm not sure they would appreciate it being up on the PFSRD. :P The only ones that are missing are History of Ashes and Crown of Fangs at this point.
Note that some of my conversions could be considered hard mode for the average party. I'm used to playing with smart and well-balanced players, and I converted the module with them in mind. If your party is really used to running a Sorceror Sorceror Rogue Rogue Monk Bard party, then these conversions probably need to be toned down for you-- weapon focuses need to be ignored, weapon specializations crossed out and power attacks never used.
magnuskn |
![Alurad Sorizan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Elminster.jpg)
magnuskn wrote:I'd love that, too, it'd save me a ton of work in the coming months.http://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/bestiary/fan-conversions/paizo-a dventure-paths/pf-07-edge-of-anarchyA
I put them up on the PFSRD. The only one I'm missing is Trinia, because I only upgraded the stats of hers that matter for her scene. :P I'm going to put up the Seven Days to the Grave conversions soon, and if you look around on the forums a good person's put up their conversions for Escape from Old Korvosa. Someone else did a Skeletons of Scarwall conversion that I was able to get from them, but I'm not sure they would appreciate it being up on the PFSRD. :P The only ones that are missing are History of Ashes and Crown of Fangs at this point.
Note that some of my conversions could be considered hard mode for the average party. I'm used to playing with smart and well-balanced players, and I converted the module with them in mind. If your party is really used to running a Sorceror Sorceror Rogue Rogue Monk Bard party, then these conversions probably need to be toned down for you-- weapon focuses need to be ignored, weapon specializations crossed out and power attacks never used.
Thanks. :) I don't think my group will have too much trouble adjusting to a "hard mode". They are veteran players and got a pretty good set-up this time.
A Wizard / Sorcerer / Rogue / Paladin / Inquisitor combo should be able to take on a lot. :p
Today they only managed the last random encounter ( the battle against the imps, which took some time ) and set up a trap for the four henchmen of Verik. But that this took so long was due to the Rogue going solo on a failed infiltration of the butchery. Well, he ate an arrow from Verik for his troubles. ^^
I managed to put Jolistina into the adventure, as the lightly touched elven maid who had to be brought back by the Wizard to the elven enclave, after she was caught wandering the streets with a torch during the riots, singing to herself. Should be more interesting when they encounter her later on again. :p
magnuskn |
![Alurad Sorizan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Elminster.jpg)
Some addendums:
I already did conversions for Edge of Anarchy before seeing yours, so mine are of course a bit different. I am adjusting some of them a bit up, because I had missed that a humanoid with class levels counts as one CR lower than a monster. Also mine include a +5 for the attribute point buy, since I gave my players 20 points instead of 15, so turnabout is fair play. ^^
One thing I noticed was that you haven't included favoured class bonus for the NPCs with class levels. My players put theirs normally into skills, but for the NPCs getting an additional hitpoint per level is better, IMO.
Ice Titan |
One thing I noticed was that you haven't included favoured class bonus for the NPCs with class levels. My players put theirs normally into skills, but for the NPCs getting an additional hitpoint per level is better, IMO.
Argh, dang. I knew I was forgetting something somewhere along the line.
My player's haven't started yet and we'll be starting up on Tuesday. Bard/Monk/Cleric/Witch/Inquisitor for me. The Witch is going Eldritch Knight... should be funny.
magnuskn |
![Alurad Sorizan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Elminster.jpg)
magnuskn wrote:
One thing I noticed was that you haven't included favoured class bonus for the NPCs with class levels. My players put theirs normally into skills, but for the NPCs getting an additional hitpoint per level is better, IMO.
Argh, dang. I knew I was forgetting something somewhere along the line.
My player's haven't started yet and we'll be starting up on Tuesday. Bard/Monk/Cleric/Witch/Inquisitor for me. The Witch is going Eldritch Knight... should be funny.
Wow, they sound much more ecletic than mine, which has all four corners covered, with the divine being divided between the Paladin and Inquisitor. Although yours has the best group buffing class with the bard, so that evens out a lot. :)
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I should probably mention, I just finished 7D2TG and using the above statistics for Queen's Physicians and Grey Maidens, and Pathfinderized stats for the boss characters (Dr Davaulus, Rolth, Lady Andaisin and the Nosferatu).
Fun was had by all, they managed it in one run-through (no rest) spanning about 3, 3 hour sessions. It was a close thing a couple of times, but ultimately they were victorious.
Ice Titan |
I should probably mention, I just finished 7D2TG and using the above statistics for Queen's Physicians and Grey Maidens, and Pathfinderized stats for the boss characters (Dr Davaulus, Rolth, Lady Andaisin and the Nosferatu).
Fun was had by all, they managed it in one run-through (no rest) spanning about 3, 3 hour sessions. It was a close thing a couple of times, but ultimately they were victorious.
Nice. I ran the first three parts of EoA today and some of my villains were a bit stronger than I expected.
For instance.... Giggles knocked the Inquisitor unconcious before he went down due to bad dice luck.
Verik Vancaskerkin came down to see what was going on, saw the party fighting the Cow Hammer Boys and then shot the inquisitor immediately for 12 damage, dropping him unconcious from full health.
On the other hand, when I ran the fight versus the Otyugh, the PCs were second level. Here's a run down:
Witch evil eyes the otyugh.
Witch sleeps the otyugh.
Hellknight coup-de-graced it while the PCs argued over who did the most damage when critting.
It hurt a hellknight. :(
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On the other hand, when I ran the fight versus the Otyugh, the PCs were second level. Here's a run down:
Witch evil eyes the otyugh.
Witch sleeps the otyugh.
Hellknight coup-de-graced it while the PCs argued over who did the most damage when critting.It hurt a hellknight. :(
At second level my ranger critted an Otyugh with a saw-tooth sabre and then drew *severed spine*, Otty never stood a chance.
magnuskn |
![Alurad Sorizan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Elminster.jpg)
Oh, I am going to have so much fun rebuilding Doctor Davaulus as a level 10 Alchemist. :p Boom! BOOM! AhahahaHAHA!
And I just noticed something peculiar in the Queen's Physicians write-up. What exactly is a "Wand of Misery"?
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Oh, I am going to have so much fun rebuilding Doctor Davaulus as a level 10 Alchemist. :p Boom! BOOM! AhahahaHAHA!
And I just noticed something peculiar in the Queen's Physicians write-up. What exactly is a "Wand of Misery"?
I forgot where I saw it, but I think they are Wands of Inflict Moderate Wounds, or Inflict Light Wounds?
I might be misremembering.
I focused Doctor D more on his poisoning than his bombery, he used a bomb to explode the elevator (meaning no easy escape for my PCs bwahahaha), but for the most part stabbed folks with poison.
magnuskn |
![Alurad Sorizan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Elminster.jpg)
magnuskn wrote:Oh, I am going to have so much fun rebuilding Doctor Davaulus as a level 10 Alchemist. :p Boom! BOOM! AhahahaHAHA!
And I just noticed something peculiar in the Queen's Physicians write-up. What exactly is a "Wand of Misery"?
I forgot where I saw it, but I think they are Wands of Inflict Moderate Wounds, or Inflict Light Wounds?
I might be misremembering.
Hm, shouldn't be, because Inflict Light Wounds ain't on the Alchemist spell list. Also, for some reason they are "Masterwork". Maybe Lamashan could clarify what s/he intended with them?
I focused Doctor D more on his poisoning than his bombery, he used a bomb to explode the elevator (meaning no easy escape for my PCs bwahahaha), but for the most part stabbed folks with poison.
I am having too much fun with the idea to have him go all "Crazy Ivan" on the group, so bombing it is. Besides, you can make poison bombs. :D
magnuskn |
![Alurad Sorizan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Elminster.jpg)
And... finished. Dr. Davaulus, master alchemist and professional bomb thrower.
Please take note that he was built with a 20 point-buy and for the fast XP progression table and accordingly has gear for a lvl 11 NPC. Also, he is already buffed up for the fight... a non-buffed version would have considerably lesser stats. "Buffed up" meaning that he has consumed an ungodly amount of his extracts when he heard a fight breaking out, and consequently is at the moment a small human with massively enhanced combat stats. Should be one hell of a fight for any party. ^^ Finally, it is assumed that he won't use his second consecutive attack when full-attacking, but rather two-weapon fighting and Rapid Shot. No need to waste good bombs on awful throws. ^^
- Doctor Davaulus - CR 9
LE Male Small Human Alchemist 10
XP 6400
Initiative: +6, Senses: Perception +14
AC 29 ( 18 touch, 23 flat-footed ) ( +5 armor, +6 dex, +1 deflection, +4 shield +2 natural +1 size )
HP: 103 (10d8 + 40 + 10 +15 (false life) )
Fort: +11 Ref: +13 Will: +4
Defensive Abilities: Poison Immunity, Freedom of Movement, DR 10/Adamantine ( 100 points ), Displacement ( 50% miss chance )
Spd: 30 ft.
Melee: +14 /+9 mwk Dagger ( 1d3-2 19-20/x2 ) + Poison (1d3 Con/6 rounds, injury, DC 20, 2 saves)
Special Attacks: Bomb 6d6 + 4 Fire; 14/day; +15 touch, Reflex DC 21
Full Attack: 2x Bomb 6d6 + 4 Fire; 7/day; +13 touch, Reflex DC 21
Full Attack w/ Rapid Shot: 3x Bomb 6d6 + 4 Fire; 4 2/3/day; +11 touch, Reflex DC 21
Extracts Prepared: 1st: Shield (used ), Expeditious Retreat ( Used ), Reduce Person ( Used ), Jump, Identify, Disguise Self
2nd: Undetectable Alignment ( used ), False Life ( Used ) , Cat's Grace ( Used ), Invisibility ( Used ), Alter Self
3rd: Displacement ( used ), Remove Disease, Cure Serious Wounds, Haste ( Used )
4th: Stoneskin ( used ), Freedom of Movement ( used )
Applied Mutagen: Constitution
Doctor Davaulus uses the Undetectable Alignment each morning.
During Combat: Davaulus considers himself a gentleman, even though his interests run to murder and cruelty. He engages in melee combat only as a last resort. Yet now that he is freed from the need to show a composed image in public, he acts completely insane and throws his bombs at the PC's with abandon, cackling like a madman. If he ( or the party ) is still alive when he runs out of bombs, he draws his poisoned dagger and engages them in melee.
Morale: Davaulus attempts to flee if brought below 10 hit points, but fights to the death if no escape seems possible.
Loyal to the Red Mantis, he does not surrender.
Str 6, Dex 22, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +7 CMB: +4, CMD: 20
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Two Weapon Fighting, Brew Potion, Throw Anything, Ability Focus: Bombs, Rapid Shot
Skills: Spellcraft + 17, Heal +14, Knowledge: Nature +17, Perception +14, Knowledge: Arcana +17, Bluff +9, Sense Motive +11, Diplomacy +9, Craft: Alchemy +17
Languages: Common, Elven, Halfling, Mwangi
SQ: Poison Immunity, Swift Alchemy;
Discoveries: Frost Bomb, Infusion, Precise Bombs, Potent Bombs, Fast Bombs
Combat Gear: flask of curses labeled “elixir of true healing,” potion of remove disease; mwk dagger, +1 mithral shirt, ring of deflection +1, Jade-Inlayed Plaguebringers Mask ( +1500 Gold on Sale ), +2 Headband of Intellect, ( Sense Motive ); 1x Deathblade Poison ( 1d3 Con/6 rounds, injury, DC 20, 2 saves, used ); Other Gear: Doctors Robes, key to doors into F7, button key for lift to area G1,
Treasure: A DC 16 Search check made while searching the desk uncovers Dr. Davaulus’s scattered notes on the source of some Varisians’ immunity to blood veil. When combined with the notes found in areas G5 and G11, these findings prove quite helpful in the creation of a cure to blood veil.
And here he is, unbuffed. Quite a difference, eh? :)
- Doctor Davaulus - CR 9
LE Male Medium Human Alchemist 10
XP 6400
Initiative: +3, Senses: Perception +14
AC 19 ( 14 touch, 16 flat-footed ) ( +5 armor, +3 dex, +1 deflection )
HP: 78 (10d8 + 20 + 10 )
Fort: +9 Ref: +10 Will: +4
Defensive Abilities: Poison Immunity
Spd: 30 ft.
Melee: +11 /+6 mwk Dagger ( 1d4-1 19-20/x2 ) + Poison (1d3 Con/6 rounds, injury, DC 20, 2 saves)
Special Attacks: Bomb 6d6 + 4 Fire; 14/day; +11 touch, Reflex DC 21
Full Attack: 2x Bomb 6d6 + 4 Fire; 7/day; +9 touch, Reflex DC 21
Full Attack w/ Rapid Shot: 3x Bomb 6d6 + 4 Fire; 4 2/3/day; +7 touch, Reflex DC 21
Extracts Prepared: 1st: Shield, Expeditious Retreat, Reduce Person, Jump, Identify, Disguise Self
2nd: Undetectable Alignment ( used ), False Life, Cat's Grace, Invisibility, Alter Self
3rd: Displacement, Remove Disease, Cure Serious Wounds, Haste
4th: Stoneskin, Freedom of Movement
Doctor Davaulus uses the Undetectable Alignment each morning.
During Combat: Davaulus considers himself a gentleman, even though his interests run to murder and cruelty. He engages in melee combat only as a last resort. Yet now that he is freed from the need to show a composed image in public, he acts completely insane and throws his bombs at the PC's with abandon, cackling like a madman. If he ( or the party ) is still alive when he runs out of bombs, he draws his poisoned dagger and engages them in melee.
Morale: Davaulus attempts to flee if brought below 10 hit points, but fights to the death if no escape seems possible.
Loyal to the Red Mantis, he does not surrender.
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +7 CMB: +6, CMD: 19
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Two Weapon Fighting, Brew Potion, Throw Anything, Ability Focus: Bombs, Rapid Shot
Skills: Spellcraft + 17, Heal +14, Knowledge: Nature +17, Perception +14, Knowledge: Arcana +17, Bluff +10, Sense Motive +11, Diplomacy +10, Craft: Alchemy +17
Languages: Common, Elven, Halfling, Mwangi
SQ: Poison Immunity, Swift Alchemy;
Discoveries: Frost Bomb, Infusion, Precise Bombs, Potent Bombs, Fast Bombs
Combat Gear: flask of curses labeled “elixir of true healing,” potion of remove disease; mwk dagger, +1 mithral shirt, ring of deflection +1, Jade-Inlayed Plaguebringers Mask ( +1500 Gold on Sale ), +2 Headband of Intellect, ( Sense Motive ); 1x Deathblade Poison ( 1d3 Con/6 rounds, injury, DC 20, 2 saves, used ); Mutagen: Constitution, Other Gear: Doctors Robes, key to doors into F7, button key for lift to area G1,
Treasure: A DC 16 Search check made while searching the desk uncovers Dr. Davaulus’s scattered notes on the source of some Varisians’ immunity to blood veil. When combined with the notes found in areas G5 and G11, these findings prove quite helpful in the creation of a cure to blood veil.
Ice Titan |
And... finished. Dr. Davaulus, master alchemist and professional bomb thrower.
Please take note that he was built with a 20 point-buy and for the fast XP progression table and accordingly has gear for a lvl 11 NPC. Also, he is already buffed up for the fight... a non-buffed version would have considerably lesser stats. "Buffed up" meaning that he has consumed an ungodly amount of his extracts when he heard a fight breaking out, and consequently is at the moment a small human with massively enhanced combat stats. Should be one hell of a fight for any party. ^^ Finally, it is assumed that he won't use his second consecutive attack when full-attacking, but rather two-weapon fighting and Rapid Shot. No need to waste good bombs on awful throws. ^^
** spoiler omitted **...
I thought you couldn't apply Rapid Shot to bombs...
Looks good, but to be honest, he'd party wipe any 6th level group. A fighter with a +1 weapon would have +12 to hit him-- the fighter would have to go 17 or above. Then he has 100 points of DR 10/adamantine and 50% concealment and does 6d6+8 times three on a full attack and doesn't threaten AoOs thanks to concealment... that's a TPK, right?
magnuskn |
![Alurad Sorizan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Elminster.jpg)
I thought you couldn't apply Rapid Shot to bombs...Hm.
Looks good, but to be honest, he'd party wipe any 6th level group. A fighter with a +1 weapon would have +12 to hit him-- the fighter would have to go 17 or above. Then he has 100 points of DR 10/adamantine and 50% concealment and does 6d6+8 times three on a full attack and doesn't threaten AoOs thanks to concealment... that's a TPK, right?
You can't apply things like Vital Strike to bombs, but since they are ranged weapons, on which things like Weapon Focus can be applied, I don't really see why Rapid Shot shouldn't be possible. As far as I've seen ( and I searched the forums a bit ), no definite ruling against it was given.
Now, as to the party wiping on the guy... I got two arcane full-casters ( Wizard and Sorcerer ) and a Paladin in the party, so I don't expect them to have that many problems. Besides, the players are all quite experienced (...to powergamey ^^ ).
If someone cannot make the game that day, I'll just have to adjust the buffs down a bit, which shouldn't be too difficult. Also, the Haste and Displacement effects only last for 10 rounds each, so I can easily create a situation where they already ran out, because the PC's took longer than Davaulus expected.
I think my main concern is that, if I play the guy as I could, I'd be able to put the hurt on one PC to the tune of 24d6+16 damage, in one round. I'll have to play Davaulus a bit non-optimal, or I'll have one or more very ticked off players on my hand. :D
Aw, damn. I just noticed that I forgot to add the Haste effect to the buffed version. >.<
Ice Titan |
Ice Titan wrote:
I thought you couldn't apply Rapid Shot to bombs...Hm.
Looks good, but to be honest, he'd party wipe any 6th level group. A fighter with a +1 weapon would have +12 to hit him-- the fighter would have to go 17 or above. Then he has 100 points of DR 10/adamantine and 50% concealment and does 6d6+8 times three on a full attack and doesn't threaten AoOs thanks to concealment... that's a TPK, right?
You can't apply things like Vital Strike to bombs, but since they are ranged weapons, on which things like Weapon Focus can be applied, I don't really see why Rapid Shot shouldn't be possible. As far as I've seen ( and I searched the forums a bit ), no definite ruling against it was given.
Now, as to the party wiping on the guy... I got two arcane full-casters ( Wizard and Sorcerer ) and a Paladin in the party, so I don't expect them to have that many problems. Besides, the players are all quite experienced (...to powergamey ^^ ).
If someone cannot make the game that day, I'll just have to adjust the buffs down a bit, which shouldn't be too difficult. Also, the Haste and Displacement effects only last for 10 rounds each, so I can easily create a situation where they already ran out, because the PC's took longer than Davaulus expected.
I think my main concern is that, if I play the guy as I could, I'd be able to put the hurt on one PC to the tune of 24d6+16 damage, in one round. I'll have to play Davaulus a bit non-optimal, or I'll have one or more very ticked off players on my hand. :D
Aw, damn. I just noticed that I forgot to add the Haste effect to the buffed version. >.<
He should use a wand of mirror image on himself too. Just to add to the player annoyance. :P
Just kidding. I forgot your group is my old group make up-- in that case, I'd be surprised if the party gets to even see him act...
magnuskn |
![Alurad Sorizan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Elminster.jpg)
magnuskn wrote:Ice Titan wrote:
I thought you couldn't apply Rapid Shot to bombs...Hm.
Looks good, but to be honest, he'd party wipe any 6th level group. A fighter with a +1 weapon would have +12 to hit him-- the fighter would have to go 17 or above. Then he has 100 points of DR 10/adamantine and 50% concealment and does 6d6+8 times three on a full attack and doesn't threaten AoOs thanks to concealment... that's a TPK, right?
You can't apply things like Vital Strike to bombs, but since they are ranged weapons, on which things like Weapon Focus can be applied, I don't really see why Rapid Shot shouldn't be possible. As far as I've seen ( and I searched the forums a bit ), no definite ruling against it was given.
Now, as to the party wiping on the guy... I got two arcane full-casters ( Wizard and Sorcerer ) and a Paladin in the party, so I don't expect them to have that many problems. Besides, the players are all quite experienced (...to powergamey ^^ ).
If someone cannot make the game that day, I'll just have to adjust the buffs down a bit, which shouldn't be too difficult. Also, the Haste and Displacement effects only last for 10 rounds each, so I can easily create a situation where they already ran out, because the PC's took longer than Davaulus expected.
I think my main concern is that, if I play the guy as I could, I'd be able to put the hurt on one PC to the tune of 24d6+16 damage, in one round. I'll have to play Davaulus a bit non-optimal, or I'll have one or more very ticked off players on my hand. :D
Aw, damn. I just noticed that I forgot to add the Haste effect to the buffed version. >.<
He should use a wand of mirror image on himself too. Just to add to the player annoyance. :P
Just kidding. I forgot your group is my old group make up-- in that case, I'd be surprised if the party gets to even see him act...
My thoughts exactly. I bet I'll roll a terrible initiative for him, so that he'll be flat-footed to begin with. ^^
magnuskn |
![Alurad Sorizan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Elminster.jpg)
Urgh. I just calculated XP and noticed that the party will get to Doctor Davaulus at fifth level. One level higher and I would have played him as advertised above, since that would have meant that the Sorceror would have third level spells.
Little update on my campaign, things are progressing much faster than I anticipated, with the group having blasted through the earlier encounters. They did The Colour of Death and the Wererats this week, and will descend to the Direption next session, which should be an interesting enviromental challenge.
As far as the characters go, the Paladin, Rogue and Wizard are doing fine, although the Rogue is getting clobbered every encounter ( mostly due to strange movement decisions by the player ). The Sorceror is hanging in there, but the Inquisitor is having a hard time hitting people and also doesn't deal much of any damage when he hits. I fear the player looked at the class in the wrong way and statted too much into Wisdom, so that he lacks punch. I may be wrong, but it seems the player isn't having much fun with the character.
Anyway, I need to stat Davaulus a bit down, since otherwise he'll be too tough for the group at fifth level.
Ice Titan |
Anyway, I need to stat Davaulus a bit down, since otherwise he'll be too tough for the group at fifth level.
I'm sad to hear about your woes. My party's been cutting a bloody swathe through the game, and the only way I can challenge them anymore is by popping multiple encounters at the same time! Such as
Hm... the inquis in your party I think has the right idea. With spontaneous magic vestment on his shield and armor and shield of faith and AC judgments, he's almost utterly untouchable! Keen rapier so when he crits, he absolutely blows enemies away... it's rather frightening.
We've just started A History of Ashes, so good luck with the rest of the hospice. It had my first and only character death so far.
magnuskn |
![Alurad Sorizan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Elminster.jpg)
I'm sad to hear about your woes. My party's been cutting a bloody swathe through the game, and the only way I can challenge them anymore is by popping multiple encounters at the same time! Such as ** spoiler omitted ** ... or by using underhanded tactics and traps.
I'm not as far along as your group, so the balance may tilt to the players side, but so far I am challenging them all right. While the Wererats had some difficulty hitting the players, hit them they did ( especially the Rogue ) and so the combat was interesting. Girrigz got a few good hits in, but in the end was put down pretty easily.
Hm... the inquis in your party I think has the right idea. With spontaneous magic vestment on his shield and armor and shield of faith and AC judgments, he's almost utterly untouchable! Keen rapier so when he crits, he absolutely blows enemies away... it's rather frightening.
I.. don't know. While he has been quite good at making himself difficult to hit, his damage output is pretty pathetic. He is a Inquisitor of Saranrae and uses a Scimitar, but with a strength of 14, he doesn't do much more than 1d6+3 if he manages to hit... and he has been pretty bad at that, too. The player has a history of putting too much value on defense, instead of offense, so it isn't as if he doesn't have a plan with his character, but it has become noticeable to me that he seemed to be pretty resigned and unhappy with how his character was doing in combat.
We've just started A History of Ashes, so good luck with the rest of the hospice. It had my first and only character death so far.
Heh. The Rogue bit it in the Dead Warrens some weeks ago, when he was hit by a double whammy of Paralysis and Coup de Grace by the Lesser Necrophidius. So far no further character deaths, but it was a close call this week again for him. :p
magnuskn |
![Alurad Sorizan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Elminster.jpg)
Ice Titan wrote:I thought you couldn't apply Rapid Shot to bombs...With the 'Fast Bombs' discovery, he should be O.K. It says it "functions just like a full-attack with ranged weapon".
My thought exactly. It may end up being one of the things I pull out of the build, though, so as not to overchallenge a fifth level party.
walter mcwilliams |
I am so looking forward to running this encounter with my party. My one concern is that from the time the PCs enter the hospice to the final act in the Temple below may be to much for a 5th level party, even mine which will be 6 PCs with 25 point builds. Has anyone else found this to be a problem for a like party?
I am really looking forward to subing the alchemists and cavaliers for this, and hope I have the time to wait for the APG print run in August.
Ice Titan |
I am so looking forward to running this encounter with my party. My one concern is that from the time the PCs enter the hospice to the final act in the Temple below may be to much for a 5th level party, even mine which will be 6 PCs with 25 point builds. Has anyone else found this to be a problem for a like party?
I am really looking forward to subing the alchemists and cavaliers for this, and hope I have the time to wait for the APG print run in August.
Round 1: Andaisin engages the PCs. The cleric, invisible, charges her, hits her with his poisoned falchion, she fails the save. 1 con damage. Well, not too bad. She gets tripped, baned, the party is hasted, they blow her up. She gets one greater command off, everyone makes the save.
Round 2: She dies right before her turn, where she, for posterity's sake, fails her second save and goes unconcious...
Round 5: She gets back up. The party swarms her again.
Round 6: She dies... again. I think she got three attacks off.
Not too dangerous.
magnuskn |
![Alurad Sorizan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Elminster.jpg)
And here is the new version of the buffed Doctor Davaulaus, master alchemist. He should be vanquishable now for a good fifth level group like mine, with much less AC and fewer attacks. In regards to the "Scale Mail, half", we are using houseruled armors, so it is a medium armor with +5 armor, +4(+6 because of Mithral) dexterity bonus.
- Buffed Doctor Davaulus - CR 9
LE Male Small Human Alchemist 10
XP 6400
Initiative +6, Senses: Perception +14
AC 25 ( 18 touch, 20 flat-footed ) ( +5 armor, +6 dex, +1 deflection, +2 natural, +1 size )
HP: 103 (10d8 + 40 + 10 +15 (false life) )
Fort: +11 Ref: +13 Will: +4
Defensive Abilities: Poison Immunity, Freedom of Movement, Displacement ( 50% miss chance ), Chill Shield (1d6+10 cold damage)
Speed: 60 ft.
Melee: +14 / +14 /+9 mwk Dagger ( 1d3-2 19-20/x2 + poison 1d3 Con/6 rounds, injury, DC 20, 2 saves )
Special Attacks: Bomb 6d6 + 4 Fire; 14/day; + 16 touch, Reflex DC 21 ( Range Increment 20 feet )
Full Attack: 2x Bomb 6d6 + 4 Fire; 7/day; +14 touch, Reflex DC 21 ( Range Increment 20 feet )
Extracts Prepared: 1st: Shield (used ), Exped. Retreat ( Used ), Jump, Identify x2, Disguise Self, Reduce Person ( used )
2nd: Undetect. Alignment ( used ), False Life ( Used ) , Cat's Grace ( Used ), Invisibility ( Used ), Alter Self
3rd: Displacement ( used ); Remove Disease, Cure Serious Wounds x2
4th: Fire Shield ( used ), Freedom Movement ( used )
Applied Mutagen: Constitution
Before Combat Doctor Davaulus uses the Undetectable Alignment extract whenever he expects to be involved in a public scene.
During Combat Davaulus considers himself a gentleman, even though his interests run to murder and cruelty. He
engages in melee combat only as a last resort.
Morale Davaulus attempts to flee if brought below 10 hit points, but fights to the death if no escape seems possible.
Loyal to the Red Mantis, he does not surrender.
Str 6, Dex 22, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +7 CMB: +5, CMD: 21
Feats Weapon Finesse, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Two Weapon Fighting, Brew Potion, Throw Anything, Ability Focus: Bombs, Medium Armour Proficiency
Skills Spellcraft + 17, Heal +14, Knowledge: Nature +17, Perception +14, Knowledge: Arcana +17, Bluff +9, Sense Motive +11, Diplomacy +9, Craft: Alchemy +17
Languages Common, Elven, Halfling, Mwangi
SQ Poison Immunity, Swift Alchemy, Discoveries: Frost Bomb; Infusion, Precise Bombs, Potent Bombs, Fast Bombs
Combat Gear flask of curses labeled “elixir of true healing,” potion of remove disease; Other Gear mwk dagger, +1 mithral scale mail, half, ring of deflection +1, Jade-Inlayed Doctors Mask ( +1500 Gold on Sale ), +2 Headband of Intellect, ( Sense Motive ); 1x Deathblade Poison ( 1d3 Con/6 rounds, injury, DC 20, 2 saves ); Doctors Robes, key to doors into F7, button key for lift to area G1,
Treasure: A DC 16 Search check made while searching the desk uncovers Dr. Davaulus’s scattered notes on the source of some Varisians’ immunity to blood veil. When combined with the notes found in areas G5 and G11, these findings prove quite helpful in the creation of a cure to blood veil.
magnuskn |
![Alurad Sorizan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Elminster.jpg)
So, last Tuesday I had the encounter in the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden between the group and Doctor Davaulus. Before that, the Cavalier Grey Maidens and Alchemist Queens Physicians had already put respectably good hurt on the group.
I had to nerf the good doctor mid-encounter, lest he would have deep-frosted the Paladin and Inquisitor. After seeing how much damage he was dealing, I decided that his Chill Shield and Displacement had already run out, since he had drunken his elixirs too soon ( also the party Rogue took his sweet time to open the lock to Davaulus study ).
The whole thing ended with the Paladin having only 1 HP left and Doctor Davaulus going down just before it was his own turn... had he not, the Paladin would have been a stain on the floor. Everybody took good damage and felt sufficiently threatened, so I am satisfied with how the encounter went.
Now I am kinda dreading the other CR 8-10 encounters the group has before them the next day. Although Rolth, Arkminos, the Leucodaemon and Lady Andaisin are not as pimped as Davaulus was, four such encounters in close proximity should tax the party resources somewhat, maybe even overly much. Not even to mention the low-level cleric channel-bombs. I am very interested to see how that goes.
Hm, since Lady Andaisin should know that Davaulus went down ( due to her casting Status on him ), maybe she should send some people up to investigate? That might make the next encounters easier, if, say, Rolth would already be gone. As it seems, the cult of Urgathoa has nowhere else to go, since the temple has no back entrance. Of course Laidy Andaisin could simply Plane Shift out of there but she strikes me as the kind of person who would rather stand and fight for her goddess glory. Arkminos is a different case, however.
I'll probably simply change it to her having cast Status on Rolth and Arkminos, and not on Davaulus, else it makes little sense.
magnuskn |
![Alurad Sorizan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Elminster.jpg)
Gonna use this stuff in my campaign. The group is working their way through the preliminary encounters, but will get to the Hospice in a session or two. I'm excited to use the alchemists especially.
In case you are planning to use my Alchemist Doctor Davaulus, be careful. I had to drastically tone him down during the encounter itself, otherwise he would have smoked my group, or at least killed one or two characters.
![]() |
![Sargavan Pathfinder](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9226-Sargava.jpg)
sabedoriaclark wrote:Gonna use this stuff in my campaign. The group is working their way through the preliminary encounters, but will get to the Hospice in a session or two. I'm excited to use the alchemists especially.In case you are planning to use my Alchemist Doctor Davaulus, be careful. I had to drastically tone him down during the encounter itself, otherwise he would have smoked my group, or at least killed one or two characters.
I do intend to use your Doctor Davaulus (thanks for the work!!!), and I read about how it went with your group, so I'm gonna tone him down a tad, but I can't resist the mad-cackling bomb-throwing genius plague doctor idea. Also my group looks like they'll be level 6 by the time they get there, which may help some.
magnuskn |
![Alurad Sorizan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Elminster.jpg)
magnuskn wrote:I do intend to use your Doctor Davaulus (thanks for the work!!!), and I read about how it went with your group, so I'm gonna tone him down a tad, but I can't resist the mad-cackling bomb-throwing genius plague doctor idea. Also my group looks like they'll be level 6 by the time they get there, which may help some.sabedoriaclark wrote:Gonna use this stuff in my campaign. The group is working their way through the preliminary encounters, but will get to the Hospice in a session or two. I'm excited to use the alchemists especially.In case you are planning to use my Alchemist Doctor Davaulus, be careful. I had to drastically tone him down during the encounter itself, otherwise he would have smoked my group, or at least killed one or two characters.
Don't neglect to shout "Boom! BOOM!" everytime Davaulus throws his bombs. :p
BTW, the rest of the hospice went fine. The low-level clerics were wiped out with consumate ease ( negative channeling kinda sucks, when they don't have Selective Channeling and a 8 on Charisma ), as were the other mooks, since the Wizard and Sorcerer went hog-wild with Fireballs and Lightning Bolts.
The best fight was against Ramoska Arkminos. Since he is a vampire, he could cast Stinking Clout with impunity and that knocked half the group out of the fight for a long time. They got him in the end, but it was touch-and-go for a while. The other big NPC's ( Rolth, Andaisin, the Leukodaemon ) gave a good accounting of themselves, too.
![]() |
![Sargavan Pathfinder](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9226-Sargava.jpg)
Don't neglect to shout "Boom! BOOM!" everytime Davaulus throws his bombs. :pBTW, the rest of the hospice went fine. The low-level clerics were wiped out with consumate ease ( negative channeling kinda sucks, when they don't have Selective Channeling and a 8 on Charisma ), as were the other mooks, since the Wizard and Sorcerer went hog-wild with Fireballs and Lightning Bolts.
The best fight was against Ramoska Arkminos. Since he is a vampire, he could cast Stinking Clout with impunity and that knocked half the group out of the fight for a long time. They got him in the end, but it was touch-and-go for a while. The other big NPC's ( Rolth, Andaisin, the Leukodaemon ) gave a good accounting of themselves, too.
Lol! Will definitely give plenty of appropriate shouts.
Glad it went well for your group. I'm really excited about it since I've had some time to build Davaulus and Rolth up quite a bit so at least those fights will have the benefit of anticipation.