Mass Effect 2

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Dark Archive

Is anyone out there in Paizoland playing this besides me? Dear is wonderful.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I'm playing now. I even played through the first one again just before this one to get a character to level 60. This one is blowing me away. I love the improvements they made.

Dark Archive

So far, the only thing I don't like is the menu. I don't have a hi-def tv so it hurts my eyes.

But the rest is SOOOOOO good.

Scarab Sages

ETA in germany February 29., but says it wil be shipping soon...can't wait (o.k. actually I can, I trashed my safegames from ME 1 and I havent finished replaying it, so it's kind of o.k...)

I got to play for about two hours last night. Pretty awesome, though I'm having a little trouble getting used to not having the whole squad's shields and health right there on the HUD. The new safe hacking game is cool but the datapad one is kind of annoying, even though they're the same thing. Wish I could have called out sick today to play it.

Scarab Sages

Not funny...I'm called out sick for almost two months now...having an open wound in my foot, healing far to slow due to my diabetes...its really p****** me of...

feytharn wrote:
ETA in germany February 29., but says it wil be shipping soon...can't wait (o.k. actually I can, I trashed my safegames from ME 1 and I havent finished replaying it, so it's kind of o.k...)

februari 29. Outch. That's a seriously long wait. Like 13 months. Man, we maken babies in less time than that!. Good luck bro!


just kidding :D

explosive rune

Scarab Sages

I just received the mail that ME 2 has been shipped - looks like somebody mixed up the publishing date - I just hope the postal service won't be hindered by the ice and snow. (seriously - I don't think it is that bad, but we didn't receive mail since monday, other parcel services, yes, but not the mail...)

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It has release here in Norway tomorrow. I was able to get a job interview earlier in the morning so I can spend all day tomorrow playing it. Only thing that bothers me is that the collectors edition has been delayed. But I'd rather play it tomorrow than get some shiny trinkets with it next week.

This game is awesome. This game is too awesome. This game is so awesome it is literally killing me. I'm getting like 2 1/2 - 3 hours sleep a night because this game is so damn awesome. Damn you Bioware, you magnificent bastards.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

I have it. I have lost sleep over it. I will continue to do so.

Playing a Paragon Vanguard currently. Biotic Charge is fun, but my shields currently are not tough enough to really survive suicide rushes into the enemies unless there's only one or two left alive. Charging into someone and then blasting them with the shotgun immediately afterwards is greatly satisfying, however.

Playing a Paragon (though I recently did a bad thing by mistake, note "I can't help you" looks an awful lot like "I can help you" at 3 in the morning), and playing through as the good ol' reliable soldier. I tried starting with a Vanguard by I missed my assault rifle too much. That being said, I find myself using my hand cannon more often than the assault rifle. Why? Because going all Max Payne on some mercs and killing them with one shot to the face each is so much more bad ass than riddling them with bullets. Gods I love the Adrenaline Rush power.

Dark Archive

Is it a bad thing that I've gotten roughly about 14 hours of sleep in the last 3 days because of this game???

What system are you all playing ME 2 on?

I find it impossible for me to play Mass Effect 1, 2, DragonAge... any RPG as something other than the altruistic, light-side, paragon hero type. I pulled one Renegade action on the mission to recruit ArchAngel and I still feel guilty about it =\

And yes, the game is awesome and fun and wonderful. I'm looking forward to the weekend.

Crap. Now I know I HAVE to get this game. I was trying not to be too excited due to some money issues (Paizo January sale, primarily). Then I came here and read the enthusiasm.

Dark Archive

Sharoth wrote:
What system are you all playing ME 2 on?


Sovereign Court

Makarnak wrote:

Crap. Now I know I HAVE to get this game. I was trying not to be too excited due to some money issues (Paizo January sale, primarily). Then I came here and read the enthusiasm.

Don't resist...join the dark side. We have cookies.

Mac Boyce wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
What system are you all playing ME 2 on?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

I'm playing, of course. It's Bioware! Have over 10 hours logged so far, so if there's typos in Pathfinder #32, you know who to blame...

Is it on the PlayStation 3?

Dark Archive

Sharoth wrote:
Is it on the PlayStation 3?

Sorry Dragon....its a 360 exclusive.

Mac Boyce wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Is it on the PlayStation 3?
Sorry Dragon....its a 360 exclusive.

~cries~ Damn it!!! That means that I now will have to pick up a Wii, a PS 3, and now a X-Box 360!!! ~cries again~

~sighs~ On the other hand, it is on the PC too. I did need a new laptop anyway.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Dal Selpher wrote:
I pulled one Renegade action on the mission to recruit ArchAngel and I still feel guilty about it =\

Me too! With the guy, at the thing, with the thing on the table? Ouch!

Apart from that I'm squeaky clean. Unless the sushi thing counts as cruelty to animals ;-)

Absolutely spectacular game. Destroying my sleep, and bugging my girlfriend big time! All those adverts in the Citadel, over and over again =D

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

I'm playing on the PC! Aiming with a mouse is the only way to play! :D

Dark Archive

Playing it without the save file from ME 1, and man, I so wish I had kept it, the options your generic character seems to have chosen are so asinine (I detroyed the council, apparently, but decided to let the Human Blowhard take over instead of the Admiral, which I find disgusting). Also, apparently the generic character killed Wrex from the first game, which brings me back to my point: Always keep your saves!.

Also, upgrade everything, choose either paragon or renegade paths (no wishy washy approaches if you want to survive the end), and make sure you have everything done before you do the mission involving a certain destroyed space hulk, as that is the Point of No Return. Yes, your allies can and will die if you don't do certain things. The deaths are rather spectacular to behold, however.

Fatespinner wrote:
Aiming with a mouse is the only way to play! :D

Seconded. :-)

Sovereign Court

Woo, bought the game on Friday, midday. Finished playing for the night at 5am on Saturday morning. 14 hours in baby!

I picked it up the other day and it is awesome. Now I just have to finally finish off Dragon Age so I can focus on it. 2 small kids makes gaming slow.

I wish I could play it more. Of course I get an illustration job and a busy work at my day job the week this game comes out. Stupid dreams, aspirations and goals...

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

I beat it with my Paragon Vanguard! I was expecting some plot twists at the end, but man I never expected


Total playtime was around 26 hours. Now it's time to play a Renegade with all my shiny new unlocks!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Jared Ouimette wrote:
Playing it without the save file from ME 1, and man, I so wish I had kept it, the options your generic character seems to have chosen are so asinine

That's why I replayed the first game last week. Not only did I get a new savegame with my choices, but I got a recap of the ME1 story.

Now I'm 20 hours in to ME2, and I'm at the point where I have to choose between my bed or more red bull :p

Sovereign Court

And finished! 28 hours later. That was awesome. Can I just say that I want Mass Effect 3 NOW. After I replay again though.. and see if my other Shepard can survive through Insanity.


I am the very model of a scientist salarian
I've studied species turian, asari and batarian
I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology)
because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology)

My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian,
I am the very model of a scientist salarian!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I chose red bull, and finished it last night. Got 5 renegade points ;)

Took me 25 hours, did all missions (as far as I know), but not all assignments. Finished as Paragon Adept. I think I was level 23 when it was over.

Ending and Love Interest Spoiler:

Female Commander Shepard with the whole team surviving. Love intrest was Garrus, which was at the same time weird, weirdly fascinating and very humorous.

I will let it lie for a few days before I brave Renegade ending.

Sovereign Court

Ending Spoilers for me!

Female Engineer Shepard, Paragon ending. Saved everyone, even Yeoman Kelly Chambers! No romance for her, she's still after Liara (I loved the cutscene where Shepard's just looking at the picture of her in her cabin)

Torn between starting again, getting to level 30 (and thus netting another achievement) or playing something else for a bit. Hmm.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

My first playthrough was with Male Paragon Vanguard Shepard and yes, I agree that the default choices are asinine. Therefore, over the last two days, I replayed Mass Effect 1 with a Female Renegade Sentinel Shepard and I've now ported the saved game over to ME2 and started up there. I will say one thing about the Sentinel class: Tek Armor makes them damn-near invincible. Holy crap.

I wish that porting over a ME1 saved game let you start above level 1 in ME2, though. It felt like all my hard work in ME1 had gone to waste. Even starting at like, level 5 would've been nice.

Sovereign Court

When I imported my Level 60 character over, I started at Level 5. I also got extra money and resources, along with even more money for being a 'Rich' character.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Uzzy wrote:
When I imported my Level 60 character over, I started at Level 5. I also got extra money and resources, along with even more money for being a 'Rich' character.

That's true. I did get a crapload of money and resources. I still only started at level 1, though. My imported character was level 40.

Liberty's Edge

I imported a level 53 and started at level 3. I'm still glaring at that level 60 achievement from the first one, will have to play through them both again and try and get that one for my next start.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That's weird. I imported a level 33 character and started at level 2.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

hmmm, I ported a Level 50 Character and started at level 4, I am guessing if you port a level 60 character you start off at level 5.

So far love the story, but think the sound effects in the movies are dull and so is the voice acting. The voice acting quality so far seem below what we normal get for a Bioware game. Hoping that gets better as I go along.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

I'm playing through Mass Effect 1 again, this time with a Paragon Infiltrator. I'll bother to spend a little extra time and effort on this run and see if I can make level 60.

It's odd hearing about different starting levels. I ported in a level 45ish and as far as I remember I started at level 1. BTW, level 30 is REALLY easy. I hit 30 about an hour into my second play through.

I'm torn about the game. There's things I really liked (improved combat), and things I really didn't (thermal

I finished it Saturday evening and was kinda down about the whole thing. I never look up hints/etc before finishing a game before I play though once and lost three people on the final mission for stupid reasons that I didn't have an old enough save to go back and correct. So I'm stuck playing through a second time making the same choices as last time so my ME3 import won't suck. I also thought the ending was sorta lame and a major down note.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

JBSchroeds wrote:
and things I really didn't (thermal clips... just... so...meh).

I kinda like the thermal clips idea, but I think that they should've allowed you to fire a weapon WITHOUT them as well and just given you a ME1-style heat bar too. This way, you still have unlimited ammo, but as long as you have thermal clips, you don't need to stop hammering out rapid-fire shots. Once you're out of clips, you have to slow down your rate of fire (or risk overheat like ME1). This way, you still won't ever run out of ammo, but it still allows the faster-paced combat that makes ME2 so cool.

Fatespinner wrote:
JBSchroeds wrote:
and things I really didn't (thermal clips... just... so...meh).
I kinda like the thermal clips idea, but I think that they should've allowed you to fire a weapon WITHOUT them as well and just given you a ME1-style heat bar too. This way, you still have unlimited ammo, but as long as you have thermal clips, you don't need to stop hammering out rapid-fire shots. Once you're out of clips, you have to slow down your rate of fire (or risk overheat like ME1). This way, you still won't ever run out of ammo, but it still allows the faster-paced combat that makes ME2 so cool.

When I first heard about thermal clips this is exactly what I thought they were doing. It's what they should have done. Instead we get stuck with generic ammo.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
JBSchroeds wrote:
It's odd hearing about different starting levels. I ported in a level 45ish and as far as I remember I started at level 1.

I think I may been wrong about starting at Level 4, It may have been at Level 3 With 4 points to spend on my powers.

I miss the character advancement in Mass Effect 1, They over simplified it in Mass Effect 2.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Has anyone seen screen shots to compare the differences between the PC version Vs the Xbox version?

I only got the Xbox version because I played Mass Effect 1 on the Xbox.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Dragnmoon wrote:

Has anyone seen screen shots to compare the differences between the PC version Vs the Xbox version?

I only got the Xbox version because I played Mass Effect 1 on the Xbox.

Here is my Xfire profile. You can check my screenshot gallery there to see what ME2 looks like with the settings maxed out for PC. The videos are pretty choppy, though, as the recording software built into Xfire is not terribly friendly to my particular configuration for some reason.

Dragnmoon wrote:
I miss the character advancement in Mass Effect 1, They over simplified it in Mass Effect 2.

I mostly agree. A smaller selection of skills wasn't a terrible idea (like making Unity a base power, breaking Charm/Intimidate into your Paragon/Renegade score, and the 1-2-3-4 progression), but I was wishing my party composition would at least have had effects outside combat. For example, if having Tali around would let you autohack, or even affect the difficulty of minigames.

Another thing I think they dropped the ball on was planet exploration. Give me the ATV over that stupid scanner any day. Or at least give an upgrade that gave indications of where resources were located (or what type were on the planet) so you wouldn't have to systematically do planet after planet after planet looking for that last 100 E-zero you need for upgrade ___.

JBSchroeds wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
I miss the character advancement in Mass Effect 1, They over simplified it in Mass Effect 2.

I mostly agree. A smaller selection of skills wasn't a terrible idea (like making Unity a base power, breaking Charm/Intimidate into your Paragon/Renegade score, and the 1-2-3-4 progression), but I was wishing my party composition would at least have had effects outside combat. For example, if having Tali around would let you autohack, or even affect the difficulty of minigames.

Another thing I think they dropped the ball on was planet exploration. Give me the ATV over that stupid scanner any day. Or at least give an upgrade that gave indications of where resources were located (or what type were on the planet) so you wouldn't have to systematically do planet after planet after planet looking for that last 100 E-zero you need for upgrade ___.

I actually liked it this way better. I was one element away from getting the achievement in ME1, after I had finished exploring the final planet. There was no way in hell I was going back through all the planets to find it. And driving that thing up hill (which it seamed like every planet was, no matter which direction you went) was a pain in the ass. The only time I didn’t hate that tank was the final level when you had to make the mad dash to the portal, that was pretty epic.

That being said the one thing I didn’t like about ME2 over ME1 was the equipment selection. I like the direction they were going in, making each weapon unique not just a variance in accuracy and damage, but I felt there was far too few weapon and armor pieces. I also didn’t like the fact that I couldn’t give my team mates different armor pieces.

Oh damn Garrus, sorry about your armor getting all f$@@ed up. Don’t worry though, after doing your loyalty mission I have a spare suit of… equally f~~+ed up… armor… never mind.

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