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I´m starting two groups at the same time.
One with 4 chars:
Ranger Divine Archer,
Rogue Scout/TWF, planning a Sap Mastery/Whip and Shatter Defenses build
Bard Spell/Skill Monkey
Paladin 2h (Iomedae)
This party in on the way to Oleg's Trading Post (which I moved a hex to West to fite the charter to the map, as suggested somewhere), they travel about 4 days already and rest once (to roll Heal Skill on hurting and starving horses they found - Random Encounters Bandits on horse).
Another group will have:
Ranger Trapper
Maybe a Druid or else.
So, I´m planning to put them in the same world, because the Trapper have some real life time issues to play now, but wnat to join the first group later. To doing that, I planned to put Ranger (and 1 or 2 extras) on Maegar Varn group and preparing them for Book 3.
Maegar Varn is a lady woman Bard 1/Rogue 3/Ranger3.
Caspar Morgarion a Cleric of Erastil or Elion (God of Colonizarion, seems fit) 6
Cephral Lorentus as Wizard Universalist 7.
Gurney Howitt a Fighter (Swordlord archetype) 5/Swordlord Prestige Class 1.
Willas Gundarson a Tomb Raider Rogue 6.
The Maegar group will explore the hexes each NPC alone (to maximize effience), Ranger will go alone or with someone or with the 1-2 that problably won't come). It will be more about roleplay by e-mail (pbem) or forum, since the Ranger cannot play normal at this time.
Is there any timeline or any idea for hexes on nomen highlights exploration?
What about my idea, it is ok? Any suggestion thinking in later books?

Cobbil |

So my players took forever to challenge the River Camp. So by the time they were sufficiently strong enough, they trounced it (even with the enhanced numbers for being prepared).
The fight went poorly on both ends. Lots of missing, poor rolls, our witch forgetting to use hexes. It took too long. But it ended with the monk taking some heavy blows from Kressel's daggers (1 crit) and her axes (another crit).
They opted, to pin her down and capture her. Which after some bad rolls on her end, succeeded. Cue interrogation. It went...differently.
The party's inquisitor, high on saving Mikmek, wanted to convert Kressel to their side. After all the intel they gathered, they found she had some grudges and they used that to their advantage.
After several diplomacy rolls (where their luck changed and the inquisitor got two nat 20's) she was down, though still very, very evil.
So after all that backstory, I get to my question. What precisely would Kressel know? How indepth would her knowledge be?
That being said, for those that have seen Kressel survive, what did you do with her? The Inquisitor seems to be intent on making her a permanent ally.
As an aside, they let Tartuk get away (who's a summoner). I had considered Tartuk being a recent ally of the Stag Lord if the PCs bring both Mikmek and Kressel like they seem intent on doing. Thoughts?

Canarr |
Kressle's background lists her as having spent several months serving at the fort before being sent out to run her own camp. She apparently enjoys the freedom of being her own (sub-)boss, so I'm guessing she's ambitious. If the PCs keep her on a short leash, she's likely to chafe at that and probably look for a way out. If they give her sufficient space, and good options for earning, she might even be (somewhat) loyal.
As to her knowledge, she's likely to know all the details listed in the fort's entry. Don't immediately know if she was still in the fort when Akiros Ismort showed up, so you'd wanna check that.

Tera85 |
SO I'm getting ready to start Kingmaker with my children. Unfortunately the Kingmaker map folio is PDF only currently. So my plan is to buy the PDF and then take it to a local print shop to print off the maps. My question though, is how big should I have the maps printed out at, what is the "poster" size that they are meant to be printed on?

Canarr |
Now that my players have finished Stolen Lands, here's an add-on I put together to replace Svetlana's Moon Radish quest. As well as giving Svetlana some more history, it also foreshadows Nyrissa a bit more overtly than Stolen Lands does.
And a stand-alone map image for 3D Virtual Tabletop or similar: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16299287/Kingmaker/Ruins-tactical.jpg
I hope it's of use to someone!
The links are dead, unfortunately. Does anyone happen to still have a copy, or a functioning link?

Warped Savant |

RobRendell wrote:The links are dead, unfortunately. Does anyone happen to still have a copy, or a functioning link?Now that my players have finished Stolen Lands, here's an add-on I put together to replace Svetlana's Moon Radish quest. As well as giving Svetlana some more history, it also foreshadows Nyrissa a bit more overtly than Stolen Lands does.
And a stand-alone map image for 3D Virtual Tabletop or similar: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16299287/Kingmaker/Ruins-tactical.jpg
I hope it's of use to someone!
New Sehir PDF: LINK
3D Virtual Tabletop or similar: LINK
FWCain |
I wouldn't worry too much about "hey, this hex doesn't have a river" meaning the trading post is going to have trouble having water. Remember every hex is like 150 square miles. There will be tons of unmarked creeks, streams, springs, ponds, and small lakes scattered all over. Just look at a local map of your city or county and see how many little bodies of water show up. They're not big enough to show up on a large-scale map, but there will be plenty of them there.
Any kind of settlement, trading post or otherwise, is going to be built somewhere near water, just as a necessity of humanoid survival. Washing, drinking, etc. Yeah, they could use wells if need be, but the Stolen Lands are pretty well-watered terrain.
I say all that to say that Oleg's undoubtedly has a water source next to it, whether it be a stream or small lake, and that all of those plains and hills and forest hexes you see will have plenty of small water sources in them.
Don't fret if you don't see a water source next to Oleg's. It's there if you want it to be. I could see if you didn't want them to allow the city to have a port or that kind of...
I know I'm "late to the party" but I'd like to point out that one option I've used (in a test run campaign, to learn and better understand the rules) was to construct a Canal from a nearby river, connecting to "Olegton" (the settlement formerly known as Oleg's Trading Post).
Not only did this connect the settlement to the river, it also served to irrigate the hexes, allowing for farming.
(Obviously, I'm referring to options given to us in Ultimate Campaign.)
Just thought I'd toss in my two coppers' worth. ;-)

Eagle0600 |
Hi. I'm running a Kingmaker campaign, and in setting up the location for the Sootscale Caverns I've run into an issue. The location is listed as being "hidden", but I can't find a check that would allow the PCs to locate it other than being led there by Mikmek or the map in the mite's war room. Is this an oversight?

kadance |

Does this pertain:
While the old sycamore itself is a landmark, the mite lair itself has only a single entrance, hidden amid the ancient tree’s roots. It’s a DC 20 Perception check to find the hidden entrance, which consists of a root-lined shaft that drops 10 feet down to the middle of a 40-foot tunnel that runs east-west and connects areas R1 and R2.

The1Ryu |

Hi. I'm running a Kingmaker campaign, and in setting up the location for the Sootscale Caverns I've run into an issue. The location is listed as being "hidden", but I can't find a check that would allow the PCs to locate it other than being led there by Mikmek or the map in the mite's war room. Is this an oversight?
The writers probably either intended the site to be hidden and changed that but forgot to edit the location or they forgot to note the DC in the adventure.
I would recommend treating the site as being non-hidden. What with it being an abandoned mine, obvious sign, and the mite caged out in the open sun out front, another obvious sign.
If you want to keep it hidden I suggest setting the Perception DC at 20 as that is the DC for ever other site with the exception of one that is DC 15 and another that is DC 25. They balance out to 20 anyway.

Warped Savant |

oh... the kobolds, not the mites.
Heh. I nearly did the exact same thing.
And yeah, what The1Ryu said... I'd change it to either not hidden or I'd go even easier than he said and make it a DC 15. (Because it really doesn't read as something that should be hidden, but maybe it's out of the way and therefore doesn't jump out but there would be a lot of tracks to and from it.

Eagle0600 |
The mine entrance itself reads as semi-hidden, if only coincidentally, by the fact that it's a narrow opening among an outcropping of boulders. However, the cage and sign are certainly more obvious. I'll go with the site being Standard, thanks. Got to keep in mind the hidden entrance, however. Depending on where the players approach from, they could find it first on a good (a very good) Perception check.