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Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6
Kurn Thornsson wrote:

Knowledge Local


Kurn has no idea where to find the boy, so he will go to the main hall and wait. "I'll just wait in the main hall until the boy turns up, but if he's not here by the morning, I'll take myself off to the shrine" he says to Helga and Stefnir casually.

Kurn, buddy, you got a roll a d20 and add your intelligence bonus.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2
Ragnar Stolen-Voice wrote:
Kurn Thornsson wrote:

Knowledge Local


Kurn has no idea where to find the boy, so he will go to the main hall and wait. "I'll just wait in the main hall until the boy turns up, but if he's not here by the morning, I'll take myself off to the shrine" he says to Helga and Stefnir casually.

Kurn, buddy, you got a roll a d20 and add your intelligence bonus.

Doh! What was I thinking! Thanks Ragnar

Knowledge Local

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Suddenly all becomes clear to Kurn! The boy will be seeing us tonight. Kurn will still go to the hall and wait though.

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

Helga will go back as well, and belatedly help clean up the place.

Female Human Barbarian/2

Anya rudely (but unconsciously) wrinkles her nose at the offer of tea but the mention of mead immediately after gains a small grunt of satisfaction from her. Standing in a natural but relaxed warriors pose, feet slightly more than shoulder width apart, with one hand on her longspear and the other on her hip, and with a look on her face part bemusement part annoyance, she says "Hmph, well, the offer of mead sounds good, the Gods know how long it's been since I've been able to wet my throat with a flagon or few, but I did not come here to 'talk'. I am only interested in him" as she points directly at the warrior she has her designs on "and if things go as I plan, talking is one of the things we'll be doing the least." she finishes with her idea of a seductive smile, but a crude leer is all she is able to really manage.

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Ari says, "My name is Ari, and tea would be most welcome", bows to Master Kejin and takes a seat on the carpet.

The Exchange

Master Kejin nods politely and claps his hand. A slim and delicate Qin girl of rare beauty enters with a tray and two jugs. One is clay and she pours out a mead for Anya, the other is of fine china and hot tea is handed to Ari in a small cup.

Ari Know local DC10

Using a clay jug is a Qin slight showing disfavour in Anya.

"I regret that these bodyguards cannot speak your language but I will discuss the matter you mention with him. Hatoro is a very accomplished warrior but maybe he would like to cross swords with you, honourable Krieg lady. Please can you tell me what has brought your broken ship to this village?"

While this is being answered the Qin girl quietly waits in one corner. Ready to serve.

The Exchange

Kurn makes it as far as the other side of the rope bridge when he is stopped by an old man wearing leather armour and with a set long spear.

"Who goes there?" rasps the rickety man.

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Knowledge Local 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Ari takes the cup and sips the hot, fragrant liquid.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2
French Wolf wrote:

Kurn makes it as far as the other side of the rope bridge when he is stopped by an old man wearing leather armour and with a set long spear.

"Who goes there?" rasps the rickety man.

"My name is Kurn Thornsson, Priest of Krakis and acting Captain of the Albatross. I believe that your Lord or his son wants to meet with me and other members of the crew in the hall tonight, which is where I'm heading with your permission?". Kurn holds his hands up to show he is no threat to the sentry.

Female Human Barbarian/2

As the mead arrives Anya's eyes light up and she eagerly graps it, without a word bringing it to her mouth and quaffing the entire jug in one big gulp. As soon as she finishes she lets out a big, long, loud burp and smacks her lips in satisfaction. Passing the jug back to the serving girl she says with a big grin "Now that was Good! Keep them coming sister!"

Her smile fades rapidly though as the annoying old man keeps talking. Growing more and more frustrated, especially as the does not seem to be anything for her to hit, she almost shouts "Sit? Sit where old man?? You have not even chairs! Look, I don't know how men and women do things from wherever you're from, but I have crossed leages to get here, I've fought monsters, a cursed ship and the very sea itself, and I have not had a man to share my bed for longer than I care to remember! SO, all I want to know is if he" again pointing to the Qin warrior "is going to come with me or not? And if the problem is that you are afraid to be without your guard, well, Ari here is a good man" she says slapping her shipmate on the shoulder "and I'm sure he won't mind waiting here a bit for me until I'm done. And more, if you lend us a room right here I promise I'll have your man back unharmed, well, Mostly unharmed" she adds with a throaty chuckle "in and hour...or two. So what say you old man? Or better yet, what does He say?"

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Ari says to Master Kejin, "Please forgive the abruptness of my friend Anya, she knows nothing of the etquette and customs of the Qin. What she is trying to say is that she would like to spend some intimate time alone with the warrior."

The Exchange

Old Kejin smiles with a small twitch of his lips then he shakes his head at Anya, "I am sorry for your predicament and can see that Hatoro may be of great help but unfortunately this matter must be discussed before I such a union may be possible. Perhaps your friend Ari here may be of quicker service than one of my guards? I can lend you the ditch behind this lodge but my rooms are unfortunately occupied."

"Then after I would wish to talk with Ari alone. May the Seven Hundred shine on us."

The old man quaffs his tea and slowly gets up with the aid of the other bodyguard. He bows his head a little to both Krieg and waits.

The Exchange

Kurn Thornsson wrote:
"My name is Kurn Thornsson, Priest of Krakis and acting Captain of the Albatross. I believe that your Lord or his son wants to meet with me and other members of the crew in the hall tonight, which is where I'm heading with your permission?". Kurn holds his hands up to show he is no threat to the sentry.

"Well no one is allowed in here without the word of our Lord Mercik, so go away. You were told - later!" The old man cackles at his brave words but that turns into coughing and retching, however he keeps the spear levelled.

"I am Bran Spearslayer and none of you cursed sailors is coming in until the Lord says so. I bet my right nut you haven't even got a gift to give him, just some wet-behind-the-ears sailors who couldn't keep a mast up."

"Ha ha ha."

His body quickly calms and he looks ready for a fight.

The two women guarding the front of the hall turn to watch the loud words and so does the lookout in the bell-tower.

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Ari thinking his luck is in, winks at Anya and says, "Fancy a quick tumble then Anya, I'm quite acrobatic"

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2
French Wolf wrote:
Kurn Thornsson wrote:
"My name is Kurn Thornsson, Priest of Krakis and acting Captain of the Albatross. I believe that your Lord or his son wants to meet with me and other members of the crew in the hall tonight, which is where I'm heading with your permission?". Kurn holds his hands up to show he is no threat to the sentry.

"Well no one is allowed in here without the word of our Lord Mercik, so go away. You were told - later!" The old man cackles at his brave words but that turns into coughing and retching, however he keeps the spear levelled.

"I am Bran Spearslayer and none of you cursed sailors is coming in until the Lord says so. I bet my right nut you haven't even got a gift to give him, just some wet-behind-the-ears sailors who couldn't keep a mast up."

"Ha ha ha."

His body quickly calms and he looks ready for a fight.

The two women guarding the front of the hall turn to watch the loud words and so does the lookout in the bell-tower.

Kurn looks at the guard with disgust and thinks to himself with that cough he'll be dead soon enough. "Very well, I'll go and visit your shrine to Krakis and return later. I take it that it's permissible to do so?"

The Exchange

The old man coughs and grins through the spittle produced, "speak to Lord Mercik cough, cough, cough first."

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2
French Wolf wrote:
The old man coughs and grins through the spittle produced, "speak to Lord Mercik cough, cough, cough first."

Thinking that he had better be nice for now, smiles at the guard.

"What ails you exactly? That's a nasty cough and I may be able to help you?"

FW - Can Kurn help at 2nd level within the rules of the game?

The Exchange

make a heal check, Kurn. You may be able to help.

Female Human Barbarian/2

Intelligence check:1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13

Having a feeling that she may have just been insulted but not completely sure or how, Anya merely scowls at the old man. Then, as Ari makes his offer, her scowl turns to him. But as her eyes automatically run over his extremely well muscled form and air of stamina and health it turns into a sultry smile. "Well my friend, with an offer like that, how can a lady refuse?" And then she laughs genuinely at the idea of her being any kind of lady "Besides" she adds as she puts a hand under Ari's arm helping him to his feet "if this old man is any indication these [i]chol[/] probably have no idea how to treat a real woman. Likely talk her to death."

Heading out and away from the old man before she decides to stick a spear in him, Anya turns again to Ari "You'll have to find somewhere suitable quick now, I'm not in a mind to wait!" then in a lower voice "And was that bastard of an old man insulting us somehow?? Because if he was...!"

FW & Ari


I'm thinking there's no need to get into the nitty gritty guys, unless you want to RP the finding of a suitable place FW? Otherwise, I'm of the mind you can write some small summation and fast forward to later on? Simply MHO of course, you're in the driver's seat and however you want to roll with it is cool with me. And of course we can continue with the RPing of Ari and Anya's tryst after the fact as well : )

The Exchange

Just need to wrap up the Anya/Ari stuff and Kurn's trip then we can move on to the evening in the mead hall. Unless anyone has anything else they want to do.


Can you give me a couple of Perception checks for later? Also do either or both of you intend to leave the ship for the meeting? Perhaps Jorgen could from a posting point of view that means Mark can join in more if he wants. Let me know what you think.

Female Human Barbarian/2

Ha, read my spoiler above, you just ninja'd me a bit ; )

The Exchange


No nitty-gritty, thanks. Let's just move on to you two walking away from wherever (you choose) and head back to the rest...etc.

Female Human Barbarian/2

Works for me. But since you're the gentleman Ari, I'll let you decide on the place they're coming from ; )

Seeming much more relaxed than she had been for some time, and with a smug smile of satisfaction on her face, Anya finishes readjusting her clothes. Suddenly she laughs out loud as if remembering something "Acrobatic indeed! That was a tumble to be remembered all right Ari my friend. Wait till Helga hears about this. Ha!" and she gives him a hearty slap on the shoulder which would have sent any lesser man stumbling forward but which the incredibly strong young rogue takes in stride.

The smile remaining on her face, Anya continues to walk back to the lodge they had been assigned.

PS FW, is it anywhere near the time Anya was supposed to meet up with Breda?

The Exchange

Breda will meet Anya at the High Hall when the Lord meets everyone later in the evening.

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

After Ari and Anya leave the deserted lodge, quickly located after leaving the Qin. Ari says that he has some business to attend and will meet up with Anya later in the Mead Hall.
Ari then returns to Master Kejin to find out what he wants.

The Exchange

Once Ari is back before Kejin, he is asked questions on how he came to be here, the journey and further back, how does a Kreiglander learn a little of their ways and speech.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2
French Wolf wrote:

make a heal check, Kurn. You may be able to help.

Heal Check

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Ari tells Master Kejin a tale, that even a bard would be proud of, about visiting Qin, being abandoned, living life as a rogue then stowing away aboard a ship, learning his father had drowned in a storm and finding his brother Kurn again. Getting work as a rower on The Marked Albatros to where Master Kejin finds him now.

The Exchange

Kurn Thornsson wrote:
French Wolf wrote:

make a heal check, Kurn. You may be able to help.

Heal Check



He is old and is going to die anyway - may need a decent burial at sea though?

The Exchange

When Ari finishes, the old man offers him a small packet of fragrant Lapzi tea, and hopes that his meeting with the Lord Mercik goes well this evening. If Ari wishes, Kejin would like to talk further with him after morning exercise tomorrow.

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Ari bows to Master Kejin, thanks him for the packet of tea and says that he will be happy to talk again tomorrow.
Ari heads for the Mead Hall to look for the others.

The Exchange

Ari realises along the way that the majority of the party are at the lodge, either cleaning or waiting for the Lord's Meeting. He can see this since the Qin lodge is close to the crew's quarters.

Anya has re-joined Helga, Stefnir and Ragnar. Saorise and Jorgen are on the Albatross at the moment and Kurn is elsewhere presently. The longhouse is starting to look much cleaner and habitable. Simply sweeping away those cobwebs and opening the two shutters has made a huge difference to the crew's temporary home.

We are heading towards the time of the meeting with Lord Mercik. I'll give folks a couple of days to prepare for that then move things on to that.

Some small loaves of bread and pots of goats cheese have been provided with some wonderful mead, the mentioned cavemead is sweet and strong with a smile in every mouthful.

Freki and the boys ask Helga and Stefnir separately if they should come to the High Hall too.

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

Helga defers to Stefnir, but has her own question for the priest.

"Stefnir, it's traditional to bring a gift to the lord, and for the life of me I think we had every thing of value on the ship stripped by the crew when they deserted. What can we offer him, that he will not cause offence?"

Knowledge (nobility): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Can Helga think of anything herself?

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

Kurn smiles again at the guard. "May Krakis bless you in this world and the next my friend". Kurn then turns and makes his way to find Helga, Ari and the others before the meeting with Lord Mercik.

Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2

Jorgen perception 1:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Saorise perception 1:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Jorgen perception 2:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Saorise perception 2:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Jorgen perception 3:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Saorise perception 3:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

How many hours do we have on the ship before the meeting?

Female Human Barbarian/2

As she listens to her sisters question and knowing well the way of men, especially men in positions of power, Anyna looks at her fine new longspear for a moment. Then, without a word she holds it out to offer to her sister, silently answering the question posed.

The Exchange

Jorgen Ulrichsson Truesight wrote:

Jorgen perception 1:1d20+4

Saorise perception 1:1d20+7

Jorgen perception 2:1d20+4
Saorise perception 2:1d20+7

Jorgen perception 3:1d20+4
Saorise perception 3:1d20+7

How many hours do we have on the ship before the meeting?

Two hours. The meeting takes place at about five in the afternoon to give you an approximation.

In the autumn here, the sun sets slowly from about five until six, gradually getting darker as it goes.

The Exchange


A masterwork or beautifully carved spear such as the one Anya has offered would be a very good gift to a village leader like Mercik. A service or some kind may be another way to go, the longer and more specialised the service, the greater the gift.

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

"I'd be loath to take your weapon, sister - perhaps we can barter a service for a gift? It's not unheard of."

Female Human Barbarian/2

Not unpleased at the idea of retaing her fine new weapon, Anya's only reaction though is a non-commital grunt. However as the warrior woman thinks on how wise her little sister has become a small smile of pleasue does curl one corner of her wide mouth.

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Ari approaches Helga and says,"Will this be any good as a gift", producing a small packet from his clothing and saying,"Its a small packet of fragrant Lapzi tea, its all I have."

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6

"Yuh'd thuhnk huhlpin thuhm suhvuhv duh wuhntuh wuhld buh guhft uhnuhf. Wuh shuhldn't muhk pluhns wuhthuht Suhshuh uhn Juhguhn. Thuh'rr puht uh duh cruh tuh."
Assuming that's agreeable, Ragnar will get Saorise and Jorgen from the Albatross so they can eat and discuss the meeting.
French Wolf:

Is there a policy on extradition between communities? Is the Lord here likely to send Ragnar back to Grimhild if he's identified?

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

"Thank you Ari ... but perhaps we can offer a service in stead? We have little enough as it is," she listens to Ragnar.

"That's a good idea, Ragnar, we should ask them to join us to discuss this. Any offer will have to involve all of us."

The Exchange


A lord or sometimes a political or judicial druid would deal with something like this but probably only if confronted with someone like Svart that could prove Ragnar as an outlaw. Word of his criminal background is unlikely to have reached Ackrieg yet - unless some kind of magic is involved.

The Exchange

Ragnar can get either or both off the Albatross in time to discuss this before going up to the High Hall.

Hopefully Jorgen or Saorise will respond by tomorrow. If not then let's assume that Jorgen returns with Ragnar.

One of Breda's amazon-like guards pops by to warn Stefnir that the Lord expects everyone by with the Lord in about an hour, and as she leaves her parting shot comes back into the longhouse, "you smell like smoked fish, you lot, some worse than others. Ha ha ha. Cursed Kippers!"

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

I'll assume that Kurn has re-joined the others FW. I will post tomorrow night, then I won't be able to post again until Sunday

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Ari replaces the small packet in his clothing, then helps himself to some bread and cheese, leaving the mead untill after their meeting with the Lord.

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6

Once Ragnar gets back with Jorgen (and/or Saorise), he lays out his opinion.
"Th' pehple huhr muhk fun uhf us, buht Uh thuhnk thuh're pluhsed wuh're huhr. Fushin's guhn suhr, nuht uhnugh pehple fuh duh huhvuhst: thuh're wuhruhed uhbuht wuhntuh. Wuh guht a pruhst uhf Kruhkuhs, uh drood, uh skuhld, uh smuhth, uh wuhtch 'n wuhtch-huntuh uhn duh ruhst uhf us tuh fush 'n hulp wuhth duh huhvuhst, nuht tuh muhn-shuhn huhlp pruhtuhctin' duh tuhn. Uhf wuh guhve duh luhd thuht spuh 'n uh suhvuce, wuh'll buh uhluht muh wuhlcuhm. Thuh nuhd us uhs muhch uhs wuh nuhd dem, buht guhnuhsuhtuh cuhn uhnluh huhlp."


"The people here make fun of us, but I think they're pleased we're here. Fishing's gone sour, not enough people for the harvest: they're worried about winter. We got a priest of Krakis, a druid, a skald, a smith, a witch and witch-hunter and the rest of us to fish and help with the harvest, not to mention help protecting the town. If we give the lord that spear and our service, we'll be a lot more welcome. They need us as much as we need them, but generosity can only help."

I don't even own soap; I guess Ragnar will just freshen up a little in the river or something. Maybe get some pine tar to cover the smell a little.

Male Human Druid 2

"I have found in negotiations, it is best to keep something in reserve". I think our service is needed, and the village Druid will help persuade the ruler to accept that as a gift". "We can keep the spear in reserve if it looks like we need something to sweeten the pot". "If not we keep it...we might need it after all".

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

"I like that plan," Helga nods. Her hand holds her harp-case tightly: a gift from her mother, she was sure that sooner or later somebody would suggest it, and it was a treasure she was loath To relinquish.

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