PFS in Olympia, WA

Local Play

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Scarab Sages 1/5

LtlBtyRam wrote:
I will have #39 Citadel of Flame prepped and ready to run for those who haven't ran it yet. I hope to see you there Driver. We always welcome new people :-)

Thank you but I won't be in town for this game, which was why I asked about last weekend. But no problem I will probably be able to make your game next month on the fourth Sat.

Shadow Lodge

I'll prep Among the Dead for play this weekend (the spiritual sequal to Among the Living that we played the last time I was there ^_^)

Shadow Lodge

Sadly, between homework to finish and not really feeling well the last few days, I'll have to miss it again. Charlie, I'll shoot you an e-mail to ask for that info.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Dane Pitchford wrote:
Sadly, between homework to finish and not really feeling well the last few days, I'll have to miss it again. Charlie, I'll shoot you an e-mail to ask for that info.

That's not good. Even worse, I prepped Silent Tide but apparently have locked my keys in the trunk of my car. Working to get that remedied so I can be here for second slot to run. Sorry, guys.


Liberty's Edge 3/5

I will be running PFS 04, The Frozen Fingers of Midnight, starting at 12:00 noon this Saturday, July 31, at Olympic Cards and Comics. Give me a shout out if you know you can make it.



Count Keven and I in Talbanus! @Dane I'm working on compiling the session sheets for the missing sessions which need reporting. I'm still waiting for input from one of the regulars. As soon as I have it I'll e-mail it to you.

Shadow Lodge

Thanks a bunch. And I'll be sure to give you guys updates from GenCon next week! :)

Shadow Lodge

Well, I finally have internet again while waiting for my plane home. Gen Con was a blast.

Oh, and I hope you guys are prepared for some awesome, because sometime in the (indeterminate) future, Josh intends to head back down to actually play in a game, and he may even bring Cosmo, Paizo's resident mustachioed marvel, with him.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

LtlBtyRam wrote:

So, Saturday, August 14, any ideas for scenarios? I can run:

PFS-01, Silent Tide for Charlie, Holly, and anyone else who couldnt catch it the first time.
PFS-04, The Frozen Fingers of Midnight for any who didnt catch it on July 31
The special starter module from Paizo.Con, The Forbidden Tower (or some such title .. forget exactly).

Probably best if I schedule to run in second slot, since it's not 100% sure I will make it for the first slot yet.


Shadow Lodge

I should be able to make it on the 14th, as well, and I'll try to prep a couple of adventures, likely Among the Dead, and one other once I go through my PDFs and see what I have.

Scarab Sages 1/5

2 questions for you;

Do you have room for a 2nd lvl trap rogue?
And what time do the slots start at?

Shadow Lodge

Slots start at noon at Olympic Cards & Comics in Lacey. And I don't think we do have a 2nd level trap rogue, lol.

Grand Lodge 4/5

7th level trap rogue, yes, sonny-my-boy. But I'll be blazing trails, finding paths, penetrating the jungles, and plundering the tombs at the high-level table.

Scarab Sages

Professor T. A. Forthlake wrote:
7th level trap rogue, yes, sonny-my-boy. But I'll be blazing trails, finding paths, penetrating the jungles, and plundering the tombs at the high-level table.

And I'll be evading all the nasty surprises at the mid-level table! Either that, or I'll be babysitting somebody at the noob table.

Shadow Lodge

Ah, Professor!

Hey, Charlie, I sent off those e-mails before I went off to Gen Con. Did they get through at all?

Dark Archive

And of course we have a 5th level Fighter/Sorceress, but that's neither here nor there. ;)

Silver Crusade 1/5

I will be running "to scale the dragon" for those interested. It is ready to go.
Also I have something for lower level pathfinder characters just in case.

Sumarra, the fiercely dedicated and holy servant of Calistria, will be coming along to teach
::true appreciation and application of knowledge in all its forms.
::amazing happiness and unequaled personal fulfillment from exquisitely and artfully executed revenge.
::learning of ones true self through tricking others, and tricking them well.
::the wholesome virtues of unmitigated and unadulterated lust, for all things delightful.

He will of course be accompanied by his faithful follower, a stegosaurus named Taldor. Who follows a Qadiran, as is proper in a rightful world.

Shadow Lodge

I'll have a couple of adventures ready to go, whether we need them or not. I'm thinking Among the Dead and one of the new Season 2 scenarios from Gen Con if anyone's interested. Possibly Shadows Fall on Absalom. I've heard good things about it, but only got to run one of the others at the Con (my only real Pathfinder game the entire 4 days. So sad.)

Liberty's Edge 3/5

samerandomhero wrote:

I will be running "to scale the dragon" for those interested. It is ready to go.

Also I have something for lower level pathfinder characters just in case.

I've heard good things about this scenario. I'd love to play. Is level 4 too low to play this, or does that depend on the rest of the characters at the table?


Grand Lodge 4/5

samerandomhero wrote:
a stegosaurus named Taldor. Who follows a Qadiran, as is proper in a rightful world.

Now THAT is funny, young fellah-my-lad.

Shadow Lodge

It was good to see you guys again. I'll be making a point to stay healthy so I can make it more often after my recent string of absences. Being that I started the group (and am the coordinator) I...really should, lol.

Let's start the planning. I'll be bringing Before the Dawn Part II: Rescue at Azlant Ridge, and Among the Dead (though I'm hoping to play in at least one slot. We'll see what happens)

I know that Ailyn is itching to get out :)

Shadow Lodge

Okay, so we may have a problem with our next game day. According to a recent Facebook post from the folks at OCC, they're planning some sort of 40k tournament. I'm not sure if we'll have our tables.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Massive bummer! I had a GREAT time playing PFS at the last game, and I've got a friend a new character to play in the next game on the 28th.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Driver wrote:
Massive bummer! I had a GREAT time playing PFS at the last game, and I've got a friend a new character to play in the next game on the 28th.

Might we try The Game Matrix in south Tacoma? They usually have a couple of tables available for tabletop RPG's, and have plenty of Pathfinder-related gaming supplies. That would mean some driving for our Olympia friends, but it's not bad on a Saturday.


The Exchange

If you get ahold of Gabi (the owner if you don't know) at OCC and give her a heads up about how many you think will be there she will normally carve out a spot for you somewhere. Also keep in mind that the 40k guys use the higher tables and she tends to keep them off the ones the RPG folks and card gamers use on the other side. Anyway my point is if you like using the shop I would touch base with her.

*former OCC employee*

Shadow Lodge

Usually, but a month or two ago there was one so big that they were using every single table except one, lol. That's why I wanted to bring it to people's attention that we need to be ready for anything. :)

But, for the moment, let's plan to meet there, and if there's a space issue we can figure out what else to do once we have a better idea.


We can check and see if the community space @ Joe's is open. It worked great last time as a fall back. William, give me a call I need to ask you a question about your character history. 360-870-3322.

Shadow Lodge

We may have at least one new player coming, too, so even if we get the other place secured we might need a person or two to rendezvous with the new blood at OCC and show them where to go.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Dane Pitchford wrote:
We may have at least one new player coming, too, so even if we get the other place secured we might need a person or two to rendezvous with the new blood at OCC and show them where to go.

So, one table at the OCC (the 'couch table' that's away from the 40K'ers) and another someplace else in Lacey?

Shadow Lodge

well, if one table doesn't play there, both don't play there. We stick together as a group, lol

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Two questions: 1) did we get Joe's? and 2) who's GMing what?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that we're probably not going to need any high-level scenarios for a while.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Charlie Bell wrote:

Two questions: 1) did we get Joe's? and 2) who's GMing what?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that we're probably not going to need any high-level scenarios for a while.

I'm up for judging a slot. What I've got prepped are:

PFS-01, Silent Tide (I think at least Charlie, Dane, and Thom still havent played this one)
PFS-04, The Frozen Fingers of Midnight (as far as I know, no one has played this except for Kevin, Angela, Jeff, and Joe)
The special starter module from Paizo.Con, The Forbidden Tower (or some such title .. forget exactly). This one requires brand new characters.


Shadow Lodge

It's "Masters of the Fallen Fortress" I believe.

And I have #49 - "Among the Dead" prepped, as well as 2-02 - Before the Dawn Part II: Rescue at Azlant Ridge for those that played part 1 with me last time and wanted to continue.


When I asked Gabi how many players they were expecting she wasn't sure. I got the impression it wasn't like the tourney that took the entire store. I think we will be ok.

Shadow Lodge

Sweet. Thanks for checking up on that, LtlBtyRam

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Dane Pitchford wrote:

It's "Masters of the Fallen Fortress" I believe.

And I have #49 - "Among the Dead" prepped, as well as 2-02 - Before the Dawn Part II: Rescue at Azlant Ridge for those that played part 1 with me last time and wanted to continue.

Oh, definitely want to play Rescue at Azlant Ridge with the same crew that played 2-01! Thom, Larry, and Joe were at my table ... another fellow, as well, but I don't remember his name at this particular moment.

Scarab Sages 1/5

I also want to play part II the Rescue with the same crew.

I'll bring new character with just in case Dojohouty bites it on the Rescue. Also a friend (Norm) wants to come with a new 1st lvl Monk.


Shadow Lodge

Excellent! The more, the merrier. One of my goals in starting this group in the first place was so that we could grow and promote Pathfinder in a fun, friendly environment.

Still, having fun is more important :)

Shadow Lodge

Today's sessions have been reported! Oh, and someone needs to get me the record sheet from last meeting, too.

Grand Lodge

My first post on a Pathfinder forum:

Just a note to tell you all how much I enjoyed yesterdays sessions, met some great folks, and look forward to playing with them again, and again. I would post some names, but i am sure i would leave someone out unintentionally. The two DM's, Dana and Kevin, were great. certain characters jump out as really fun (but that might have a lot to do with proximity to me at the tables. Gnarsh, Sir Garadoch,Dojohouty, Danduin (whom both Thelonius and Dojo will have a keen eye on in the future ;-] ), Nahoku, rumple, all in no particular order. We survived the second encounter for only two reasons, Kevin, ""fudged" some rules on rolling, and Dojo's using ten charges healing the party at critical times. I wouldn't say without those two factors there would have been a TPK, I am pretty sure at least one "fighter" would have survived to tell the lodge, they needed a new team to find the missing. ROTFL

Shadow Lodge

It was great to have you, and we definitely hope to play with you again.

As an aside: Charlie, do you think you could get me another chronicle sheet for #33? I can't seem to find the one from our session saturday night.

Shadow Lodge

Dane Pitchford wrote:

It was great to have you, and we definitely hope to play with you again.

As an aside: Charlie, do you think you could get me another chronicle sheet for #33? I can't seem to find the one from our session saturday night.

Nevermind. Found it :)

Scarab Sages 1/5

Speaking of chronicle sheets, Kevin have you finished and sent out the ones for Shipyard Rats?

Shadow Lodge

So what do we want to do, next saturday? I know there was talk of only having a single evening session, simply because there are a few of us that do want to attend the game day at OCC. Any requests/ideas/suggestions?


@Driver...I will get Keven working on those for you guys

As for next Saturday. We have cleared the Community Center. Keven and I just have to call to make arrangements to pick up the key. With as much as I would love to do the game day at OCC it dawned on me it is Charlie's last session with us.

Shadow Lodge

Oh, wow. Then we definitely have to pull out all the stops here. :)

Liberty's Edge 3/5

LtlBtyRam wrote:

@Driver...I will get Keven working on those for you guys

As for next Saturday. We have cleared the Community Center. Keven and I just have to call to make arrangements to pick up the key. With as much as I would love to do the game day at OCC it dawned on me it is Charlie's last session with us.

I will run PFS #23, Tide of Morning in the first slot on Saturday. The blurb is below. I need the address for the community center.



Venture-Captain Dennel Hamshanks sends you to convince an Andoren druid named Hemzel to allow the Pathfinder Society to study his recently discovered lorestone, a minor magical item that unlocks some of the mysteries of the ancient Andoren druid circles. When you arrive and find Hemzel murdered and the lorestone missing, you must race against time to recover the lorestone and stop Hemzel's murderers from using it against the druids of Andoran.

Written by Steven Robert

This product is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 5th level characters (Tiers: 1–2 and 4–5). .

Scarab Sages 1/5

talbanus wrote:

I will run PFS #23, Tide of Morning in the first slot on Saturday. The blurb is below.



I can make it Sat. probably Norm too.

If needed I've got PFS #12 "Stay of Execution" to run if enough people haven't played it yet. But I would rather play.

"Stay of Execution"
When a petty thief named Hadge gets a lucky break and makes off with a powerful divination focus of the Pathfinder Society's masked leadership, you and your fellow Pathfinders set out to the sparsely populated Taldor frontier to find him and recover the focus. When the local governor tosses Hadge into the brutal Porthmos Prison for a minor crime, your mission suddenly becomes a jail break. Will you free Hadge and uncover the location of the focus before the gangs of Porthmos tear him apart?

Written by Alison McKenzie

This product is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 7th level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 4–5, 6–7).

I need the address for the community center too.


Shadow Lodge

and I, of course, will be bringing Among the Dead, since Charlie's been really wanting to play that one. I'm pretty sure LtlBtyRam can get you guys the address.

Liberty's Edge 3/5


Lost your current e-mail addy. The address for tomorrow is 4500 Martin Way East, Olympia, 98516. Noon start time as usual. Pass the information on to Norm, if you would.


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