Shadowdancer Rogue Talent question

Rules Questions

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Shadowdancer gets 3 rogue talents. Many rogue talents referance rogue levels (such as Minor and Major Magic). If I am a fighter/shadowdancer, do I not gain any benefit? Or does my shadowdancer level substitute for the missing rogue levels?

If I were a rogue/shadowdancer, would both class levels stack for the purposes of rogue talents since both classes grant access to the ability?

Yes. If you had minor magic as a rogue, then got a rogue talent as a shadowdancer, you could then take major magic.

If you had 10 or more levels of rogue, you could take an advanced talent as a shadowdancer, but the class levels don't stack.

Since fighters don't get rogue talents, a fighter/shadowdancer would only get the talents she could have as a rogue of her shadowdancer level. She could take minor magic, then major magic.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

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