PC game

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion


I really fancied "Neverwinter nights 1 and 2" games using the 3 end 3.5 ed. As I'm not really eager to discover a "neverwinter nights 3", using the 4th ed. I was wondering if paizo can and will, in a not too far future, release a similar "Magnimar Nights" using pathfinder rules.

Hello, i'm also a neverwinter fan, and i hope it will be a good idea, to play a similar game with pathfinder rules, because the 4th ed of DD is not really the rule i would use. so i think you have a good idea bob bob84 for a PC game with the world and the rule, it would be amazing. i've just to say good and great idea

Liberty's Edge

I think the 3.5 OGL says that companies are not allowed to make computer or video games based off the 3.5 rules. Only WOTC is allowed to license/ produce stuff like that. Would be nice thou.

In fact are WOTC not currently suing Atari over what they were doing (or trying to do) with the OGL license?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Then can we have an NPC game? (You know, commoners, experts, adepts, etc.?)

Lord Fyre wrote:
Then can we have an NPC game? (You know, commoners, experts, adepts, etc.?)

Hum...?? Somebody ate a clown for lunch... let me guess, it tasted weird...

Bob Bob 84 wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Then can we have an NPC game? (You know, commoners, experts, adepts, etc.?)
Hum...?? Somebody ate a clown for lunch... let me guess, it tasted weird...

FUNNY, "I had clown for lunch and it tasted FUNNY!!" Ugh! Somebody shoot that man with a bottle of seltzer water! ;-)

Dire Hobbit wrote:
Bob Bob 84 wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Then can we have an NPC game? (You know, commoners, experts, adepts, etc.?)
Hum...?? Somebody ate a clown for lunch... let me guess, it tasted weird...
FUNNY, "I had clown for lunch and it tasted FUNNY!!" Ugh! Somebody shoot that man with a bottle of seltzer water! ;-)

That joke is even worse than the previous one...

Vic just explained this in another thread:

We're allowed to use the Pathfinder system in game development, but IP is off limits and we can't really call it Pathfinder.

I'm considering developing something myself, but since I'm a solo developer and not a very good programmer at all, I expect nothing usable to come of it.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Several of the responses in this thread contain inaccuracies. Please see this post and the following discussion, which covers almost all of this ground.

(Also, Wizards' suit against Atari has nothing to do with the OGL; Atari was producing D&D video games under a specific license from Wizards/Hasbro.)

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