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I have a question regarding the Weapon Master ability of the War Domain. Does this ability require an action to activate? The wording under the section describing how Domains work seems to indicate it requires a standard action to initiate, but that would make several of the potential feats next to worthless.

nidho |

I see it in the other way, some combat feats are highly circumstantial, step up and quickdraw come to mind. Using them as a free action is like having them both(or more) at the same time. Which is more than the power allows:
Weapon Master (Su): At 8th level, you gain the use of one combat feat for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive and you can change the feat chosen each time you use this ability. You must meet the prerequisites to use this feat.

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Well that kills a lot of the usefulness of the ability. Improved Initiative, for example, cannot ever be used. Basically, the ability is marginally useful if you take Power Attack/Combat Expertise/Critical Focus/Point Blank Shot/Improved Unarmed Strike/Two Weapon Fighting first, and it's unlikely you can take more than a couple of those (Str 13, Int 13, Dex 15, BAB+ 9, etc etc).
I'm not one for hyperbole, but seems clear to me now that the War domain is nearly useless. The cleric can't use Battle Rage on his own weapon (standard action to use, lasts 1 round so it's gone by the time he gets a chance to attack), and it's got a range of touch. Weapon Master is severely limited it seems.

Cartigan |

Twowlves wrote:I'm not one for hyperbole, but seems clear to me now that the War domain is nearly useless.That's not hyperbole at all. :p
It's not "useless," just limited. Of course you can't use it for the best passive feats, but why don't you just get those anyway?
The REAL problem with it is that you have to meet the feat prerequisites. That turns what would be a decent ability into a gimped piece of junk.
Abraham spalding |

Improved Initiative would still change your initiative on the next round.
My understanding is that it lasts for 1 round per level or until you choose to stop it... it doesn't state it lasts until the beginning of your next round... it lasts until the end of your next round. Effects end at the end of you turn on the round they end unless otherwise stated.

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Improved Initiative would still change your initiative on the next round.
My understanding is that it lasts for 1 round per level or until you choose to stop it... it doesn't state it lasts until the beginning of your next round... it lasts until the end of your next round. Effects end at the end of you turn on the round they end unless otherwise stated.
The Weapon Master ability lasts for up to 1 round per cleric level, and they don't have to be consecutive. You can spend a standard action to pick up Shield Focus and each round after you use it counts against your daily allotment. Switching from Shield Focus to Weapon Focus would take another standard action.
Battle Rage, however, is unusable by the cleric on his own weapon:
When the rules refer to a “full round”, they usually mean a span of time from a particular initiative count in one round to the same initiative count in the next round. Effects that last a certain number of rounds end just before the same initiative count that they began on.
Thus it's ok to buff your friends, but not yourself.

ladenedge |
Asking the cleric to use a round merely to activate a combat feat is too much imo. For one, as mentioned, it renders many feats literally useless. More importantly, it assumes that the cleric is going to amortize the activation over a few rounds of use. But clerics don't work that way! I can't just ignore my party's situation because I invested in some style of combat for the next few rounds - if someone needs healing or buffing, then I've got to heal or buff him. For each round something like that occurs, I've effectively spent that many additional rounds activating the feat.