Zombies and Heroes

Gamer Connection

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Radavel wrote:

Courtfool: Blast would be an appropriate power. Detect Human and Zombie Minds can be a form of supersense.

I can have your PC attached to a news agency with links to the US Embassy.

I am familiar enough with M&M to design the powers. I withheld intentionally. Will mental powers work on zombies by default or will they have to be specifically tailored to them? Does a zombie (Aberzombie excluded, obviously) have a mind? Emotion Control and Mind Control could wreck havoc on your campaign. I was not sure how you wanted to handle it…if at all.

You had mentioned earlier about us discovering our powers later. That could be made even more interesting if we, as the players, do not even know our powers. How do you feel about designing the super-powered character and revealing it through play?

Detect Zombie could also be another campaign ruining power. Imagine all those "Surprise! It's Zombies!" moments you could loose if one character always knows where they are. If you are cool with that, then I definitely want Detect Zombie.

Shadow Lodge

Sorry for the lack of posting. Here's what I've got so far.

Story(first Draft):
Jerrie was a typical kid.. with a love of magic, legends, and myths. He saw mutants one the news one day, and ever since he has dreamed of being either a Mage or a Mutant. Little did he know his wish was about to come true. At the age of 15, he found an ancient book in his home town's library. Magic spells, rituals older than time, the strengths and weaknesses of magic and monsters, all at his finger tips. He went to check it out immediately, but the librarian couldn't find it in the library's database and thought he was trying to pull a prank on her, and told him to go home. What luck!

That night, when everyone else was fast asleep, Jerrie opened the tome. The first spell he read(and the one that caught his attention the most) was one that claimed to “unlock one's inner power.” Following the instructions precisely, pouring over every detail, Jerrie readied the spell. How was he to know it wasn't just magic he would gain? Pain tore through his body as he completed the ritual, his very DNA changing as his mutant gene was activating after being dormant for so long...

Four years later, Jerrie has learned much from his book, though the fact he is a mutant remains unknown to him. The power he has gained has increased, water and ice shaping to his will. His vacation time has kicked in, and he is leaving his kitchen behind as he follows a lead about an store of powerful magic scrolls in the Philippines

Str 10 Dex 16(6) Con 12(2)
Int 14(4) Wis 16(6) Cha 14(4)

Attack Bonus: +2(4)
Defense Bonus: +4(8)

Feats: Elusive Target(1), Dodge Focus +2(2), Evasion(2), Precise Shot(2), Favored Environment(Underwater, 1), Environmental Adaptation(1),

Knowledge(Arcane Lore): 16 ranks(4)
Profession(Cook): 8 ranks(2)
Drive: 4 ranks(1)
Concentration 4 ranks(1)
Notice: 4 ranks(1)
Search: 4 ranks(1)
Sense Motive: 4 ranks(1)
Stealth: 8 ranks(2)
Handle Animal: 4 ranks(1)
Swim: 8 ranks(2)

Each rank's cost is in (), as are Power Feats and Flaws and their cost.
Powers: Adaptation 1rank(6), Blast 1 rank(2), Create Objects 1 rank(Stationary, 2+1), Water Control 1 rank(2), Magic 1 rank(Fog of Forgetfulness, Mystic Binding 2+1+1), Insubstantial 1 rank(5), Swimming 1 rank(1), Regeneration(Regrowth Source: Water), Super Movement 2 ranks(Water Walk and Trackless, 4), Immunity 1 rank(underwater suffocation, 1), Protection 3 ranks(Ablative, 3-1)

Okay, i changed one of the powers (leaping to Swimming 1, Immunity 1 and Super Senses-sight/radius) in favour of my story, amking myself more shark like while still maintaining the power house achetype.

The only thing I need to know, is if I can have the Drawbacks of:
Noticable - Grey shark like skin casued by my Immunity
Noticable - Pointed Teeth caused by my Super STR (no combat function, just cosmetics)
Noticable - Eyes are completely pupil (the black part of the eye) caused by my Super Senses

so that they are always on and make me look alot more shark like.

the reasoning behind this is in my story, which i will post in spoiler form, so that it doesn't seem like such a huge post. (my story is wuite long.)

Cameron's Story:

Cameron was a simple man, Toiling away every day in the ice cream factory, his physical size and strength making a perfect candidate for the job. Cameron wasn’t an overweight man, just bulky, his long brown hair always tied in a tight ponytail. Cameron favoured wearing jean shorts and polo shirts, preferably a blue than any other colour. The most noticeable thing about Cameron was that he always wore a necklace of a shark’s tooth around his neck, often, without notice; he would take the tooth in his fingers and run his fingers along the jagged, serated edge of the tooth. This was the only thing he had to remember his childhood friend, Livai, from whom he learnt much of Pacific Island mythology and legend, learning that the shark’s tooth symbolised strength and power.
One day, while on a lunch break from work, Cameron was playing with his necklace again, but this time, the shark’s tooth pierced the skin on his finger, drawing blood. Cameron thought nothing of it, going to the emergency station and getting his finger bandaged. Cameron went about his typical work day, getting home late one night, and heading straight for the shower. While in the shower, Cameron noticed that the water felt unnatural and alien, as if somehow his body was rejecting the hot water of the shower. Turning the hot water off, Cameron noticed that the cold water seemed amazingly nice, as if he had somehow come home after years of neglecting his home.
Cameron thought nothing of this; it didn’t seem like a medical emergency, so he paid it no thought at all and promptly went to bed and slept. Waking the next moning, Cameron went about his normal routine, until he finally looked into the mirror in his bathroom. Cameron screamed in fear as he saw his face had completely changed, his tanned skin was now a shade of grey or blue, and was rough to the touch. His Eyes were completely black, and his teeth seemed pointed.
Cameron didn’t know what to think, so he ran to the computer room and checked the internet for any disease that would have symptoms like this, failing to find anything, Cameron thought of something. The necklace was missing from his bed side table. Cameron checked high and low, searching everywhere for it, finally finding the necklace still around his neck, Cameron saw that the blood from his finger was no longer on the shark’s tooth, despite his forgetting to clean it. Cameron then pulled out a large book from his bookshelf, dealing with the myths and legends of the Pacific Islands, and found exactly what he was looking for.
An old and strange tale of a man who fell in love with a shark, and as such, turned into a shark himself when he was bitten by his loves tooth. Not believing this, Cameron called his childhood friend, Livai, who he found out was now living in the Philippines, and asked his where he got the tooth from. Livai replied with a short answer, quite simply stating that it was one of his.
Not believing a word Livai said, Cameron started to explain the symptoms of his current malady over the phone, only to be told that this would have happened anyway, and that Livai was surprised it took this long. Livai asked Cameron to come and see him, saying that the water will no longer be an issue for Cameron, as he should now be able to swim as fast as a shark, and can breathe water as if it were air.
After booking a flight to the Philippines, Cameron decided to test out his new “abilities” as Livai had called them, finding that he could infact breathe while fully submersed in water and swim at amazing speeds. Enjoying his new powers, Cameron found that his powers also included amazing strength and health, making him far stronger than any normal man could be.
This trade off seemed fair enough, all these abilities for a few drawbacks, liking this change more and more as time went by, Cameron dressed up, even to the point of wearing sunglasses everywhere, and putting on makeup to hide his grey skin, Cameron finally got to the Philipines.

This is Cameron’s Story up until the DM decides on what is happening to the people.

This is my character, I.E me, without the drawbacks, will add them in if allowed, if not, this is me.

Just a note, I took the 3 points I spent in leaping, and put them into swimming 1, Immunity 1, and Super Senses -sight/radius 1.

Dark Archive

Sorry for not sending you a mail, Radavel. I'm working right now on my character's background and powers. Is it permissible to use stuff from our real lives - my family arms, for example?

Just bumping the thread, really. Also, I'm pretty sure Ravadel's out with some real life stuff right now.

I am willing to wait. Also, has everyone written their character's stories yet, I don't want to cast my vote until I read everybody's story.

Dark Archive

Oh I am here. and we'll proceed once everyone has their characters ready.

To Nightflier, family arms are cool, whatever makes the character extraordinary.

And yes, do not forget the bonus points awaiting the winner of our little contest.

I think the optimum time for me to post is around lunchtime 12pm up to 3pm which translate as 8pm up to 11pm US Pacific for those of you in the states.

Dark Archive

CourtFool wrote:

I am familiar enough with M&M to design the powers. I withheld intentionally. Will mental powers work on zombies by default or will they have to be specifically tailored to them? Does a zombie (Aberzombie excluded, obviously) have a mind? Emotion Control and Mind Control could wreck havoc on your campaign. I was not sure how you wanted to handle it…if at all.

You had mentioned earlier about us discovering our powers later. That could be made even more interesting if we, as the players, do not even know our powers. How do you feel about designing the super-powered character and revealing it through play?

Detect Zombie could also be another campaign ruining power. Imagine all those "Surprise! It's Zombies!" moments you could loose if one character always knows where they are. If you are cool with that, then I definitely want Detect Zombie.

Nope zombies have no mind, hence, they will not be affected by emotion and mind control as well as mental blast.

i am not comfortable making the character, because my taste is different from yours. what is cool for me may not be cool for you.

you don't need to call your power "detect zombie". Your super sense can be as simple as using heatvision seeing zombies as pale blue silhouette rather than the standard red human shapes.


just sayin hi

Dark Archive


I decided to go magic instead. At some point after the zombie apocalypse starts, David stumbles upon a mystic tome and magical ring. When he opens the book and begins to read it, he is suddenly imbued with mystic knowledge.

David Wyatt [powered version]
Power Level: 6; Power Points Spent: 90/90

STR: +0 (10), DEX: +0 (10), CON: +0/+5 (10/20), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +1 (12)

Tough: +5, Fort: +6, Ref: +6, Will: +9

Skills: Computers 2 (+4), Concentration 2 (+5), Investigate 3 (+5), Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 11 (+13), Knowledge (Role Playing Games) 2 (+4), Sense Motive 3 (+6)

Feats: Attack Focus (Ranged) 6, Beginner's Luck, Equipment, Improved Defense 2, Improved Initiative 2, Luck 3, Ritualist

Magic 6 Mystic Blast, Distracting
apHealing 5 Persistent, Distracting
apTelekinesis 6 (3,200lbs.) Distracting
Device 2 Ring of Health Enhanced Constitution 10
Flight 6
Super-Senses 5 Detect Souls, Free Action, Range, Extended 2 (1,000 feet)

Attack Bonus: +0 (Ranged: +6, Melee: +0, Grapple: +0)

Attacks: Blast, +6 (DC 21) Unarmed Attack, +0 (DC 15)

Defense: +6 (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -0

Initiative: +8

Languages: English

Equipment: Camera, Cell Phone, Laptop

Drawbacks: Power Loss - Blast and Flight when unable to speak or gesture

Totals: Abilities 12 + Skills 6 (24 ranks) + Feats 16 + Powers 33 + Combat 12 + Saves 13 +
Drawbacks -2 = 90

Ran through Hero Lab.
Made some corrections.

David Wyatt

Power Level: 6; Power Points Spent: 90/90

STR: +0 (10), DEX: +0 (10), CON: +5 (10/20), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +1 (12)

Tough: +5, Fort: +6, Ref: +6, Will: +9

Skills: Computers 2 (+4), Concentration 2 (+5), Investigate 3 (+5), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 11 (+13), Knowledge (Role Playing Games) 2 (+4), Sense Motive 3 (+6)

Feats: Attack Focus (ranged) 6, Beginner's Luck, Equipment 1, Improved Defense 2, Improved Initiative 2, Luck 2, Ritualist

Flight 6 (Speed: 500 mph, 4400 ft./rnd; Power Loss (Gesture or Speak))
Magic (Array 3) (default power: blast)
ap Blast 6 (Default; DC 21; Distracting; Power Loss (Gesture or Speak))
ap Healing 7 (Array; DC 17; Distracting; Power Loss (Gesture or Speak))
ap Telekinesis 7 (Array; Strength: 35, Carry: 1.1k / 2.1k / 3.2k / 3.2 tons; Distracting; Power Loss (Gesture or Speak))
Ring of Health (Device 2) (Hard to lose) Enhanced Constitution 10 (+10 CON)
Super-Senses 5 (detect: Souls 2 (free action), extended: Detect Souls 2 (x100), ranged: Detect Souls)

Equipment: Camera, Cell Phone, Laptop Computer

Attack Bonus: +0 (Ranged: +6, Melee: +0, Grapple: +0)

Attacks: Blast 6, +6 (DC 21), Unarmed Attack, +0 (DC 15)

Defense: +6 (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -2

Initiative: +8

Languages: English

Totals: Abilities 12 + Skills 6 (23 ranks) + Feats 15 + Powers 32 + Combat 12 + Saves 13 + Drawbacks 0 = 90

Shadow Lodge

I'm going to drop out. It's still a strange system, and I don't want to hold up the game.

Dark Archive

I'm going to drop aout as well. Some time passed and I'm starting another pbp of my own.

It's because I posted, isn't it?

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