Zombies and Heroes

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Dark Archive

Is there any interest in playing a PBP involving your fictionalized selves, albeit with superpowers, in a world gone mad with zombie fever?

System-wise I favor M&M D20 (2nd edition) [PL 6 - 90 Power Points].

I'm interested. I just got Mutants and Masterminds for Christmas and I'd like to try it out.

Dark Archive

lordzack, welcome aboard.

I'd like to take a realistic approach to the use of superpowers, hence, expect an increase in lethality.

You know what, why not. I'm interested.

Dark Archive

Hello Davi, welcome.

You know this makes 2 PbPs that I have expressed interest in, where I have never opened the books I own (Palladium and M&M).

I'm interested, what books are we going to use?

Dark Archive

Corebook would be fine. But I will be using variant rules to make the game more gritty. Will post that later.

Cool, I just looked at the book, looks pretty straight forward, I'll wait for more information before deciding on how to approach my self fictionalized with superpowers.

Dark Archive

I am interested as well. When you say "fictionalized selves", do you mean that we would play ourselves as real world persons, but with superpowers?

Shadow Lodge

Any chance there is an online version of the books? This sounds really cool.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Same here I'm intrigued, but don't have the rulles.

*after picking my jaw off the ground*

Heck ya I want to play!

Well, I call dibs on the electricity-based blaster. Now, if you excuse me, I need to go back to fumbling my way through character creation.

(Note: Here's a pretty good character builder for M&M. Be sure to use the OpenOffice version, the Excel version has... issues.)

EDIT: Oh, yeah, anything we should know about the setting this is taking place in?

Dark Archive

nightflier wrote:
I am interested as well. When you say "fictionalized selves", do you mean that we would play ourselves as real world persons, but with superpowers?


For those who are interested but do not have the rules, please email me at inquisitor dot radavel at gmail dot com

For those who are familiar with the system, please consider the following excerpt from Paragons and I quote:

One option for a Paragons series is for the players to take the roles of fictionalized version of themselves, who awaken to the potential for paranormal powers and have to deal with the impact those extraordinary abilities have on their lives and on the world.
The first step in such a character creation process is largely the same: creating non-powered versions of the player characters and determining their relevant game traits. The benchmarks given for ability scores and skills in Mutants & Masterminds may be helpful here, and the GM should encourage the players to be objective (but also not too harsh) in figuring out what their own game traits should be. The GM should exercise good judgment in helping the players and balancing out the right trait ratings.
It’s likely the characters won’t all have the same point totals at this stage, which is just fine, so long as the players all have the same number of points to spend. As with normal character creation, the GM should decide if the players will determine their characters’ paranormal traits or if they will be decided for them, and kept a secret until the characters learn more about what they can do.
Playing yourself in a Paragons game can be fun, but groups should also be aware that this sort of roleplaying can be intensely personal, and some players may take offense at either discussion of what their game traits should be or at things that happen to the fictional versions of themselves in play, even more so than with entirely fictional characters. If any of the players are uncomfortable with the idea of playing themselves, they should be encouraged to create fictional characters using the regular guidelines instead.

Dark Archive

Setting, I plan on using a fictionalized version of my home city, Manila, with all of you guys there on holiday or some other reason. I'll give you guys a guided tour from the airport to the hotel, be it the six star Maxim or the apartelle next door, or some other place you need or want to be depending on your back story.

Powers will be interpreted in as realistic a manner as possible.

Okay, again, pretty straight forward, all I need now is the power level, and I'll get to creating a character as real as possible.

I will post everything that would be needed for review, which is most everything, as most of us don't know each other, and the DM can decide on whether it sounds legitimate or not.

Dark Archive

Power level 6 (90 points)

Assuming there is room for me, I am thinking of a speedster character. If not that, then maybe healing. Thoughts are always welcome.

Personally I was thinking of playing a powerhouse, as I am very stocky, and my work requires a lot of heavy lifting.


Shadow Lodge

Sounds like a good idea Ekeebe. I think I'm going to try a Water Mage(mixing Mystic with Energy[Water] Controlloer).

This system is so not what I'm used to...

Shadow Lodge

Can someone explain what putting more than 1 rank in a feat means/does?

I'm not too sure, I didn't actually come across that, creating a power house.

I'll post what I have spent everything on and what it means, and the DM can decide if it is correct.

Con 14 points (Con score of 24)
Str 12 points (Str score of 22)
Attack Bonus 12 points (+6 Attack Bonus)
Defence Bonus 6 points (+3 Defence Bonus)
Toughness 6 points (+6 Toughness)
Fort 5 points (+5 Fort Save)
Ref 2 points (+2 Ref Save)
will 2 points (+2 Will Save)
Feats 1 point (Power Attack feat)
Notice skill 2 points (8 ranks)
Search skill 2 points (8 ranks)
Power Feats 2 points (Shockwave & Thunder Clap)
Enhanced STR 8 points (Str Score now of 30)
Enhanced CON 7 points (Con Score now of 30)
Super STR 6 points (16 tons light load/32 tons medium load/50 tons heavy load)
Leaping 3 points(200 ft running long jump/100 ft standing long jump/50 ft high jump)

Please go through this DM and tell me if it is correct, I have never used the M&M system to create a character before.

I havent factored in any points from drawbacks yet, and I was curious on how many drawbacks we are allowed?

Dark Archive

Dragonborn3, I sent you an reply to your other email. Hope that solves the other problem.

Dark Archive

deranged wrote:
Assuming there is room for me, I am thinking of a speedster character. If not that, then maybe healing. Thoughts are always welcome.

there is room enough for all.

Dark Archive

Ekeebe, math looks right, 90 points.

You can use drawbacks, just run it by me first to ensure that it jibes with the flavor of the setting.

Shadow Lodge

Radavel wrote:
Dragonborn3, I sent you an reply to your other email. Hope that solves the other problem.

It does, thanks.

Dark Archive

Aside from Ekeebe, any other character ready for stat inspection?

Shadow Lodge

Radavel wrote:
Aside from Ekeebe, any other character ready for stat inspection?

Almost. I'm just trying to narrow down my list of powers. I should have everything spoilered sometime tommorrow. Would you also like a background/story?

Working on it.

Of course, I still have 33 points to spend, and I may have done some unholy things to my save DCs in the name of making a proper ability array. Things are probably going to change between now and the final build, but it's better than nothing.

Also, are we going to be having some superpower-causing accident happen in the beginning of the game, or is it just "six superpowered Paizonians stay at the same hotel when the zombie apocalypse breaks out"?

I am almost done, but I am having trouble making heads of tales of the "Speed" power. It says I move up the Time and Value Progression Table (page 70). I don't see how this deals with speed as it only mentions time. Now I will admit that I have not taken physics since high school, but last I checked I need both distance and time to give me speed. Any one know how to interpret this?

deranged wrote:
Any one know how to interpret this?

I'm guessing either they mean that you can go 10 miles per hour at rank 1, then 10 miles in 20 minutes at rank 2, ten miles in 5 minutes at rank 3, etc, or that they mean you can go 10 MPH at rank 1, 20 MPH at rank 2, 50 MPH at rank 3, 100 MPH at rank 4, etc. Well, either that or they pointed you at the wrong graph.

Dark Archive

Would appreciate some background, at least some that would it explain why you are in the Philippines visiting. Are you a journalist, a scientist, tourist or a CIA advisor? Mix in some facts about yourself then embellish for effect. Your characters may have their power already when the game starts, if that is the case, please include the event that triggered it. For those who want to hold up until the start of the Z apocalypse that is also fine with me (in which case you will have 2 sets of stats, unpowered and superpowered versions of yourselves).

It is also possible that all of you are high stakes gamblers come to the Philippines for the 10 million dollar winner take all poker tournament. Or Philippines is just the site of Nth Paizo Convention.

I'd like to hear your remarks on these points.

Dark Archive

10 Power Points awaits the person who comes up with the MOST COMPELLING BACKGROUND.

Each player has three votes, which he can all cast for the same person but not himself.

Voting will be done by sending your votes to me via my email inquisitor dot radavel at gmail dot com; just tell me whose background you like and how many votes you are casting.

This is my first time working on a MnM character from the ground up, so feel free to check the math. Also, when did we acquire our powers? At the same time as the Zombie menace? Earlier? Do we even know about the Zombie threat yet? Thanks. When I get these answers I will have a background for you.

tr 10
Dex 18 (8)
Con 12 (2)
Int 12 (2)
Wis 10
Cha 13 (3)

Saving Throws
Toughness 4
Fort 3
Ref 4
Will 3

Attack 4 (8)
Defense Defense 4 (8)

Super Speed 4 (21) [with Wall Run and Rapid Attack]
Strike 6 (6) [used to represent the speed of his fists]

Skills (6)
Bluff 3
Computers 1
Craft [Art] 1
Craft [Structural] 1
Diplomacy 2
Drive 1
Knowledge [History] 3
Knowledge [Current Events] 1
Languages [American Sign Language] [This from an Int mod of +1]
Perform [Acting] 2
Profession (education) 3
Sense Motive 3
Survival 2
Swim 1

Defensive Roll (1)
Dodge Focus 2 (2)


Dark Archive

Will check the math... where's that calculator....

anyways to answer your questions.

Time of power acquisition: I leave that up to you, but if you want it after the Z event, then you will have 2 set of stats, underpowered and superpowered you.

Awareness of the Z threat: nope you are all blissfully ignorant of the threat unless you have a background in the occult.

Dark Archive

Hey, sorry for absence. New Year stuff and all that. Is there still room for me? My concept is vampiric/arcane character, since I'm half Walachian (think Transilvania) and half Serbian.

Dark Archive

That's fine Nightflier. will he be allergic to sun, garlic and holy symbols?

Dark Archive

Radavel wrote:
That's fine Nightflier. will he be allergic to sun, garlic and holy symbols?

Well, in real life I am allergic to sun :), onions disagree with me and garlic makes me wanna sleep, so the character should have some disadvantages along those lines. Although, "vampir" is Serbian word (it means, literally "unburned" because ancient Slavs burned their dead) and vampires from our folklore are largely unaffected by garlic and sun, at least not in a deadly way. That's mostly Hollywood. The most dangerous thing to a vampire is a blackthorn (it's a plant that grows like a rose bush). A single thorn is enough to prevent someone to become vampire and a blackthorn stake is one of a few sure ways to kill one. There is also belief that links werewolves with vampires. Wolves were totem animal of ancient Serbs (and Walachians and today's Romanians) and there was a belief that werewolves were sorcerers who could by various means transform to wolves. When they die, they became vampires. There are other legends as well. So, I would try to make my character more like a character from folk tales than superhero, but with a modern twist, perhaps.

So, anyone have any ideas on what to spend twenty-some points on for a decent electricity-controller?

Dark Archive

David, may i suggest taking some of the suggested power feats and alternate powers.

The following is my Character Background.

The real Matt L: Teaches High School English in rural Missouri. His wife is working on her doctorate in Asian Ethnomusicology, but we have not gone to Japan (her number one choice) yet.

The Matt L superhero:
Matt L (born 1983) has taught both history and English. When his wife Carol, working on her doctorate in Asian ethnomusicology, went to the Philippines, her husband joined her. Now he teaches conversational English to high school children who want to go to an American college. The pay is good for the country, and it helps support his wife during her studies. They both live in a small, but decently furnished apartment wit their three cats. During the day he works with his students, and at night he tells his wife he is tutoring for extra money.

This is not the truth. No one else knows. Not his family. Not his friends. In high school, Matt began to notice his Cross Country time drop dramatically. His coach just thought he was finally putting forth some extra effort or had a change in diet. Matt realized that neither was true, as he stopped feeling tired after running six miles and still managed to get the best time on the team by a full minute and a half. One night during his Junior year he finally pushed himself to go as fast as he could and realized that something was not right. He did not run Cross Country his senior year, citing a need to focus on his grades as the reason. In truth he was afraid his super speed would be found out. He kept his powers secret, never using them for any purpose, as both his home town and the city he went to college had no real crime to fight. It was not until he moved to Chicago for a few years that he realized he could no longer keep his powers to himself.

Donning an outfit reminiscent of a World War I flying ace, Matt takes to the streets of Manila to crack down on crime. The locals have began calling him Mangindusa after a god in Filipino Mythology who, among other things, was responsible for punishing criminals. His superhero efforts have all been minor in nature, busting a few drug dealers, and stopping some purse snatchers. No one of real significance has ever met up with Matt, and he is OK with that. While he feels he needs to help out others, he has read enough comics to know that taking on the big bads, usually leads to trouble for the hero and those closely connected with him. He never uses his abilities during the day in case of being found out, though he was tempted once when he was running late for work. He currently struggles with telling his wife the truth about his double life.

Dark Archive

Good stuff there. Please finalized stats and background under an alias.

Dark Archive

Radavel, check this link please:Zduha&#263;. I'd like for my character to be something like that - with an option of going dark side. That is, becoming real vampire.

Radavel wrote:
David, may I suggest taking some of the suggested power feats and alternate powers.

That... doesn't quite work. I've already got plenty of alternate powers, and I can't exactly spend more than twenty points on power feats, can I?

David Wyatt was smart, maybe not genius smart, but smart enough to get by without ever actually applying himself. He drifted through his own life only working hard enough to make himself comfortable. He made passing grades through grade school, but was never a straight A student.

He had discovered role playing games in high school. They became his obsession. An outlet for his creativity. He taught his friends to play and every weekend they would indulge in marathon sessions escaping real life into the catacombs of some dragon's lair.

Being somewhat of a geek and 'nice guy', high school was largely socially awkward. Always chasing after a girl who was interested in someone else. It was not until his senior year that he noticed girls chasing after him.

Life after high school was equally as directionless. His parents could not afford to send David to college, so he joined the Army. He imagined himself going through Ranger training, but once at basic he was redirected into Military Intelligence.

Military training was a joke, and once again, David did just enough to get through. Soon enough he found himself in the basement of NSA. Opportunities surrounded him, but instead of grasping them, David was content to spend every hour of free time playing games.

Like his career, David fell into his marriage. His high school sweet heart followed him to the other side of the country and since it seemed to be the thing to do, they were married. Like everything else, that stalled.

The divorce had been difficult. They always are. David eventually admitted to himself that he needed help, there was no disgrace in reaching out. He turned to his old Army buddies, Dick and Jim. The three of them decided they would have their wild reunion in the Philippines where rumor had it, anything was available for the right price.

David was oblivious to that. He was thinking he and his old buddies could waste away the hours in another world, heroes once more. Once more, life had other plans.

Power Level: 6; Power Points Spent: 16/90

STR: +0 (10), DEX: +0 (10), CON: +0 (10), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +1 (12)

Tough: +0, Fort: +0, Ref: +0, Will: +3

Skills: Computers 2 (+4), Concentration 2 (+5), Investigate 3 (+5), Knowledge (Role Playing Games) 2 (+4), Sense Motive 3 (+6)

Feats: Beginner’s Luck, Equipment

Powers: None

Attack Bonus: +0 (Ranged: +0, Melee: +0, Grapple: +0)

Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +0 (DC 15)

Defense: +0 (Flat-footed: +0), Knockback: -0

Initiative: +0

Languages: English

Equipment: Camera, Cell Phone, Laptop

Totals: Abilities 12 + Skills 3 (12 ranks) + Feats 2 + Powers 0 + Combat 0 + Saves 0 + Drawbacks 0 = 16

This is pre-powers. I would like to gain powers at onset of Z-hour. I am thinking mentalist. More specifically, I was thinking a Mental Blast that works on zombies. Also, that he can detect human and zombie minds.

Dark Archive

Davi The Eccentric wrote:
Radavel wrote:
David, may I suggest taking some of the suggested power feats and alternate powers.
That... doesn't quite work. I've already got plenty of alternate powers, and I can't exactly spend more than twenty points on power feats, can I?

how about holding off on the power point expenditure? say that there are abilities yet to manifest, what you think? it does give you some flexibility.

Dark Archive

Courtfool: Blast would be an appropriate power. Detect Human and Zombie Minds can be a form of supersense.

I can have your PC attached to a news agency with links to the US Embassy.

Dark Archive

nightflier wrote:
Radavel, check this link please:Zduha&#263;. I'd like for my character to be something like that - with an option of going dark side. That is, becoming real vampire.

Plausible, email me your stats so I can make some additional suggestions.

Radavel wrote:
Davi The Eccentric wrote:
Radavel wrote:
David, may I suggest taking some of the suggested power feats and alternate powers.
That... doesn't quite work. I've already got plenty of alternate powers, and I can't exactly spend more than twenty points on power feats, can I?
how about holding off on the power point expenditure? say that there are abilities yet to manifest, what you think? it does give you some flexibility.

Yeah, I'm probably just going to do that. Now to come up with a background. (Planning to get powers at the zombie apocalypse.)

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