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Crimson Jester wrote:What's the point of clean pr0n? Really. It's so antiseptic. :PHello everybody miss me?
Ok, so you didn't thats ok.
I notice I must have missed something in the Pet shop, or dog pound as I like to think of it. Darn it Thats what I get for going to my nieces and nephews house and clean up their computer from all the viruses and spyware on it.
Oh yeah and all the Pr0n on it too.
No the need to remove it from a 12 year old girls picture files.

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Okay, here is my item, so they you guys can give me your thoughts.
Amulet Of Shadows
Aura Moderate Necromancy; CL 8th
Slot Neck; Price 267,000gp; Weight -
This amulet is carved from a single piece of silver into the shape of a skeletal hand. Clasped in the hand is a piece of rare black marble, streaked with read streaks and the "chain" is a braided strand of human hair.. Three times a day as a standard action, the wearer can grasp the amulet and cast Animate Dead as if they were an 8th level wizard. The undead create by one use of the amulet last until they are destroyed or until the wearer creates a new batch of undead with the amulet.
Requirements: Craft Wonderous Item, Animate Dead, the maker must place a drop of their own blood on the stone at the center of the amulet. Cost: 107,000 gp
Edit: I wonder if I would have done better with the Blanket of Comfort.

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Urizen wrote:No the need to remove it from a 12 year old girls picture files.Crimson Jester wrote:What's the point of clean pr0n? Really. It's so antiseptic. :PHello everybody miss me?
Ok, so you didn't thats ok.
I notice I must have missed something in the Pet shop, or dog pound as I like to think of it. Darn it Thats what I get for going to my nieces and nephews house and clean up their computer from all the viruses and spyware on it.
Oh yeah and all the Pr0n on it too.
Okay, I'll bite. How did they wind up with so much porn?

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Urizen wrote:No the need to remove it from a 12 year old girls picture files.Crimson Jester wrote:What's the point of clean pr0n? Really. It's so antiseptic. :PHello everybody miss me?
Ok, so you didn't thats ok.
I notice I must have missed something in the Pet shop, or dog pound as I like to think of it. Darn it Thats what I get for going to my nieces and nephews house and clean up their computer from all the viruses and spyware on it.
Oh yeah and all the Pr0n on it too.
WHAT! I about went ballistic when I caught my twelve year old looking at Pr0n but at least he's a guy. Maybe I'm just clueless but I didn't think women/girls looked at that kind of stuff.

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Crimson Jester wrote:WHAT! I about went ballistic when I caught my twelve year old looking at Pr0n but at least he's a guy. Maybe I'm just clueless but I didn't think women/girls looked at that kind of stuff.Urizen wrote:No the need to remove it from a 12 year old girls picture files.Crimson Jester wrote:What's the point of clean pr0n? Really. It's so antiseptic. :PHello everybody miss me?
Ok, so you didn't thats ok.
I notice I must have missed something in the Pet shop, or dog pound as I like to think of it. Darn it Thats what I get for going to my nieces and nephews house and clean up their computer from all the viruses and spyware on it.
Oh yeah and all the Pr0n on it too.
I've been told that it's become trendy for the teenage girl set, but even by today's standards, 12 is a bit young for them to be actively looking for it.

Urizen |

WHAT! I about went ballistic when I caught my twelve year old looking at Pr0n but at least he's a guy. Maybe I'm just clueless but I didn't think women/girls looked at that kind of stuff.
I guess that all depends on exactly what that 'stuff' is they're looking at. Maybe it's a regional thing, but I definitely know of women who do view such contents. Heck, they're the ones that are more apt to have 'toy parties' in the same fashion as one would host tupperware parties.

Urizen |

Okay, here is my item, so they you guys can give me your thoughts.
** spoiler omitted **
Edit: I wonder if I would have done better with the Blanket of Comfort.

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Celestial Healer wrote:I've been told that it's become trendy for the teenage girl set, but even by today's standards, 12 is a bit young for them to be actively looking for it.These days, it doesn't take much to accidently stumble across it.
Agreed. I was once doing research on Elizabeth I and clicked on what claimed to be a link to the Library of Congress only to be redirected to a kiddy pr0n site. I reported them right away, but I'd like to find the people who did it and give them my "thoughts" on the subject in person.

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I think it is actually her 18 year old brother who has gotten in trouble for it before. He may have been trying to be sneaky by hiding it in her pictures. Since she did not have any pics listed there other then tons of Porn. Who knows. I did tell her I removed it and informed them all that parental controls are in place along with an actual antivirus and anti Spyware programs. Instead of what they kinda had before. Then again she may have just been curios. It is hard to tell. She has um matured very early.

Patrick Curtin |

Well, if anyone is interested here's my little entry. The fact my bard keeps getting whaled on was the inspiration for this: :P
Orbs of the Jongleur
Aura faint abjuration; CL 4th
Slot -- Price 7,200 gp; Weight 1.5 lbs.
These three brightly-painted wooden orbs look like typical juggling balls used by entertainers across many lands. After these balls have been set into motion for 1 full round, a DC 15 Perform (Juggling) check is made. If the check is successful the balls will continue to circle around the juggler without assistance, affording a +2 deflection bonus to their armor class. They will remain in orbit around the juggler for one round plus as many rounds as the successful Perform (Juggling) check exceeded 15. At the end of this time, or if the initial Perform (Juggling) check was unsuccessful, the balls fall to the ground and require a round to retrieve and another round to set in motion again.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, shield, levitate; Cost 3,600 gp

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I am horrible with this but I will give my thoughts.
I love the fluff with the drop of blood and the basic idea of the name. I think for it to have been a more umpf of an item is if you could only summon say Shadows. Which would also tie into the name more. Just my 2 CP
I hate the name. Love the Idea. I think it should have been Shield of faith instead of the Shield spell for a deflection bonus and maybe have these items tied to a religious order. But otherwise fine.

Urizen |

Well, if anyone is interested here's my little entry. The fact my bard keeps getting whaled on was the inspiration for this: :P
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Crimson Jester wrote:I think it is actually her 18 year old brother who has gotten in trouble for it before.This may be a good time for this.
He is about to graduate and shall soon be off to the national guard.

Patrick Curtin |

Dedicated to Patrick's bard.

Urizen |

Urizen wrote:** spoiler omitted **David Fryer wrote:** spoiler omitted **Okay, here is my item, so they you guys can give me your thoughts.
** spoiler omitted **
Edit: I wonder if I would have done better with the Blanket of Comfort.

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Thanks guys. Yeah those comments are about right. Thought I was being kewl with the medieval juggler word, but that's just me being overly esoteric.
It is a cool medieval Juggler word and one of the great things about this type of game is pulling cool old words back into use. Or making up new cool words that people complain about
That being said it is like a Dennis Miller Joke. If you have to explain it, its no longer funny.

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Well, if anyone is interested here's my little entry. The fact my bard keeps getting whaled on was the inspiration for this: :P
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It seems overly complex in many ways. Maybe the DC could be lower or using it should take a standard action to use or something.

Patrick Curtin |

That being said it is like a Dennis Miller Joke. If you have to explain it, its no longer funny.
Yeah. I'm the type of guy who laughs uproariously at Miller's jokes, but everyone else is looking at me like I'm a loon. And you are right, when I have to explain why his jokes are funny, they cease being so.
I'm an obscure reference geek ..

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Crimson Jester wrote:That being said it is like a Dennis Miller Joke. If you have to explain it, its no longer funny.Yeah. I'm the type of guy who laughs uproariously at Miller's jokes, but everyone else is looking at me like I'm a loon. And you are right, when I have to explain why his jokes are funny, they cease being so.
I'm an obscure reference geek ..
As am I. :)

Urizen |

Yeah. I'm the type of guy who laughs uproariously at Miller's jokes, but everyone else is looking at me like I'm a loon. And you are right, when I have to explain why his jokes are funny, they cease being so.
I'm an obscure reference geek ..
I used to love Miller when he was on SNL and HBO, but when he got that political talk show gig, I kinda soured at his comments. I really felt he sold out.
I'm also an obscure reference geek too. There are times I'll say things around people that no-one gets, but that's okay. They may think I'm crazy for chuckling under my breath, but I don't care. As long as *I* got it. :D

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At least you guys entered. I never finished mine.
Uses a skull of a Kobold for the enchantment. You place a candle into it and after 5 minutes a mist forms and gives you a map of the local area. As soon as the candle goes out the mist goes away. You can ask the "spirit" of the skull any 3 questions while the candle is lit. If it has anythign to do with the map such as "is there a trap in the first room?" it will answer it with a whisper. It can be used once a week.
Never did get the cost down for it though so I never entered it. Plus it was kinda bland to me.

Freehold DM |

Okay, here is my item, so they you guys can give me your thoughts.
** spoiler omitted **
Edit: I wonder if I would have done better with the Blanket of Comfort.
I would have loved the Blanket of Comfort up there in the top 32. I really thought it was inspired.
This is interesting, but I think they would have called it a monster-in-a-can and rejected it.

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Patrick Curtin wrote:Yeah. I'm the type of guy who laughs uproariously at Miller's jokes, but everyone else is looking at me like I'm a loon. And you are right, when I have to explain why his jokes are funny, they cease being so.
I'm an obscure reference geek ..
I used to love Miller when he was on SNL and HBO, but when he got that political talk show gig, I kinda soured at his comments. I really felt he sold out.
I'm also an obscure reference geek too. There are times I'll say things around people that no-one gets, but that's okay. They may think I'm crazy for chuckling under my breath, but I don't care. As long as *I* got it. :D
I never saw his show on HBO.

Freehold DM |

At least you guys entered. I never finished mine.
** spoiler omitted **
Never did get the cost down for it though so I never entered it. Plus it was kinda bland to me.
Bland to you, maybe, but I've been in situation where I would have KILLED for an item like this(both in game and IRL). Flesh it out more. I'd like to see more of it.

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Crimson Jester wrote:Bland to you, maybe, but I've been in situation where I would have KILLED for an item like this(both in game and IRL). Flesh it out more. I'd like to see more of it.At least you guys entered. I never finished mine.
** spoiler omitted **
Never did get the cost down for it though so I never entered it. Plus it was kinda bland to me.
Um thank you. I will take some time and finish it up and then post it here for you.

Freehold DM |

Well, if anyone is interested here's my little entry. The fact my bard keeps getting whaled on was the inspiration for this: :P
** spoiler omitted **
A VERY interesting item, but I don't think I could see my bard plunking down the cash for this. Then again, he was no jongelur. I'd say make a few tweaks and see if you can make it more than just defensive- a psuedo fireball would be cool with damage scaling the amount of rounds you kept it in the air in addition to the defensive benefits.

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I think it is actually her 18 year old brother who has gotten in trouble for it before. He may have been trying to be sneaky by hiding it in her pictures. Since she did not have any pics listed there other then tons of Porn. Who knows. I did tell her I removed it and informed them all that parental controls are in place along with an actual antivirus and anti Spyware programs. Instead of what they kinda had before. Then again she may have just been curios. It is hard to tell. She has um matured very early.
You did save them on a flash drive for future "review", right?

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Crimson Jester wrote:I think it is actually her 18 year old brother who has gotten in trouble for it before. He may have been trying to be sneaky by hiding it in her pictures. Since she did not have any pics listed there other then tons of Porn. Who knows. I did tell her I removed it and informed them all that parental controls are in place along with an actual antivirus and anti Spyware programs. Instead of what they kinda had before. Then again she may have just been curios. It is hard to tell. She has um matured very early.You did save them on a flash drive for future "review", right?
Um no.