Ekeebe's WFT OOC Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Okay guys, here is the OOC thread, use this thread to come up with ways of knowing how your characters are aquainted.

Also I'll be posting all relevant IK information here.

I don't have his back story written yet, but I do know that Joran has been run out of at least one town recently. He didn't do anything wrong, but the townspeople blamed him anyway. The curse of his powers and all that.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

you look sound, for a town that you were run out of, try Highgate, it's a fairly large port town run by the faith of Menoth.

or another option is to say that you escaped from the Protectorate of Menoth, because of their strict persecution of all Sorcerers and innate casters.

Escapee it is

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

okay, for all those who wantot know more about the Ironk Kingdoms, it has taken me ages, but I have put together a 5 part Player's Guide the the IK.

here are the links:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

for all those who want to change their character accordingly, or just to add any more information, then please don't hesitate to do so, just make sure that you tell me what you have changed so i can keep track is all.

i am cross posting this into the hookup thread too.

Joran of the Black Mists wrote:
Escapee it is

Hey since I an a cleric of Menoth, maybe i was sent to pursue him?

Dark Archive

Male Elan Shaper 10/Constructor 5/Phenotype Impresionist 5

So, will the party end up with a spellless cleric before really starting to playing, or will one of you die soon so I can get in? ;)

M half orc Paladin 1

nim will worship morrow, like his mother told him to
and if it is ok with the GM perhaps Katrena visted him in a vision

David Wickham wrote:
So, will the party end up with a spellless cleric before really starting to playing, or will one of you die soon so I can get in? ;)

That reminds me I need to pick spells.

(EDIT) Done.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8
Eric Swanson wrote:
Joran of the Black Mists wrote:
Escape it is
Hey since I an a cleric of Menoth, maybe I was sent to pursue him?

Well if you want to play that approach, then I dont see anything wrong with it, but then again, not all clerics of Menoth are so prejudiced, you may wish to try and reform him along the adventure.

NIM wrote:

Nim will worship morrow, like his mother told him to

and if it is ok with the GM perhaps Katrena visted him in a vision

That is fine, Katrena is usually hands on, it makes sense.

David Wickham wrote:
So, will the party end up with a spellless cleric before really starting to playing, or will one of you die soon so I can get in? ;)

looks like you are in, David, Celestial Half-Porc has given up his slot for my 9th level PFRPG game, so, create away!

Ekeebe wrote:
Well if you want to play that approach, then I dont see anything wrong with it, but then again, not all clerics of Menoth are so prejudiced, you may wish to try and reform him along the adventure.

Hmmm, I guess I can give him a chance, seeing as Christmas is almost here, I should be full of the spirit of forgiveness and all, he he.

I know that I would rather you not be here to pursue my character. I don't think it would be good for party unity. It could still be interesting simply due to our differing outlooks without the need for any additional levels of conflict. If you're stuck on being a militant Menothite, then I will change my character.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

I will leave it up to you guys to work out your character's interplay and relationship.

Joran of the Black Mists wrote:
I know that I would rather you not be here to pursue my character. I don't think it would be good for party unity. It could still be interesting simply due to our differing outlooks without the need for any additional levels of conflict. If you're stuck on being a militant Menothite, then I will change my character.

Yeah you are right, this is not good for party unity. How about this instead: I have been sent to try to "redeem" you and others like you to make you give up your "evil" ways. I think the church of Menoth would see if there can be a reconciliation between the use of magic and divine power (Think Dragonlance pre Cataclysm).

Personally I am playing a LG character, so i would not hurt you in any way, but I do have my beliefs as well. The alignments are very broad in scope, think the old 1E alignment chart, where there was a lot of room for differing views.

Or, maybe you can convince me that the use of sorcery is not evil, he he.

I just read your history and had a wacky idea. We were childhood friends. That horse that... you know. Well it was spooked by an early and uncontrolled manifestation of my powers. While you were in coma, I was busy trying to conceal and control my abilities. Before the game starts, the last time we saw each other, you helped me escape the approaching inquisition. I've been on the run since. Recently, you helped me escape Menoth altogether, though you still want to 'save my soul'.

Joran of the Black Mists wrote:
I just read your history and had a wacky idea. We were childhood friends. That horse that... you know. Well it was spooked by an early and uncontrolled manifestation of my powers. While you were in coma, I was busy trying to conceal and control my abilities. Before the game starts, the last time we saw each other, you helped me escape the approaching inquisition. I've been on the run since. Recently, you helped me escape Menoth altogether, though you still want to 'save my soul'.

Hmmmm...Survey says...

DING DING DING!!! We have a winner!!

Fortunately I won't pull a Richard Dawson on you, he he.

EDIT : I need to lay off the coffee, he he. Seriously, I like this background, lets go with it.

Abstract xp here...

My rogue/assassin is taking shape. Two big distractions so far:

1. This thing called Christmas and

2. Having so many books to choose from.

I have the basics in place. I need to develop the back story once I re-read the IK stuff and I need to pick two of the traits.

I may change some fluff as I develop the character and I will change anything that doesn't work.

Dark Archive

Male Elan Shaper 10/Constructor 5/Phenotype Impresionist 5
Ekeebe wrote:
looks like you are in, David, Celestial Half-Porc has given up his slot for my 9th level PFRPG game, so, create away!

I've started my wizard, I have already finished an arcane mechanik version for fun. :P

But when I was looking back through the gamer connection thread I noticed that Brass Pigeon was on the alternate list before me, is my slot a mistake, or did BP decline a spot somewhere I missed?

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

No, David, I was thinking that you happened to be the most interested in the game, that and you were posting the most about wanting to play :P

Corvus, I'm not sure if that part about being an assassin is such a good idea. Right now the other members of your group consist of two LG's and a CG. Plus I'd like to know how you reconcile practicing your profession while maintaining a CG alignment yourself.
Anyway how about if the two of us are on the run together. We shared a cell and Cole (Eric Swanson's character) helped us to escape. With nowhere else to go, you stayed with us.

Nim, perhaps we came upon each other when we saved a group of travelers from bandits.

Liberty's Edge

M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Joran of the Black Mists wrote:

Corvus, I'm not sure if that part about being an assassin is such a good idea. Right now the other members of your group consist of two LG's and a CG. Plus I'd like to know how you reconcile practicing your profession while maintaining a CG alignment yourself.

Anyway how about if the two of us are on the run together. We shared a cell and Cole (Eric Swanson's character) helped us to escape. With nowhere else to go, you stayed with us.

Nim, perhaps we came upon each other when we saved a group of travelers from bandits.

Theres plenty of great CG assassins in history and video games to draw from, I'm almost surprised to read your so against it :) In D&D more than half the resolutions are combat and death. It isn't that far of a stretch to be a trained killer for hire.

Just my 2 cents as I lurk.

Winterwalker wrote:
Joran of the Black Mists wrote:

Corvus, I'm not sure if that part about being an assassin is such a good idea. Right now the other members of your group consist of two LG's and a CG. Plus I'd like to know how you reconcile practicing your profession while maintaining a CG alignment yourself.

Anyway how about if the two of us are on the run together. We shared a cell and Cole (Eric Swanson's character) helped us to escape. With nowhere else to go, you stayed with us.

Nim, perhaps we came upon each other when we saved a group of travelers from bandits.

Theres plenty of great CG assassins in history and video games to draw from, I'm almost surprised to read your so against it :) In D&D more than half the resolutions are combat and death. It isn't that far of a stretch to be a trained killer for hire.

Just my 2 cents as I lurk.


Yeah i like this idea, although he just came with the package.

Winterwalker: "the name is Bond...Jmes Bond."

Joran of the Black Mists wrote:

Corvus, I'm not sure if that part about being an assassin is such a good idea. Right now the other members of your group consist of two LG's and a CG. Plus I'd like to know how you reconcile practicing your profession while maintaining a CG alignment yourself.

Anyway how about if the two of us are on the run together. We shared a cell and Cole (Eric Swanson's character) helped us to escape. With nowhere else to go, you stayed with us.

Nim, perhaps we came upon each other when we saved a group of travelers from bandits.

I've never been a fan of the concept that assassins are always evil. Perhaps true neutral? If you read most fantasy novels (or even the Hollywood movies) where assassins are the stars, they tend to be good at their job but driven by a cause. Grosse Point Blank, Wanted etc.

Games always say that a trained killer called a fighter can be any alignment but a trained killer called an assassin has to be evil. I don't see it that way.

I'm specifically thinking of the 'Night Angel Trilogy' for Corvus. A thief that discovers a talent for killing. The character was a thief by necessity and is trained to only accept just contracts. I see Corvus as taking out people that deserved to die. A vigilante that goes that extra step. Kind of like Batman in some of the graphic novels.

Of course, I'm not saying that her work is legal - and I could see her end up in jail at some point - but she's certainly not in it for the money - in fact I don't see her taking contracts for payment - but rather to see justice done.

She's a CG rebel with a cause. She does the right thing - even if it's not the legal thing. So I am happy with the CG and will be able to role-play it fine. I'm also happy to have ended up in a cell with you...

M half orc Paladin 1

im happy to fit in where ever is easiest

F Exotic Elf TBA

Jasper has an account, now to fill it with stuff. :P

Corvus, you are indeed a silver tongued devil. I'm willing to give it a go. I think I'll be one of the people trying to "pigeon-hole Corvus as a rogue" as I annihilate souls with blasts of infernal essence. Game on!

Nim, to be clear, I meant that you came upon us- myself, Cole, and Corvus- as we were trying to fight off the bandits. We were in a tight spot until you entered the fray on our side with your orc... er human ferocity.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Okay, just an update so that people know what is going on.

I seriously doubt that I will be able to get the game off the ground until early 2010, but there is still some hope for a late 2009 IC(In Character) thread.

Just a few things:

* Sunset (Jasper Di' Glaeys) you just need to create your chatacter

*Raven34 (NIM), you look fine and ready to go, but i might make you chnage your race from being called Half-Orc to Ogrun, it just fits better, no real changes, other than you are, with your current stats, a part of the IK.

* Dax Thura (Joran of the Black Mists), just finish off your character, everything that has been presented so far is correct and ready to play, now all you have to do is finish off the niggly bits and you are ready to jump in.

*David Wickham, you just need to create your character

*Abstract XP, i just need a character from you, also.

Don't forget, guys, it is the holidays, so no rush.

have a happy and save Christmas and New Year guys.

F Exotic Elf TBA

Just getting some posts under young Jasper's belt, the faster for him to start generating dots. ;)

Seasons greetings to all.

To get your first dot you can post as Sunset, then edit to Jasper.

Glad to hear some positive vibes about Corvus. Of course I won't be going around saying I'm an assassin any more than Batman describes himself as a vigilante!

Ekeebee - Don't forget this is abstract xp and I tend to build my character in an iterative process. I have phase two set in my mind and I'll post the balance of the backstory over the next couple of days. I have a good idea about religion and why I became the avenger I've become.

Grand Lodge

Sorry for the delay. I have just posted my history. Eric may want to give it a lookover to make sure it works with his history as well.

Dax Thura wrote:
Sorry for the delay. I have just posted my history. Eric may want to give it a lookover to make sure it works with his history as well.

Dax, I like your history and I rhink it meshes well with mine. Now I just need to deal with my personal conflicts, he he.

I've fleshed out my background to reflect my CG status...but it's still a work in progress.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

No problems, I'm not expecting too much to happen before 2010 kicks in, so no rush on the character, just go over it for spelling errors.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Just wondering what is happening, its almost the new year, and I would like to find out who is still keen, and who isn't.

I'm definately still running this game, I'm just awaiting people to finish their characters so I can start.

Grand Lodge

Let's do this!

Ekeebe wrote:

Just wondering what is happening, its almost the new year, and I would like to find out who is still keen, and who isn't.

I'm definately still running this game, I'm just awaiting people to finish their characters so I can start.

Still very keen and once I'm happy with the character (and more importantly the GM is happy), it's just about spending some money.

What languages would be most useful to have - as I have two to use up.

Ekeebe wrote:

Just wondering what is happening, its almost the new year, and I would like to find out who is still keen, and who isn't.

I'm definately still running this game, I'm just awaiting people to finish their characters so I can start.

I am ready to go.

F Exotic Elf TBA

Terribly sorry chaps, not had any time at all to work up the finer points of the character.

Still, there might be a couple of days clear sailing for me coming up soon, so hopefully then there will be time to fill in all those troubling little details, hey what?

Looking forward very much so to adventuring with all you fine chaps...um, er and 'chap-ettes'...as it were. *coughs*


M half orc Paladin 1

im still in

I've worked on my character some more. I just need to add two langauages. Are there any suggestions e.g. racial or geographical?

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Okay, update time, there are just a few things that are preventing me from actually posting very much, which shall be resolved tomorrow, making my PbP games both the ones I wish to DM, and the ones I play, quite diffucult.

I will review all characters tomorrow and I want everyone to please have a character ready for review by this sunday, that way I can start as soon as possible.

For those who don't have a character ready for review by Sunday, I will be adding reserves in your place, so anyone on the reserve list, please create a character now, so that I can review it.

If, by chance, I have less than 5 people with characters by monday afternoon, I will start the IC thread anyway, and I will post another hookup thread asking for fillers. Anyone who failed to have a character ready for review by the Sunday evening will not be allowed to apply.

Sorry to sound snarky, but I have 2 PbPs that have yet to actually have a IC thread, and I started both threads in early December 2009, so I want these games up ASAP.

This will be cross posted into the Hookup thread so that nobody misses the post, if, on the off chance you do miss this thread, no leneancy(sp?) will be given.

F Exotic Elf TBA


This missive will probably reach you after much discussion, but I send it for all interested in your game to also share. Real Life is rolling me over atm, so I will not in any way shape or form be able to meet your entry time.


I am more than happy to be shunted into a waiting list and allow another to enjoy the realm that is Iron Kingdoms and the wonders that should follow from your Game Mastering style.


I wish all the very best and shall watch the unfolding thread with interest.


M half orc Paladin 1

im still in if thats ok!

Grand Lodge

I'm still in.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Okay, i am going to cut the deadline short and say that now the players are as follows:

1.Dax Thura (Joran of the Black Mists)
2.Raven34 (NIM)
3.abstract xp (Corvus Tristis)
4.Eric Swanson (Cole Keegan)

with the reserves now being
1. David Wickham
2. Brass Pigeon
3. Winterwalker

I'm sorry to do this, but I want the IC thread up, and I have yet to see any type of character or concept from you David, so therefore, I must push you back to a reserve so that I can start the game.

everyone on the player's list, your characters look fine, and the back stories look good.

I will be typing up the IC thread after I post this message.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

IC thread is up

Grand Lodge

Forgot to ask about good languages to take. I have one more to choose.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Try Sylvan, being a warlock, you would be able to talk with infernals and fey unlike most other classes.

I just need to wait until abstract xp has posted where their character is, and then I can continue.

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