ikki |
Ad Hoc Taxer of the Rich
aka state thiefs guild, Wikipedia, Kautilya (all here and much more, the soviet state that grew after alexander in india... like machiavelly, but so very much pettier, down on every detail of paycheck and how to cheat the population out of money)
Citizen117 |
![Darl Quethos](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/DarlQuethos_finish.jpg)
Minister of Health: Be in charge of the healing of the population, dispersement of healing experts, medicines, magical healings, and clerics.
Master of Magical Defense: In charge of magical defenses of King, castle, and country. In charge of staff of mages who do magical spying, wards, protection and battle magic.
Frostflame |
It depends on the character I will play. If I play a female rogue and I have been thinking about this for quite some time She would be the Head of Intelligence. Ive had the concept of a very seductive rogue who has been trained as an intelligence gatherer and diplomat. Another concept I would like to try out would be a Chaotic Neutral Illusionist possibly gnome or maybe half elf or human, and have him ruling as King. It goes without saying his true form no one would ever know, heck Id even have him wear a reflective glass mask like the priests of Leira used to wear.
For anyone wondering Leira was a chaotic neutral lesser goddess of illusion from the Forgotten Realms. Unfortunately Cyric murdered her and stole her portfolio. However her clergy was one of the coolest out there
Zurai |
![Blue Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/greyhawk-dragon-2.jpg)
I already know what role my character is going to play, regardless of whether there's actual rules for it.
First, background on the group and the campaign.
This was all at the very start of the CotCT campaign, so we just let it slide while we played through that. APs take us a year and a half to two years each, so we had lots of time. By the time it was expedient to start thinking about our next campaign, details for Kingmaker were being announced and the group unanimously decided that we were going to skip Second Darkness, Legacy of Fire, and Council of Thieves to play Kingmaker after CotCT finished up. Then someone had the bright idea to play the all-dwarf group in KM instead of SD and it all started to snowball.
So, we're playing an all-dwarf group. It can't be that simple, though, of course. We're playing an all-dwarf group of viking invaders, complete with longship (or whatever will pass for one on a river). We're not from Brevoy, we're a splinter group from one of the dwarven clans in the Mindspin Mountains (or thereabouts; it's not set in stone yet, no pun intended), lead by a clan "princess" and her most trusted advisers/companions. Oh, and we play gestalt characters.
So, our current lineup is something along the lines of:
Fighter // Book of 9 Swords class -- a rough and tumble dwarven drill sergeant type with a soft spot for orphans. Kind of.
Cavalier // Druid -- a "Green Knight" style bear riding maniac.
Alchemist // Summoner -- mad bomber on a steampunk mount. This player changes his mind about 15 times a week and this likely won't be the character actually played in the campaign.
?? -- we have one player who's totally undecided since we successfully convinced him NOT to play a Stonechild (Races of Stone dwarf/earth elemental hybrid race).
And then there's my character, a Cleric (Priest variant) // Summoner. He's a fanatical priest of the Church of the Celestial Apparatus, which is intended to be a good-leaning kooky cult type of religion. His Eidolon is (according to him) a tiny fragment of the Celestial Apparatus itself, and thus one of the most sacred objects in the world. As he increases in power, he increases in purity, and his increased purity empowers the Eidolon, bringing it closer to its true self.
So here we've got a hair-brained religious fanatic (though a non-violent one -- he's sworn never to cause harm with a spell or weapon unless the instrument is sanctified and used against true evil; it's my own personal restriction to keep a two-caster gestalt from getting out of hand) who acts as advisor to the soon-to-be Queen of a brand new Dwarven Queendom. So, naturally, the role he's going to play in the government is High Priest/guy-to-placate-then-ignore-and-do-the-real-work. He'll work to further the cause of the Church in the realm, and will probably push for the Church to be the official state religion, though I doubt that'll actually come to pass. He will be the head religious adviser to the Queen, though, which is going to present all kind of hilarity, especially when people learn how to "handle" him.
DM Wellard |
Also, for Rogue characters, master of a thieves' guild was mentioned. I was thinking that perhaps in this case (depending on the personality and level of cooperation between the PC's), perhaps the Rogue could form his thieves' guild in a rival King's realm, rather than in the same realm as the other PC's, since the goal of a thieves' guild is (in normal cases) opposed to the legitimate authority.
Unless off course that legitimate authority is Lord Vetinari
My group will be
Human Paladin
Dwarf Fighter
Human Rogue
Half-Elf Fighter
Draconic bloodline Sorcerer..race as yet undecided though I'm going to suggest to him he plays a half orc..his stats are nearly all 16s or 17s
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Characters so far are:
Brìghde (NG female human (Ulfen) barbarian 1; soon to multiclass with rogue)- My DMPC for Kingmaker. Probably aiming for marshal or warden. She'd make a solid pick for either, especially when I scoop up more interactive skills and Knowledge (local) with rogue. Character stats here; character art here.
Radya the Uplifted (CG female daemon-spawn tiefling witch 1)- Ben Bruck (alias Benchack; RPG Superstar 2010 contender)'s PC. I'd guess magister or possibly ruler, but Ben's a bag of tricks, so he could go for pretty much anything.
Ben will also be playing a CG male wererat oracle devoted to Hanspur when the level gap allows for it (probably 4th level). I'd guess he'd make a good councilor, high priest, spymaster, or marshal, depending on build. Again, Ben's surprising, so we'll see.
My girlfriend will also be playing in this game, but hasn't decided on a character yet; we may also get a few other folks in on it, depending on scheduling and interest.
tburke0 |
![The Genie Binder](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF22-10.jpg)
We had a campaign years ago where we had risen to prominence in the Duke's court, advised him on matters and undertook special operations for him as a group.
We were plane-shifted "mirror-mirror" style to fight our evil counterparts that had been formally commissioned "The Fist of the Crown" We liked the name so much we tried to talk the Duke into it once we were back....
The Good Fist of the Crown? The Duke's Good Fist? (and it went downhill from there) :)