Are you happy with your current character sheet?

Product Discussion

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Revan wrote:
I think there's legitimate debate here on the 'Efreeti screwing the player' example. Because, yes, it's very much in-character for an Efreeti to twist the wishes of his binder. On the other hand, Wish has a specific list of things that it can do, no questions asked, no unpleasant tricks, period. If a player casts Wish themselves in 3.5 and wishes for 25000 gold, than, unless the DM specifically made House Rules on Wish at the outset, than if the DM teleports them to the lair of an over-CR'd Red dragon with a horde worth 25,000 gp--the DM is being an ass. So the question is to what extent can the Efreeti being an ass override the 'these work' list? Naturally, the answer will differ from DM to DM.

I guess I couldn't leave well enough alone... :) A friend pointed out you comment, and I waanted to meantion something here. I don't believe using wish at level 17 as intended is anything bad. However, munchkining at level 11 to use it multiple time I'm sure was never intended as this is a level 9 spell, and the highest level attainable at level 11 is level 6. If they wanted you to have access to wish at level 6, they'd make it a level 6 spell.

Something else being left out that is a balancing factor:
The material component is a 25,000 GP diamond! The wealth by level chart puts an 11th level character at 82,000 gp. This is a over a quarter of their wealth they are getting 3 times! 72k out of 82k! Even if I was a fledgling GM that simple mechanic shows how vastly broken letting a level 11 do this is.

This said, maybe someone screwed up somewhere or left this little loophole. Maybe it was intentional. As a GM, you are responsible for having balance in your game (hopefully, not all do). If you are a player feeling cheated for not being allowed to use the loophole, please keep this in mind, the GM is trying t obring the game in balance. By "being a jerk" they may be trying to stop the game from shifting from "let's roleplay" to "let's see if we can break this". It's already a good bit of work putting together a good game, let alone having to spend all that time trying to keep it balanced. It's not just a matter of the efreeti being LE, the marid is CN and can a grant wish too!

It really boils down to this - you are the GM and it's your game. Balance is at your discretion. If you are a player and you want to use "up-down-left-right-A-B-start-select-start" and your GM doesn't want this then either deal with it or find another GM! As for me there is a new house rule in my games that players cannot FORCE over 25% more than their wealth level without consequence. Just my 2 cp.

It is done! As soon as the link is available, I will put it up. There are a few things I will point out I will be doing soon in an update, and what is included...

This first release includes the landscape and portrait main sheet and inventory. There's a traditional single sheet and set of two. The set of two has the totals and buff slots seperate from the boxes for add-ups and leveling. I used this playing my character yesterday, and I love this.

There are 5 or six types of inventory sheets, based solely for your preference. The half sheets and main pages do include psionics now, as well as many other features, but I have to honestly admit that the half sheet is only in portrait orientation. I included the contingency sheet in the journal portion of the sheet. We tried this as well yesterday, and it does seem to save time.

One thing I did not add yet, but will be available shortly is the fill in forms. The update will be very soon, but I wanted to make the sheet itself available for critique before adding the forms as changing minor tweaks will be far easier in the first week then having the forms and trying to go back and fix it with fillable forms in place. I will be doing the fillable/saveable forms still, I just wanted to give time for opinions first.

The A4 format and booklet format will be available shortly in an update too, but the file size was too large inititally and I'm scaling all the pages down to fit it without loss of detail. I will understand if some of you are waiting for these, and I am working on this as fast as possible. If you purchase the sheet, make sure you select updates. I will still be keeping everything updated on the forums as well.

Dark Mistress - I will be including your customized sheet form with the fillable update. We started using a new speech rule mechanic in game, using exactly this. I need to shrink the file size and tweak areas of detail before including forms.

If you have any feedback please not it here let me know!

From Wicked K Games and LPJ Design:

Tired of having to stuff your dragon mount into a stat box designed for a horse? Need a sheet for your new eidolon to include those evolutions? Hate having to stop the game and look up values every time something is sundered? Would you like a sheet that takes care of that? Now Advanced Character Portfolio (PFRPG) is finally here! This is not just another updated sheet from 3.5 to Pathfinder Role Playing Game, this new design was taken from the suggestions of the Pathfinder Role Playing Game online community. Using half sheet printing, you can print what you need and leave out the stuff you don't! Even better, this sheet was designed with the new playtested APG classes in mind! As the updates progress, so will this portfolio, so be sure to subscribe to updates! Here are a few of the innovative new features included in this sheet:

• The main page is split into a condensed sheet for used during gameplay, and a sheet for adding up totals separate. Totals are readily available with room for buffs or short term mods, with the totals are still easily accessible for changes without taking up space on the main sheet. A traditional single sheet is also included. Both are available in landscape and portrait orientation. There is also a section for bleed (can be used for regenerating too), many weapons and ammo slots, both weapons and armor/shields have a spot for HP & hardness, and even a spot for resistance/immunities to energy types (blank spot for poison or such).

• The inventory sheet includes a diagram for slotted magic items, as well as slots for kits/tools and containers (handy for an alchemist or rogue). Gear and expendable items are separated with plenty of lines and consumable/reusable magic items also have an area for tracking uses (perfect for wands or staffs). Landscape and portrait orientation.

• The traditional classic "Racial Trait, Feat/Flaw, Class Ability" sheet has been broken into half sheets for building your own sheets based on preference. There are also popular combinations included. The following half sheets are currently available in addition to the basics: Feat chains, Spellcasters, manifesters (psionic), familiars, compainion / mount, & psicrystals. (Eidolons are included too, but this takes up a full page).

• A fully functional adventure log / campaign journal is highly organized to track your progress. Included are: An overview sheet, a sheet for each two sessions, a location reference, a contact reference, job reference, long-term task sheet, rewards reference, and even a sheet for keeping track of default setups (in town I wear breastplate, sleeping I wear chainmail, my animal companion goes into the wild while I'm in town, etc). Landscape and portrait orientation.

Available Now at!!!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Thats a interesting design. I flipped through the pages on it, hard to really see them even with zoom. But looks like a a wide range of styles and then pages with half of each page on it. You guys going to sell this on Paizo?

Edit: Read your other thread about it being on rpgnow only.

I must say I REALLY wish paizo's system was set up differently for partnered projects, but it's not. I'm starting a game of Curse of the Crimson Throne this sunday, and I'm a big fan of their stuff. If they change it in the future I'd be definately interested. I'm going to speak with LPJr about the idea of branching it out if it works well.

I'd like to move the discussion over to this thread seeing how the product has been released. Same policies still apply: Open to suggestions, feedback, etc. Thanks to everyones input which made this possible.

Wicked K Games wrote:

Greetings all,

[b]So I'm asking everybody, what do you really like or dislike about your current character sheet? Would you try using another character sheet right now?

Let's look at the standard Pathfinder sheet.

1) It's dull. Hardly any graphics and just a bunch of lines and text. I want full-color pizazz and beautiful arrangements. If you ever saw "Ema's Character Sheets" for 3.5, you know what I mean.

2) It's not organized optimally. I want all the important and often used stuff bigger and arranged so that it you see it on the front page. Having everything the same size makes stuff harder to find.

3) Everything a level 1 character needs should fit on the front and back.

4) I want a "paper doll" graphic to show where all my magical items slot have in them right now.

5) An easy way to track what is in my backpack versus what is in my belt pouch and what I have on my mule/horse/dog/whatever.

6) Weapon section should have a place to note two-weapon versus one handed or two-handed. There should also be a place to jot things down like "+2d6 versus undead". Ammunition should be easy to track too.

7) Adding bonuses up should be really clear and easy to do. +2 from that source and +4 from that and so on = whatever.

8) As you level up and acquire more things, there should be additional pages for familiars, mounts, cohorts, more spells and the like.

9) Just be awesome.

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