Two rust monster questions

Rules Questions

So, finally got around to buying and flipping through a dead tree format of the Bestiary. First two questioned popped up on everyone's favorite pal, the Rust Monster.

1: Its antenna is listed as a primary attack, yet only has an attack bonus of +1, 5 less than its claws, as if it was a secondary. Err?

2: Its carapace is listed as having the rust effect, yet I don't see anything in the rules about applying the rust effect to metal weapons that strike it. Double Err?

Scarab Sages

Farabor wrote:

So, finally got around to buying and flipping through a dead tree format of the Bestiary. First two questioned popped up on everyone's favorite pal, the Rust Monster.

1: Its antenna is listed as a primary attack, yet only has an attack bonus of +1, 5 less than its claws, as if it was a secondary. Err?

2: Its carapace is listed as having the rust effect, yet I don't see anything in the rules about applying the rust effect to metal weapons that strike it. Double Err?

Using this as a reference.

1. The antenna is a secondary attack. The Universal Monster Rules in the back of the Bestiary cover what is a primary and what is a secondary attack. The antenna would be an 'Other', which is secondary.

Edit: I see what you mean about the "Rust" supernatural ability, and how it does indeed list it as a primary attack. In this case, I would go with the text being superior to the statblock and add the +5 in to the antenna's attack modifier.

2. The description for the monster does indicate that the carapace should, this is true. I imagine that unless it is fixed in errata then the descriptive text is in error, and only the antenna have the 'rusting' effect.

Your God of Knowledge,

Anytime you attack a rust monster with a metal weapon, the rust efect is aplied. So I think thier carapice also has the effect.

Paizo's Dungeon Denizens Revisited has a GREAT 6 page article on the Rust Monster...

All of the beasties in there are great...(Ropers will have your heroes quaking in terror...)

Farabor wrote:

So, finally got around to buying and flipping through a dead tree format of the Bestiary. First two questioned popped up on everyone's favorite pal, the Rust Monster.

1: Its antenna is listed as a primary attack, yet only has an attack bonus of +1, 5 less than its claws, as if it was a secondary. Err?

2: Its carapace is listed as having the rust effect, yet I don't see anything in the rules about applying the rust effect to metal weapons that strike it. Double Err?

I hate to raise this thread from the dead, but I couldn't find anything pertaining to #2 in the FAQ or any other threads when I searched. Has there been any mention of whether or not striking a rust monster with a metal weapon causes the rust effect?

My feeling is yes, but the PRD entry for the Rust ability doesn't mention its carapace causing it. I'm a PC about to fight 4 rust monsters (next session) and the DM was uncertain which way to run it. Thanks!

How do most people run rust monsters these days? Is it just antennae only that cause rust or carapace (i.e., strikes from PC's) as well? Just curious. Thanks!

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