Aebliss |
Hello, hello. ^^
As the subject title says, I am eager to play Pathfinder now that the PHB and the Beastiary are out. If there's someone who wants to start a PbP campaign here or is already running one but needs an extra character, please let me know. I'm curious about almost all the character classes, so I shouldn't have any trouble with filling an existing slot.

Everflame Storyteller |

I have been running a Pathfinder RPG PbP version of Crypt of the Everflame, over here for 2 months now and have a character that needs a new player. Seeing as we are only two months into the game and the characters are really just beginning their adventure, I'd prefer it if the replacement player continue to play Thorvin Firemane. If either of you or are interested please reply in this forum within the next 24 hours. If I receive no reply here, I will look elsewhere.

Aebliss |
Actually, I am the person who started this thread looking for a pbp. õ_^
Everflame Storyteller, do you have room for more than one player?
If yes, maybe Allen Treebeard and/or the Blue Wizard have a shot as well?
- Also if yes: I like creating my own characters, so if anyone else has a chance to get in, maybe one of them would like to take over Thorvin Firemane?
If not, I'd be happy to accept the part. Can I tweak Thorvin's skill/feat selection a little?

Everflame Storyteller |

Its all yours Aebliss. If there are any other places i'll be more than happy to step up.
Alas, all we are in need of at the moment is a single player. Abebliss has first call, then Allan, followed by Blue Wizard. I want to make it clear that I am looking for someone to replace the player and continue running Thorvin Firebeard.
Aebliss, if you are willing please make yourself familiar with The Story So Far. When you have please copy Thorvin's Character Sheet into a profile alias that you create. You should easily be able to use the same avatar. The account name will be trickier. Thorvin_Firemane should work though. After you are finished please feel free to drop us a line in the game thread and say hello.
Glad to see all of the interest and best of luck to the rest of you finding games.

hedgeknight |

To all you fellers looking for a game, good luck and keep checking the boards. As with most forums, games crop up and die off on a very regular basis; seems to be the nature of pbp's.
It's frustrating for DM's too, especially when players bail on them; even more especially when they have created scenarios and part of their campaign around specific characters!!
I ran a campaign on another gaming forum for about three years and only had two players (out of six) who stayed with the game the entire time, and one of them wasn't very reliable at that.
I currently run an email campaign (2nd edition Temple of Elemental Evil) and have a pretty good group of players (including the one solid player from my forum game). But even in this group, I have a couple of slackers...and I'm just about out of patience. I smell death coming on! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!
Er...sorry - kinda lost it there for a second.
Have you guys tried other forums? I know there are games running on Enworld, Dragonsfoot, Roleplaying Market, etc.
I've played briefly in three games on here. And all three are dead in the water - very, VERY slow posting and the DM's just weren't keeping the game going.
I'd love to run a game on here because there appear to be some good gamers on here, but the forum is not conducive at all to attachments - maps, pics, mp3's, etc. And I use these regularly in my games. I've been running an email-based campaign (or through Yahoo Groups and Google Groups) for 11 years and that is my first preference.
Well, sorry to ramble. Good luck finding a game.

Aaron Bitman |

To those who already posted here, looking for a game: Would you be interested in playing the Rise of the Runelords adventure path?
I hadn't posted yet. Does that disqualify me from playing in your campaign?
More to the point, I've read parts of Burnt Offerings. Sizeable parts, in fact. Does THAT disqualify me?

Gryphon Gold |

Allan_Treebeard, Aebliss, hedgeknight, Nasserath, Aaron Bitman: If you're still interested, head over here to start.

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Hi all, I would also be interested in playing in (or running) a Pathfinder game here on the forums. I am an experienced GM and player, though Pathfinder (as opposed to 3.x D&D) is a bit new to me. I am able to post regularly.
Let me know if there are any open slots in existing games, or if you're interested in starting a new game.

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Hi all, I would also be interested in playing in (or running) a Pathfinder game here on the forums. I am an experienced GM and player, though Pathfinder (as opposed to 3.x D&D) is a bit new to me. I am able to post regularly.
Let me know if there are any open slots in existing games, or if you're interested in starting a new game.
Hi Mike,
I am interested in starting. I've been away from DnD for awhile (since 2nd ed), but I really like Pathfinder. I'm able to post on a regular basis too. I like playing arcane characters, so I'd probably play a sorcerer or wizard.

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Here's the thread for discussing my game: PBP Thread. Please check it out if you're interested in joining.