Blog entry "Fans Make a Fan out of Me"

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Grand Lodge

That terrain looks awesome, but it's pretty clearly not made with the World Works Games product. Anyone know what materials he used to build this?

edit: Not that the World Works Games product doesn't look awesome, too, just different.


Thorkull wrote:

That terrain looks awesome, but it's pretty clearly not made with the World Works Games product. Anyone know what materials he used to build this?

edit: Not that the World Works Games product doesn't look awesome, too, just different.

It looks like its just the PDF map blown up to 1" squares, then glued onto a plastic track type thing (a matchbox/hotwheels parking garage pieces come to mind in my head)

Liberty's Edge

That is quite a compliment saying that it looks like the PDF map blown up! Thank you. I actually copied a game map (11x17" sheets), used 3M spray glue and matched the grid up on the board. After that, I hand drew the map with pencil and colored it in with markers or paint for the outer walls.

The entire structure sits on a 3' by 3' by 3/4" piece of plywood. Level's 2 and 3 I cut out of a sheet of 1/4" fiberboard. The columns are oak stair nosings with "L" brackets to hold up the floors. The floors are not connected, they just rest on the brackets. The column with the crows nest actually comes out so I can slide the floors out to transport it, and eventually modify it for future use.

It cost me roughly $30 in material. I already have all the wood working tools, so that helped. It took about 11-12 hours to complete it.

This battle had to be shown in 3D, so this structure added to the game experience. A few buddies are planning on running this same adventure in the coming year, so I am sure it will get loaned out time and time again.

Liberty's Edge

I already purchased the World Works Game Terrain for this adventure and plan on using it too. It is an awesome product and I am looking forward to more to come.


Ahh- I think it was the color of the structure that threw my off - after I blew up the picture you could tell it was wood... Very well done and bravo


Based on Dave's other comments in emails to Erik and I, I'm pretty sure he built that out of plywood. The guy is good. :)

Dave, your players are friggin' lucky. When *I* draw a battle map, I seldom even bother to color it!

Liberty's Edge

Actually, we have an excellent group of players, so I consider myself the lucky one. I don't go that nuts on a standard quick combat map.

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