Channel energy and Lay on hands types of damage?

Rules Questions

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

1) What's the damage type associated with Channel Energy and Lay on Hands? Is it positive energy? Or "untyped" (irresistible)?

2) Also, since they are both Supernatual abilities, incorporeal undead take only half damage from them, right?

Thanks in advance,

Zairos wrote:
1) What's the damage type associated with Channel Energy and Lay on Hands? Is it positive energy? Or "untyped" (irresistible)?

It is positive energy (unless you are evil).

Zairos wrote:
2) Also, since they are both Supernatual abilities, incorporeal undead take only half damage from them, right?

Incorporeal creatures only take 50% damage from energy attacks. Including lay on hands and channel energy. Subsequently they only heal 50% from channeled negative energy.

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