Suppose my character is a level 14 Beastmorph (Alchemist archetype) with the feral mutagen discovery. The character drinks his mutagen and decides to gain grab, trip, pounce and rake.
How exactly would a charge from him play out?
Sub-questions from the above:
1) Does he add both trip and grab to his bite and both claw attacks?
1.1) If no, does he have to decide for each natural attack if it gets trip or grab?
2) Can he add trip and/or grab to unarmed strikes?
3) Can he rake, even without being a quadruped?
Rulebook, p. 12:
"Sometimes a card allows you to examine one or more cards—that means looking at the specified card then putting it back where it came from."
Rulebook, p. 15:
"If you encounter a boon while exploring a location, you may attempt a check to acquire the card. If you succeed at the check, put the card in your hand; if you fail, or choose not to attempt the check, banish the card."
You may each only play 1 card of each type during each step; for example, you may not play more than 1 weapon during a check ...
Isn't this contradictory? The first statement says you can only play 1 card of each type during each step, the example on the following statement says you can only play 1 weapon card on the whole check.
If the former is correct, Arcane Armor doesn't need the errata. If the latter is correct, the errata is valid.
Agreed with glenn3e. There's no reason not to use it at the end of every turn with Merisiel.
If you find a nice boon, you can have the right character go pick it up. If you find a monster, just shuffle him back into the deck and you get the (already explained) 50% of closing the location before encountering said monster, effectively gaining an exploration (since every non-henchman/non-villain barrier and monster encounter is a wasted exploration).
I'm not sure if it's bad luck, but I always encounter stuff like satyr, siren, hill giant, werewolf, shadow, collapsed ceiling, explosive runes, monster in a closet etc. Not to mention that Black Fang, Gogmurt and Nualia are TOUGH.
I lost 3 of about 30 playthroughs, and had many close calls. One of these 3 losses I had to quit or a character could die, and the other 2 the Blessings deck ran out of cards (I was playing with 4 characters). I don't think the game needs adjustments in its difficulty level - it's good for me like just this.
Following h4ppy's calculations, if the chance of dying on a scenario is 2%, there's a 45% of losing a character before the conclusion of the Adventure Path, which would be pretty sad.
Playing a card means using one of its powers. Every power of Blessing of Iomedae requires you to discard it. Therefore, you always end up discarding it after playing it.
Seela's power allow you to recharge the BoIomedae instead (of discarding it as a result of playing it).
I think many cards/powers are worded as "roll/use your #SKILL# die" when they should be "roll/use your #SKILL# skill" (this one meaning the skill die plus any modifiers).
My take is that Lini power is worded right, but Seoni's power and the Mace card (to use examples already mentioned on this thread) should be written, respectively "... you may discard a card to roll your Arcane skill + 1d6..." and "...reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee skill... ".
That would clear up the confusion, I think, but I don't know the designer's intentions for each card/power.
I couldn't agree more, fieryseraph! I feel exactly the same!
I've played RPGs for most of my life, and for the last 3 years I have played almost exclusively Pathfinder and Paizo's modules and adventure paths, because I really fell in love with the Golarion setting and the published products were exactly what I was looking for.
Six months ago, though, my gaming group got dispersed (I moved away for a while, others moved away for good, some lost interest in RPGs etc.) and I have not found other people to play since then.
Then comes the Pathfinder Adventure Path Card Game. Having GM'ed Rise of the Runelords (RotR) in the past, I instantly felt familiar with the characters, locations and villains of the card game and thought "Hey, I will actually get to 'play' RotR and, even if I can't find other people to play with, I can play it solo!". Then I watched some videos of the card game on Youtube and my excitement grew even more: the game is amazing!
I ordered it on Amazon (shipping costs to Brazil at Paizo site were prohibitive) and I am *eagerly* waiting for the delivery. Despite my efforts, my girlfriend never really got into RPGs, but I think I have a good chance with the card game! And my old RPG friends will definitely want to give it a try!
My confusion came from the sentence "Some cards may allow you to replace the required skill for a check with a different one; you may play only 1 card or use only 1 power that changes the skill you are going to use." (p.11) but, after reading that again, it seems that Lini's power is in fact not played at that moment (but Seoni's is!).
About Q2:
What I meant is that she can't play a BotGods and after that play another card or use another power to change the die of the roll, because the latter is done in the "Determine Which Die You’re Using" step and the former is done at the "Play Cards That Affect the Check" step, and those steps must follow the specific order on the Rulebook.
For example, Lini has to make a Strength check (combat or not). In the "Determine Which Die You’re Using", Lini uses her power, changing the Strength die from d4 to d10. Then, on the "Play Cards That Affect the Check", she plays the BotGods, adding another d10 to the check. (Thus I disagree with TClifford and agree with h4ppy and Youperguy, except on the fact that you can't play BotGods and later change the die)
Ok, I'm not 100% on these, but I'll try to answer anyway.
A die is just a single die - 1dX. A die roll is the consequence of a skill check and is any number of dice plus static modifierst - ydX+z. So, on to the questions:
Q1: Blessing of the Gods adds "1 die" to a check. Is this any one of the physical dice used in the check? Or any one of the physical stats dice used in the check? Or one of the stats? E.g. If I have "1d6 + 1" Dexterity and play a weapon that adds 1d8 to my combat check what are my options for BotGods' "die"?
From page 16 of the Rulebook, Blessing, you add specifically the single die of the skill you're using on the check. If my Strength is 1d4+1 (this is my Strength roll/check; my Strength die is just 1d4), and I make a Strength combat check modified by a weapon that adds 1d8 to it, the roll would be 1d4+1+1d8. If you throw in a Blessing of the Gods, you add another Strength die (1d4) to the roll, making it 2d4+1+1d8.
Q2: Do "add 1 die" effects resolve immediately or not until the "Assemble your dice" phase? E.g. if I play BotGods whilst my Strength is 1d4 then later (through simple-mindedness) play a power that boosts Strength to 1d10 can I 'change' BotGods' die to a d10? In other words does it resolve as "add one die that's already in the pool" or as "add one bonus die that you can decide on in the Assemble dice phase"?
Any card or power that modifies the die you are using must be played during the "Determine Which Die You’re Using" step, which happens before you play any card or power during the "Play Cards or Powers That Affect the Check" (Rulebook, p. 11).
So, if you played BotGods, you can't change the die you are using anymore.
Q3: One of Lini's powers says "You may discard a card to roll d10 instead of your Strength or Dexterity die for any check". What is my "Strength die"? The physical die, or the die + bonuses? E.g. if my Strength (with feat) is "1d4 + 1" would using this power get me to (a) "1d10 + 1" or (b) just 1d10? (does it replace my entire Strength 'power' or just replace the basic die I use for Strength checks?)
If Lini's Strength is 1d4+2 (remember, this is her Strength roll/check, not Strength die) and she uses said power, her Strength die becomes 1d10 and her Strength roll becomes 1d10+2.
Q4 & Q5:
I agree with you and I believe Seoni power is a typo and should be worded as you suggested. In this case, the roll would be (total Charisma + 2) + (total power)
I would also like to praise Mike and Vic for their efforts and activity, you guys rock!!
I know this goes against what Mike said in the BGG forums here but, if there are no nested checks, then the recharge checks of all cards played during an "Attempting Checks" (Reference Sheet of the Rulebook) should be made after the "Resolve the Check" step. Contrary to what Mike said, this would not invalidate the Arcane Armor use in the linked example because, according to the Rulebook, a player can play one card of each type during the "Play Cards that Affect Your Check" and another card of each type during the "Take Damage".
Therefore, there should be no way of preventing damage through nested card recharging after knowing what the damage is (i.e, after the "Make the Roll" step) and actually taking the damage (i.e., after the "Take Damage" step).
I'd like to cancel both my subscriptions: "Pathfinder Adventure Path" and "Pathfinder Companion".
I have already sent 2 e-mails in the last 2 days to customer.service trying to cancel them and explaining why I'd like to cancel, but I've got no response and the subscriptions were not cancelled yet.
Weapon Focus - Rapier
Weapon Finesse
Power Attack
Weapon Specialization - Rapier
Iron Will
Improved Critical - Rapier
+3 Rapier (18.02k)
Belt of physical perfection +2 (16k)
+3 Mithral chain shirt (10.1k)
Cloak of resistance +3 (9k)
Handy haversack (2k)
Ring of protection +1 (2k)
Amulet of natural armor +1 (2k)
2880 GP left to buy a bow and other stuff
Average DPR with Power Attack: 33.64. A +1 to hit is worth 2.93 DPR, a +1 to damage 1.50 DPR and an extra attack 20.48 DPR.
Hey, it's better than the monk! Now, seriously, the duelist damage scales well with level, Riposte at level 11 is interesting and Crippling Critical at level 16 is awesome (-4 to saving throws or AC! Str or Dex damage!). I think it's playable at high levels, but will suffer at low-mid levels.
Subjects, Effects, and Areas: If the spell affects creatures directly, the result travels with the subjects for the spell's duration. If the spell creates an effect, the effect lasts for the duration. The effect might move or remain still. Such an effect can be destroyed prior to when its duration ends. If the spell affects an area, then the spell stays with that area for its duration.
Since magic circle against evil is an area spell, does it mean it is stationary once cast?
I just realized I missed a small part of the spell description:
prd wrote:
spells already in effect when the globe is cast are not affected by the globe.
This makes the spells mage armor and bull's strength already in effect mentioned not affected by the globe.
The spell description also states that the globe is immobile, which makes it suppress summoned creatures only if the summon is cast after the GoI and only if either the creatures are summoned inside the globe or head into it.
Bog wrote:
The suppressing ability could still lead to some confusion I'm afraid; what if a 'delayed' spell was cast in the Antimagic Field? Can they even be casted? For example: Delayed Blast Fireball, Symbol of X (Does it come in effect as soon as the field is removed?)
Supposing the delayed blast fireball (7th level spell) can be affected by the GoI, the GoI would just exclude the area of the explosion where it overlaps the GoI. It's not really clear, because altough delayed blast fireball is an area spell, it creates an effect (the glowing bead), which should be suppressed while inside the GoI, but that doesn't happen RAW.
About the symbol of x, the effect is suppressed if inside the GoI, so it can't be triggered.
The description of the GoI-spells state that all spells and spell-like effects are suppressed in the field, same as the antimagic field.
antimagic field also explicitly states magic items and supernatural abilities.
Bog wrote:
Does this mean that the globe of invulnerability can also be used to dismiss all 'Conjuration (Summoning)' effects?
Not dismiss, but supress. I guess so...
Bog wrote:
What about other effects ((1)mage armor, (2)bull's strength, (3) +1 equipment (=CL3)) that are in the area of the GoI spell when it is first cast, are those automaticly negated? Or should a save or check be rolled for them?
(1) Suppressed
(2) Suppressed
(3) Not suppressed (unless it is ordinary equipment under the effect of magic weapon)
No saves allowed.
Bog wrote:
Because, if I remember correctly, you can't actually force an Abjuration effect onto something, it has to be brought inside the effect, not the other way around.
prd wrote:
If an abjuration creates a barrier that keeps certain types of creatures at bay, that barrier cannot be used to push away those creatures. If you force the barrier against such a creature, you feel a discernible pressure against the barrier. If you continue to apply pressure, you end the spell.
Since GoI isn't keeping any creature at bay, the above text does not apply.
Bog wrote:
What about an +1 (=CL3) Axiomatic (=CL7) Longsword (for example) that is brought into an Lesser Globe of Invulnerability. Is the Enhancment bonus negated, but not the special quality?
Against a beetle(or 300) it's a finishing move, for the troll it's only a slight inconvenience.
I have to disagree with this statement. It's not a finishing move to diminutive/fine creatures, because they get a bonus to Dexterity due to size that are reflected on their Reflex saving throw, while the bigger creatures actually get a penalty to their Dexterity (and thus Reflex). And that is the part of the rules that bother me.
I know the system can't cover every situation, but if I say to my DM: "If I were you, I'd say that a whirlwind is instant kill against swarms of diminutive or fine creatures" or "That swarm should really get a -8 penalty to Reflex against whirlwind", chances are he won't be very receptive.
Anyway, my final house rule for this is: Whirlwind(Su) is considered an area attack against swarms and creatures receive a special size modifier to Reflex saves against Whirlwind(Su) equal to those of their CMB/CMD. Anybody agrees?
The question came up because I am playing a cleric and I was thinking about some ways of actually causing damage to a swarm. So, I thought about summoning a Small Air Elemental and have it use its Whirlwind(Su).
The rules are not clear on this, but I'd like to see what you guys would rule in this situation.
If I were DM'ing I would problably rule that a swarm damaged by a whirlwind would take 50% extra damage (as if it were an area attack) if it fails its saving throw.
What I find odd is that the whirlwind saving throw doesn't take into account the weight (or size, which is simpler in game terms) of the affected creature(s), making it as useful against a single beetle as against a troll (if the size of the whirlwinding creature permits).
Further to the above (I'm thinking about universalist wizards, as you can guess).
If my wizard has proficiency with a Greatsword (somehow).
1) Could I buy myself a LARGE greatsword. Drop it while I cast enlarge person on myself (or more elegantly just let go of it for a second after I've cast enlarge person), and then use it with Hand of the Apprentice and get 3d6 damage with it?
2) Does Vital Strike work with Hand of the Apprentice (in particular with the above scenario doing 6d6 on a hit)?
1) Yes, but I just don't understand why would you have to drop it in first place?
2) No, because using Hand of the Apprentice is a standard action (that includes an attack roll), and not an attack action (which is the kind of action required to use Vital Strike)
If it were my campaign, I'd narrow it down to instances that need an attack roll to succeed. Most of the divine spells aren't damage dealers anyway. Offensive versions of the cure spells and lay on hands count.
I'd rule that splash weapons count, as the image of a righteous paladin smashing a bottle of holy water over a demon's face is made of win. In the case of the alchemist's fire, I'd say the alch. fire deals fire damage while the damage from smite evil is positive energy damage.
That's exactly how I had supposed it would work, including the positive energy type associated with the smite evil. ^^
Weylin wrote:
While I am not crazy about it, I can see Smite adding to the damage of spells.I would not rule it as Postive Energy myself, I would rule it as Divine Damage.
Divine damage? I'm not familiar with it, is it a new damage type?
James Risner wrote:
1) Yes
The problem I see with this is about "multiple hits" spells. In this case, a character smiting evil and casting magic missiles at 9th caster level (maybe with UMD and a wand) would apply the damage to each missile or only once?
Smite Evil (Su): Once per day, a paladin can call out to the powers of good to aid her in her struggle against evil. As a swift action, the paladin chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is evil, the paladin adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her attack rolls and adds her paladin level to all damage rolls made against the target of her smite.
Emphasis mine.
So, I see three possibilites for it:
1) Smite evil extra damage is applied to all types of damage rolls (for instance, spells).
2) Only damage rolls that need an attack roll to succed (offensive version of lay on hands, touch spells) get the extra damage.
3) Only weapon damage rolls benefit. What about splash weapons?
Also, is the extra damage the same type as its source? If a paladin throws an alchemist's fire against a target of smite evil, the extra damage is fire damage (relevant against incorporeal foes)?
What do you think? Sorry if this has been brought up before.
If I'm not allowed, swap me out for Monte Cook. (...)
There it is! Not that I want you to get swapped out, but havin Monte Cook as an author for an issue of an AP - man, that would be awesome!!!
Just take a look at the PF module that is going to be released July 2010: "Curse of the Riven Sky". Not quite an AP issue, but I think it's gonna be all kinds of awesome!
Change the rules on scribing spells on a spellbook. Maybe make a spell written on a spellbook and a scroll exactly the same thing (same costs, to be specific).
I know it's not RAW, but I'd problably rule that the line of acid a black dragon breathes falls to the ground due to the effect of gravity, so that the dragon doesn't have to line up in altitude to hit the three members on Round 5.
By the way, great playtest, Wraith!