Who built the first three levels?

Maure Castle

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber


who built the first three levels (great hall, tomorast's hold, kerzit's fane) of maure castle? it's clear that these aren't part of the dungeons directly underneath maure castle, so who built them? eli tomorast?

messy wrote:


who built the first three levels (great hall, tomorast's hold, kerzit's fane) of maure castle? it's clear that these aren't part of the dungeons directly underneath maure castle, so who built them? eli tomorast?

I believe the adventure indicates that much of the third level was built by Eli Tomorast. The upper two though would seem to predate him - however he made many of the challenging encounters.

I believe that the original three levels (from WG5 Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure) were discovered by Tomorast, and that they were side/adjunct levels to the main Maure Castle dungeons. My guess it that they were created by Uncle or another scion of the family, but I think that's a good question to ask Rob: poke him over on the PPP boards @ http://piedpiperpublishing.yuku.com/forums/27 and he should respond.


Just working from memory here, but I recall it being mentioned that the first three levels were built when Maure Castle was still populated and had lots of pilgrims visiting - rather than have them stomping through the main halls and muddying the carpets, the family had the Great Halls created and let the pilgrims visit directly. Then came the catastrophic event and everything was left to go shabby.


Reggie wrote:

Just working from memory here, but I recall it being mentioned that the first three levels were built when Maure Castle was still populated and had lots of pilgrims visiting - rather than have them stomping through the main halls and muddying the carpets, the family had the Great Halls created and let the pilgrims visit directly. Then came the catastrophic event and everything was left to go shabby.


The problem with this is the star of power at area #1. That thing is not a Maure creation. Something was here before the Maure its just a question of how much was here, what it was for and who made it.

Good point.

Now I'm intrigued enough to go through my back issues to find the reference that I'm sure I can remember. I just hope I didn't imagine it.


Interesting. If you find the references, Reggie, do please share! :D


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Okay - I finally have had the chance to look at Dungeon 112, and the information scattered within tells the following story (page references refer to Dungeon issue 112, July 2004):

A thousand years ago, the ancient Suel Mage of Power Slerotin died shortly after enabling 11 Suel tribes to flee the Twin Cataclysms. Eight of his apprentices formed House Maure (pp.12). They created the eight-pointed star in the entrance corridor of the new dungeon complex which they had presumably had constructed, then left everything in the hands of a group of their apprentices, whom they had initiated as masters of House Maure, and left for other planes of existance (pp. 20). Maure subjects would visit the first level of the dungeon's Chamber of Offerings and what is now known as the Throne/Statue area for worship and entertainment. They lounged around and were pretty debauched and did what they could to curry favour with the early Maure Leaders by leaving offerings to them (pp. 20). Four ancient Suel cults (The Cults of Silver Dreams, Malcanthet, Long Shadows and the Purple Stone) took up residence within the second level of the dungeon complex (pp. 32). When the Cult of the Purple Stone tried to subvert the other cults, along with the Masters of House Maure, the Maures responded by sealing all those within the dungeon complex behind the Unopenable Doors and leaving them to rot (pp. 32).

The third level of the dungeon complex was created by Eli Tomerast 37 years ago from a small network of natural caverns (pp. 52).

The only confusion arises with the statement that the Unopenable Doors were raised 'many decades ago' (pp. 32). However the introduction to the Statuary level states that the doors were sealed 'more than 600 years ago' (pp. 71). I'm happy to go with the latter, as 600 years technically is 'many decades'. =)

Okay. Useful only to the obsessive, I know, but there it is. The 'side dungeon' was most likely created in parallel with the rest of the Maure environs back in the early days of the Suel's arrival and was used as a place for their subjects to come and worship, be entertained or just generally suck up to the Maures.


Impressive detective work. I applaud your efforts.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Reggie wrote:
Okay. Useful only to the obsessive...

to paraphrase groo the wanderer, that is useful to me! :-D


Happy to have been of service, I'm glad it helped.


Nice digging, thanks! :D


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Reggie wrote:

Okay - I finally have had the chance to look at Dungeon 112, and the information scattered within tells the following story (page references refer to Dungeon issue 112, July 2004):

A thousand years ago, the ancient Suel Mage of Power Slerotin died shortly after enabling 11 Suel tribes to flee the Twin Cataclysms. Eight of his apprentices formed House Maure (pp.12). They created the eight-pointed star in the entrance corridor of the new dungeon complex which they had presumably had constructed, then left everything in the hands of a group of their apprentices, whom they had initiated as masters of House Maure, and left for other planes of existance (pp. 20). Maure subjects would visit the first level of the dungeon's Chamber of Offerings and what is now known as the Throne/Statue area for worship and entertainment. They lounged around and were pretty debauched and did what they could to curry favour with the early Maure Leaders by leaving offerings to them (pp. 20). Four ancient Suel cults (The Cults of Silver Dreams, Malcanthet, Long Shadows and the Purple Stone) took up residence within the second level of the dungeon complex (pp. 32). When the Cult of the Purple Stone tried to subvert the other cults, along with the Masters of House Maure, the Maures responded by sealing all those within the dungeon complex behind the Unopenable Doors and leaving them to rot (pp. 32).

The third level of the dungeon complex was created by Eli Tomerast 37 years ago from a small network of natural caverns (pp. 52).

The only confusion arises with the statement that the Unopenable Doors were raised 'many decades ago' (pp. 32). However the introduction to the Statuary level states that the doors were sealed 'more than 600 years ago' (pp. 71). I'm happy to go with the latter, as 600 years technically is 'many decades'. =)

Okay. Useful only to the obsessive, I know, but there it is. The 'side dungeon' was most likely created in parallel with the rest of the Maure environs back in the early says of the Suel's...

I believe the "decades" was in error, and it should have been "centuries". On page 44, in room 47, it actually gives a date of approx. when the doors were sealed...5249 SD. That's -267CY, which, in 591(I'm assuming this is the date of the adventure-25 years ago when Mordenkainen was here would put them here in 566) would mean the doors were sealed 858 years ago. I've created a timeline of sorts. Just contact me if you're interested.

Andor the Wise wrote:
Reggie wrote:

The only confusion arises with the statement that the Unopenable Doors were raised 'many decades ago' (pp. 32). However the introduction to the Statuary level states that the doors were sealed 'more than 600 years ago' (pp. 71). I'm happy to go with the latter, as 600 years technically is 'many decades'. =)

Okay. Useful only to the obsessive, I know, but there it is. The 'side dungeon' was most likely created in parallel with the rest of the Maure environs back in the


I believe the "decades" was in error, and it should have been "centuries". On page 44, in room 47, it actually gives a date of approx. when the doors were sealed...5249 SD. That's -267CY, which, in 591(I'm assuming this is the date of the adventure-25 years ago when Mordenkainen was here would put them here in 566) would mean the doors were sealed 858 years ago. I've created a timeline of sorts. Just contact me if you're interested.

thread auto-necromancy in action...

That makes a lot more sense - thanks for the pick up.


Grand Lodge

I've been on a Maure kick recently (I built a Suel PC from Maure Castle-area recently for a one-shot adventure.) and afterward have been rereading quite a bit on it to tickle my nostalgia. I'm actually tempted to DM some Maure Castle & Scarlet Brotherhood stuff soon even though my PCs are completely entrenched in my Varisia campaign (They're in Sandpoint now getting ready to enter Wisher's Well and whoop up on Vorimorath -- but who knows, if it's a tpk....

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