Entangling effects from nets and spider webs

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

Are the effects of multiple nets/webs (monster ability not the spell) cumulative?

When attempting to break/escape from multiple nets, do you have to roll for each one or does one roll count for all?

Liberty's Edge

Also, what about strength checks to move against a net/web that's tied down instead of held by another person/monster?

1. There's no such thing as "doubly entangled"; you're just entangled.

2. I think you can only escape one net/web per action.

3. I'm not sure what you mean. You mean a net where the trailing rope is tied to a tent peg or something like that?

Liberty's Edge

That's pretty much what I thought. Thanks for the feedback.

hogarth wrote:

3. I'm not sure what you mean. You mean a net where the trailing rope is tied to a tent peg or something like that?

More like tied around a pillar or similarly immobile object. My gut says it's just a DC to break rather than opposed Str check.

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Okay, I have a similar question so I didn't want to create a whole new discussion.

If multiple creatures are entangling a creature with a weapon, like with nets or lassos, does the creature need to make escape actions against each one or only once for all of them?

I also am curious about the trailing rope being tied down, but with a twist. Can I tie off the trailing rope after I entangled a creature? If I do, how does that affect the entangled creature?

I have a creature entangled with a lasso and I have it tied to a saddle, does my horse make the Strength check to control the rope?

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