Mordulin's DoD Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Okay, so here are the character creation rules:

28 point buy (23 point buy for droids, custom droid models only, no replica droids.)

Books Allowed: Core Rules, Clone Wars Campaign Guide, Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, Starships of the Galaxy

Max Starting Wealth for your class


All equipment with military or illegal rating is unavailable for purchase at character creation, with the following exceptions: heavy blaster pistol and hold-out blaster pistol. You must pay the additional license fee for any available equipment that has a restriction rating (see page 118 of the core rulebook). At 1st level, you need not make any skill checks to obtain an available item with a restriction rating; simply pay the additional license fee, and the item's all yours.

Destiny: Only Destruction, Discovery, and Rescue are available.

Races Allowed

Core Book Races:

Kel Dor
Mon Calamari

Clone Wars Races:


Force Unleashed Races:


All of the major classes are allowed as are all non-darkside PrC when the PCs reach high enough level.

The Dawn of Defiance campaign opens on an unsuspecting space station orbiting the Core World of Brentaal. Sel Zonn Station is little more than a travel and cargo port, just like dozens of others in orbit around the world. However, the station is also home not only to the Empire and its lackeys among the nobility of Brentaal, but also to the beginnings of the first major resistance group—that of your heroes.

I've nearly finished my character but I'm stuck on equipment. The rulebook says I am given a lightsaber by my master until I can make one.

My question is: do I have to purchase it? I only get 1,200 credits and they cost 3,000.

abstract xp wrote:

I've nearly finished my character but I'm stuck on equipment. The rulebook says I am given a lightsaber by my master until I can make one.

My question is: do I have to purchase it? I only get 1,200 credits and they cost 3,000.

This is abstract xp - my draft character is available for your review...

abstract xp wrote:

I've nearly finished my character but I'm stuck on equipment. The rulebook says I am given a lightsaber by my master until I can make one.

My question is: do I have to purchase it? I only get 1,200 credits and they cost 3,000.

You get the lightsaber for no cost as a jedi friend.

Male Human Soldier 1

Is my character acceptable?

Gareth Darkstalker wrote:
Is my character acceptable?

Looks like you have 5 more points to spend on Ability scores. I count only 23 (droids get 23 but non-droids get 28). Looks like you meant to put Strength at 13 since you took Rapid Shot, but that will still leave you 3 more points to spend. Gear is adding up to 3250 with the license fees, soldiers only start with 3000. I'll allow it though. Just need to add those extra Ability score points and its approved.


Will Defense should be 11 and you have 1 more trained skill from human to pick.

Corvus Corax wrote:
abstract xp wrote:

I've nearly finished my character but I'm stuck on equipment. The rulebook says I am given a lightsaber by my master until I can make one.

My question is: do I have to purchase it? I only get 1,200 credits and they cost 3,000.

This is abstract xp - my draft character is available for your review...

Second Wind would recover 12 hit points for you and you only have 1 second wind in SAGA. Other than that you just have your 1,200 credits you can spend if you want. Other than that its mechanically fine. A little background would be nice.

GM Mordulin wrote:
Corvus Corax wrote:
abstract xp wrote:

I've nearly finished my character but I'm stuck on equipment. The rulebook says I am given a lightsaber by my master until I can make one.

My question is: do I have to purchase it? I only get 1,200 credits and they cost 3,000.

This is abstract xp - my draft character is available for your review...
** spoiler omitted **

Thanks for that. I didn't want to spend a lot of time on a background if the character was flawed mechanically. As I presume I am 'masterless' I will use my background to develop that hook (that's why I took the bonus language I did). I'll flesh it out within 24 hours.

Male Human Soldier 1
GM Mordulin wrote:
Gareth Darkstalker wrote:
Is my character acceptable?

** spoiler omitted **


** spoiler omitted **


Male Gran Soldier 1

This is what I am thinking my character is going to be looking like(this is Tarlane). I haven't built a character for Saga for a while, so let me know if I overlooked anything, but I think he's pretty sound.

I'll get the character sheet cleaned up so its more readable format wise today, and I'm going to flesh out the background a little more, I just wanted to put up something somewhat generic so you could see where I was coming from.

I think my character is going to be primarily soldier with a bit of scoundrel in him headed towards gunslinger.

Gareth Darkstalker wrote:

Fortitude should be 15 actually (2 con, 2 class, 1 level) and Will should be 12 (1 wis, 1 level).

Ansic Jeeg wrote:

This is what I am thinking my character is going to be looking like(this is Tarlane). I haven't built a character for Saga for a while, so let me know if I overlooked anything, but I think he's pretty sound.

I'll get the character sheet cleaned up so its more readable format wise today, and I'm going to flesh out the background a little more, I just wanted to put up something somewhat generic so you could see where I was coming from.

I think my character is going to be primarily soldier with a bit of scoundrel in him headed towards gunslinger.

The only thing off are the grenades. You still need the license fees for the grenades and frag grenades are not available at character creation. That all said, I'll approve it as is.


Male Gran Soldier 1

Ah! I had miscounted on my credits originally and realized when I was trying to fact check my character that I should have had some more money, so the grenades were last minute after I had done all my other gear and my brain wasn't thinking about availability anymore. I'll drop the frag grenade and use the cash from that for the licenses on the other two. Should still have a little extra left over too.

Male Human Soldier 1
GM Mordulin wrote:
Gareth Darkstalker wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Okay, I think everything is right now.

Gareth Darkstalker wrote:
Okay, I think everything is right now.


Ansic Jeeg wrote:
Ah! I had miscounted on my credits originally and realized when I was trying to fact check my character that I should have had some more money, so the grenades were last minute after I had done all my other gear and my brain wasn't thinking about availability anymore. I'll drop the frag grenade and use the cash from that for the licenses on the other two. Should still have a little extra left over too.

No problem!

Sovereign Court

Female Human Level 4 Bard

Just wanted to let you know my inactivity here today indicates I need to get home to my books, rather than any lack of interest!

Dark Archive

GM Mordulin wrote:
Okay, so here are the character creation rules...

Out of the books mentioned... I only have Core Rules with me and somewhere Starships of the Galaxy.

I was tentatively thinking about making a doctor-ish type character (think Dr. Simon Tam from Firefly, not Dr. Who) or maybe just a field medic/saw bones. Would this character see alot of use in the campaign?

Also, my friend suggested the tech specialist class... which he showed me here:

Is this class allowed or duplicated in one of the other books?

thrikreed wrote:

Out of the books mentioned... I only have Core Rules with me and somewhere Starships of the Galaxy.

I was tentatively thinking about making a doctor-ish type character (think Dr. Simon Tam from Firefly, not Dr. Who) or maybe just a field medic/saw bones. Would this character see alot of use in the campaign?

Also, my friend suggested the tech specialist class... which he showed me here

Is this class allowed or duplicated in one of the other books?

There is a lot of combat in DoD but its your choice. Play someone you'll have fun with! We have a large group so I'm going to be making adjustments to the fights as it is. (Not to mention story elements to incorporate pc backstories.) Tech Specialist is a feat that anyone can take. The Outlaw Tech talent tree is tied to Scoundrel. Everything from that enhancement article was included in the Starships of the Galaxy book.

Everyone, don't feel rushed. I was planning on starting the game late this week/early next week but if people need more time to work on characters work away! I have no problems delaying things. I want this to be a fun game with characters we all will enjoy playing since this is a 1 to 20 campaign that can take years to finish.

Male Gran Soldier 1

I'm sure that any of us being in the line of fire would appreciate a medic of a sort in the party, though if fighting is going to be fairly heavy it would probably be good to at least be a combat medic. Any ideas on the race of general background you guys are thinking about?

And DM, should we be coming up with ways we may already know each other, or does the intro put us together?

The adventure has a way to pull a party together but I feel its pretty weak. If you guys can come up with a way to know each other it would be more helpful for me as that's one less thing I have to change.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human

I had a few ideas,

i spent some time earlier looking over various forms of lightsaber combat and i'd be interested in playing A jedi utilizing the 2nd form of lightsaber combat, Makashi. I think this would be cool and a simple way for the character to know at least the other Jedi character.

2nd, I thought of making a spacecaptain type of scoundrel, this one seems strong escpecially if there's a ship involved in the campaign.

My 3rd idea was a noble class, but simply because the class appealed to me.

hmmm, what do you guys think?

Mordulin -I've updated my character with a background and hopefully a few plot hooks. I'll do my equipment today (but as a Jedi, I'm not expecting to spend much).

Other players - My character has been busy around the station over the last few days, looking for my master. I haven't lost him, merely misplaced him. It's therefore likely I've bumped into all of you on my travels.

It might be worth a quick update as to what characters we've got so far. Mine, obviously, is a Jedi.

Memento Mori - Space captain sounds fun (we're bound to 'acquire' a ship at some point).

Male Human Soldier 1

I am a Mandalorian explosives expert who fought for the Confederation against the jackboots during the war. He grew rather cynical when a fellow Mandalorian revealed to him that old wrinkly was the force behind both sides of the Clone Wars. Now he is a mercenary for hire, working for anyone who pays the right price.

Some things to keep in mind. This campaign does take place during the Dark Times. Any jedi should be aware that most jedi are dead and the council no longer exists. Discretion is the better part of valor when it comes to using your lightsaber or Force powers. Too much obvious Force use or lightsaber swinging in public will bring the Empire down upon you. If you take one of the three Destinies then you don't define it, they are defined within the campaign itself. There will be space combat though not as proliferate as ground combat in the campaign. In fact you won't see any space combat till the 3rd adventure unless you do something REALLY unexpected.

Male Gran Soldier 1

My character was a member of the security force on a world that got bombed out by the empire. Having taken the loss of so many close to him particularly hard due to the way that his species form attachments to their friends, he has set off to do what he can to put a stop to the empire's evil.

On his home world he spent a lot of time with varied alien races, many were less then savory, and he has picked up some skills from them as well as a tolerance for a wide variety of species. His real skill though comes with his pistol, most Gran have some skill with them, but he seems particularly talented.

However he actually found his way to the station, Ansic would have spent his time here looking for anyone who seemed friendly because of his social nature, with an ear to the ground for any anti-empire sentiment.

Right now I'm a soldier going towards gunslinger, though I suspect I'll be adding some scoundrel in there somewhere.

GM Mordulin wrote:
Some things to keep in mind. This campaign does take place during the Dark Times. Any jedi should be aware that most jedi are dead and the council no longer exists. Discretion is the better part of valor when it comes to using your lightsaber or Force powers. Too much obvious Force use or lightsaber swinging in public will bring the Empire down upon you.

I presume a rewrite of my backstory is in order then...

Corvus Corax wrote:
I presume a rewrite of my backstory is in order then...

Or an advancement in your timeline.

Perhaps your master found out about the pending Order 66 and was killed because of his discovery. When you found out the truth you went into hiding which is how you survived. You could have returned to the station recently because you were feeling sentimental, a pull from the Force or any number of other reasons.

For the GM:
I'd prefer to leave his exact disappearance a secret. He may be dead or you may decide something else. My character will presume he's been killed as part of Order 66.

Female Twi'lek Aristocrat 1

(This was the closest to a blue twi'lek I could find. Hopefully it's close enough!)

This is the mechanical aspect of my proposed character.

A quick sketch of my character idea: Ailith was, like most Twi'lek females in the galaxy, a slave purchased at a young age by a rich and influential man in the Republic. She was given as a gift to a progressive and idealistic young senator.

The corporate mogul that gave her to him in an effort to influence the young man was unpleasantly surprised by the senator's outraged reaction, but Ailith found out how fortunate she was - the senator treated her as his ward, and when she had reached her majority he secretly freed her. She was loyal to her benefactor, however, and stayed on as a sort of personal assistant or secretary. Her patron needed all the assistance he could get as the Senate was being influenced to give up its power after the Clone wars. Precocious and raised to be as idealistic as the senator, Ailith threw herself whole-heartedly into an increasingly desperate attempt to hold back the tide of imperialism in the Republic.

Her patron asked her to run an important and delicate errand for him off Coruscant, but when she got there she realized it had been a wild goose chase. As she was searching for passage on a ship back to the capital system, she recieved news that the senator had been named traitor to the Empire and executed, his estates confiscated. The information he'd asked her to gather for him had been nothing but a ruse to get her to safety, and the generous amount of money the senator had given her as payment for the information had been simply all the cash he could provide her to start a new life in safety.

Ailith is bitter and angry at the Empire for destroying the man that might as well have been her father. Raised in the center of galactic politics during a turbulent time, she's skilled at diplomacy, politics, manipulation and subterfuge. She's spent most of her funds trying to fight against the influence of the empire, and has used her social abilities to establish herself as something of an information broker in the small circles she's managed to enter. She's singlemindedly driven to take revenge on the Imperial system that took her "father" from her.

(I'm not sure whether there's a particular senator that might have leveled the charge of treason that she would go after, or a judge that bowed to the commands of the emperor. If destruction of the empire is too big, maybe she would seek destruction of the immediate agent of her benefactor's destruction.)

I"m not up on all the time line information here, so please let me know if anything I've written is grossly inaccurate or impossible to pull off. I don't know the exact state of the timeline, but I picture her being sent off quite young, in her mid to late teens. If that doesn't work with her current age or any changes are needed, please feel free to let me know. I'm more than willing to have some shared history with other characters - she would have dealing wiht fellow malcontents in an affort to get a rebellion brewing. She would have dealings with Imperials or former Imperials in a search for information. She would have dealings with smugglers, criminals, and also be able to handle social interaction at a pretty high level.

Dark Archive

GM Mordulin wrote:

There is a lot of combat in DoD but its your choice. Play someone you'll have fun with! We have a large group so I'm going to be making adjustments to the fights as it is. (Not to mention story elements to incorporate pc backstories.)

Okay, about 75% done with my character... Mr. Marius. He is probably the strangest character I've ever seen for a Star Wars Campaign.

MM here, the Crunch of my character is essentially done

Have a look-see?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

I'd still like to be in this, but I'm home with a sick three year old and won't have a chance to delve into it until tomorrow. If you need to start without me, that's fine. I'll try to have fluff and crunch up tomorrow!


Actually, if it works out, I'd like to use this character, as he is near and dear to my dark heart... This is James, by the by.

The Exchange

James Martin wrote:

I'd still like to be in this, but I'm home with a sick three year old and won't have a chance to delve into it until tomorrow. If you need to start without me, that's fine. I'll try to have fluff and crunch up tomorrow!




Are you done with Hruskin? I realize you're home with your sick 3yo, just let me know if I need to gut your character in the battle we're doing...

Hey everyone, just giving you all a head's up that I am still around. I'm a bit busy with work so it won't be till Friday that I'll be able to have the time to finish approving characters. Sorry for the delays everyone.

Female Twi'lek Aristocrat 1
GM Mordulin wrote:
Hey everyone, just giving you all a head's up that I am still around. I'm a bit busy with work so it won't be till Friday that I'll be able to have the time to finish approving characters. Sorry for the delays everyone.

Sounds good. I'll go over the mechanics of my character again and confirm I didn't mess up anything - I think I'll pay special attention to items, that was rushed and seeing some comments, I may have miscalculated my spending. :)

Please let me know if I'm barking up the right or wrong tree for Ailith's background when you get a chance - if it's off, I'll probably switch around skills.

I'll have my trooper ready by tonight/tomorrow morning.

Here's my trooper. No b/g yet...didn't know if we needed it. But a stormtrooper on shore leave atm.

GM Mordulin wrote:
Hey everyone, just giving you all a head's up that I am still around. I'm a bit busy with work so it won't be till Friday that I'll be able to have the time to finish approving characters. Sorry for the delays everyone.

Okay, here is my character. I know I still have gold to spend and was thinking about a chest with a bunch of legs sticking out of the bottom of it to carry around my medical supplies.

Jess Door (Ailith Secura):

Background is great! Stat-wise looks like you spent 30 point buy instead of 28 for stats. Skill Training (Stealth) normally can't be selected by a Noble as Stealth isn't on their class skill list but I'll allow it. According to my calculations you should still have 867.5 credits left. Otherwise character is approved.

thrikreed (Mr. Marius):

Vibrodagger should be at -6 for the attack. Otherwise once you pick your talent the character is approved.

Memento Mori (Kael Kulton):

Looks good consider character approved.

James Martin (HK-22):

HK-22 was always entertaining. Looking over the character it looks like you'd need to adjust some of the stats down to 23 point buy, lose a feat and you'd have 480 credits left after purchasing your firearm and accessories. Unless I'm missing something. Otherwise the character is approved.

Thomas Thiessen (Rogen Horle):

A stormtrooper on leave wouldn't really work too well, since the campaign's focus is on fighting the Empire. A disgruntled, former stormtrooper though would work. Stat wise looks like Reflex should be 16 (flat-footed 13), feats are off, I'm guessing you meant to just have Weapon Focus and Point Blank Shot, unarmed damage should be 1d4+2, Frag Grenades are military restricted and aren't available at 1st level, I'll allow the one but your wealth should be 360 credits after purchasing the licenses. Otherwise the character is approved.

GM Mordulin wrote:

thrikreed (Mr. Marius):


Corrected and added. Backstory coming... I think it will include a brief visit to the Nuns of G'aav'aar'oon at the bequest of his parents.

Here is the newly updated HK-22. I restatted him as a scout since there seemed to be a lot of soldiers in the mix. He should be ready to go.

Male Gran Soldier 1

I did want to just chime in that I am still following the thread and just waiting for things to kick off. Glad the team is starting to come together.

Female Twi'lek Aristocrat 1
GM Mordulin wrote:
Background is great! Stat-wise looks like you spent 30 point buy instead of 28 for stats. Skill Training (Stealth) normally can't be selected by a Noble as Stealth isn't on their class skill list but I'll allow it. According to my calculations you should still have 867.5 credits left. Otherwise character is approved.

wow, I can't believe it. I never knew I'd be completely unable to ever train in a non class skill in Star Wars Saga! Apologies!, that's really limiting. I mean, I spent a feat for flavor reasons to get a skill that was off my seems crazy that you can never gain training in a non class skill. Weird. Do I need to change that?

Thanks for checking the pont buy, I forgot to take off my wisdom penalty. It's now fixed.

Male Gran Soldier 1

Ailith, I believe what you would want to do is take the skill training feat. That will put it on your class list, and so you will get the +5 bonus. It basically will give you the same modifier that skill focus would give, but you could take skill focus at a later time if you wished.

Female Twi'lek Aristocrat 1
Ansic Jeeg wrote:
Ailith, I believe what you would want to do is take the skill training feat. That will put it on your class list, and so you will get the +5 bonus. It basically will give you the same modifier that skill focus would give, but you could take skill focus at a later time if you wished.

Nope, that's what I did, but it's illigal, RAW. Skill Training reads: "Choose one untrained skill from your list of class skills. You become trained in that skill." I thought it could make a non-class skill a class skill too - so I took that as my first level feat. But it turns out that if it's not a class skill in SWS, you can NEVER train it. O.o I was looking up the rules to argue, but the DM has it right.

Like I said, that seems really weird to me. But them's the rules!

Liberty's Edge

Ahh, thats interesting. I hadn't realized that. I knew that saga was much more encouraging of multi-classing, but I hadn't realized it required it so much for skills.

Yeah its a backwards thinking rule. If you guys want to take Skill Training for a non-class skill (except Use the Force, Force Sensitivity makes Use the Force a class skill) go for it! Its more flavorful that way.

Nothing exciting to add - I just felt left out of the posts ; p

I'm also raring to go and I've tweaked my character as per the GM's guidance. I haven't specified how long it has been since Order 66 - as I don't know.

Hey guys just some additional information about Sel Zonn Station that can be found out at any of the numerous information terminals located throughout the station:

In addition to providing boarding and supply services, Sel Zonn Station is host to a number of businesses that cater specifically to travelers. Almost all shops are located on the Promenade (The main commercial area of Sel Zonn Station is known as the Promenade. Filled with shops of all kinds, as well as large, open seating areas with fountains, plants, and other decorations.), though a few are off the beaten path. Some of the most popular establishments include:

Gundark’s Cantina: Gundark’s Cantina is a place where people from all walks of life can come to relax.

The Credit Chip: A local casino that attracts a wide variety of patrons. The most popular games in the galaxy, including sabacc and pazaak, see a lot of play here.

Delgas Medical Supplies: A corporate medical practice and pharmaceutical supplier, Delgas Medical Supplies provides care to those who can afford it.

Mechanical Allies: A droid repair and sales shop, Mechanical Allies sells all manner of droid parts and reconditioned droids.

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