Marius was born to Dr. Frank Wistur-Welby and his wife Dr. Virginia Wistur-Welby. The first of five children, he was raised a member of the social elite on Rhinnal (Located on the Parlemian Trade Route in the Darpa Sector).
As both his parents were doctors and members of the Rhire Concourse of Humanity and History, he spent the majority of his time in an elite boarding school where he was submersed in an atmosphere of exclusivity in manners, clothing, and décor. Much like any other Rhinnalian, he’s an expert in passive aggression, and routinely snubbed aliens and off-worlders.
Following in his parents footsteps, he attended Rhire State Medical Academy and worked quite hard and diligently to become a doctor all the while participating in the activities sponsored by the Rhire Concourse of Humanity and History… However, during his final years of school the pressure his parents and peers were putting him under led him to his very careful use of Muon Gold before tests and exams...
After his residency (and becoming free of his parents), he began exploring the club and rave subculture in Rhinnal that he had only barely been exposed to previously. After his prior exposure to Muon Gold, he was easily enticed into trying several other recreational drugs before developing a taste for Glitterstim.
Several months went by before he collapsed at one of these parties. After nearly dying from the combination of Glitterstim and Carsunum in his blood, he was diagnosed and treated. By the time Marius had completed detox his job was gone and his medical license had been revoked.
The day he was released from the hospital he was brought home by his mother and his only close sibling - his sister Rachelle. His father, both furious and drunk, was waiting. After a lot of fighting, some of which came to physical blows, his father had ejected him from their house.
As soon as she could, his mother along with his sister Rachelle orchestrated a trip off-planet for Marius. A remembered story from another Rhire socialite and a little investigation had his final destination as G’aav’aar’oon, where he would stay until he had recovered from both his physical and mental traumas. He spent nearly a year there where the calm, pious, quiet environment transformed him. He also learned some small amount of how to use the force – though only for healing. At the end of the year, Mother Grotugga herself gave him the choice of joining the Nuns permanently or going back out amongst the stars.
After days of soul searching, he chose to go back amongst the stars…