Tarlane's Crypt of the Everflame


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Female Halfling Monk 1

"It's a......er big shadowy thing."

Liberty's Edge

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 Manduzi's Initiative
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 Manduzi's Perception

Just going to let Bandar get his initiative up, but since Naria and Manduzi are the only two who are going to be acting in the surprise round, you two can go ahead and put up your actions now if you wish.

Also, what do you guys think we should do with Manduzi? It doesn't look like he has posted as any of his characters since about the 15th of last month. Would you rather I just keep NPCing him for a while, or should I try and find someone who could take his spot?

Current Initiative:

Naria 23
Beilin 19
Creature 15
Drosk 13
Manduzi 10
Velios 7

Link to Updated Map

Liberty's Edge

Alright, I haven't heard from the others in a bit, so I am going to roll Bandar's Init right now and if I don't hear from Naria within a few hours I'll put up a post for her and Manduzi.

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 Banadar's Initiative

Naria 23
Beilin 19
Creature 15
Drosk 13
Manduzi 10
Velios 7
Bandar 5

Naria and Manduzi both have surprise rounds and then we will go into normal round by round.

Yay! I'm not last. LOL

Female Halfling Monk 1

Naria will try a charging kick to the thing.


1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12


1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Liberty's Edge

Naria rushes at the vague form, in the haze with Manduzi just behind her. It seems very difficult to tell just where the creature begins and the cloud above the fire ends however and it seems as though she is just kicking smoke. The rogue seems to have similar results with his rapier, calling towards the others "This isn't working!"

Alright we are at the top of the first real round now. At this point you can all make out the vaguely humanoid form in the smoke, but its very hard to accurately pinpoint. Beilin, I have a spoiler below for you concerning your knowledge check since its just about your turn. I don't consider the check to be an action, but since you couldn't say anything about it until your turn I didn't want to give the info before you were just about up.



You recognize the creature as a shadow, an undead that exists mostly on the plane of shadow and is known to sap the strength from the hardiest of men. Since it is not fully on this plane, you would know it is -very- dangerous to those who don't have some sort of magic weapon or method of doing elemental or force damage.

Updated Map

Female Halfling Monk 1

"Uh Im very open to suggestions right now" Naria says realising that kicking it isen't working

Going to delay Naria's action

Male Human (Taldan descent) Bard 1

"Its a shadow......we need magic to fight it effectively. It is sheer folly to attack it without. Retreat may be our only option."

Male Dwarf Wizard (Earth Elementalist) 2 (HP 16/16; AC:16 T:16 FF:14; Saves F:+1/+3 vs poison/+5 vs spells R:+2/+6 vs spells W:+4/+8 vs spells; CMB:+2 CMD:14 (see profile page for modifiers); Init:+2; Perc:+3; Spellcraft:+8){Effects: Mage Armor}

Drosk steps into the room (to square T24) and raises his hammer, intoning, "By Torag's holy will, be ye at peace!"

With this command, the hammer-shaped birthmark on Drosk's cheek glows with a holy radiance that spreads out to engulf the shadow.

Channel Energy: 30 ft. radius burst centered on Drosk to harm undead.
Channel Energy Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6, Will DC 15 for half damage.

Sorry to post before the creature, but I will be away from the computer all day tomorrow until late tomorrow night.

Liberty's Edge

Naria slows in her tracks as she considers the beast and Beilin calls out his warning.I'm not sure if you wanted to do any other actions, Beilin? I'm going to consider you delaying at the moment in case you want to act later in the round.

The shadowy creature seems a bit slow to respond as if it too were in a haze. It stretches out a hand towards Naria slowly then making a sudden swipe at her, but the monk manages to nimbly duck back from its touch.

As the dwarf steps forward and calls upon the power of his god small bits of the creature seem to fall away like cloth and an odd hiss emanates from its form.

Unsure of how to hurt the creature after Beilin's warning, Manduzi will fall back out of its reach, putting the fire between himself and it in case retreat is needed, waiting to see if a better plan is discovered.


* Delaying

Updated Map

Velios' stance changes to a more defensive position as he eyes the strange creature wearily.

Total Defense puts me at AC 23, Touch AC 17

Male Dwarf Monk 1

Unsure how to hurt the shadowy creature Bandar run to protect the their only source of damage they have.

"Ye just keep hittin' it with that magic o' yers" he says to Drosk.

Move in front of Drosk, and ready an action to hit anything that comes near him

Male Human (Taldan descent) Bard 1

Yes the only chance we have is the protection of Torag through his vassal Drosk.

Beilin will also take a defensive stance Total Defense AC: 20 Touch AC: 16. In following rounds if the shadow threatens Drosk Beilin will move in and aid another attempting to distract the shadow.

Liberty's Edge

Sorry for a couple days of quiet, the weekend blew up on me. Back in full force again.

As the party adopts more defensive stances the shadow takes another swipe out towards Naria, another hiss coming from the air though it has no obvious way of speaking. The swipe is wide and she is able to avoid it easily just before the creature pulls back and away, passing through the stonework of the wall and out of sight.

I'm going to keep considered to be in combat for the moment, until either you destroy the creature or get to a place where it isn't a threat any longer. You can shift the order in which you act at his point easily enough however, since all of you will have a chance to come up again before it comes up, so post in any order you like.

Updated Map

Female Halfling Monk 1

"Would fire work on it?" Naria shouts from where she is standing

Male Human (Taldan descent) Bard 1

"Only magical fire" Beilin replies while nervously stepping to U25 examining the fire. What is the fuel for it?

Liberty's Edge

Just to chime in on this, there actually looks to be a little contention on that fact at the moment. In one place it is said that incorporeal creatures only take damage from magical or supernatural sources but in another(and is mentioned in the module, since this module takes time to introduce new features since it came out before the bestiary did) it says that incorporeal creatures can also be damaged by energy damage, such as that from torches, ect. I tend to agree with that assessment, at least on a case by case basis. I have no problem with a shadow being injured by fire.

It is difficult to make out through the flames, but there appears to be bones as well as wood within the pit, indicating a body was part of the fire. There also are scraps of leather on the edge and several feathers around. It looks like some of those pillows were added to it at one point in time, along with whatever the body was wearing.

Female Halfling Monk 1

"Well no harm in trying" Naria mumbles as she pulls out the flask of oil she took and looks for a way to put it to use or light it.

Male Human (Taldan descent) Bard 1

"Certainly not Naria" Beilin chimes in while looking to see if there is a burning piece of wood with part sticking out of the fire that can be handled.

Personally I think shadows would not be affected by non-magical fires, but I suppose in my own home game I would allow it particularly in situations like this where low-level heroes may not have the magical means needed to defeat the monster, and I am more than happy to benefit from these circumstances if our kind and benevolent DM feels as such.

Liberty's Edge

Ugh, RL has been doing an amazing job of trying to bog me down both at work and at home the last few weeks. I am hoping that things are slowing back down to a more normal pace again now. I had meant to give you guys a day or two so anyone who had any other plans while the creature was in the wall could inact them and all of a sudden its been 3 days.

Naria draws out her oil as the others watch around the room, unsure where their foe has gone. Suddenly it dips again out of the wall, taking a swipe at Beilin but missing widely. It seems that the creature can't see any better than you can when it is within the stone.

Just keeping the initiative from above to keep things smooth.


Updated Map

Female Halfling Monk 1

Naria will try to get a bit of cloth (tearing a bit from her own top if necessary) soak it in the oil a bit and stuff it into the top of the flask making a very simple (but hopefully affective) fire bomb

Male Dwarf Wizard (Earth Elementalist) 2 (HP 16/16; AC:16 T:16 FF:14; Saves F:+1/+3 vs poison/+5 vs spells R:+2/+6 vs spells W:+4/+8 vs spells; CMB:+2 CMD:14 (see profile page for modifiers); Init:+2; Perc:+3; Spellcraft:+8){Effects: Mage Armor}

Drosk is surprised as the shadow emerges from the wall and attacks Beilin. The dwarf priest raises his hammer again, intoning, "By Torag's might, be at peace!"

Again, the hammer-shaped birthmark on Drosk's cheek glows with a holy radiance that spreads out to engulf the shadow.

Channel Energy: 30 ft. radius burst centered on Drosk to harm undead.
Channel Energy Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5, Will DC 15 for half damage.

Sorry for the delay in posting - our internet access has been on the fritz for the past few days.

Velios keeps his guard up, hoping Drosk can destroy the shadow before anyone gets seriously hurt.

Total Defense puts me at AC 23, Touch AC 17

Liberty's Edge

Drosk brings up his hammer and a burst of light comes out from his birthmark, flashing bright and eliciting a odd shriek from the creature. It wavers for a moment, its form seeming to barely hold together.

When it misses again when it tries to drop the cleric it looks around, something that is beginning to resemble a panic forming in its actions.

Manduzi joins with Velios in adopting a defensive stance, taking up position near the cleric.


Male Dwarf Monk 1

Sorry, didn't realize you were waiting on me

Bandar keeps his defending posture, ready to strike out if the shadow attack.

Will stay near drosk and have a readied action to hit the shadow even though i can't hurt it

Liberty's Edge

I'm glad you posted, I actually had just opened up a new window to post for you to keep things moving.

This puts Naria up next with her improvised firebomb.


Female Halfling Monk 1

Assuming she can Naria light the oil soaked rag using the fire then throws the fire bomb at the shadow (or at least the general area)


1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Not really sure how much damage you would want it to do I was thinking alchemist fire maybe.

Liberty's Edge

Naria dips the rag into the fire and then throws the flask at the shadow, though it proves to not be very aerodynamic and sails to crack against the wall beyond, dripping a trail of flaming oil behind it. The stone wall looks almost to be on fire as the oil burns upon it.


Beilin, you are up.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human

Hello all
Long time no see. I wanted to make a formal apology for my absence.
Things were terribly hectic for me over the holidays and after that I ended up having some computer problems and apart from that I've simply neglected my pbp responsibilities.
I had tons of fun in this game and it makes me proud to participate in a game that included such great roleplayers.
If you'd have me I'd love to come back as Manduzi.
If you decline than I certainly understand and I wish you all happy gaming.


Liberty's Edge

I'm certainly up for having you back if you think you'll be able to post regularly again. Things have slowed down a bit for everyone here and I think it would be good to get some fresh blood in there to get things moving again.

Doing a quick pose for Beilin since I haven't heard from him in a couple days.

Beilin doesn't seem to have much that will hurt the creature either so similar to Nalia he fishes quickly through his pack and pulls out a flask of lamp oil, doing his best to improvise a way to light and throw it next round.

The shadow appears to be in a nearly panicked state now as the fire burns on the wall behind it as well. It reaches out again for the dwarf but its hurried clawing just barely misses. It then pulls off and moves into the stone of the wall once more.This provokes from Drosk, but I don't know if he has any interest in taking the attack.


Updated Map

Female Halfling Monk 1

Naria draws a second flask and begins to make another fire bomb much in the same manner as the first.

Male Human (Taldan descent) Bard 1

sorry I thought I was still trying to fish out a burning brand from the fire and did not realize you were waiting for me.

If there is no burning wood that I can safely retrieve from the fire pit Beilin will step away from the walls (again if possible) and begin to cheer the effective party members on.

Inspire Courage

Liberty's Edge

No worries Beilin, I hadn't realized that was the current plan so thats why I was waiting for your action. We can certainly go with that rather than what I guessed for you. In that instance, you would have managed to dig out a club that was half burning and could be used as a torch temporarily.

Right now, Drosk is up. Followed by Manduzi.

Male Dwarf Wizard (Earth Elementalist) 2 (HP 16/16; AC:16 T:16 FF:14; Saves F:+1/+3 vs poison/+5 vs spells R:+2/+6 vs spells W:+4/+8 vs spells; CMB:+2 CMD:14 (see profile page for modifiers); Init:+2; Perc:+3; Spellcraft:+8){Effects: Mage Armor}

Drosk warily watches the wall where the shadow disappeared, ready to channel his final burst of holy energy upon the creature's re-emergence. "Be sharp!" the dwarf priest calls to his companions. "The spirit could come at us from any side!"

Drosk will hold his action to use his last Channel Energy of the day as soon as the shadow comes out of the wall (or floor or ceiling or whatever). Here's the roll if/when the shadow reappears:

Channel Energy: 30 ft. radius burst centered on Drosk to harm undead.
Channel Energy Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6, Will DC 15 for half damage.

Male Human Rouge/1st

Manduzi's eyes dart about warily in search of the shadow as he maintains his defensive posture."Show yourself you Cowardly apparition!" He calls out at the stone walls.

Liberty's Edge

Just to keep things moving, I'm going to assume you all are preparing for when it appears and will strike as it comes out rather than going through the entire order as the fight is just about over.

The shadow rushes forward from the wall to strike at the dwarf one more time but the blast of light rushes out from the holy symbol and rushes through the shadowy form. More chunks flow off it like torn cloth and with a suddenly loud howl the monster is gone, leaving only the smoke of the chamber.

Male Dwarf Wizard (Earth Elementalist) 2 (HP 16/16; AC:16 T:16 FF:14; Saves F:+1/+3 vs poison/+5 vs spells R:+2/+6 vs spells W:+4/+8 vs spells; CMB:+2 CMD:14 (see profile page for modifiers); Init:+2; Perc:+3; Spellcraft:+8){Effects: Mage Armor}

Amazed at the shadow's apparent destruction, Drosk wipes the sweat from his brow as he exhales the breath he didn't realize he was holding. Anyone very observant might notice a slight tremor to the dwarf's hands.

"Praise Torag! May that poor soul finally be at rest," Drosk states solemnly. He looks around to his companions in the smoky room. "Were any of you hurt?" he asks with concern.

Female Halfling Monk 1

"I'm fine." Naria calls over from where she is standing the oil flask still in her hand.

Male Human (Taldan descent) Bard 1

Beilin will ready a partial action to attack the shadow creature with his flaming torch type thing if it appears around him.

Male Human Rouge/1st

The keen eyes of Manduzi notice the slight tremor in Drosk's arms. "I think We're all okay." He starts as he places a hand on the broad shoulders of the dwarf."Thanks to you that is, Mr. Ironhame." He clarifies with a firm grip on Drosk's shoulder, hoping to strengthen the resolve of his stout friend.

Liberty's Edge

Updated Map to give everyone an idea of where everything is again.

The last room is full of smoke still and clouded, but you have at least peeked through it fairly well now. It looks like this is a dead end.

Velios looks relieved as the Shadow disperses. "By the gods, thank you Drosk. If it wasn't for your faith, we would be in far worse condition."

Liberty's Edge

Bumping things here since everyone is getting quiet on me. Did you all have an idea of what you were up to at this point? Falling back from the room? Heading elsewhere? Searching around?

Female Halfling Monk 1

"Try the other door in the main hall" Naria asks

I don't believe we actually got the key out of the fire. I would like to do the if we can. Then on to whatever door, anything works for me.

Liberty's Edge

Beilin had fished out the key even if it wasn't picked up. Scooping it up is easy enough.

Male Human (Taldan descent) Bard 1

Did the stairs in the room where we fought the insect lead up or down?

In response to Naria "We should head back that way but if I remember correctly there was at least one other door over here that we have not investigated, we might as well check it on our way back."

Liberty's Edge

The stairs led up, high enough to be passing above a room or reaching a second floor.

Liberty's Edge

I feel like I'm losing people here and just want to make sure people are still around. I've gotten two different possible directions you would want to go so I just need some direction from the group and we can get things going again.

I say stairs at M21. Who's with me?!?

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