Help me find a feat

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

The Exchange

I'm playing a Cleric of Cayden Cailean in an upcoming game, and I was planing on taking the Chevalier PrC from Pathfinder #14, Children of the Void from Second Darkness.

It's essentially a chaotic good take on a paladin, limited to 3 levels. I like the flavor and the mechanics fit what I'm going for.

Speaking of which, what I'm going for is to get heavy armor proficiency, full plate, and to focus mainly on combat. The only non-combat feat I especially want to take is Extra Channel (at 1st level due to only 12 charisma from being a Dwarf).

Anyway, we're changing the requirements for the class more than the conversion guide would have us do. The DM and I agree that the BAB +6 requirement is pretty limiting for a cleric or bard (the classes it seems to be designed for) and so we're lowering that to +3 or +4, and adding a feat to the requirements.

The idea is to bring it more in line with the Inheritor's Crusader from the Sixfold Trials, which is available at a lower level but has more numerous requirements.

I'm trying to find a decent feat that really leads into the class and would work as a prerequisite. I'm allowed to look for it through essentially any WotC 3.5 books, and the DM is flexible if it's an OGL book here on Paizo. Any suggestions?

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