Mission to Mars

Off-Topic Discussions

Mission to Mars

A little over a month to reach Mars.

CourtFool wrote:

Mission to Mars

A little over a month to reach Mars.

I'll miss you.


There really is no such place as Mars. It is only a product used to sell movies, books, and games.

Have you ever actually seen it? (not just pictures created by the man)

Dark Archive

We're going to Mars...

Tensor wrote:

There really is no such place as Mars. It is only a product used to sell movies, books, and games.

Have you ever actually seen it? (not just pictures created by the man)

I haven't even seen pictures of you. Prove that you are real.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

David Fryer wrote:
We're going to Mars...

Lamest. Roller Coaster. Evar.

Dark Archive

yoda8myhead wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
We're going to Mars...
Lamest. Roller Coaster. Ever.

Well it is designed for preschoolers.

David Fryer wrote:
We're going to Mars...

This completely proves my point. There is no mars.

CourtFool wrote:
Tensor wrote:

There really is no such place as Mars. It is only a product used to sell movies, books, and games.

Have you ever actually seen it? (not just pictures created by the man)

I haven't even seen pictures of you. Prove that you are real.

You know I am just a voice in your head, as are all the rest of us. Stop trying to prove to yourself you are not insane. Embrace your inner mars.

Silver Crusade

Leave it to NASA to spend billions of dollars to get their hands on a candy bar I can buy in the checkout aisle.

Stupid astrophysicists.

Liberty's Edge

Celestial Healer wrote:

Stupid astrophysicists.

Yeah, it's not like it's rocket science or anything.

Fnck Mars, we need to mine the asteroid belt first. Pelt Mars with the ice asteroids while we're at it and give it a decent atmosphere.

Liberty's Edge

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Fnck Mars, we need to mine the asteroid belt first. Pelt Mars with the ice asteroids while we're at it and give it a decent atmosphere.

Y'know that sounds like a lot of fun. Imagine throwing mountain-sized snowballs at a planet. If it wasn't for the spaaaaace madnesssss I'd do it.

Dark Archive

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Fnck Mars, we need to mine the asteroid belt first. Pelt Mars with the ice asteroids while we're at it and give it a decent atmosphere.

This sounds oddly familiar.

It's a common SciFi trope. But one with merit. Terraforming Mars will be a very interesting , mayhap epic, time in human history. Too bad I will be gone most likely before it occurs.

Celestial Healer wrote:

Leave it to NASA to spend billions of dollars to get their hands on a candy bar I can buy in the checkout aisle.

Stupid astrophysicists.

Mmmm... fried Mars bar...

Patrick Curtin wrote:
It's a common SciFi trope. But one with merit. Terraforming Mars will be a very interesting , mayhap epic, time in human history. Too bad I will be gone most likely before it occurs.

Well, they'll probably send robots ahead to do a lot of prep-work to get things ready. Then they'll probably send a monkey or two ahead to make sure the life support stuff is working right. Maybe Patrick can get to Mars before the rest of us anyway.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
It's a common SciFi trope. But one with merit. Terraforming Mars will be a very interesting , mayhap epic, time in human history. Too bad I will be gone most likely before it occurs.
Well, they'll probably send robots ahead to do a lot of prep-work to get things ready. Then they'll probably send a monkey or two ahead to make sure the life support stuff is working right. Maybe Patrick can get to Mars before the rest of us anyway.

Not unless they come up with monkey immortality drugs :(

Plus at this rate I'd need to learn Chinese, and there's a long line of panda bears ahead of me in queue.

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