FAWTL refugee thread

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Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
I live in the great state of Ohio...which now that I think about it, isn't all that great.
Do you live near Columbus, by any chance?

At least an hour drive away. Yet, I have never been to Origins.


Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
psionichamster wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Psionichamster, where in the great Northeast USA do you live?

Ish. You don't, like, have to give your address or nothing.

I live near New Haven, CT.

Or, as I like to call it, Yale, CT.

I think we've got the potential for a regional FAWTL-Refugee-con!

ConnectiCon is coming up fairly soon. And Mike Brock (PFS Coordinator) will be in attendance.

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
I want it so bad.

The model or the outfit? Or both?

JMD031 wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
I live in the great state of Ohio...which now that I think about it, isn't all that great.
Do you live near Columbus, by any chance?
At least an hour drive away. Yet, I have never been to Origins.

I live right outside Columbus ... and I've still yet to go to Origins.

What is Origins? I will be in Columbus OH next week for work. Should I go?

Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
I want it so bad.
The model or the outfit? Or both?


Liberty's Edge

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
I don't know what you know, but I was looking at it again and I thought "Is that a baby crying, an adult from Peanuts talking, mockery or what?" I meant a baby crying.

See I thought it was a sorrowful trombone. Waw-waw-waw? Weh?

I have friends in Ohio, but they're 50% teenage girls.

The other 50% are Homestuck fans.

(some of them might even fit into both demographics)

Middle America has too many game cons. We need more over here.

Liberty's Edge

Kelsey maybe you could whittle a die? Clay is pretty hard to use because when you fix one side another part is ruined.

hmm or actually some bone or antler could work better, since it has less of a grain

The Mad Badger wrote:
What is Origins? I will be in Columbus OH next week for work. Should I go?

This is Origins. It'll occur the week after next.

Ah too bad the show is not a week later. Any suggestions of where I might go to eat in Columbus or stuff to do at night?

Gark the Goblin wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
I don't know what you know, but I was looking at it again and I thought "Is that a baby crying, an adult from Peanuts talking, mockery or what?" I meant a baby crying.
See I thought it was a sorrowful trombone. Waw-waw-waw? Weh?

Excellent! When I wrote "mockery" I was thinking of a comic trombone effect, but I couldn't think of the words.

Gark--Doodlebug Anklebiter: The Oneness. Feel it.

Silver Crusade

The Mad Badger wrote:
Ah too bad the show is not a week later. Any suggestions of where I might go to eat in Columbus or stuff to do at night?

If I were going to Columbus, I would be sure to check out...


I kid, I kid!

*hides from the Ohioans*


The Mad Badger wrote:
Ah too bad the show is not a week later. Any suggestions of where I might go to eat in Columbus or stuff to do at night?

Check out the tag directed to you on FHDM's least favorite social network and we'll follow up there.

Celestial Healer wrote:
The Mad Badger wrote:
Ah too bad the show is not a week later. Any suggestions of where I might go to eat in Columbus or stuff to do at night?

If I were going to Columbus, I would be sure to check out...

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

LOL! I get jokes.

But seriously, Cleveland sucks.

I did not prepare explosive runes this morning :(

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
I want it so bad.
The model or the outfit? Or both?


Morning All I can't believe it is Friday already looking forward to the weekend that is for certain.

Let's hear it for working weekends!!!


I praise my corporate overlords!


Liberty's Edge


Finally got around to starting the second season of Rome, y'know, something like six years after it was on the air. First episode--what a downer!

Silver Crusade

I'm bummed that it stopped after two seasons. I think they should pick up a new series called Rome 2, which would begin shortly before the death of Augustus. It could cover the rise of Tiberius, the reign of Caligula, and all sorts of Julio-Claudian depravity.

Well, if it came out now, I wouldn't see it until...let's see, 2020 or so.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh, btw, CH, REH sent me a message from the beyond.

I didn't really understand what he was going on about, but at the end I caught "he will be gotten!"

Silver Crusade


Liberty's Edge

Watching TV shows years after they air is the shiznit!

Wassup, Gark?

Liberty's Edge

Not much. Studying for this test tonight. The one class I think I'm doing well in.

What's up with you?

Anyone know of a good university for engineering degrees?

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Anyone know of a good university for engineering degrees?

MIT, baby!

MIT looks nice. However, would they take a 21 year old Job Corps student who only got a 3.5 GPA in her senior year of high school, and was usually at a 2.X the first three years? I mean, that's a pretty prestigious school, and I f@%!ed up high school.

Check out RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) too; my point is, you never know how hard the entrance exam is till you fail it.

Any four year school with "Institute of Technology" in the name is worth applying to. :)

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

RIT has a fantastic LGBT community, to boot. I used to be on the board of the Pride Network at the University of Rochester, and RIT's events used to put us to shame.

Liberty's Edge


okay but yeah?
The one I attend, Oregon State University, is probably the best in the state. It's got a fair bit of focus on synergy and incorporation of different disciplines, which is cool for ecological engineering. Corvallis is a pretty legit town too.

Cons: Everyone is way too good-looking. Also people are sometimes interested in sports.


If you're not adverse to the Northeast, Kelsey, check out New England Institute of Technology Their Website (in R.I., if I'm not mistaken)

I almost attended that one.

No idea on the politics/social agendas going on there, though.

I'm looking at New England, the West Coast, and overseas, mostly. The suggestiongs so far seem good.

Liberty's Edge

OH man



Hey all you crazy FAWTL Refugees,

For those who like funny, novelty music videos, go immediately to the I Made You a Mix! thread in the Music forum and watch the video for "Dinosaur Laser Fight" by Ninja Sex Party. Hee hee!

Liberty's Edge

Whoa I was just reading Kelsey's fighter rules and apparently there's something in the core rules called, "True Grit!"

I've seen that movie!


Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Hey all you crazy FAWTL Refugees,

For those who like funny, novelty music videos, go immediately to the I Made You a Mix! thread in the Music forum and watch the video for "Dinosaur Laser Fight" by Ninja Sex Party. Hee hee!

You just made my day, Comrade!!!

I'll just leave this here...

And now for something completely different...

Copied from another thread:

So, Lord Dice, (EDIT: and others) when are we going to get together and play some D&D?

I've got this idea for an East Coast FAWTL RefugeeCon that I think would be awesome. We've got the numbers, let's do it!! Drive up to NH, pitch a tent on the Free NH Goblin Resistance Commune, maybe play Skull & Shackles: what do you think?


Sounds feasible to me.

I'm about 5-8 hrs away from most of NH, just would need to figure out the timing.

Oh yeah!!

It's pretty nebulous, and I'm under the influence of two intoxicants right now, so, I guess I'm just checking for interest.


You can't come, Gark.

Peace out, bizitches!!!

Liberty's Edge

man you guys are all squares

*creys in quarner*

Liberty's Edge

According to my friends I am not supposed to affiliate with anyone who speaks the name "Sheldon Cooper" without quotes.


I believe you meant "Doctor Sheldon Cooper," Gark

I cannot come to your con. I live too far away. :(

Liberty's Edge

hey maybe we can make our own con wait where do you live
This Land

anyway my pops and I just went on a Eurovision Song Contest spree
good ones:
Witloof Bay
Rona Nishliu
also Lithuania's Thundersomething I lost the link


Just in case any of you "refugees" has missed this video/song.

They're Icelandic, funny, and it's a pretty darn awesome adventure-story in like 4 minutes.

Of Monsters & Men: "Little Talks"

I like that song but that video was a little weird. I mean why does the chick get to be all OP and stuff? Just because she can shoot fireballs out of her mouth doesn't mean she should be able to steal the show.

Also, Gark I live in Dayton, OH.

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