FAWTL refugee thread

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Dark Archive

Geez no one posting here for a few days thought I would bump it some and see what everyone is up too.

Chillin' on the front porch with Critter the Cat. We will go for a walk later. Well, I will be walking. He'll be in his stroller.

Trying to figure out the identity of this mysterious "Fawning Gruumash Fan."

Got out my decoder ring and everything.

Work work

Acolyte of Leafar the Loved wrote:

Trying to figure out the identity of this mysterious "Fawning Gruumash Fan."

Got out my decoder ring and everything.

Here is a hint...it's not me.

Dark Archive

So who do you think it is JDM031?

Cause it is not me either.

My guess would be Prince.

Limeylongears wrote:
My guess would be Prince.

Soon as we got there/Good times were rollin'

White, black, Puerto Rican/Everybody just a-freakin'

Gruumash . wrote:

So who do you think it is JDM031?

Cause it is not me either.

Maybe it's Leafar?

Shadow Lodge


Who what now?

Orthos wrote:
Work work

WOOO shake it shake it up now

Orthos wrote:
Work work

WOOO shake it shake it down

Orthos wrote:
Work work

With a little bit of soul now


Sorry - just being a d*ck. Carry on!

Dark Archive

Interesting so Doddlebug is having delusions of Leafear again?

Latest of the Lords of Chaos Game I'm running:

The party enters Numaria! They find out that they are approximately one day away from their destination. Vorhees, the First Mate, informs the party that they are “severely low on Red Shirts”. Oh if I didn’t mention this before, the party has adapted a “Star Trek” method of moving up in the pirate crew by giving all of the NPC crewmembers Red Shirts and then promoting them to “Blue Shirts” if they do something spectacular like explode a vampire with a cannon. So far there is only one Blue Shirt. They find out that there is a town not too far from here and make a detour to “acquire more Red Shirts”. They end up in a small village of Kellids that I determine do not speak common. The guards at the gate lets two of them go to see the village leader. Pumba and Ro-bert go and find out that the village chief can speak common. What follows is a hilarious exchange where the chief is trying to figure out why they are here and if they are with the Technic League and the party is trying to “obtain people to be Red Shirts”. Essentially the conversation went south when Pumba mentions that Ro-bert is a Robot and then Ro-bert punches the chief. In this exchange Pumba finds out that the chief can be challenged for leadership and says “I challenge you for leadership of the tribe”. He then realizes that he will have to face him and tries to backtrack to say that Ro-bert challenges him but it is too late. Deciding to mess with this player a bit I decide that the rules for the challenge are that the current Chief gets to decide his opponent’s weapon and so Pumba is handed a sword. During the challenge, Pumba stares dumbfoundedly at the sword for a bit before dropping it to the ground, pulling out his pistols and shooting the Chief in the face a bunch of times. He then picks up the sword and stabs the now dead Chief. This infuriates the tribe and they start to attack the party. Meanwhile outside, everyone is just waiting around. When they hear a big commotion Suess decides it’s time to start murdering people and begins to make his way to the middle of town. Pumba is running out of town, shooting as he goes. Ro-bert is casually walking out of town punching people as they come up to him. The end result of this side trip is a burnt town and the addition of 12 new “Red Shirts”.
Now they were on their way to the Castle “Arrrrrgggh” to find the Artificer. Before that they are attacked!!!! By a roving Robot!!! A Myrmidon swoops in for a strafing run. After it blows up one of the wagons and kills one of the Red Shirts, The party then tries to get close enough to this new foe. A couple of lightning bolts and a few bullets later and the thing is scrap metal. Although it did get a few shots in with it’s laser. The party then makes it to the Castle “Arrrrgggh” and find it to be devoid of anything except corpses. Slightly perplexed they continue on. They reach a main corridor to find a set of big double doors. They “check the door for traps” but since there is no rogue in the party it’s pretty much “does it looked trapped?” “I don’t know” “well someone open the door” “Is the door even unlocked” etc. They finally open the untrapped and unlocked door. Beyond the door is a Four-Armed Construct which is probably the thing that has killed everything else that was in this place. They make quick work of this guy and move on to find the Artificer underneath the castle. The Artificer basically is a figment of Ro-bert’s imagination and has only existed for the past 3 months. He has been working pretty much non-stop on various items to include the Construct they fought earlier and an Airship. So now they finally had their airship. The ironic thing about it is that it came equipped with cannons so they didn’t even need to lug those cannons around, lol. Oh well… They goof off for several weeks while Ro-bert becomes a real robot/android and finishing touches are made to the airship.
After a game of “nose goes” new leadership is determined and Phjge is now in charge. After becoming permanently deafened after the last encounter he decides to go find the nearest LG temple to “force their high priestess to fall in love with me and then kill her”. It’s all part of his back story, which brings me to two side stories. The first one is that I had planned to have small side quests for all of the characters to do during the course of this little adventure. Some of them were scrapped due to death of characters. When Phjge came into the picture, I had no clue what to do so I asked the player to give me a short history/motivation for the character. Which brings me to side story number two, I receive a PDF from this player giving me a hilarious back story as to how his character came to be and why he is worshiping the God, Sifkesh btw, he is worshiping. Apparently, Sifkesh has this whole thing about suicide and killing of lovers or something like that. Either way, it was pretty interesting and that is why the party headed off to Mendev to find some followers of Iomedae. Along the way they run into a hungry Roc. They kill the Roc and end the session there.


National poison control hotline:


Fantastic resource for anything toxicological in nature.

Use 'em!

Dark Archive

Hey has anyone else seen or pledge to this kick starter?

Kick Starter Deep Magic

I pledged and it seems very cool with a lot of good stuff. Take a look if you have the time and the inclination. As well as the money.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Starred that one for review when it gets close to closing.

Wow new Prime Minister of Australia over night... Julia lost the confidence of the Labor Party and was ousted by Kevin 3 years and 2 days after she did the same to him.

Won't save the Labor party in the next election though, it looks like the conservatives will win.

At least no shooting and martial law was involved.

There you are, Baby Drejk!!!

Vengeance is mine!

Drejk wrote:
At least no shooting and martial law was involved.

Many Austalians forget that we vote for the Party not the Prime Minister... The Parties choose who they want asPrime Minister. They generally (allways) they do this before an election so people know who we are getting. It's good in one way - we won't get stuck with an incompetent for 3 years but bad because it encourages the disloyal and over ambitious.

The Australian Labor party when functioning can be the kind of political machine that eviscerates it's opposition, when malfunctioning it will eat itself with glee, which is what it is doing now.

Labor burns bright but short... They tend to fix big social issues then fall apart.

We need Paul Keating back.... Him and John Curtin and Ben Chifley were our greatest Prime Ministers.

Wojciech Jaruzelski wrote:

There you are, Baby Drejk!!!

Vengeance is mine!

Old fool, your might dwindled while I grew more powerful than you could ever imagine!

While you could barely hold your grasp on a small country on a backward planet I created, shaped and destroyed countless universes!

Baby Drejk, why are you being so mean to Comrade Dwarf?

Ha! Foiled your plans again!

Bozhe moi!

Um, I mean, O mój Boże!

[Shakes fist]

Dark Archive

Buehler? Anyone? Wow been a while since anyone has been here

Half a month. It happens. Threads die...

Just to be reborn in flames!

Not if you are persistent.

Dark Archive

exactly need to continue to be persistent. Can't let thread die.

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In the middle of the Tomb of Horrors at the moment in my 4e game, and we've all nearly died around 15 times. My elf ranger got set on fire by some sort of slide-into-a-furnace trap and was only saved from flaming death by our half-Celestial wizard (who lost all his clothes & other gear running through a portal and refuses to get dressed) pissing on me while I was unconscious (+4 to save against fire damage, apparently). I shudder to think what'll happen next session.

Liberty's Edge

has anyone actually died yet?

No, but we've come damned near to it. Plenty of party members unconscious on negative hit points, but nobody actually bled out thanks to some lucky rolls and a skilful dwarven cleric. That's one evil, evil adventure, though.

Gark and Limey in the hee-youse!!

No new Lords of Chaos update. We played MTG instead.

Liberty's Edge

MTG has cost me two players already
which is weird because people who play MTG sometimes ask me if D&D is just a more complicated version of MTG, and complication is supposed to be fun right???

Gark the Goblin wrote:

MTG has cost me two players already

which is weird because people who play MTG sometimes ask me if D&D is just a more complicated version of MTG, and complication is supposed to be fun right???

not always....................

Dark Archive

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Ah a rare sighting of the Anklebiter.

Funny I used to play MTG more often but not so much anymore. Yet I still get together to play D&D. I guess the circles I run with they like the more in depth game play.

Silver Crusade

I haven't played MTG in a while. I always liked the game-play, but never got into the whole card-collecting bit, which you really need to be successful at it.

Celestial Healer wrote:
I haven't played MTG in a while. I always liked the game-play, but never got into the whole card-collecting bit, which you really need to be successful at it.

Game play is nice. From various hints and pages (and single novel I have) I got the impression that there is rich setting(s) lore with great rpg potential.

Collecting cards? Nope.

I'd love to read a setting book on the MTG world. I agree that it'd make a great gaming setting and there's a lot of story going on. But to get into it you really need more money than I have to spare and an interest in getting a ton of cards that I lack.

The art is darned good though.

Orthos wrote:

I'd love to read a setting book on the MTG world. I agree that it'd make a great gaming setting and there's a lot of story going on. But to get into it you really need more money than I have to spare and an interest in getting a ton of cards that I lack.

The art is darned good though.

They have that one artist... How he was called? Wayne, Wayne Something... Something sounding like one of those pesky game designers...

My recent roleplaying adventures are detailed at boring length here.

At the end of the weekend, I learned that if you DM an event you get a day's free pass. I was easily as good as any of the DMs I played under, and next year I refuse to spend $50 for admittance.

Also, my NH comrade, it turns out, is a big miniature terrain maker. I don't want to guess how much money he's dropped in an alternate world WWII minis game called Dust Something or other.

Anyway, he's made all kinds of crazy ass awesome scenery and, again, it was better than any of the stuff they had on display at the con (with one notable exception of a guy who had this huge 19th-century Chinese port thing going on which was frickin' amazing!! But that guy wasn't there the night my comrade and I took on the Curse of the Copulating Medusa!!

Dark Archive

Seems like you had a bunch of fun there Doodlebug. Sorry I missed it.

Yup. It was great.

Rise of the Runeplutocrats

Well, I can't really bring myself to subject the boards to an entire thread devoted to my RotRP game, so I'll only subject the FAWTL Refugee thread.

Party so far:

--Trent Redwater, Shoanti fighter
--Griff Keytol, Shoanti druid
--Jack Truth, Half-Mwangi halfling poisoner
--Warren Bilger, Half-elf wizard
--Ollycron Fossa, Elf ranger

The prequel game started as the party (sans Ollycron) started out on a caravan from Riddleport to Sandpoint.


Trent and Griff, who had been living with the Velashu Horselords, had returned to their tribal homelands to discover that their band had been massacred by a band of Chelish bandits, Chaney's Marauders. Under the cover of bringing 10 Shoanti steeds to market, they have travelled to Sandpoint in order to make contact with Garridan Viskalai who should have more info on the whereabout of evil palefaces.

Warren is pursuing his doctorate in Thassilonian studies at the UofR and was granted by the school 1,000 gp worth of Van der Graaf generators and other technical equipment to study Old Light.

Jack Truth, who as a lad turned his back on his family's involvement in the Bellflower Network, was running a scam with a hawt seductress at the Golden Goblin. When things went south, he valiantly abandoned his fellow grifter and grabbed the money and ran. Unfortunately, like at the end of Kubrick's The Killing, his suitcase broke and he lost most of the money.

Anyway, the prequel game was just some improvised fun after everyone rolled characters. When the caravan had stopped for the night, a day or two away from Sandpoint, Jack Truth broke out his mwk battle flow wand, and, accompanied by Griff on the bongos, attracted a crowd of on-lookers. Meanwhile, Trent had some incredibly sexy flirtations with a Varisian horse whisperer who pointed out a faint white butterfly on Griff's mare's foreleg. I don't remember what Warren was doing, but after the flow wand performance, an attractive woman (Tatianna) with her three children in tow (none of them appeared to have the same father, in fact, one of them was half-elven!) approached Jack. Jack basically said, "Piss off, slut!" but then she went and talked to Warren who was much nicer and they traded info about Old Light. Turns out Tatianna was quite an accomplished wizard and knew lots of stuff, but, alas, then the caravan was attacked by the Birdcruncher tribe!

The party decimated most of the goblins, even though they were riding on giant geckos and giant scorpions and whatever other miniatures I could find, but not before two of them got into Warren's wagon and destroyed 950 gp worth of equipment!! All he was left with was a copy of Elric's Eternal Encomium which was basically a bound volume of World Weekly News and had many crazy theories about how Old Light was actually a [redacted redacted redacted] in ye olden Thassilonian times. How crazy!

Anyway, they were feeling pretty full of themselves, when there was a horrendous shriek and the caravan and the goblins were attacked by the Sandpoint Devil!!! None of the party members made their saving throw (which wasn't surprising seeing as how Sandy is a CR 8 encounter) and they all ran away.

When they returned, Tatianna was missing...

End of Prequel Game

That was actually a couple of weeks ago. We played the first session this past Sunday, but I'll write it up later.

Curses! I'm up for being playerside in a RotRL game sometime in my group's relatively-near future, so I sadly can't follow along the shenanigans for fear of spoilers.

Nevertheless, have a blast, guys =)

Well, it was only a prequel w/o any real pre-published Paizo action, but I won't force it on you.

I will, however, force this flow wand video on you.

Jack Truth fights with a masterwork battle flow wand. How would that work? you ask. I don't know, but I don't understand how you're supposed to fight with a starknife or a bladed scarf, either.

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Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
1,000 gp worth of Van der Graaf generators

FAWTL Refugees!!

Introduce Peter Hammill as an NPC. Go on. I dare you.

Not available in the States, for some reason, although this one is.

I finished up my Lord of Chaos game this weekend. I would post a game synopsis but it was kind of disappointing as only three people showed up, we started late and one person left early at the end.

In the future we will be starting a Serpent's Skull game.

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