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Liberty's Edge

The latter.



It's actually NOT Order of the Dragon.

Liberty's Edge



She has the Order of the Shield, as she is a Youxia.

Gark the Goblin wrote:

I um just finished A Clockwork Orange.

Materials request: 1 holy s##%

The first time I saw that I loved it; the second time I hated it; since then I've been firmly in the love camp.

The book's well worth the read, too.

Never heard of it.

Liberty's Edge

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Gark the Goblin wrote:

I um just finished A Clockwork Orange.

Materials request: 1 holy s##%

The first time I saw that I loved it; the second time I hated it; since then I've been firmly in the love camp.

The book's well worth the read, too.

You linked a clip of the movie somewhere,

and I was like "hmm well it seems it is about time I get in on that, yes"
so I put it on hold at the library
and then I told Skaiape.
and they were like "oh dude I hope you got the book not the movie"
"did you know that the director didn't even know there was a 21st chapter"
and I couldn't remember
so I went and picked up my holds later
and it was the book
and I left it on my desk for a week due to workies
and I read it yesterday after giving blood for maximum focus
it was awesome
"definitely up there" as I told the skaepeople
not sure when I'll see the movie
but so many references in MSPA make sense
and so much psychology makes sense
and so much philosophy makes sense

Liberty's Edge

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Protip time! That "Samurai!" crack was trolling. I - I kind of hated myself a little more as I wrote it. All better now though.

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Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Never heard of it.

Pedantic Amateur Film Critic Alert!


Kids today!

A Clockwork Orange is an amazing novel by Anthony Burgess. It is a sci-fi classic, but it's more of a "high-lit" novel in the Brave New World and 1984 category than the genre books.

Anyway, it's a dystopian novel (probably set in the 90s or something!) about juvenile delinquets in a future London. They are very naughty lads, and Burgess writes it in "Nadsat" a fictional dialect of English that uses a lot of Russian words. Anyway, the book is awesome.

But as Gark says, when the novel was released on the American market, the publisher cut the 21st chapter. And it was from the American version of the book that Stanley Kubrick, one of the greatest film directors of the 20th century made one of the most controversial films of the 20th century. It was banned in England, inspired the fashion sense of a zillion shiznitty punk bands, and has at least one scene--"the Ludovico technique"--that has been hommaged in dozens of films and tv shows.

The whole controversy about the missing last chapter is interesting, but both the book and the movie are totally f&#&ing awesome.

One more thing that might be of interest to you, Mama Kelsey, is that the soundtrack (mostly classical music performed on cutting-edge early-70s synthesizers) was performed by Walter Carlos who later became Wendy Carlos.

Yeah, Gark, that book totally rocks! What is MSPA?

Jackie Chan will make a man out of you!

Liberty's Edge

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Jackie Chan will make a man out of you!

My friend keeps asking me to

but I immediately think of Shanghai Noon and politely request him to "Name three things that aren't less awesome than Jackie Chan."
Because in that movie both Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson are awesome. Same goes for the sequel.
I basically grew up on those movies.

Oh, and MSPA? It's a comic.

Didn't play D&D last night so that I could attend my grammie's 94th birthday.

Man, was that an unsatisfying decision. I won't bore you with the epic story of the shiznit my grammie put up with and overcame, but it's totally depressing to see her losing her mind in a nursing home that's sucking up her life savings because she was too honest to hide her money.

My mother's family are Italian, so there's tons of them and they're all hitting 60ish now at the decline of the American empire. All the conversations are either about diseases, their kids and their ridiculous domestic situations and drug problems, the frustrations of trying to make end's meet and a million other disappointments. Man, there'd better be a socialist revolution soon.

Anyway, this song kept playing through my head.

Liberty's Edge

Oh yeah man. Actually, kinda weird coincidence there. Or perhaps not so much of a coincidence, given that people are getting old like flies around this land.

My great-grandmother (96) fell and broke her leg a few weeks back. Or maybe last week. Who the f&$~ knows?!?!? I haven't really given much thought to it or even gone to see her yet, but my mom visits her every day. She was in the hospital for a while, and now I think they have her back at home (because she didn't want to die in a hospital), but I could be wrong. And today my mom came home and said that g'g'ma wants to "die and go to Jesus." When she started playing some loud music to forget about it, my dad got mad because he's got a crazy workload right now and needs to focus on a report.

And here I was, reading A Game of Thrones and listening to my music all day instead of doing homework.

Someone needs to desaturate a crab and put my brain in it. Because I'm feeling just a little bit SELFISH.

Or, since my grandmother has dementia and is freaking out about her mom maybe dying, and because I haven't done thank-you notes in years, and because I unload on random internet friends all the time,
a lot.

Liberty's Edge

and I haven't gamed in
perhaps three weeks??

Well, no gaming certainly sucks. Your g'g'ma sounds like my grammie. But that's still no excuse for not doing your homework! What courses are you taking?

And how is A Game of Thrones? I only hear great things.

Also, I really should indulge in another 100 pages of Order of the Stick. I'm way far in the back--the bad guys assaulting the samurai city is the last thing I remember.

I've read all of OOTS, and want more.

Liberty's Edge

To be honest, A Game of Thrones is, as far as I've read, not knockout. It's not much I haven't seen before elsewhere in the genre (I keep thinking of Sherwood Smith and Jonathan Stroud for some reason). I find the writing stilted at times, but it's probably because I haven't read a book like this for so long. The characters are certainly good, and it is exceptionally hard to tear myself away. Perhaps it's just that Frasier is Unfunny.

OotS is pretty good. I'm sad to say that I've been somewhat spoiled by better comics and fatigued by the slow update speed, but the characters and plot are eminently intriguing on an archive binge. Neither can my livid defence of Rich Burlew when I read a double-review of OotS and Homestuck be put aside (noobs was rippin' on OotS' "bad art" and saying maybe if you're a "D and D fan [sic]" you'd like it [noobs was not rippin' on Homestuck, though some of their measures of comparison confused me]).

Haha, my avoidance of work of late has been unrelated to the illnesses of my elders.
^is what I would say if I was one of George R. R. Martin's characters
I'm taking Chemistry, Biology, Calculus, and a pre-Ecological Engineering course. I've been doing pretty well on the midterms, but labs and stuff . . . not so well. I need to improve my self-discipline. Or sell my life story for the "big bicks" and retire to a life of crime. (haha identity crisesis HOW DOES IT WORK I mean I'm not even midlife yet or wait am I will I dide when I amm 36 OH GODS)

How come you are in mid-terms now, Gark? I would have thought the semester was just starting. I'm looking at your list of classes and I'm remembering why I hate school.

Speaking of which, I decided not to take that class on Haiti. I'll just go read C.L.R. James's The Black Jacobins and save $1200.

Liberty's Edge

Quarter system, man! KEEPIN ME DOWN not really it's actually way better than semesters. We're currently in Week Five with capital letters.

Engineering, man! KEEPIN ME DOWN not really I'm very grateful for the lack of essays and s!$&loads of writing.

Haiti, man! KEEPIN EM DOWN yeah pmuch.

I owe you all an apology. Last night, as every night, I was transformed into the loathsome hipster, and dissed things that ought not to be dissed. A Game of Thrones is a pretty rad book. You should read it. Order of the Stick is a pretty rad comic. It's the first webcomic I ever read. You are reading it.

That is all.

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Never heard of it.

Really!? O_o

Gark the Goblin wrote:

Oh yeah man. Actually, kinda weird coincidence there. Or perhaps not so much of a coincidence, given that people are getting old like flies around this land.

My great-grandmother (96) fell and broke her leg a few weeks back. Or maybe last week. Who the f&%* knows?!?!? I haven't really given much thought to it or even gone to see her yet, but my mom visits her every day. She was in the hospital for a while, and now I think they have her back at home (because she didn't want to die in a hospital), but I could be wrong. And today my mom came home and said that g'g'ma wants to "die and go to Jesus." When she started playing some loud music to forget about it, my dad got mad because he's got a crazy workload right now and needs to focus on a report.

And here I was, reading A Game of Thrones and listening to my music all day instead of doing homework.

Someone needs to desaturate a crab and put my brain in it. Because I'm feeling just a little bit SELFISH.

Or, since my grandmother has dementia and is freaking out about her mom maybe dying, and because I haven't done thank-you notes in years, and because I unload on random internet friends all the time,
a lot.

Sorry to hear about the suck.

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Also, I really should indulge in another 100 pages of Order of the Stick. I'm way far in the back--the bad guys assaulting the samurai city is the last thing I remember.

Wow! You're a little behind.

(That sounds odd.)

Gark the Goblin wrote:

To be honest, A Game of Thrones is, as far as I've read, not knockout. It's not much I haven't seen before elsewhere in the genre (I keep thinking of Sherwood Smith and Jonathan Stroud for some reason). I find the writing stilted at times, but it's probably because I haven't read a book like this for so long. The characters are certainly good, and it is exceptionally hard to tear myself away. Perhaps it's just that Frasier is Unfunny.

OotS is pretty good. I'm sad to say that I've been somewhat spoiled by better comics and fatigued by the slow update speed, but the characters and plot are eminently intriguing on an archive binge. Neither can my livid defence of Rich Burlew when I read a double-review of OotS and Homestuck be put aside (noobs was rippin' on OotS' "bad art" and saying maybe if you're a "D and D fan [sic]" you'd like it [noobs was not rippin' on Homestuck, though some of their measures of comparison confused me]).

Haha, my avoidance of work of late has been unrelated to the illnesses of my elders.
^is what I would say if I was one of George R. R. Martin's characters
I'm taking Chemistry, Biology, Calculus, and a pre-Ecological Engineering course. I've been doing pretty well on the midterms, but labs and stuff . . . not so well. I need to improve my self-discipline. Or sell my life story for the "big bicks" and retire to a life of crime. (haha identity crisesis HOW DOES IT WORK I mean I'm not even midlife yet or wait am I will I dide when I amm 36 OH GODS)

You can do it!!!

(Yeah I'm drinking.)

Liberty's Edge

Die when I'm 36? ON IT.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gark the Goblin wrote:
Die when I'm 36? ON IT.

Oops. I meant the self improvement part.

Live fast, die young, bad Garks do it well!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

haha youtube sound never works on this computer

which reminds me


oh I just had it muted this time


Liberty's Edge

then: cool?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gark the Goblin wrote:

Gark doesn't know how to link

Yes, that's right, I favorited my own post! Wanna make something of it? I didn't think so!

Anyway, cute, though disturbing video, Gark. Not nowhere near as sexy as M.I.A. and a bunch of Moroccan babes with AKs, but cool nevertheless.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Khal Drogo wrote:
I will rape their women, take their children as slaves, and bring their broken gods back to Vaes Dothrak to bow down beneath the Mother of Mountains.

You can't bring back what you can't take in the first place.

They're f&@@ing TREES.


Liberty's Edge

I'm just really proud of the effort I went to to get my computer out, open it, log in, open a new tab, go to my bookmarks, open this page, and type that huge quote. My quip was not unusual in its inestimable intelligence, but it was out of the ordinary for me to bother typing it up like that.

So I'm favouriting my own post.

Gark the Goblin wrote:
I owe you all an apology. Last night, as every night, I was transformed into the loathsome hipster...

And, I, too am guilty of loathesome hipsterdom by not saying:

Awesome link, Gark!

Also, what is that Khal Drogo quote?

Liberty's Edge

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Gark the Goblin wrote:
I owe you all an apology. Last night, as every night, I was transformed into the loathsome hipster...

And, I, too am guilty of loathesome hipsterdom by not saying:

Awesome link, Gark!

Also, what is that Khal Drogo quote?

That url was just something some random skyperson linked me to. It's pretty funny, I think.

Khal Drogo is a character in Game of Thrones. His people sorta fit the thing with the horse-loving central tribes of Casmaron. Not sure how well this jives with that comparison, but the Dothraki loot cities and stuff and take their idols and gods. One of the predominant religions in Westeros is worship of the old gods, and the heart trees (with faces carved in them) are the main places of worship. Perhaps I should do a Let's Read of the next book.

Anyway, I just came from the !!!BEAR CHALLENGE!!! (I died.)

I also read the short tale of how Old Man Henderson won Call of Cthulu. Fairly funny, but I wasn't snorting in the library and looking at it once every minute.

Aaaaaaaand I hear there's a Prop8 thread hereabouts. Maybe I'll necro it later.

Necro? I posted it two days ago, and it's active.

You know how in Order of the Stick the Asian analogue worships the zodiac animals as gods? This is getting imported into my setting.

Liberty's Edge

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Necro? I posted it two days ago, and it's active.

Yes, that was the JOKE.

But SERIOUSLY, I don't really want to look at it while it's active. If I post now, I'll feel that I need to read all the replies.

Anklebiter said, according to my brother, that he wanted trolling. He's going to get some.

Liberty's Edge

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
You know how in Order of the Stick the Asian analogue worships the zodiac animals as gods? This is getting imported into my setting.

Tha'scool. The goblin god is better, though.

Gark the Goblin wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Necro? I posted it two days ago, and it's active.

Yes, that was the JOKE.

But SERIOUSLY, I don't really want to look at it while it's active. If I post now, I'll feel that I need to read all the replies.

Anklebiter said, according to my brother, that he wanted trolling. He's going to get some.

Does your brother post, or does he just lurk?

Anyway, yeah, the Prop 8 thread was awesome--it had theological debate, Christian hate (pro- and con-), and partisan name-calling. Just like the good ol' days of yore! Interestingly, I was allowed to drop some of my old stand-bys, about felching and golden showers--and those were allowed to stay; but when I posted about how awesome the thread was and thanked the moderators for keeping it open--that was the post that got deleted! Hee hee!

Speaking of trolling, I don't know if you've checked out the Male Privilege thread, Gark, but there's some fun in there, too, especially the return of a perma-banned poster...and his re-perma-banning! After 7 posts! Hee hee!

Re: Bear challenges. A couple of my co-workers take off a month of work to go north and hunt bears. And, it seems, everytime I stop by to see my father, he's watching bear-hunting programs on tv. Now, I've got no problems with guns and I've got no problem with hunting (although neither hobby really appeals to me), but those bear-hunting shows always bother me. "Dum-de-dum-de-dum, oh look, there's a fresh carcass just hanging from a tree! Dum-de-dum-de-dum, I've never seen anything like that before, I'm going to go eat it, dum-de-dum-de-dum [BANG!] Aargh, I've been shot! I'm so dumb!" When they use sex, I get even more upset.

But that's because it's so unfair. If I were walking through the woods and saw a naked chick with a bag of Reese's Pieces, I'd so fall for it. Food and sex, man, it'll get you every time!

Anyway, I didn't really get the jist of what that link was about, but I laughed at some of the lines.

Liberty's Edge

Haha, sounds like some wild and wacky times are being had! I read the Otaku post and some of the article, but then I said to myself, I said, "Self, this is way too long and not sensational enough to be worth my time," so I stopped reading.

I have to say, bear hunting can be ecologically sound if only one or two tags are raffled in a year. But they're top predators, and much more is gonna screw over everything else in the ecosystem if you don't have something like Yellowstone campers already screwing it over.

As a pragmatic vegetarian, I also have to say that those hunting methods aren't that bad. Now, using guns instead of your bear *bare hands, sure. But tricks and traps have long been one of mankind's greatest assets (after being able to run down antelope by simply having more stamina). If you're willing to waste a perfectly good deer carcass on a bear,



Maybe if it's like roadkill, though. Rotted roadkill.

ANYWAYS that thread does not have a gist beyond awesomeness. Its gist is that it is awesome. That's really all there is to say on the matter. (Okay, just bear with me here. It's about f**+ing bears. Bears are awesome and deadly and derangederous.)

I guess a sub-gist would be surviving Bearmageddon in the most comical and bloody manner possible? It's free-form roleplaying . . .

Gark the Goblin wrote:
As a pragmatic vegetarian, I also have to say that those hunting methods aren't that bad.

It doesn't upset me because they are bad, they upset me because I'd probably fall for it, too!

EDIT: Pronoun agreement? What's that?

Liberty's Edge

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
EDIT: Pronoun agreement? What's that?

Some sort of tropical saprophyte?

My alignment just dropped all the way to Lawful Evil.


J'aime l'oignon frît à l'huile,
J'aime l'oignon quand il est bon,
J'aime l'oignon frît à l'huile,
J'aime l'oignon, j'aime l'oignon.

Au pas camarade, au pas camarade,
Au pas, au pas, au pas.
Au pas camarade, au pas camarade,
Au pas, au pas, au pas.

Un seul oignon frît à l'huile,
Un seul oignon nous change en lion,
Un seul oignon frît à l'huile
un seul oignon nous change en lion.

J'aime l'oignon frît à l'huile,
J'aime l'oignon quand il est bon,
J'aime l'oignon frît à l'huile,
J'aime l'oignon, j'aime l'oignon.

Mais pas d'oignons aux Autrichiens,
Non pas d'oignons à tous ces chiens,
Mais pas d'oignons aux Autrichiens,
Non pas d'oignons, non pas d'oignons.

J'aime l'oignon frît à l'huile,
J'aime l'oignon quand il est bon,
J'aime l'oignon frît à l'huile,
J'aime l'oignon, j'aime l'oignon.

Aimons l'oignon frît à l'huile,
Aimons l'oignon car il est bon,
Aimons l'oignon frît à l'huile,
Aimons l'oignon, aimons l'oignon

J'aime l'oignon frît à l'huile,
J'aime l'oignon quand il est bon,
J'aime l'oignon frît à l'huile,
J'aime l'oignon, j'aime l'oignon.

Werewolf of London wrote:

FINE Dude so long as we know who Warren Zevon used to be!

Liberty's Edge

Just read the final chapter of A Game of Thrones when Cascade came on; it ended as I finished reading.


For the win.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If you knock Warren Zevon, you are going DOWN.

It's a well-known fact that all goblins like Warren Zevon.

And we just so happen to have two goblins in THIS VERY THREAD. Plus some honorary goblins, perhaps.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Welcome to the FAWTL Refugee Thread, Lord Dice. We are small now, but we are growing! Gark is sometimes a little unneccesarily brusque, but just so you know, he is correct; knock WZ and you're goin' DOWN! Not that you were...

Warren Zevon, R.I.P.

Also, Mama Kelsey, congrats on the Gay Marriage thread! It has easily outstripped my fave threads! Unfortunately, I am done with it (at least for now) because 1) I appear to keep attracting the wrath of the moderators; and 2) I am not going to engage bigots in rational discourse.

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