FAWTL refugee thread

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I really wish Bill Clinton would stop calling me.

EDIT: When I'm naked.

Liberty's Edge

This way lies madness.

>Go this way.

Sovereign Court

Bill Clinton is a tool.

Shadow Lodge

Tools are often worked.

Scarab Sages

I worked Bill so hard, you wouldn't believe.

Shadow Lodge

Try me.

Scarab Sages

You're not my type.

Shadow Lodge

Oh sure, discriminate against me just because I don't use the home keys.

Liberty's Edge

As opposed to the car keys?

Shadow Lodge

So you're the one who keyed my car!

Liberty's Edge

Only after you drove mine into a tree.

Shadow Lodge

Ha ha, oh man that was funny, with the explosions.

Liberty's Edge

Didn't help that you put all those explosive devices in the trunk.

Shadow Lodge

Hey, cars don't explode like in the movies without help.

Liberty's Edge

I suppose I did get 2 million views . . .

Liberty's Edge

Damn. Resolve: fading. Fatigue: mounting.

Liberty's Edge

Resolve: resolved. Fatigue: retreating. Breakfast: planned.

Liberty's Edge

OTD: silent. Forum: mine. Affectation: unshakable.

Liberty's Edge

i HAVE the thread


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Liberty's Edge

Windtalkers: Ohhhhh man. I'm just going to cut to the chase and say that I didn't like it. A lot. F- because there weren't even really any hilariously bad moments.

In other news, I think this was my first non-educational war movie that took itself seriously.

Liberty's Edge

Antidotes for movie brain suck:
1. MSPA (talkin' like flashes here)
2. Pathfinder

1d2 ⇒ 1

Liberty's Edge

Okay Paizo Dice Gods, thank you.

Liberty's Edge

Okay, dudes. Going to sleep now after 41 hours of non-sleep. Why do I do this to myself, you ask?


It is strangely addictive. I will probably stop after one more weekend of such shenanagins.

Liberty's Edge

Okay, cool. Nine hours of sleep last night has left me with much the same surreality today.

Liberty's Edge

Wait. Is this the first day I go without watching Cascade?


First time I've gone for nine hours or more without it, though.

In other news: Test t'morra. <Tries to worry. Succeeds.> I will see how I do.

Oh... and still kind of weirded out about that movie I watched yesterday. Well, the war movie. Watching The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (lame hollywood version) didn't have that much of an effect on me, besides making me flip my s!~! over Homestuck parallels, which is completely normal. I flip my s#+@ over Homestuck parallels in TL,tW,atW all the time.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have concluded that TOZ is cool. Goodnight.

Liberty's Edge

Oh. Hell no. Hell. F!*$ing. No.


Liberty's Edge

Well, I won't say that it wasn't a poor substitute, but I was able to remember each frame until about a third of the way through, so I'll be fine until tomorrow.

Edit: For those of you who doubt I like this comic.

Liberty's Edge

Will ya look at that.

I am famous!

Well, more famous!

Liberty's Edge

Durr I mean the weird thing that's down there at the bottom right! Don't care about some stupid "historical" figure.

I am not stupid!

Hell is you!

Liberty's Edge

Hey, so instead of studying for my Biology test (which I'm not all that confident about), I finished Problem Sleuth! This was undoubtedly the best possible use of my time.

Liberty's Edge

-Diplomonads (2 equalwise-sized nuclei)

Change "you've got to flip it TURN-WAYS" to "TURN-WISE" and suddenly SBaHJ is 1984. Sweet.

Liberty's Edge

I had something to say about adverbing with "-wise," but I can't remember what it was. It was important, though. Perhaps having people use it to make them seem like totalitarian tools? Or maybe just that no one actually uses it. Or perhaps that I would hate whoever did so. It was also apparently connected to Lost Lake.

Liberty's Edge

See you on the other side. Unless I decide to come back and post again before the test. But I should be plenty busy for the next two hours.

Liberty's Edge

Blaperile wrote:
On another note, I recently discovered the wonder that is the VIDEO of the Nic Cage Song.


I know you guys are suckers for YouTube links.

Liberty's Edge

Haha I f&@*ed that up so hard.

Hi Gark,

how are you?

Was the last post about th bio test?


Shadow Lodge

Gark the Goblin wrote:
I have concluded that TOZ is cool.

Flagged for abusive/offensive content.

TOZ wrote:
Gark the Goblin wrote:
I have concluded that TOZ is cool.
Flagged for abusive/offensive content.


Liberty's Edge

aeglos wrote:

Hi Gark,

how are you?

Was the last post about th bio test?


Oh, hey! What is up with you?

I am doing pretty good. Almost out of the morepostsgood mindset.

That post was about the bio test! I don't think I did very well,** but I don't know the results yet. The professor normally posts a key so we can check our answers,* but he hasn't yet. I'm not that worried, though, because I've still got the final exam.

*We fill out a sheet of bubbles for our answers, but we get to keep the test questions and mark on them and all - so you can circle the answer you put on the bubble sheet (aka Scantron in most schools I've attended) and check your answers later.

**My first impression of my knowledge for a test seems to be the most accurate: Before I took the practice exam, I was pretty worried. I knew that I needed to study protists more, but I couldn't find the pages in the text that laid it out easily (at least not in the time I had). <overanalysis snip>

Shadow Lodge

3Ω0 wrote:
TOZ wrote:
Gark the Goblin wrote:
I have concluded that TOZ is cool.
Flagged for abusive/offensive content.

Whoops, I meant 'favorited'.

Liberty's Edge

MSPA boringmess:
Today will be the last day I watch [S] Cascade for a while. I am f!&$in addicted to it. But you can't spoil a reread.
Oh, I finally got this one guy to start up that Carrion Crown game! I am a sylph court bard who happens to be deadly with a rapier and is basically the tank. (Our party is made up of three casters: myself, a druid, and a necromancer. Perhaps we should all convert to Nethys.) We scared a couple of dire rats.

Liberty's Edge

TOZ wrote:
3Ω0 wrote:
TOZ wrote:
Gark the Goblin wrote:
I have concluded that TOZ is cool.
Flagged for abusive/offensive content.
Whoops, I meant 'favorited'.

Too late. He's broken. Watch your back.

Liberty's Edge

Okay so I need some tips for fighting. You keep your thumb inside your fist, right?

Shadow Lodge

Only if you want broken thumbs, from what I hear.

Gark the Goblin wrote:
Okay so I need some tips for fighting.

Fight dirty and know when to run.

Liberty's Edge

One of these days I'm going to accidentally post in FaWTL and not delete it. One of these days. One of them.

Liberty's Edge

I have determined that my new Biology lecturer needs to get his s%%& together and embrace the online.


I actually have no ide who this guy is or anything. I mean, they showed him at the beginning of the course, but I don't know anything else about him. (Have him in lecture tomorrow.)

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